《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸7̸-̸ A̸r̸c̸a̸d̸e̸


I finished cooking and I saw Seiko walking into the Kitchen with a hoodie that Komori had given her and shorts.

"FOOD!" she said as she tried to take a bite but I slapped her hand away.

"Ow..." she said as she held the hand that I slapped away.

"You have to wait until everyone wakes up" I told her and she pouted.

"Fine, I'll wake up my parents, Tobio and Komori" she told me.

"What about Sakusa?" I asked.

"Well... he'd prob throw me out as soon as I step into the room" she told me and I chuckled.

"Sounds just like Sakusa" I giggled and she rolled her eyes.

"How about you wake up your boyfriend then?" she asked me and I blushed.

"Alright..." I said as I walked to the room where Sakusa was in.

I knocked on the door and excused myself in.

"Sa-" I said before I saw Sakusa shirtless and slammed the door shut in front of me.

I felt my face grow hot as I remembered how toned his upper body looked like.

After a while of standing there like an idiot, Sakusa stepped out and looked at me, a faint tint of pink in his cheeks.

"What did you need?" he asked me.

"Breakfast is ready..." I said as I started walking and Sakusa followed behind me, my cheeks still red.

When we got to the dining room, everyone looked at us.

"What took you so long?" Seiko asked me.

"My crutches fell on the floor, so I had to crawl to get them" I said and she nodded.

"Let's sit down and eat, (Y/N) made breakfast for us after all" Seiko's mother said as we said our thanks for the food.

Seiko's father started eating and we soon followed after that.

"It's really good!" Seiko exclaimed with food still in her mouth.

"Don't forget your manners in the table" Komori told his girlfriend who pouted.

We all started laughing because they looked like a married couple.

I gave Sakusa a side glance before starting to eat my food once again.

The next few days, we slept at Seiko's house.

We played board games, video games and watched a lot of movies while also listening to Seiko's parents stories of how they met.

If you asked me, it was a really beautiful story.

The two had met in high school and Seiko's mother was a huge Tsundere at the time, so whenever she saw Seiko's father, she'd always punch him before the two started to fall for the other. They eventually started dating and when they got to university, Seiko's father proposed during a break of a volleyball match that Seiko's mother was in.

They soon got married and eventually had Seiko, they've lived happily ever since.

I wonder how my love story would go like... I thought to myself as a picture of Sakusa's toned body crosses my mind and it makes me blush.


I quickly shook the picture away before going to sleep, the day of the arcade was going to be tomorrow. And Shouyou wanted to bring his friend who is a game addict.

The day had finally arrived and we went to meet up with Tobio's friends.

They quickly took notice of us and we walked towards them, I noticed a boy at the very back; Pudding like haired, his hair was about shoulder length, golden cat eyes, and a blue PSP in hand.

"Shouyou!" I said.

"(Y/N)!" he said, he didn't run towards me since I still have my crutches, which should be removed tomorrow morning or something like that.

We started walking as Shouyou told me that the friend that he brought 'Kozume Kenma' is a game addict who is also a setter in Nekoma High.

"What game are you playing?" I asked as I took a peek of his game.

"A game" he told me with a cold tone but still allowed me to watch him play.

"Oh wait, is that (favourite game)?" I asked and he turned to me with widened eyes.

"You play the game?" he asked me and I nodded.

"What's your username? I want to play with you one day, if you don't mind" he told me.

We exchanged usernames and I accepted his friend request.

"We're here!" Seiko told us as we looked at the huge arcade in front of us.

"Alright, I made groups of two or three for this" she said as she took out a piece of paper.

"First group: Tsukishima-kun, Yamaguchi-kun and Yachi-san" she said and the three looked at each other. Tsukishima not giving a care in the world, Yamaguchi was nervous and so was Yachi.

Oya oya? I thought to myself.

"Second group: Hinata-kun, Tobio-kun and Kenma-kun" she said and the two looked pleased to be in the same group while Tobio looked a bit annoyed.

"Third group: Me and Komori" obviously she was going to put herself with her boyfriend.

But wait...

That leaves me with Sakusa... I thought to myself as Seiko gave me a smirk.

"Fourth group: Sakusa and (Y/N)" she eventually said.

I mentally facepalmed myself before Seiko said the following words:

"You can rotate around groups" she said and thank god she did.

I walked towards Shouyou and Kenma and told them that I'll be joining their group later and they nodded.

Whereas Tobio...

"Come to my group in fifteen minutes or so" I told him and he nodded.

I waved at the three and made my way back to Sakusa.

"Let's go" I told him and he nodded.

We walked around and we found a game that picked my interest.

"Hey Sakusa" I said and he looked at me.

"Wanna play the zombie game?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders as if saying 'I don't mind'.


We both picked a gun and pressed start. Of course, I paid for the game.

Sakusa died within two seconds into the game and so, I carried our team to a win.

"You're really good at this" he told me, a small smile on his face as he looked at me.

"T-thanks" I said, taken aback by his sudden compliment.

"Do you want to play something else?" he asked me and I nodded.

We arrived at a basketball hoop game.

"This one should be easier for you" I told him and he nodded.

The two of us played a different game but we were still next to each other:

The first round was easy, so was the second one.

The third one was about getting your accuracy and timing right before the game ended.

I ended up scoring more shoots than Sakusa and I had gained a lot of tickets for it as well.

"What are these tickets for?" he asked me.

"You can exchange them for something else later" I told him and he nodded.

I found Tobio who was carelessly walking around, as if to find someone.

I called out to him and he quickly turned me, making his way towards me and Sakusa.

"Who are you looking for?" I asked him.

"I was looking for you" he said, "It's already been fifteen minutes"

"Right, let's find a game for the two of you to play" I told them and they nodded.

We eventually found that dancing machine (I forgot what they're called), and I told them both to play.

I honestly would've liked to play with them, but my ankle says no.

They started playing and it was awfully painful yet funny to see them both do the steps.

A lot of the steps were done out of sync and Tobio nearly tripped on his own feet.

Tobio eventually got a higher score than Sakusa and the song ended.

"You both make a great team" I said while still laughing at the fact that they barely got any steps right altogether.

"Oh right! I have to go to Shouyou's and Kenma's group, you guys can come along too, if you'd like" I said while turning to them.

"Alright" they both said at the same time.

It was a bit difficult to found them, but thanks to Kenma's unique hair, we were able to find them.

"Kenma!" I exclaimed.

"(Y/N)" he replied with a smile on his face.

"There's a game ai want to play with you" I said and he nodded, following after me as we left the three who barely played games behind.

We eventually found the machine with the name 'Taiko no Tatsujin' game.

(A picture if you need to know what it is):

We both inserted a coin and we chose a random song.

We both got ready as the screen started to show a countdown.





The song started playing and we started hitting the drums as the beat was shown.

Red, red, blue, blue, red, blue. And a variety of different beats.

The song started to play faster, the beats getting a bit more difficult.

My kind of song I thought to myself.

A lot of people had started to gather around me and Kenma as we were still in the game.

The song was about to end and we both hit the final beat.

When the song stopped, everyone who had gathered around us started clapping and I started blushing in embarrassment while Kenma was looking away.

I turned to the screen and I saw the points.

"I won this time around" I said as I looked at Kenma.

"Jus by one point, I'll beat you next time" he told me and allowed the next people to play.

We played a lot of games before Shouyou, Yachi, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had to go home.

"See you guys in August!" Shouyou said as three of them waved while Tsukishima looked away.

"I'll make my way home as well" Kenma told me.

"Thanks for allowing me to come" he added and I nodded.

"Let's play later?" I asked he nodded.

"Goodbye then" he told me and I waved.

I turned to Sakusa and Tobio, they had things in their hands as I told them to get my tickets exchanged.

"Thanks a lot!" I said.

"This is for you" I said as I gave Tobio a milk keychain.

"And this is for you" I said while handing Sakusa a volleyball keychain.

My dad came to pick me and Tobio up while offering Sakusa a ride home.

Sakusa nodded and my dad dropped him off before we got home.

"Dad" I said and he looked at me as we entered the house.

"Me and Tobio need yukatas for the festival" I told him.

"Mmmm... I'll buy them now" he said and left to get the Yukatas.

I went to sleep early so I could wake up early tomorrow. This was my final full day with crutches after all.

I woke up and my dad was ready to drive me to the hospital.

He allowed me to have breakfast and then we both got in the car to get to the hospital, and left Tobio home alone.

The doctors took back the crutches and examined my ankle.

"You can walk again, but make sure that you don't walk that much" she told me and I nodded.

We excused ourselves and headed back home.

It was the end of July, next week, the Natsu Matsuri Festival will be held.

I wonder what Sakusa looks like in a Yukata...



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