《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸6̸-̸ B̸a̸r̸b̸e̸c̸u̸e̸


The hotel resort activity quickly came to an end and I had my dad picking me and Tobio up.

When he saw me in crutches, he had a disappointed look on his face as he looked at his second daughter with crutches.

"I thought I told you to take care of yourself!" he told me but Tobio stood in front of me.

"It's my fault, my grip on her wasn't tight enough to allow this incident to not have happened. I'm really sorry, father" Tobio said while bowing.

My dad gave a sigh, "As long as you two are alive, that's all that matters" he told us and we gave him a smile.

"Now get in the car, it will be a long trip before we get home. We'll stop half way to get a break before making our move again" he told us and we nodded.

After three hours of driving, we finally arrived home and I made my way before realising something.

Tobio doesn't have a room...

I turned to him and told him to follow me, to which he quickly nodded.

"This is my room, stay here until I get the guests room ready, okay?" I asked him and he was deep into thought.

"But... I want to sleep with you, like how we used to when we were kids" he told me in a really adorable and cute tone.

"Alright, but only for a few days!" I told him and he nodded while giving me a smile.

"You're still a child a heart" I confessed to him and it made him become embarrassed.

"But you're still my younger brother, so I have to take care of you" I told him and he looked at me with a smile on his face.

We both got into the bed and I put the blanket on top of us. Making sure to tuck the two of us.

We eventually fell asleep.

A few days passed and it was the for the barbecue activity.

I woke up at the sudden noise of my phone as someone started calling me.

I picked it up and felt a strong grip around my body.

Which was Tobio who was hugging me in his sleep.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Get ready!" Seiko yelled on the other side of the phone.

"And wake up Tobio" she said before hanging up.

"Tobio" I said while waking him up.

Tobio didn't say anything.

"If you don't get up, I'll throw away all of your milk" I whispered in a threatening tone, making Tobio open his eyes like there was no tomorrow.

"Good, you're awake" I said. "Now get ready, we're having the barbecue today" I said.

We both took a shower (separately, this ain't alabama 🤨) and changed to our clothes.


I grabbed my crutches and went down to the living room before putting my shoes on.

We got out and I showed the way to Seiko's house that wasn't that far away from ours.

We eventually arrived there, Shouyou and Yachi were talking to each other and I saw all of Karasuno's old team there.

"I didn't know you were coming" I told the graduates.

"Your brother invited us, and we couldn't say no" the brown haired said.

"Oh right, sorry for not introducing ourselves" the silvered hair said.

"My name is Sugawara Koushi, pleasure to meet you (Y/N)" he told me and I nodded.

"It's nice to meet you too" I told him.

"This is Sawamura Daichi" Sugawara told me as he pointed to the brown haired boy.

"Hello, I used to be the captain of the team" he told me and I nodded.

"And this is Azumane Asahi" he told me and I found a boy with shoulder lengthen hair.

He quickly became shy and I chuckled.

"Pleasure to meet you Azumane!" I told him with a smile.

A lot of people turning to me in surprise.

"You're not scared of me?" Azumane asked me and I titled my head in confusion.

"No, why would I be?" I asked him.

"A lot of people get scared when they first see me" he told me.

"A lot of people do that to me too, I understand how you feel" I told him and we gave each other words of sympathy.

I looked at the barbecue and I saw Tobio witj Shouyou and two boys who were doing some sort of ritual in front of the thing.

"Meaty meat, meat, meaty meat!" the bald one said.

"Put 'em together, you get meat and meat!" Shouyou exclaimed.

"Meaty meat, meat!" they said in unison. "Hooray for meat! Energy times a hundred!" they kept saying.

"Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"

"Meat is god! Meat is god!" they worshipped while Kageyama was dancing behind them.

I turned to Seiko and apologised for the commotion.

"It's alright!" she laughed. "They make the place lively"

She then turned to me and adverted her gaze to the two goddesses.

"The ones I'm interested about are them" she said and I followed her gaze.

"They're so beautiful" she added and I nodded.

"Let's go" I told her.


"To introduce ourselves?" I said and she nodded.

"Hello Yachi-san!" I said.

"Hello (Y/N)-senpai!" she told me.

"You do know that we're the same age, please drop the formalities" I told her.

"But you're a year older than me" she told me.

"Call me (Y/N), alright?" I requested and she nodded.

"Oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself" I turned to the black haired girl.

"My name is Kageyama (Y/N), I am Tobio's older and smarter twin" I said.


"So that's where his braincells went" she mumbled before all of us started laughing.

"My name is Shimizu Kiyoko, call me Shimizu. It's a pleasure to meet you" she told me and I turned to Seiko who was behind me.

"This is Seiko, my best friend" I told her and the two gave each other an acknowledgment nod.

"The meat is ready!" Seiko's father told us all as he put the meat in different plates for everyone.

"Thanks for the food!" we all said in unison before starting to eat.

"Wow, your father is a good cook Seiko" Komori said as he ate.

"Yeah, he is basically married to the kitchen" she joked around.

"Hey! It's not my fault that good food is so delicious!" her father complained and we all laughed.

"Oh yeah, where's Sakusa?" I asked Komori who took a piece beef and started eating it.

"Oh, he's inside. He said he didn't want to catch germs" he told me and I sigh.

"I'll go to him, he probably feels lonely" I sighed while getting up with my crutches.

"I'll take your plate there" Tobio insisted and ai agreed.

We went inside and saw Sakusa eating his food on the couch, I sat down next to him and Tobio gave me my plate.

"Thank you Tobio" I told him and he gave me a smile. "You can go now" he nodded and walked away.

"So, why are you here by yourself?" I asked him.

"Too many people out there" he told me.

"You should socialise more" I told him and he shook his head.

"I'd rather die than catch their stupid germs" he told me and I laughed.

"About the day where you nearly drowned..." he started saying before becoming hesitant, his cheeks becoming red.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"I gave you CPR... and I want to apologise but I also want to let you know because I believe that is the right thing to do" he said as my cheeks started growing red as well.

"That is okay" I told him and he stared at me.

"Sakusa I-" I was about to confess before someone walked past us.

When they were gone, Sakusa turned to me again.

"What were you going to say?" he asked me.

"I like your style of clothing" I said and he looked at the way he was dressed.

"Thanks" he told me with a smile on his face.

"You're not welcome" I said to him as the words that I was about to say lingered in my mind.

I love you...

The day had soon ended and Tobio's friends left so they could get on the train early.

The only ones left at Seiko's house were Komori, Sakusa, Tobio and me.

"How about we watch a movie?" Komori suggested and we all nodded.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Seiko asked them all.

"Horror movie" Tobio said as we moved to the living room to watch a movie.

"Alright" Seiko said as she browsed on the internet.

"How about Train to Busan?" she asked us all.

"It's about a zombie apocalypse you could say" she added.

"Sure" I said.

Seiko put it on play as she sat next to Komori at the very end of the couch, they started cuddling a bit.

I sat in between Sakusa and Tobio; Tobio on my left side near Seiko and Komori, and Sakusa who was on my right side, on the opposite end of the couch.

We started watching the movie and Tobio had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

Guess he was too tired or found it boring. I thought to myself.

I kept watching the movie until I felt my eyelids feel really heavy, I tried my best to not fall asleep on the spot but my tiredness won over me and soon I fell asleep.

I was watching the movie until I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder which made me tense up.

I looked at my shoulder and found (Y/N)'s head laying on my shoulder while Tobio's head was laying on her shoulder.

I then looked at the couple who had fallen asleep while cuddling and gave a sigh.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to do that with (Y/N) I thought to myself as I picked her up and placed her on the couch that was next to me.

I put a blanket around the two twins and the couple at the end before turning back to (Y/N).

I caressed her hair a bit before whispering something in her ear.

"I love you..." I said and then walked away towards a free guest room that Seiko's parents had given us.

I woke up and I found myself on a different couch than the one I was on yesterday. Realising this, I became worried and looked at the three others who had fallen asleep on the couch next to mine.

I noticed that Sakusa wasn't here so I looked for him.

I walked around the empty house with my crutches before finding a room that was slightly opened.

I took a peek and I found Sakusa's handsome face while he was sleeping.

"Hot" I quietly mumbled before closing the door shut silently.

I walked down to the kitchen and decided to cook breakfast for everyone, including Seiko's parents.


Not me trying to get these 4 chapters over and done with so I can continue with the original plot 🤡🤡.


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