《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸8̸- N̸a̸t̸s̸u̸ M̸a̸t̸s̸u̸r̸i̸


I woke up to the day of the festival.

We had all agreed to go early in the evening, just a bit before the sky turns fully dark.

My grandma came over so she could help me put on the yukata and do my hair.

"You look just like your auntie" she said while chuckling.

"But Auntie is prettier" I said while pouting.

"Now now, don't pout. It'll ruin your pretty face" she told me.

"Say grandma, have you and grandpa been to the Natsu Matsuri festival a lot?" I asked her and she nodded.

"He's taking me again this year" she said while laughing.

"So jealous" I said.

"So you chose (f/c) for your yukata?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Not a bad choice" she said while messing my hair.

"So you put this over here" she said and then did my Obi.

"And we're done with the clothes" she told me.

She motioned me to go to a chair and I sat down.

She started doing my hair.

"So who's the lucky mister?" she asked me and I started blushing.

"His name is Sakusa Kiyoomi" I told her.

"The first ranked ace?" she asked and I nodded.

"He's a really handsome boy. You two match each other as well, you're both germaphobes, you both are crazy in love with volleyball" she kept talking about it.

"Your hair is done, let's put some clear lip gloss on your lips" she said as she spread the lip gloss over my lips.

"And we're done!" she told me.

She gave me a mirror and I looked at my reflection.

"Thanks a lot grandma" I told her and she gave me a smile.

"Go get your man" she told me while chuckling.

"Tobio, we're going!" I said as I put on the Geta Sandals.

I picked up a matching colour bag that father bought with my yukata and I heard both, my father and Tobio making their way to me.

"You look so beautiful" my father said, a tear forming in his eye before he wiped it away.

"Thanks dad" I replied.

"You look good" Tobio told me and I giggled.

"So do you" I told him and he gave me a smile.

"Before you go, let's take a picture of the two of you" he said, phone in hand and ready to take a picture.




The camera flashed for a brief second and the picture was taken.

"And done! Be careful out there, you too" he said as I opened the door.

"You too dad!" I said before closing the door.

"Let's go" I told Tobio and we headed to the place.

When we arrived there, Seiko and Komori were hugging each other while Sakusa was next to a nearby tree behind them.

I saw Yachi and Yamaguchi with Shouyou and motioned them to come over.

"Hello" I told them all.

"You're looking great today (Y/N)" Seiko told me with a grin on her face.


"So do you" I said and then I pointed at Yachi. "But look at how cute Yachi looks in that yukata" I said as Yachi wore a white yukata that had a red print on it.

"Literally, she looks so cute. I might even steal her" Seiko said as Yachi started blushing.

"Kiyoomi!" Komori said while calling his cousin.

I looked at Sakusa who wore a black yukata without his mask and oh my god, it made my cheeks crimson red.

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE THIS HOT? YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME HAVE A NOSEBLEED I shouted in my head before pretending like everything was alright.

"We'll spread around. (Y/N) you should go with Kiyoomi" Komori said as seiko dragged Tobio with them.

Not another set up...

I looked at Sakusa who was looking at me before noticing that I was staring back at him and he looked away.

"You look good" he said, a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Let's go I told him" and we walked around the area.

We headed for the food stalls and I bought the two of us food before walking to the next food stall. We kept swapping about who pays each time we made our way to the stall until something caught my eye.

"FISH!" I said as I looked at the fishes that were in a pool.

"You want to try?" the stall keeper asked me and I nodded my head aggressively.

I failed three times in a row before Sakusa lowered himself to be next to me.

"Do you want me to try?" he asked me and I nodded.

In a single try...

He was able to get a fish...

"Congratulations! Here's your fish" the stall keeper said as he handed me the fish.

"Thanks!" I said and waved at him.

"Thanks Sakusa" I told him and he nodded.

"You are really cute... I'll have to give you a name" I told the fish even if I knew damn well that fishes can't understand the human language.

We kept going around until we bumped into Kiyoko and her friends.

"Kiyoko-senpai!" I yelled as she quickly noticed me.

Why do you have to be so beautiful Kiyoko... the yukata makes you look a hundred times prettier.

She had her hair in a low bun, a few flowers around the right side of the hair. Glasses on, her lips had a redder look than usual.

Her yukata was beautiful as well, it was a black yukata with navy blur prints around it. Navy blue geta sandals as a finishing looks and a pair of sapphire earings.

"(Y/N)!" she said as her group of friends noticed my existence.

"We meet again" I told them all.

We talked for a bit before parting ways once again.



But wait...

Where even is Sakusa? I asked myself as I looked around and he was nowhere to be seen.


I excused myself through the crowd of people, their bodies bumping into mine was making me feel uncomfortable because, germs.

I bumped into someone and fell on the floor.

"Ow" I said while rubbing my back.

A familiar hand was in front of me and I looked up to see Akaashi.

I stood up without accepting his hand.

"Hello (Y/N)" he said while putting his hand next to his side.

"Hello Akaashi" I said as I looked at he was wearing.

A navy blue yukata with a lighter shade of blue print around it.

"Where were you going?" Akaasi asked me and I shook my head.

"It's nothing don't worry, I only got separated from a friend" I told him.

"Want me to search with you?" he asked me.

"No, it's okay. Thanks for the offer though" I said.

"AKAASHIII!" someone with a green yukata said as he made his way to us.

"Oh hello Kageyama (Y/N)" an owl looking guy said.

"Hello...?" I said waiting for him to tell me his name but he just stood there.

"She's asking for your name" Akaashi added.

"Oh! I'm Bokuto Kotarou!" he said.

"Hello Bokuto" I said before he turned to Akaashi.

"Akaashi! There's some fish over there! Can we get some, please?" he said, practically begging Akaashi at this point.

"Alright, let's go" he said.

"But first" he said while handing me a piece of paper.

"That's my phone number, in case you want to be friends again" he said and then walked away.

I shrugged it off and kept walking around until I saw Atsumu and the Inarizaki team.

"Kita!" I said while noticing Kita in his yukata.

"Hello (Y/N)" he told me as I waved at everyone in the Inarizaki team.

"How have you been?" he asked me.

"I've been good" I told him. "What about you?"

"I've been good as well" he told me.

"But why do you look like a lost person?" Osamu asked me.

"Well you see... I lost sight of Sakusa" I confessed and they all chuckled.

"We saw him earlier near the exit, that's where there's barely anyone so it'd make sense if he was there" Kita told me and told me the directions.

"Thanks Kita!" I exclaimed.

"Anything for my daughter" he told me and I waved them goodbye.

I followed the directions Kita told me and I found Sakusa exactly where he told me he'd be.

He turned to look at me before looking away.

"Why did you suddenly left?" I asked him.

"Too many people, sorry" he told me as he looked at the night sky.

"We should start heading to a higher place to get a better view" he told me as we went to a nearby hill and sat down on the bench.

The time of the fireworks was nearing soon, I need to confess right before then.

I looked at (Y/N) whose hair was nearly intact.

I looked at the hairpin that I bought while I got separated from her.

I took a tight grip of it before turning to her.

"(Y/N)" I said and she turned to look at me.

"I want to to let you know that I-" said and the fireworks started setting off. The sky being coloured and the loud noises would have blocked the words that I was telling her.

"I love you" I said and she gave me a smile, soon turning to me and getting closer to yell in my ear.

"I love the fireworks too!" she said, my heart dropped at the fact that the fireworks had ruined my chance to tell her.

She then turned to look at the sky that was still being lit by the fireworks before it ended.

"That was amazing!" she told me and I nodded, my heart still feeling broken about this.

"We should start heading back, the others might be worried" I said and she nodded.

We found Komori with Seiko and everyone else. Komori soon saw the expression on my face and grabbed me for a chat.

"What happened?" he asked me.

"I don't think I can do this anymore" I told him as I explained what had happened.

"Stupid fireworks" Komori told me.

"This was basically my last chance, now I'll barely even see her at school" I told myself as Komori gave me a pat on the back.

"Don't worry, we'll figure out something else soon" he told me and I nodded.

After the firework sightings, we headed back home and I placed my yakuta in a box before putting it on top of my wardrobe.

I put the fish in a fish tank that my father bought since I basically told him that I won a fish?

"How about... (Pet name)?" I said while asking the fish.

I went to sleep, and I had the same dream where Sakusa was by Yuriko's hand. The same scenery, the same actions.

Except that this time, they kissed.

I soon woke up from my dream as I was sweating and panting to gain my breath back.

"It's the same dream..." I mumbled.

And for the past few days of my holidays, I was sleepless. The same dream have been playing around my head, ending exactly when they kiss and I wake up.

And soon... it was finally time to go back to school.


And that's the final chapter of the holidays. At this point I'm teasing y'all. But it is not the time for you two to be together... yet. You'll see an update notification from me tomorrow!

Reference to the fireworks scene: Monthly Girls' Nozaki kun. It's on netflix but I don't think the second season is out.



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