《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸2̸



The game resumed after it was confirmed that (Y/N) was alright and was taken to the infirmary room.

A few people from the stands had left to see how (Y/N) was doing.

I took a deep breath and shook my head, escaping from the thoughts that were lingering in my mind.

It was the fourth set, hopefully the final one.

The score... it was was 15-13 to us.

I took another deep breath as I did my spike serve to which had ended up being a service ace.

The thoughts of the ball hitting (Y/N)'s face and then her falling off the stands... it scared me.

But I can't let that fear take over for I, have to win the match.

That way, I'll be able to apologise to her.

With this win... I'll be able to properly apologise to her for the damage I have done.

I slowly woke up as I remembered what happened a... when did it even happen? How many minutes has it been?

Why are there people talking?

As soon as my vision became clear, I looked around the room. It was filled with a lot of different people.

My teammates who rushed out to me as soon as Seiko told them I was awake, my father who held my hand, Atsumu who was next to me, Tobio in the corner of the room...

But who's this? I asked myself as I looked at the woman next to Tobio.

When I recognised who this woman was my eyes widened in fury.

My father quickly took notice of this and glanced at the direction I was looking at.

"Listen (Y/N), sweet-" he started saying before I interrupted him.

"Get out" I told the woman who just stood there like I didn't say anything.

"(Y/N), I'm really-" she started speaking out to me.

"I SAID GET OUT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, everyone in the room was surprised.

The woman nodded and soon left the room.

Her face always pisses me off.

My mother, the one who neglected my existence because I wasn't born the way she wanted me to be born. After dad divorced her as a cause of her rejecting me from being her child, she slowly started to reach out to me.

It all started with letters, then calls, then gifts and soon she started showing up at my house.

The reason?

Because she wants me to put up an arranged marriage between me and her boss's son so she could get a higher status and more money.

"It's too crowded in here... can some of you step outside for a few minutes, please? I don't want to get any of your germs" I said, being the germaphobe that I am while being polite.

The ones to step out were my teammates and Atsumu of course, the only ones that stayed were my dad, Seiko and Tobio.

I gave a deep sigh as my anger started leaving my soul.

"Nee-chan..." Tobio whispered as he looked at me.

I gave another deep sigh as I looked at him.


"I thought I told you to not call me that, I'm only older by a few minutes" I said calmly as everyone looked at me in a shocked expression.

This was the first time I actually said a sentence to Tobio since we were little... before everything happened.

"Dad, Seiko... could I have a minute with Tobio?" I asked the two and they nodded before leaving the two of us alone.

"I'm sorry" I said as soon as the door was closed shut.

Tobio looked at me once again.

"I'm sorry for treating you badly... it wasn't your fault that mum treated me that way" I explained and he put his hand on his chin.

"I'll forgive you" he said I smiled.

"However" he suddenly said.

"You'll have to hang out with me from time to time, I want the two of us to act like real siblings. I'll also make sure to visit you and dad sometimes" he explained and I nodded.

I gave him my hand.

"Aren't you a germaphobe?" he asked me and I laughed.

"You and dad are a special case" I told him and he gave me a smile as he took my hand.

"Congratulations on winning the nationals, and congratulations for coming the best female setter in Japan. I'll be following soon, so wait for me" he told me and I nodded.

I invited my dad and Seiko back into the room as the nurse came to do quick check ups.

Last set.

The fourth one was taken my Fukurōdani.

"Tch" I said as I remembered that last point.

I was spaced out until I heard a familiar voice from a girl to whom I hate.

"Sakusa" she called out.

I turned around and I saw (Y/N) in the stands once again as she did a peace sign to me with her fingers.

"Good luck" she told me before smiling making me blush a bit and looking away.

"Thanks..." I said before going back into the court.

"Tie the knot already" Komori told me as he teased me while hitting me with his elbow.

"Shut up" I told him.

(Honestly, I haven't even seen Sakusa play. All I know is that he has flexible wrists 😭😭 so imma just skip to like the last 2 points 🤠🤡)

The score was 13-13. A tie is just the worst way possible for it to actually be 13-13.

I'll score the last two points... no matter how hard it'll be.

The wing-spiker served as the ball was received by the other team and it was passed to the ravenette setter that (Y/N) knows. He then set it up to the horned owl looking guy, I got ready to block as he tried to spike it; the ball ending getting blocked by me and hit the floor next to him.

This time, the outside hitter of the opposite team served. Komori, the lucky bastard was able to receive it as the setter got ready to set as I gave him a death glare. A death glare that meant that I wanted the ball no matter what and he started sweating a bit before giving me a slight nod.


He set the ball to me and I saw the setter right in front of me.

"Tch" I said as the ball was at my hand's height.

I made it look like it was a cross spike before making it go a bit diagonal, gracing the setter's face as it hit the floor behind him.

I landed on the floor as I looked at him and then at the ceiling of the stadium.

The whistle blew, signalising the end of the match.

The audience started giving the team a cheer, I started walking to the end of the court before anyone tried touching me. I didn't want their stupid and disgusting germs.

I looked up at the stands as (Y/N) looked down from it, the world suddenly becoming silent as the two looked at each other. (Idk why this reminded me of Romeo and Juliet.)

Then I felt an arm around my neck as Komori pulled me down to his height.

I heard (Y/N) laughing as her friend, to which I had found her name to be Seiko, had been pointing at the two of us while laughing. It made my eyes soften and a small smile to spread around my lips.

Her laugh is cute... she has changed a bit since the start of her final match.

The team bowed at the audience before all of the teams that played in the final lined up to get the medal and trophy from the Prime Minister*.

He gave us a really long speech before finally stopping as he started moving forwards with the medals in hand.

The girls' went first since their match was earlier than ours.

I looked towards the front.

I noticed (Y/N) who was diagonally, around five people to the left, away from me.

She bowed as the Prime Minister put the medal around her neck and moving on to the next person.

Once the girls had finished, the boys moved forward and stood in a very sharp straight line as the Prime Minister was now handing out our medals.

When the Prime Minister got to me, I had to look down to actually see him. I bowed into a 125° angle so he could be able to put the medal around my neck.

He then went to the two guys before going to Komori who was nervous as hell and you could even tell that he was.

When the ceremony was over, everyone gave a round of applause before exiting themselves out.

I noticed (Y/N) walking in front of me with Seiko, as soon as I was about to call out to her, she suddenly got grabbed by the setter from the other team and he walked away with her.

I secretly followed after them, noticing Seiko doing the same but she was in front of me.

"What did you want to talk about?" I said while putting a hand on the bridge of my nose and shaking my head.

"I wanted to apologise for the pain I caused... I acted immaturely and eventually neglected you from being my friend" he said.

"I also want to apologise... because I accidentally insulted you for being a germaphobe knowing really well what made you turn into one..." he added.

"I have seen how much you've grown, it makes me proud" he said.

Those last four words rang in my ears, my eyes widening as I remembered why I desired to become first ranked setter.

To be able to beat two setters...

One was Tobio...

The other... was you...

"Keiji" I accidentally said out loud, his eyes widening as he looked down on me.

"Yes?" he asked me.

"A sorry won't change how much pain you made me feel" I told him and he nodded.

"I'll wait as long as you want. I'll wait however long it takes for you to forgive me" he replied and I gave a big sigh.

"Alright... let's start from zero then" I told him.

"Hello, my name is Kageyama (Y/N). A second year setter and best female setter in Japan" I told him and he nodded.

"Hello Kageyama, my name is Akaashi Keiji, second year setter. You can call me Keiji though" he told me as he stretched out his hand.

I put hand sanitiser on it before shaking it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" we both said in unison.

"Finally, now she can finally be able to confess to the person in peace" I heard Seiko say.

"What do you mean?" I asked and Seiko shook her head.

"It's nothing" she told me before walking away.

I heard the whole conversation between (Y/N) and Akaashi. The story was unbelievable. I thought she had never liked someone before.

I walked away as I remembered what Seiko said.

"Confess to who?" I asked myself.

I found myself bumping into Komori and quickly apologised as he fell on the floor.

"What's a crush?" I asked him as we walked towards the bus.

"A crush is a special person that makes you feel a lot of different yet special emotions" he told me.

"Like how (Y/N) makes you feel for example" he teased me, a big smirk on his face.

"But I don't see her that way" I told him.

"Sure, I heard she likes someone. It could be that Akaashi guy" he told me and my eyes widened.

"Just kidding! You should've seen the look on your face when I told you though" he said while laughing.

He quickly noticed Seiko and (Y/N) and called the two of them as they turned around to face us.

He then grabbed Seiko by the hand and walked away with her, leaving me and (Y/N) walking to the bus by ourselves.

Shit... I thought to myself as I felt this weird feeling in my stomach and looked at (Y/N) whose cheeks were crimson red.

Why is she blushing?



Prime Minister*: The President of Japan basically.




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