《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸3̸



Days passed after the nationals had finished.

As soon as we got back to Itachiyama, we left our bags there before proceeding to leave to a restaurant where we had our last meal together.

All of us cried, even I did. The third years had a huge impact on us younger years and the fact that they wouldn't be with us in matches anymore made us upset.

We started eating as soon as the coach told us to do so. A spoonful after another spoonful, there was quietness in the table as the only thing you could hear was the cutlery being hit on the plates to grab more food and the sobs that each of the members gave.

The captain made one of her famous speeches before handing it over to Seiko, who was about to give her speech as the new captain.

"I may not be perfect like our captain over here, I may not be as smart or as clean as (Y/N). But I know one thing for sure, I'm sure that I'll be able to guide each one of us through the many hardships that may come on our rocky path. I won't be walking at the front of any of you, neglecting your existence. Instead, I'll be walking next to you, giving you any kind of advice and support that you may need. But I won't be able to do this alone, which is why I want to ask all of you to be able to support me as the new captain of the team" she said before bowing.

There were cheers all around the restaurant, the people around us were moved by Seiko's words.

She became embarrassed and we all let out a laugh.

"A few words from the new vice captain?" the old vice captain asked me and I shook my head.

"Don't be shy. A few words is fine Kageyama" she told me and I gave a sigh of defeat.

"Fine" I said as I walked where Seiko once stood.

I started fidgeting with my hands as I felt all eyes on me. It was like the eyes had daggers in them and they were being thrown at me.

I took a deep breath as I thought of the words I was going to say.

"Just so you know, I'm way more harsher and scarier than Seiko" I started speaking, those around me already getting scared. "Those who don't follow what Seiko or I have said, they'll be doing punishments that may not be what you expect. One day, I may have you cleaning the whole court and will not let you leave until you have my approval. Another day I may make you run laps around the school. Whatever the punishment is, I'll be there to make sure you're doing them correctly" I told them and they all gulped. The old vice captain giving me an air high five.


I was about to get down until I noticed a familiar black eyed boy looking at me, a smirk on his face as he heard my little speech.

Oh god...

Don't tell me...

All of the boys in the other team are here too.

I thought as I saw Komori somehow flirting with Seiko using his eyes.

Get a room already

I thought to myself as I sat down on my seat.

Me and Sakusa were fourth wheeling as Komori and Seiko were openly flirting around the school.

"Get a room already" I told them both before they started blushing and looking away.

When school ended, Seiko finally told me why Komori dragged her with him after the ceremony.

"So you two are dating now?" I asked and she nodded.

"You should confess to Sakusa soon" she told me and I shook my head.

"I don't want the same thing that happened with Keiji to be repeating itself" I confessed and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"But Sakusa is not like Akaashi, (Y/N)" she told me.

"I know, but I'm scared that he'll reject me" I told her.

"Do whatever you want, I'll fully support you on whatever decision you decide to make" she told me and I nodded.

"Have you been getting the final match ready?" I asked her and she facepalmed herself.

"I forgot" she told me.

"You better start planning it. Get the new captain from the boys' team to help you, because after all, this will be the last match will be able to play against them" I told her and she nodded.

"Yeah, the coaches told me they'd help me as well. Though I don't know if they will actually help or flirt" she told me.

"That sounds like what you and Komori have been doing lately" I teased her as her cheeks grew crimson red.

"S-shush" she told me and I started laughing.

The day of the final match had finally arrived, both teams had decided to mix up as there were now two different teams of a mixture of girls and boys.

It wasn't fair to have two aces in one team so I ended up with Sakusa once again as Komori and Seiko ended up in the other.

Oh to be soulmates I thought to myself before looking at Sakusa.

"What do you need?" he asked me as he caught me staring at him.

"I was going to ask if you wanted any request for the sets" I told him and he shook his head.

"I'll hit anything that u set me" he told me and it made me blush furiously.

I looked up and I saw a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.


"Hey it's not fair!" the old captain said as she looked at the team that was going against her.

"Why are you putting two superstars in the same team?" she asked me as I gave her a smirk.

"You wanna go Kageyama?" she asked me.

"I'll beat you, at volleyball" I told her. The day to be actually playing against the captain has been one of the days that I was anticipating to arrive.

Because I know that if she was on a different team like she is right now, I'd have to face her at some point.

The whistle blew as both matches started.

I set up the ball to Sakusa who incredibly spiked it against the other court, earning us a point.

"What happened captain?" I asked in a really salty tone and she gave me a smirk.

"We're only starting now!" she exclaimed as her team was now serving.

Her team served and it was received by our libero who had passed it to me.

I set it to Sakusa whose spike was blocked but I spiked the rebound, earning us another point.

A few sets had passed and it was the final one of the match.

We decided to play best of 2 out of 3 so that we could rotate around the courts.

We ended up winning.

My captain made her way to me as she sanitised her hands before stretching it out to me.

I stan I thought to myself... better wifey her before she gets taken.

We shook hands and she gave me a bright smile as I gave her one back.

"Good game" the two of us said in unison.

"You better come visit us so I can beat your ass again" I told her.

"Unless I end up winning" she told me.

The next match was against the old vice captain with a few other lads and wifeys.

We won it, yet again.

Then we were giving a chance to either play the next match, or see all of the third years play against each other.

I wanted to play but Seiko wanted to watch. So we ended up watching the game.

I stole quick glances at Sakusa every now and then because if I did it too often... they'd think that I'm sick in the head for moving my eyes or my head too much just to look at the most handsomest guy in the world.

In the end, it was called a draw because these lot were now on the score of 40-40, none of them being able to actually score the final point to finalise the match whenever they had the advantage.

They all shook hands before forming a line and thanking the coaches, the new captains as well the me and the vice captain of the other team.

And that's how the last day to which we saw the third years wearing the volleyball uniform ended.

Now we're in the present. Well, the present after the old present was told.

Since Komori and Seiko would hang out with each other more and would leave me with Sakusa, he'd literally end up just leaving because of the awkwardness.

Day after day was the same...

I could only talk to Seiko whenever she was at home.

Which was at 12am since she would spend all of the evening with her boyfriend.

After days of my phone being deadly silent, I got a text from an unknown number.


Hello? Who's this?

I asked.



It's rare of you to text me, what do you


(Y/N) changed the name from Unknown to 🦠Germ🦠





So he has the audacity to text me but then leave me on read? I thought to myself as I put my phone away and decided to fall asleep.

I was having a dream...

I don't know if you could call it a dream or a nightmare...

It was Sakusa with someone else... the thought of him with another girl made me mad as I frowned my eyebrows even though I was asleep.

The girl was around my height, she was holding hands with him as they walked through a path filled with flowers and barely anyone.

She then took Sakusa to a Sakura tree and then stood right in front of it.

The two looked at each other in the eye for a while before their faces started growing closer and closer together.

When they were about to kiss, I woke up from the dream as I shouted, loud pantings were heard from my mouth as I processed everything that happened in the dream.

The girl had brown hair and blue eyes I thought to myself before widening at remembering someone who looked exactly like her.

"Yuriko Tatiana..." I said and never slept again during that night.


Fun fact: it takes me less than an hour to write a chapter whenever I'm mad. But yeah, hope you guys liked it!


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