《Smitten With Him [Editing]》13. Break Down These Walls.
We remained holding hands for the rest of the game, even when we had to stand up to cheer. Like I said, if I fall, he falls with me and vice versa.
I felt like I was over the moon and no, it wasn't all because of the alcohol. I think I was high on Jace. Yeah, that's exactly what it was.
The game soon ended and the score was 4-3 to Arsenal and as content as I felt sitting down next to the most incredible person in my life, my butt felt sore and my throat hurt from all the shouting. Not only that, it was getting cold and I could see grey clouds.
I had to let go of his hand to put my coat on, Jace too was unzipping his bag to take out his hoodie.
I laughed.
"What?" He cocked his eyebrow.
I stared at his hoodie, it was the one he brought when we went shopping. It was a grey Minnie and Micky mouse hooded sweatshirt.
He looked down at his attire which I was currently staring at and he blushed.
I rolled my eyes, slung his backpack over my shoulder and started walking out the aisle in the crowd of drunk fans who were all trying to exit the stadium. It was close to impossible given the fact there were thousands of people who were all exhausted and rowdy.
I kind of lost Jace on the way but I could just meet him at the front or near his car. He's old enough.
I smiled just thinking about him. What did this mean for us exactly and what did he think of his crush now?
I had this doubt at the back of my mind about Jace not liking me, either not at all or not as much as I liked him. It just made my stomach churn and my mood to drop instantly.
I was stood near the exit, trying to spot him through the crowds of fans. I finally did spot him, the dude with a grey hoodie. The hood on it was up and it was funny to see that the it actually had floppy mouse ears on top.
I ran to him and jumped on his back. My legs wrapped around his torso and he held them in place.
"Having a good birthday?" He asked in a weird kind of cooing tone and turned his head.
"A very good birthday." I grinned and spoke in the same voice. He puckered his lips and my eyes widened, was he really about to kiss me or was it just an illusion of my mind?
I kissed him anyway.
I noticed that the girls who were sat next to us were nearby, grinning and staring. All except Ashley of course.
The kind one walked up to us, her hood over her head and bits of red hair sticking out. She smiled and Jace greeted her, addressing her by the name 'Lori'.
"I've always wanted gay best friends. Let's be best friends." She joked.
"But-" Jace started but got cut off.
"Come on, we have to go." Ashley sighed and dragged Lori away from us. Well I guess that's the last time I'll ever see her.
"To Narnia!" I yelled and stuck one hand out in front of me and tightened the grip of my other one around Jace's chest.
Jace chuckled, obviously amused by my more... Nerdy side. I think he's rubbed off on me.
He started walking and I bounced at each step he took given the fact the ground here was very uneven.
It was just like when we were at the shopping centre together. All he needed to do now was pin me on the floor and sit on my stomach.
We can't forget the bag of pretzels too. God, I love those. Anybody who doesn't is not sane.
"And he we have, the Toyota." Jace spoke in a posh show presenter's voice as we stopped in front of his car. He crouched down slightly to allow me to get off his back.
I did and sat in the passengers seat. Jace made his way to the right side of the car. He opened the doors to the rear seats first and threw the rucksack in there then opened the door to the driver's side and sat down.
He stuck the key in the ignition and instead of claiming the auxiliary, I turned the heater on full blast and rubbed my freezing cold hands together.
"By the way, for Camellia's birthday, I wanted to take her out. All of us. Like a joint birthday party." I announced.
"But I'm the one who's driving. As always." He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Yes. That you are."
A few minutes passed in comfortable silence. I was still trying to collect as much heat as I could and Jace had the sleeves on his sweatshirt over his hands.
"Thanks for... What you did back there. Those girls were like savages." He laughed.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah, that one girl was bugging me to no ends. I think she would've made a move if you didn't act like you were gay with me."
I looked away from him and took in what he had just said. How could I have been so stupid thinking we could be together forever just because we kissed? did he just see it all as a joke? As a way to get rid of that girl?
I had three options here, I could: . Tell him about my feelings, . Go along with the flow, even though I don't know what the hell the flow is or if it would take us anywhere or , tell him I'm gay.
If I tell him about my sexuality, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'll be telling him about my feelings because dammit, they're both frightening things for me. What if he rejects my feelings? He has a crush himself after all.
I went with B, whatever the flow is, I hoped it would mean I would technically be more intimate with Jace in some (very rare) situations.
"No problem, those girls were bugging me too." I said but then added in something else, "That Ashley girl was hot though."
"Jock." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
I turned to look out the window, almost feeling as if I wanted this journey to end already, I reckon I needed a lot of time to myself to think. I needed to know what my best steps would be.
"What are we doing now?" I asked and slumped in my seat.
"Lunch." He said just as we pulled into the car park of a vintage diner. "This is my favourite place to eat."
In bright blue neon lights, the name of the diner read Lucinda's.
I smiled, places like these Were a rare find and now all I needed was some cheesy 80s music to make this experience a little better than it already was.
We walked side by side walking to the diner; not holding hands but just together and as content as I felt being here with Jace for my birthday, I was still questioning what he meant in the car; trying to find alternatives for my negative thoughts.
A small gold bell that was tied to the ceiling rung as we opened the door. I felt like echoing a chorus of ooh's and ahh's at the sight. The diner looked a lot like the diner in Grease but this one had a lot of colour. The walls were pink and turquoise, there were random objects hung on the wall like an old fashioned bike and some old Elvis records as well as some old black and white and monochrome pictures with vintage frames.
"This place is amazing." I voiced my thoughts to myself.
"I know." Jace smiled and a lady with short blonde curly hair walked up to us. She could've easily been mistaken for a twenty year old but her makeup failed to cover up the very few wrinkles she had.
She didn't say a word, she just stood still with her head cocked to the side but when realisation hit her, her hand flew to her mouth that was gaped open.
"Jace?!" She practically screamed and breathes heavily. Her arms went to Jace's shoulders and face.
"Linda." Jace nodded curtly once her arms and hands left his arms and face.
"Table for two?" She grinned.
Jace nodded again and she picked up two menus and told us to follow her. She took us up a short set of stairs and to a table for two where it was a little quieter.
We both thanked her once she left us. I had a dozen questions for Jace and he was going to answer them.
"Who's she?" I asked and caused Jace to tear his attention away from the menu.
"An old friend." He put vaguely but I wanted more answers.
I simply asked him for more details and he huffed but told me nonetheless. "I used to live here, that's how I knew this place. I came here basically everyday after school because the food here is the best I've ever had."
I nodded, satisfied with what he told me. I read through the menu at the huge variety and my mouth watered at everything.
Linda came back to our table with a notepad and pen. Jace was the first to speak up.
"I'll have the chocolate shake, extra whipped cream, a double cheeseburger and mozzarella sticks on the side." My eyes widened at how much this boy could eat yet remain healthy.
"Always the same Jace." Linda sighed and turned to me, ready to take my order.
"Um, an ice cream soda and a barbecue ribs." I told her. There was literally so much choice but I would choose ribs over anything. She left and I was still giving Jace the whole 'what the fuck' look.
"You can't be serious bro." I gave him a pointed look and his lips that were straight quirked upwards.
"It's what I always got. My mum wasn't too happy about it because I did get really fat. I was like nine stone at fourteen years old."
I failed to stifle a laugh when I thought about a chubby Jace who was short with chubby cheeks and chubby fingers-
"You better not be thinking about a tubby Jace." He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.
Woah, this guy is a fricking mind reader.
I held my arms up in surrender. "I'm not!" I yelled but it was clear I was lying.
He pursed his lips together and slapped my shoulder from across the table, I only laughed more.
Our meals came eventually and I was surprised at how fast it had arrived given the fact that the diner was actually pretty busy, even at three o'clock.
We were eating our food in comfortable silence, making snide jokes about our eating methods and such but I still couldn't help thinking about our conversation in the car.
"What did you mean in the car about saving you?" I asked tentatively as if I was treading on dangerous waters.
His face didn't change from his amused look and I was pretty glad about it. I didn't want this conversation to be very serious. "Those girls were literally all over us and they thought we were straight so they kept making moves."
"That part's obvious." I snickered.
"Yeah well, I mean, if they thought we were a couple then they would back off. A gay couple at that. You should've seen their faces." He laughed. "They looked pretty heartbroken but then they were happy for us."
I nodded and waited for him to continue. "I know, I'm beyond gay. I do like girls too but they were just..."
"Sluts." I finished for him.
"Tarts." He corrected. "Anyway, it was awesome of you to kiss me even when you're straight. I mean not like that but..." He blushed. "It's not your thing but you still did it."
I got a grasp at what he was saying and frowned. I felt like an idiot right now.
"Yeah well, you looked kinda uncomfortable actually, scrap that, you looked beyond uncomfortable." I laughed and he laughed along, finishing the last bits of his burger.
I was finishing off my cream soda, it was literally the best soda I've ever had and I was well up for taking a whole crate home just for myself.
We had both finished our meals and Jace paid, I wasn't too happy about that but then again, who wouldn't want free food?
We left the diner before Linda could come up to us and force Jace to stay so she could feed him lots.
We were stood outside freezing our asses. I could see my breathing from my nose and mouth.
"You have a little..." I smiled and kissed him on the lips, tasting the familiar taste of chocolate milkshake and whipped cream on my lips.
His eyes were wide open but soon closed as did mine. We stayed like that a for a few moments, our lips locked together and moving in sync.
Damn, this guy sure is a great kisser, I mean, he's better than I expected. I thought to myself, trying to not let my cocky side drop.
I leaned away from him, breaking the kiss. "You never know where those damn girls from the game could be hiding," was my crappy reason. I jogged to the car, eager to embrace it's warmth. Jace was behind me, just walking slowly and looking confused.
It made me grin to myself. My lips trembled to steal another kiss but I knew I couldn't.
He's clever enough to realise that I, obviously, am gay. I didn't mind him knowing by now, it was one less job for me to do. I wanted him to know that I'm gay.
I wasn't sure whether he's realised that I may have developed a small crush on him. God, I sure hope not.
He opened up the door of the driver's seat and looked like a ghost. Everything he was doing, pulling the key into the ignition, turning up the heater and taking his ridiculously long hair out of his face, it was all done robotically.
I cleared my throat, hoping that it would get rid of any awkwardness but nope, it just made it even weirder.
The pressure of his grip on the steering wheel kept changing, it was as if he was thinking really deep. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't though, with the kiss and everything.
"Stop thinking." I sighed. "You'll crash the car."
He stopped moving so robotically and breathed out. "I just have a lot of questions in my head."
- -
I was confused to no ends. As I lay on my bed, in the dark, staring up at the ceiling with my arms to my sides, my thoughts were only of the puzzle that was Zach.
Two months.
That's how long I've known him and yet, I have never once questioned why he was never in a relationship or why he couldn't tell me about his sexuality.
At least that one thing was clear.
He was gay.
Well, I mean, there's always that one person in the family, I thought and then snickered to myself but then burst out laughing as if I was crazy. I was crazy, I think I needed help.
I wondered why Zach had never told me about him being gay even after I came out to him but then again, I know how terrifying it is.
I was such a idiot, judging him prior to getting to know him, it was never what I was accustomed to. I assumed he was straight because he was already known by the entire school by the second week of year seven- he had an older brother after all.
I've always wondered what it was like having an older brother. I was the oldest sibling of my family.
The door creaked open and the light from the hallway flooded into my room. A small figure appeared and I instantly recognised that figure as Camellia.
"Yes?" I called out.
"Pudding." She spoke in a soft tone.
"Alright. Now go away." I groaned.
She eventually left, closing the door behind her. I was left to my own thoughts once again.
I would have to see him again in two days time. We had decided to treat Camellia for her birthday by taking her to London. We could go visit M&M's world and see Buckingham Palace. She would love that. We had argued about taking Molly and Trisha with us, I heard that they were leaving soon to go back to, as Zach said, 'their rich home in the South East'.
I wasn't sure who won that argument, I really hoped Molly and Trish did come though because otherwise, it would just be awkward between Zach and I.
You see, that boy was flooding my mind again. I mean, he was so bloody hot and nobody could be that hot and be straight. I should've noticed the signs earlier, he literally slept on me for God sakes, no straight person would do that.
I wondered what he felt towards me.
Ok, why the hell did I just think that? That was a such an absurd thought.
I was just plain, boring Jace after all and he was Zachary Hamilton.
I finally did get up off the bed after some more dwelling and hurried downstairs to get pudding before my dad finished it all, I was practically blinded by the sudden light but whatever, I wanted pudding.
- End357 Chapters
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