《Smitten With Him [Editing]》12. A Little Footie Can't Hurt Nobody.


Check out the video on the side, it's the person I casted as Jace acting like a loser xD He's actually doing an impression of someone from another video lol >>>>

You'll like this chapter.


The sun was up and even though it was March, it was warm and I was actually grateful to be living in England where the weather is never what it's meant to be.

I took my coat nonetheless, like I said, the weather never makes sense.

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the hundredth time.

"Shut up."

"Fine." I huffed and turned to look out the window. Minutes past with only the sound of the air conditioner and the music making a noise.

"Don't actually shut up." I turned to look at his frowning face. His eyes were concentrated on the road but I could see that his lips were in a frown.

I tried stifling a laugh but failed to, I started giggling but not in a girly way.

I couldn't miss how Jace's rosy lips quirked upwards too.

We finally arrived and It was almost impossible to not see a bunch of people dressed up in similar colours. Stripes were painted across their face and many of them wore football shirts.

"We're watching Chelsea play against Arsenal. Surprise." He grinned and took out two rucksacks from the backseat.

I grinned, recalling the time when I was at his house watching Arsenal play against Barcelona instead of doing revision. I was obviously an Arsenal supporter and Jace was a Barcelona fan.

I didn't know how much Jace actually liked football and I thought it was unfair for him to persevere ninety minutes of watching a bunch of lads running around kicking a ball, it could get a little boring sometimes.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I was generally concerned.

"I do watch football you know." He rolled his eyes and unzipped the navy rucksack, throwing the other one on my lap.

He pulled out two brand new Arsenal football shirts; they were the new season's edition with a completely new design and everything. I hadn't got one of these ones yet but now didn't have to worry about buying one.

After taking them out of the plastic packaging, he handed me one and I stretched it out in front of me, seeing my name written in big, bold letters at the top.


"Don't mention it," he cut me off, "it's your birthday present."

I grinned and didn't hesitate to strip my top off and replace it with the new football shirt. It fitted snugly and I saw Jace looking at me, not at my body (not that there was much to look at anyway) but at my face.

He changed his top too and I saw that he had his name at the back of his shirt. We both threw our old tops in the rucksack that the football shirts were originally in and got out the car.

"The game doesn't start for an hour and a bit still." He informed me I nodded in understanding. He took the second rucksack - a red and brown one - out of my hands and zipped open the front pocket to take out the tickets. He zipped it back up and slung the bag over his shoulder.

We walked towards the enterance which was quite a long walk from where we parked. We walked past all the different cars in the car park and my I was practically squealing (on the inside of course) with excitement. My tummy once again felt uneasy, just like it did when I was with Jace the other day.


"I just realised that you're wearing an arsenal shirt but you support Barcelona." I pointed out. He looked good in the shirt, his black chinos and black vans went well with the shirt.

"I can learn to like Arsenal." He stuck his tongue out at me and I returned it. I swear, we were acting more childish than all the children that were actually here.

We had our bags checked and it turns out that the rucksack Jace had over his shoulder had just his jacket in it and some drinks.

"Ready, good sir?" I faked the ultimate sterotypical posh english accent, it was much different to my actual accent which was a little upper north.

"Yes, we shall go." He replied with the same accent but much better than my version. Seriously, was there anything he couldn't do?

We scanned our tickets are the front of the stadium and were finally inside. Jace pulled my arm and dragged me towards some stalls that had face painting going on.

There were tons of other people wearing similar red shirts to ours either with their own name at the back or one of the players on the team.

We got our faces painted, I was reluctant so I had only got the Arsenal badge on my cheek. Jace however, loved the idea of getting his face painted but didn't want to have a massive badge on his face if I didn't so he got the same as me.

With forty five minutes still to spare, I went to the beer stand and got myself and Jace some beer. How can you enjoy a game without beer? He was reluctant to allow me to pay for it because it was my birthday but he's already paid for the tickets and they were really good seats.

We were finally sat down in our designated seats. The stadium looked better than I had ever imagined, every little aspect about it just made you want to jump up and down cheering. The benches where everyone was sat down was steep and I would probably be risking my life if I stood up and jumped because I could fall forward.

I've only been to a few football games in my life but they were when I was very young so I can't remember much. They were usually with Liam because he too was an Arsenal fan. Just the thought of him made me frown and feel the need to cry it out. Of course, I didn't; I didn't want him ruining my birthday even when he's not here in person.

A bunch of girls our age were sat on our row, right next to our seats, or more like, right next to Jace because I had the aisle seat. They also wore clothes that had the Arsenal colours and it just made me sick how they were wearing it. They were practically half naked, i never understood why girls would dress in such a way but then again, it's somwhat attractive to about ninety percent of the guys in our school.

They were chatting to Jace and he looked flushed, obviously not used to such slutty girls talking to him. I tried to listen in to what they were saying and I could only barely make it out.

"I'm Ashley, I love your hair." she complimented and ran a hand through his hair.

Bitch, only I can touch his hair.


Jace was just sat staring forward and as still as a statue. He turned to face me with wide eyes and a very uncomfortable expression.

I leaned forward so I could see this Ashley girl's face. I introduced myself to her and winked, hoping that she would bug me instead of Jace.

She winked back, of course, being the kind of girl that she is. We started chatting and I noticed how Jace seemed a little more relaxed, he let out a huge breath, as if he had been holding it in for quite a long time.

"You both have such perfect hair." she commented. Seriously? did she have a hair fetish or something?

"Thank you." I said and leaned back into my seat because the game had already started without me realising.

The players came out of the tunnel and I stood up, dragging Jace up with me. If I fall, he falls too. I held my free hand to my mouth and cheered as the game commenced but then booed when Chelsea started coming out as well.

I sat back down just as everyone else did and took a sip of my beer, I hadn't noticed but it was already nearly half empty. Jace's too was nearing the halfway line and It had only crossed my mind that he looked as if he wasn't enjoying himself.

"Jace, what's up?" I asked and purposely put my hand on his knee.

"Nothing, just one of those days." He sighed and made no move to move my hand.

"Don't give me that attitude, you're going to enjoy yourself whether I get you wasted or not." I joked. He was my only ride home.

He laughed and I saw how his eyes crinkled at the edges, it's like he's revived or something because he was once again, looking happy.

I turned back to the game and cheered whenever I should and booed when the opposing team scored.

The game did drag on quite a bit mainly because I thought the Chelsea players were faking being tripped over and stuff just so they could get free kicks. I've never liked Chelsea, I had always thought they played violently.

It reached halftime and nobody made any move to get up to take a piss so I stood up to get some more beer. I left Jace with the girls, thinking he would be okay.

Outside near the food stands was complete chaos. There was no space to move anywhere and the queues were literally a mile long. I waited in the queue for drinks and regretted leaving Jace with those girls.

Right now, if he was here we would've been joking about how poor Chelsea were playing or about how our goalkeeper was practically unbeatable.

I finally did get my beer and headed back up the stairs to the seats. I was glad that Jace wasn't looking completely uncomfortable, he looked pretty relieved when I sat back down in my seat on his left.

Ashley who was sat on his right was talking abut her ex boyfriend and I felt the need to staple her lips together or something else equally painful.

She was done talking about her ex boyfriend and instead moving on to putting the conversation on Jace, making him uncomfortable.

"You single?" She asked. Jace silently nodded and looked bored as fuck.

I put my beer on the floor, cleared my throat and I don't know what came over me next but my lips were soon smashed against Jace's. A bunch of gasps were heard and I swear I heard the word 'faggot' being thrown about by some people behind. Of course they would all be able to see, the seats got higher and higher and we were near the front.

His whole body turned rigid but then relaxed as my left hand caressed his right cheek and his left hand went round to the back of my neck. Our spare hands had nothing to do but sit at each-others waist.

It was really happening.

My lips were moulded with his and to be honest, I didn't really wanted us to separate but I knew I had to soon. It was only a closed mouth kiss, which I felt unhappy about. It would've been even more gross for everyone else around us to see us making out with tongues. I'm pretty sure they were grossed out enough seeing two guys kiss.

His lips were much softer than I had ever imagined; they usually looked so small and thin but in a kiss, they felt full and plump.

My stomach clenched as we both separated and I turned to see a revolted Ashley; the rest of her friends seemed unaffected and didn't really care.

For the first time, I didn't want to look at Jace's face. I was scared about what his expression would be. I mean, in the kiss, which only lasted a number a seconds, it seemed he was okay because he wasn't pulling back nor taking it further and he was even kissing back, I mean it would've been so weird if I was kissing him and he didn't kiss back but instead stood as still as a statue.

Wrong timing there buddy.

I took a deep breath before glancing his direction. His face was contorted in to an expression of confusion and surprise which was actually expected and I felt pretty glad it wasn't anything bad.

I sighed, picked up my beer and took a massive gulp. I faced back to the game, which was still in an interval.

Part of me what glad for doing what I did, the obnoxious girls next to us were now silent, well Ashley was. There was was another girl, Ashley's friend, who was talking kindly to Jace about school or something like that. She had red hair in scene kind of haircut and had to admit, she looked awesome. You see, I would never be able to pull of red hair, or a scene haircut.

Ashley was slumped in her seat, looking moody and irritated. It made me want to laugh but of course, I didn't. I didn't want to get slapped or anything.

The game finally started a little while after and I couldn't help but miss Jace's touch. I wanted his lips on mine again, our breaths mixing and the warm touch of his hands on my cheek.

I grabbed his hand as if it was an urgency, intwining them together and laying them on his lap.

What actually made me smile was the fact he wasn't pulling away.

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