《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸5̸-̸ B̸e̸a̸c̸h̸ D̸a̸y̸




"What?" I asked my homeroom teacher.

"You've been chosen to be the president of the student council" he repeated.

"They do realise I have volleyball club right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Whenever you have free time and during your lunch breaks, you'll be in the student council office with the vice president and the two assistants" he told me and I gave a sigh of defeat.

"Alright..." I said.

The final day of school was chaotic, after the shocking news that I was becoming the new president of the student council, the bell indicating that the final day of school had finally ended.

I gave a deep sigh as I packed up and walked away to Seiko's classroom.

I walked through the corridor and the news of me being the new President of the Student Council had already been spread around the whole school.

I found Seiko and Komori who had Sakusa following behind them.

"You must have already heard" I said while chuckling. "My life is miserable" I told them.

"Don't worry" Seiko told me as she patted my shoulder.

"But I won't be able to see you guys anymore apart from after school, when all the club activities are done" I said.

"How about this, we'll do different activities during the holidays so you can relax for a bit before becoming stressed. That way, we'll all be able to do things that we haven't been able to do because of school" Komori explained.

"Can I invite my brother?" I asked.

"Sure" Seiko and Komori said in unison.

"Are you going to come with us Sakusa?" Komori asked him and he shook his head.

He then started to whisper something to him.

"We'll be going to the Natsu Matsuri festival, you can confess to her by then" Komori told me and it made me widen my eyes.

"Fine, I'll go" I said.

What did Komori whisper to him that would be able to actually make him agree to this? I asked myself.

I went home and I told my dad about the plan.

"So you'll be in and out of the house?" He asked me and I nodded.

"You're taking Tobio with you?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Will you make sure to take care of yourself while you're out there?" he asked me yet another question and I nodded once again.

"Don't worry dad, Seiko and Tobio will be there" I told him and he nodded.

I then started calling Tobio.

"(Y/N), hello!" he said.

"Hi!" I replied.

"What's with the call today?" he asked me.

"Well you see... I was wondering if you'd like to spend the holidays with me and my friends"


"Can you invite Hinata as well please? And maybe your friends...?" I asked him and then waited for a few seconds for his reply.


"Alright" he told me.

"Thanks, I'll send you the details later alright?" I said and he hummed a yes.

"Also..." I said.


"I love you, little brother. Sleep well!" I said and then hanged up.

I got a text message from Seiko who had made a group chat and I added Tobio.

Everyone, this is my younger twin brother,

Kageyama Tobio, he'll be coming with us

and possibly his friends


Alright, nice to see you again Tobio!


Hello, my name is Komori Motoya.






Anyways, the plan is as follows:

•Next week, we'll be going to the beach.

This will last for a few days before we head


•The week after that, we'll be having a

barbecue. This will be a single day only.

•A few days later, we'll be going to an

arcade and play some games.

•Lastly, the beginning of august, we'll be

going to the Natsu Matsuri festival. So

please ensure that you have yukatas ready

for that day.

That's all.

Alright, I'll head to sleep now. Goodnight!

I put my phone away and stared at the night sky.

I wonder how it'd be like for the next few weeks... I thought to myself before going to sleep.

The day for the beach came by, my father dropped me off and I waved at him as I walked towards the resort that Seiko's family had booked for us.

"I must thank your parents formally next time I see them" I told Seiko and she laughed.

"It's alright, now get changed before we go to pick up your brother and go to the beach with the boys" she told me and I giggled.

I got changed into my favourite swimsuit and then headed off to pick up Tobio.

"Tobio!" I said when I saw him with Hinata and his friends.

"(Y/N)!" Hinata exclaimed.

"HINATA!" I said as we ran towards each other and then he suddenly stopped.

He sprayed disinfectant around his body and then hugged me.

"It's been a while!" I said while hugging my adopted som.

"Yes!" he said.

"Oh yeah, this is Yachi-san" he said while pointing at the blonde girl from a few months back.

"H-hello... I-I'm H-hitoka Y-yachi" she told me.

"Kageyama (Y/N)" I told her while smiling to her.

"This is Yamaguchi" he said while pointing at the tall green haired boy.

"And this is saltyshima" he said while pointing at the tall blond boy.

"We meet again" I said with a really bright smile that meant that I was going to beat him up soon.

"Don't worry shortie, I'm not here to pick a fight" he said and I looked at him for a bit before nodding.

"Anyways, let's go" Seiko said while walking towards where Komori and Sakusa were at.

"Seiko!" Komori said while running to his girlfriend before picking her up and spinning around.


"Get a room!" I said.

"Jealous much?" Seiko said and my cheeks flushed.

"It's okay" Seiko said while laughing.

I introduced everyone to each other and then they ran off to the sea.

How jealous... I said to myself.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Tobio call out to me.

"Yes?!" I replied.

"Come play with us!" Hinata said while splashing Tobio with water.

"Right..." I said while walking towards where they were, a lot of fear creeping up my body as I took a step closer to the water.

Tobio held his hand out to me and I gladly took it.

"You didn't have to come if you didn't want to" he whispered in my ear as he gave me a piggyback in the water.

"But how could I say no to Shouyou?" I asked him and he let out a sigh.

"Whatever, just grab on tightly okay? It'd be bad if you end up being washed away by the waves" he told me and I nodded, tightening my grip on him a bit.

He swam towards Shouyou and Yachi. When we got there, the four of us started playing around.

"Say (Y/N)" Yachi said as she looked at Tobio who was still giving me a piggyback.

"Are you unable to swim?" she asked me and I tensed up at the sudden question before shaking my head.

"Because I grew up being a germaphobe, I never really went to pools or beaches, where there are a lot of people. So I never got the opportunity to learn" I explained and they nodded.

"What's with the sudden change though?" Shouyou asked me.

"Because I have Tobio right here, he knows that I can't swim but he wants me to give the water a try!" I told them, Tobio suddenly blushing by my compliment.

"Do you want to head back?" Tobio asked me and I nodded, my fear was still lingering inside of my head.

As soon as he started swimming away, a huge wave washed over us and my grip on Tobio's neck was gone.

I looked around as I noticed (Y/N) coming back with her brother towards us.

I turned around for a split second before hearing the younger twin shouting (Y/N)'s name.

Seiko and Komori took notice of this and all three of us went into the water to find (Y/N).

Think Kiyoomi, think. I told myself.

Wait, a person can survive around five minutes without breathing before getting serious brain damage.

I just need to find (Y/N) in that time frame. I told myself before diving myself into the water.

I looked around the perimeter and I still hadn't found anything, no body, no arm, nothing.

I dived underwater and I found (Y/N) stuck to some sort of metal.

It's been two minutes, I have another three.

I dived and tried to get (Y/N) apart from what was holding her down.

After a few seconds, some of the fishes around me decided to help for some odd reason.

They moved the rock that had been on top of (Y/N)'s ankle and I mentally thanked them before getting back to the surface.

I took deep breaths as I quickly swam to the shore and started giving her CPR.

I pressed against her chest and apologised if it hurt of it made her uncomfortable and started doing the CPR.

After a few seconds, she spat out water.

"Are you okay?" I asked her with a concerned look.

She gave me a smile and nodded.

"Can you stand up?" I asked her and she nodded.

She stood up before falling back down on the floor again, holding her ankle.

"Get on" I said whilst in a piggyback position.

She was hesitant at first but then agreed.

I walked back to where everyone was, they all gave a huge breath of relief when they saw (Y/N) on my back.

"(Y/N)!" Seiko said as her eyes were teary and ran towards us.

Tobio did the same thing.

"Don't make us worried like that!" Seiko said whilst scolding (Y/N).

"Sorry, sorry" she said.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Did you break something?" Tobio asked and (Y/N) looked away.

"I'm sorry for worrying you like that everyone, but I broke my ankle" she told them.

"I'm sorry for ruining the activity" she said as I felt my shoulder become more wet than it was.

She's crying... I thought to myself.

"Don't worry! Your safety is first" Komori said and we all nodded.

We took her to the hospital and they gave her crutches.

"You'll have to be with these for two weeks" the doctor told her and she nodded.

"Refrain from sports activities or anything that will put pressure on that ankle. Honestly, it's a miracle enough that you survived, but take care of yourself" he added.

"I will, thanks a lot doctor" she said as we exited the room.

"So, what will be doing now?" she asked everyone who were in the waiting room.

"We can return home so you can rest" Seiko said and (Y/N) shook her head.

"We're already here, don't refrain yourselves from having fun because of me" she told them and we all widened our eyes.

"I'll look over your stuffs alright? I'll make sure that it doesn't any worse.... so please, let's continue the activities!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

"Alright" I said and everyone turned to me.

"But I'll make sure that you don't do anything reckless, moreover, I'll be supervising you" I said, it made her blush a bit and I started blushing at the sudden thing I said, embarrassed.

"T-thanks..." she said while looking away.

"Y-you're welcome" I replied, looking away while saying that.




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