《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸4̸


I was walking with Seiko down the corridor before she got called by Komori once again and soon, the two lovers disappeared.

I was stuck with Sakusa again.

I turned to look at him as I suddenly stopped walking. He soon noticed and turned to look at me.

"Why are you standing there?" he asked me.

"You texted me yesterday" I said.

"Yeah, and?" he replied.

"Where did you get my number from?" I asked it it made his eyes widened.

"Seiko..." he mumbled.

"What did you say?" I asked him because I barely heard him.

"I got it from Seiko, okay?" he told me and I was taken aback.


You fucking bitch.

I felt my cheeks turn red and I remembered that I didn't have my mask on because of the stupid school rules.

Stupid school rules I thought to myself.

After looking at her blushing, a sudden heat was forking around both of my cheeks.

Shit... I thought to myself

Why does she have to make me feel like this? I asked myself.

We both looked away for a few seconds before I felt someone hold the end of my blazer.

"Sakusa..." I heard (Y/N) say and I turned around to her, both of our faces were still blushing.

I thought she was going to say something like "I love you" but instead, I got a punch in the stomach from her once again.

"Why?" I asked her.

"You left me on read yesterday. You texted me first, yet you had the audacity to leave me on read as soon as I said goodnight" she said in a really angered tone.

"Lesson number 1: never leave a girl on read after you have initiated a conversation" Komori told me as I explained to him what had happened when he was on a little date with Seiko.

I gave a little sigh of defeat while he started laughing.

"You should confess if I'm honest. Sometimes it's the guys who have to make a move first, and (Y/N) doesn't seem like the type to make a move first" he explained.

"That's only because a certain guy rejected her and neglected her existence when she confessed to him" I told him.

"Where did you hear this from?" he asked me as he sat on a chair next to me.

"I heard it from (Y/N), herself" I told him.

"Tell me the whole story" he said I explained it to him from beginning to end.

"So she has trauma whenever she tries to confess?" he asked me.

"I guess?" I replied.

"Well, we can either make her stop getting trauma or having you confess first" he told me.

"That wouldn't sit right with me Komori" I told him.

"What are you going go do then?" he asked me.

"Honestly, I'm not sure" I told him as the bell for the next lesson rang and we walked to out seats.

The school ended and I remembered what Komori had told me, what (Y/N) had gone through, and my own feelings.

What if I just let go? I asked myself.


I don't have the time to do volleyball and relationship, I also don't want to hurt (Y/N) in the process of gathering my courage and confessing to her.

Or should I confess at another time? Like in our final year? Man, why did I even have to fall for you (Y/N)? Why is that you're making my head be a mess when we've never had a proper conversation but just an exchange of a few words before being awkwardly silent.

I texted her yet once again, my heart is telling me to confess but my mind tells me not to.

So I chose not to, because I don't really tend to follow my heart. Specially when the feeling of love is still unknown to me.

I got a sudden call from Tobio and I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked as I waited for Tobio to reply.

"Hello (Y/N)" he told me, a cheerful tone in his voice as he talked to me.

"I have a question to ask" he added and I hummed a yes in response, suggesting that I'm listening to him.

"Would you like to come to my school?" he asked me.

"I've been wondering if you wanted to meet my team and friends perhaps..." he said and I felt my lips curling up.

"Sure!" I said.

The school allowed me to take a day off, because of winning nationals and so on.

I took a train to the Miyagi prefecture, it was like early in the afternoon.

I looked on my phone and got ready to get Google Maps opened before accidentally bumping into someone.

"I'm sorry" I said before bowing.

The man was really angry at me, he was literally yelling in the middle of the train station before raising his hand, ready to slap me.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate but the slap didn't touch my cheek. So I hesitantly opened my eyes in curiosity.

And there I saw, Tobio.

He protected me from getting slapped by a stranger who had really bad anger issues.

"Don't touch my sister" he said in a really cold tone while giving him a death glare.

The guy chickened out and ran away.

"Thanks" I told him.

"It's my duty to protect my sister from strangers like him" he said before turning around and continuing to walk.

"Let's go" he told me.

He took me to his school and I heard a really energetic voice call out to him.

"KaGeYaMaAaAaAaAaA!" he yelled while running towards us.

He eventually came to a stop and looked at me.

"Is this your girlfriend?" he asked Tobio and I let out a chuckle.

"Boke, Hinata boke!" Tobio said while bonking the human tangerine with his hand.

"I'm his twin sister, Kageyama (Y/N), pleasure to meet you" I said as he quickly grew embarrassed of what he said earlier and bowed.

"I'm really sorry! I shouldn't have jumped to the wrong conclusion!" he yelled.

"It's okay" I told him.

We kept walking to Tobio's school and Hinata started telling me the story of how he and Tobio met and how they became rivals.


"Oh wow! So you two have a quick attack?" I gasped while Hinata nodded.

"That's right!" he told me.

"Don't you have one of your own, (Y/N)?" Tobio asked me and I nodded.

"I got taught from the best of the best" I told him.

"Who?" Hinata asked me.

"Miya Atsumu, he also taught me his and Osamu's quick attack" I told them and their eyes started having stars in them.

"Why didn't you tell me you practiced with Atsumu?" Tobio asked me.

"Because you never asked?" I told him.

"She has a point" Hinata said and we finally arrived at the school.

He showed me the way to the gymnasium before opening the door and telling me to come inside.

The first thing that I saw were two goddesses, one had black hair while the other one was blonde.

I couldn't take my eyes off them as they quickly took notice of the three people that had just arrived and walked towards us.

Oh shit, they're coming over here.

What should I say?

Should I say hello? No that'd be a bit awkward.

Should I say nice to meet you? No that's a bit too formal.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I accidentally let out a really loud scream.

"Don't touch her, she's a germaphobe" Kageyama told her and she nodded.

"Sorry" the blonde girl told me as now I had everyone's attention.

"Who's this Kageyama?" a shaved hair guy asked making me and Tobio turn around.

"Yes?" we both said in unison.

"This is my sister (Y/N)" he told them.

"Nice to meet you all" I said while bowing.

"You brought the first ranked female ace here?" a boy with brown hair and a slight blond highlight in the middle of his hair asked.

"I wanted to show her my team" Tobio said.

"I'm sorry for the ruckus" a guy with brown hair told me while one with silver hair was asking for my forgiveness.

"It's okay!" I told them and gave them a smile.

"You brought a shrimp with you?" a blond, tall guy said and it made me lose my shit.

"You want to say that again?" I asked him and he gave me a smirk.

"I said, you are a sh-" he couldn't finish his sentence as I punched him in the stomach and then walked away.

"Tsukki!" a guy said while going to the salty bitch's side.

"She's a monster" he said and I left the gymnasium.

Tobio followed after me and apologised.

"It's okay, I'll go home now yeah? Tell the two managers, the human tangerine, the boy with green hair and the elder years I said hi. But tell the blond one that if I ever see him. I'll kill him" I said.

"Alright" he told me. "Have a safe trip home!" he waved and I nodded.

"Thanks" I told him, a smile on my face.

For the last few months of my second year, I eventually got used to hang out with Sakusa, I think that Seiko was trying to set me up with him so I could confess but whenever I tried, it'd turn into an awkward silence.

Whenever we hanged out, we'd talk about volleyball and a few more things as we were both first ranked people now.

Sometimes I'd help him out with homework, another times I would help him with sets.

He seemed to like my sets a lot lately, he'd always compliment me nowadays.

Everything was peaceful, but all good things come to an end right?

The day for the third years to graduate had come.

The whole school and the third year's parents were in the gymnasium, looking at the new graduates.

I was far away from Seiko who was a class below me.

What if I suddenly start being dumb so I can be in Seiko's class again? I asked myself.

Nah, maybe not. I wouldn't have the privilege to actually sleep in class then. I added as I looked at the student council president getting a certificate indicating that she had graduated from the school.

A few more people had gone by before the third years from my volleyball team had began to line up to get the certificate.

I heard a few people sob behind me to which I'm guessing Seiko and the other second years.

The captain and the vice looked at me and gave me a smile.


If the two of you give me a smile like that... then I'll end up crying right in front of these people who believe that such a germaphobe like me wouldn't ever cry.

I felt a tear forming in my eyes before starting to roll down my face.


I quickly wiped it away before I felt more and more rolling down my face.

"So she's actually human?" I heard someone whisper.

"I thought she was a robot who had no emotions whatsoever" another said.

The whispering soon ended and I didn't know why.

So I looked up and saw the old vice captain give everyone a death glare.

She then turned to look at me and gave me a softer look, a look as if she was telling me that it was okay to cry.

The ceremony soon ended and we gathered all of the people in my volleyball team as well as the third years who had just graduated.

"Thanks for everything" all of them told us.

"Wait" Seiko said as she got to the front of the group.

"We made these" she said while handing each one of the third years a book containing pictures with all of our memories.

They flicked through each page before deciding to give us all a hug.

"Thank you... we'll never forget all of you" the old captain said.

"Call us from time to time okay?" The old vice said as we all nodded.

"Well then... see you guys!" the old captain said while turning around so we couldn't see her tears.

The next day...

It was homeroom time.

And my luck couldn't get any better.

"Kageyama" the homeroom teacher called out to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You've been chosen to he the new Student Council President" he told me.



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