《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸9̸




I woke up yet from the same dream again and decided to wash my face so that I don't end up sleeping, yet again.

I took a showered and then put on my uniform before I got a call from Tobio.

"Hello (Y/N)!" he said.

"Hi Tobio" I replied.

"Did I forget my volleyball shoes at your house by any chance?" he asked me over the phone and started to look around until I found them.

"Yeah you did, I'll tell dad to bring them to you" I said.

"Thanks, I love you but I have to go" he told me and I hummed.

"I love you too. See you!" I said and then hung up.

"So I'm a third year, huh?" I asked myself as I walked down stairs and saw dad reading the news paper.

"Dad" I said and he looked at me.

"Yes?" he asked me.

"Tobio left his shoes here, can you give them back him?" I asked and he nodded.

"Also... can you get Tobio to live with us after he graduates? It's kinda lonely in here" I asked him.

"We'll have to see what the court says" he told me and I nodded.

I ate breakfast and then left to go to school.

My first day as a third year and as the president of the Student Council starts today. I thought to myself as I entered the prison like building, that had some sort of invisible cape to appear like a normal building.

I changed my shoes at the locker and went straight to the student council's office.

There was no one there, which made me so happy.

I placed down the bag I had and then decided to open the laptop that sat on top of the table as if it was decoration. Not forgetting to sanitise it first.

I opened one file...

And I saw so many projects that had been undone or to be considered by the council. The many things that were to be done by the end of this year...

I'm already hating this...

I wonder how the old president even survived this... I asked myself as sweat dropped on my face.

The vice president quickly arrived.

"Oh, hello Kageyama (Y/N)" he told me.

"Hello... what's your name?" I asked and he gave me a nice expression.

"Bunko Takaki, I'm the same class as you Kageyama" he told me.

"Oh... well it's a pleasure to meet you Bunko" I told him and he nodded.

"The system of the student council is indeed a really interesting one. It doesn't have a democracy that allows people to choose who should be at the top, however, it is good because that way, the student council won't have people who can't use their intelligence. But instead, it has a system that allows the top four students in the third year to rule over them all, but I can't really pick out what'd be fair for the school overall" he started lecturing me about the school's history and its system.


And although I was looking outside of the window, I was hearing him loud and clear.

But that was until someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" I said and a female student stepped inside.

"H-hello... my n-name is T-temiko S-seki" she said.

"I-I'm number three in the third year's ranking system. I'll be one of your two assistants" she told me.

"Pleasure to meet you Temiko" I said with a smile and it made the girl soften up.

"Nice to meet you too, Kageyama!" she said, her shyness long gone.

We talked for a bit as the bell rang and the last person finally came.

"Hello, I am sorry for the delay. My new driver got us lost whilst on our way here" he said as he put his right hand on his left chest and bowed.

"It's alright. Take a seat if you're tired" I said and he looked up at me.

Big admiration in his eyes.

"Pardon for my lateness Ms President" he said.

"No need for the formalities..." I said.

"Oh right, please call me (Y/N)" I said and they all gave me a confused look.

"I have a twin brother but he doesn't study here, so I usually have people call me by my first name. It's a force of habit" I told them and they nodded.

They introduced themselves to each other and we got on with the paper in hand.

"I looked at the projects in the file and the many unconsidered things in this laptop" I said as the three of them looked at me.

"We have a total of fifteen projects to be done by November" I told them and they gave a sigh of defeat.

"I want all of you to state what your strengths and weaknesses are, what clubs you're in and what is your strongest and weakest subjects" I said.

They told me everything and I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"Alright, this is how it's going to go" I said as I looked at the stats that I gathered on the people working right here and right now.

"Temiko" I said and she tensed up.

"I want you to take care of any reports that need to be done, read over anything and everything that you might need to do" I said.

"Yes, (Y/N)!" she replied and started to look through papers.

"Bunko, I'll need you to work on the stats, budgets and anything maths related in these projects" I said and he saluted as if he was in the military but I ignored it.

I turned to the last person and I realised I didn't ask his name yet.

"What's your name?" I asked and he gave me a smile.

"Kayo Murakami" he told me.

"Alright Kayo, I'll need you to gather all information possible on these projects and give them to Temiko so she can make a report" I told him and he nodded.

"Once you've all done a task please come and give it to me so I can take a look at it" I said and they all said "yes" in unison.


"And what I'll be doing... is going to meetings with all of these clubs and the principal so we can consider a lot of things. I'll also need to do lots of other things like helping each one of them, I can't slack off the slightest" I mumbled to myself as I looked at the first project.

"A musical, great" I thought to myself.

At lunch time, I skipped my food and started to look for the president of the Drama/Theatre club.

I accidentally bumped into someone and all of my paperwork fell on the floor.

Goddamn it, I seriously need to get one of those folders. I thought to myself as I picked everything up.

The person to which I had bumped to before started picking up the paper. Our hands slightly brushed against each other and we quickly put on hand sanitiser before they handed the papers back to me.

"Thanks" I said as I looked up to see Sakusa, I started blushing.

"You should see where you're going, you're going to hurt yourself" he told me, a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Thanks" I said.

"How's is your first day like?" he told me.

I gave a sigh and explained everything to him.

"So you basically have no room for anything else but volleyball?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Anyways, I have to go to these clubs for a meeting" I said, excusing myself from Sakusa as I made my way to the clubs again.

She's so stressed... I thought to myself.

So stressed that she doesn't even have time for love...

Should I even confess? I asked myself as I walked back to my classroom since Komori and Seiko started hanging around with me again so I wouldn't be lonely.

Even though I'm just third wheeling between the two of them...

The first project was now put in place as I talked to the president of the Drama club while Koya went to the Music club.

I gave my paper of info to Temiko and started to look at the info that Koya wrote.

"It's good" I said and he gave me a smile.

"Give it to Temiko so she can write a report on it" I told him and he did just as I said.

"How are things going over here Bunko?" I asked him.

"Well you see..." he said and I had a worried look on my face.

"The funds of the drama club are running short, and the school refuses to give them any funding" he told me and I nodded.

"Write that in a paper, schedule a meeting with the principal tomorrow morning" I said.

"If the principal agrees, the musical should be able to go on ahead by late November" I said as I looked at the calendar.

Which gives them three whole months of rehearsals. I thought to myself as Bunko gave me a paper on everything that he found was wrong with the financials of the club.

"Jesus" I said as I looked at how much Bunko wrote.

"Alright" I mumbled and read everything that was written in there.

"Whenever one of us is not here, email me their work" I said and they looked at me in surprise.

"But that means you'll be doing double the work!" Temiko complained.

"I can't have a sick person working" I said and they gulped.

"So just do as I say, if I am not here, email me my things" I requested with a bow and they all nodded.

"Make sure to eat now" Koya said as he handed me my bento box.

"I'm not hung-" I said but I was cut off by Bunko.

"You haven't eaten since this morning, so please eat" he told me and I nodded.

"At this rate... we might need a fifth person" I said.

"Why?" Temiko asked me.

"I feel like this is too much work for us" I said and they all turned to me.

"That's because we're still inexperienced, we tend to adapt quickly. So please don't worry (Y/N)" Temiko told me with a reassuring smile.

Three weeks passed and I grew distant from Seiko, Komori and Sakusa as I was always busy with volleyball and the student council.

While I was distant with them, I grew closer with the student council since I'm with them every day.

But that was until one day, Koya showed up at the office with a letter in hand.

"It's the....Hyogo... Traning... Camp" he said while panting.

"They're asking for your attendance to the camp" he then added after regaining his breath.

Should I leave it all to them? Or should I reject it and stay? I started hesitating but then Bunko turned to me.

"You should accept it" he said.

"You haven't been playing volleyball as much as you'd like to lately, but do whatever makes you feel the most happy!" Temiko explained.

"You have a tournament coming up as well. So please, let us handle the work here while you get another win for the school" Bunko told me with a smile.

You are all so supportive... thanks...

"Alright, I'll attend the training camp. Whatever work happens in here, email it to me. I'll be taking a spare laptop so I can work when I'm not training" I said and Koya shook his head.

"You should relax, you've been taking a lot of our work and made it your own. You've been doing double the work you're meant to do. It's time for you to relax" he told me.


"Yeah, maybe I do need a break" I said aloud.

And hopefully I get to spend time with them again...


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