《Smitten With Him [Editing]》11. Disney Onsies And Cute Employees.


It was nearing mine and Camellia's birthday so Molly and I decided that because I missed out on Jace's birthday (because the bastard never told me) that I should at least buy a present and card for his sister.

So here I was, mindlessly walking past tons of shops in the shopping centre with Molly, there weren't many places to go other than clothing shops and I didn't even know Camellia's size or style so there wouldn't be any point getting clothes.

"Let's go look in there, come on." Molly tugged on my arm violently and dragged me towards a blue and red store. I didn't get the chance to look at the name of the shop given the fact my arm was literally being pulled out of my socket but It was quickly recognisable as we stepped inside. A huge tv screen was on the wall and it previewed new movies, statues of Minnie and Mickey Mouse were placed at the front and there was a tall shelf of themed mugs.

"Why would she like anything from The Disney Store? She's going to be thirteen." I pointed out.

"Who said it was for her?" Molly laughed and skipped (literally skipped) to the section that sells themed clothing in her size.

"We need to look for Camellia, get yo ass here now." I yelled, earning a few stares from the people in the shop. I even saw a mother covering her daughter's ears. Oops.

I awkwardly cleared my throat and grabbed Molly's arm just as violently she tugged on mine. She growled and muttered cuss words, forgetting the fact we were in a children's store.

We walked around more before I saw a particular shops in front of me. I pointed it out to Molly and grinned.


We walked inside Build-A-Bear, both just as awestruck as eachother seeing the big stuffing machine and the various shelves of clothing and shoes.

We walked to the right of the store, seeing baskets and baskets full of unstuffed teddy bears in different forms; tigers, pandas, elephants and the original and classic teddy bear.

I picked up the tiger and faced towards Molly who was holding up a bunny. We both frowned at each other.

"She'll like the bunny more." Molly grabbed my tiger and put it back in its designated basket.

I reluctantly agreed to getting the bunny. This was the thing with Molly, she's such a bit-

"Let's also get a happy birthday song chip built inside." Molly grinned and went up to the sound station, putting on the headphones and pressing all the buttons.

We finally got the bunny stuffed or more like watched the bunny get stuffed by the employee who was overly perky. She was quite pretty and she looked around my age. Her blonde hair was in two pigtails and I noticed the tips of them were dip dyed pink. One other thing I noticed was that while I was watching the stuffing slowly build up the shape of the bunny, Molly's eyes were elsewhere, on the girl stuffing the bear.

I smirked and slapped Molly's arm. She gave me a deathly glare as I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"There you go," the shop assistant handed us the teddy bear after stitching it up and testing the sound by squeezing the paw.

"Thanks." Molly giggled to her (literally) and took the bear. The exchange seemed long and I noticed how Molly's voice changed.

I rolled my eyes as I waited for the shop employee to leave us and go back to sorting some shelves out. I frowned at Molly who had a smile plastered on her face.


"What?" she asked and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Seriously? God Molly, you'll be gone by next week." I told her.

"If you can appreciate someone's looks then so can I." She replied smugly.

I was trying to get at what she was saying, she sighed and spoke again.

"You're whipped," She laughed. "Over Jace."

"I am not whipped," I scoffed. "It's a small infatuation, that is all."

"Yeah sure..."

I rolled my eyes at her tone and went to the other side of the store where all the teddy bear clothes were hung.

We left the pricey store after buying all sorts of stuff. Pyjamas, daytime clothes, slippers, trainers, sandles and hair accessories - all for the bear of course.

We even received a stupid birth certificate for the bear with it's name on and everything. Speaking of which, we had named the bear 'Taffy'. I thought it fitted nicely because I remembered Jace telling me Camellia loved taffy more than any sane person should.

The actual bear cost around £20 and on top of that, all the other stuff added up to an extra £25 but no, I can't complain because it is for Camellia after all.

So why do I keep getting the feeling that i'm doing it for Jace?

His name actually caused my whole tummy to flutter.

"Did you get her number?" I asked Molly who shook her head in return. I was referring to the shop employee. "Go get it then!"

Molly walked back inside the store, hands to her sides and her head down. She came back a few moments later, paper in hand and a rosy tinge on her cheeks. "Her name is Cassie."

I nodded and slapped her back as my way of saying 'well done' she just returned the gesture the pinching my ass.

We went back to the Disney store soon after because Molly wanted to get some Disney themed clothes. I groaned, but agreed nonetheless. She would've forced me to go anyway.

She ended up buying pretty much the whole store and walking out with a two huge bags of Disney stuff. She brought a bloody Pooh onesie too and forced me to buy myself a matching tigger one; she probably felt bad that I was waiting around and not buying anything while she brought everything.

We were walking back to the car, lugging around a house shaped box full of Camellia's Build-A-Bear stuff and two huge bags that were practically stretching enough to split open as well as a bag with a birthday card inside it.

I came to the conclusion that Molly, as annoying and obnoxious as she once was, was now mature now- or as mature as she'll ever be.

She was no longer that cousin that you just despised but instead, the one who you can talk to without having the need to slap. Trisha too, I bet Liam can agree. I can't say the same about their parents though.

"Remind me to never take you shopping again. Ever." I snarled.

"Whatever, hurry up and get in the car."

You know what, just forget I ever said she was actually a better person.

We got home and lugged all the stuff in the house, mum came out of the kitchen asking if we had brought her anything as she always did whenever I went shopping without her.

Saturday came around and I was greeted by Trisha's breathing on my face and her head about two inches from mine. I pulled back instantly and reached my hand over to my bedside table to see that the time was nearly eight o'clock.


I knew that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep if I tried so I crawled out of bed quietly and left the room. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw a few colourful envelopes scattered on the floor by the front door.

I took the envelopes in the kitchen and saw more envelopes on the breakfast bar as I perched myself on the bar stool. I opened a bright blue envelope that had my name written on the front in scrawny but neat writing, I knew who it was instantly.

The front of the card had a funny picture of a camel and a cheesy joke, I chuckled. I opened it up and saw about a dozen different colours in my face.

Dear Zach,

Happy birthday, don't eat too much cake either (because you should save some for me!).

Really though, I hope you have a fantastic day, tell me all about it on Facebook.

Lots of love, Tay.

Tay was my second cousin, she lives in America so I don't get to see her often.

I opened up another, I knew that only two people would get me a card with a mugshot of my twelve year old face on the front and a massive arrow labelling the person in the picture as 'LOSER'.


Happy birthday. You're finally sixteen and legal have sex! (Hooray).

Love Mol and Trish.

I placed both cards aside and opened up the other ones. There was one from mum and dad and another from Aunt Stacy and Uncle Frank and a few of my other relatives; they were just simple ones saying a basic 'happy birthday!'

There wore none from Liam though, and to be honest, I did feel a little upset about that.

It's just like he doesn't even want to know me now, he doesn't want to even take a moment to say 'happy birthday'.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek, why the hell would I cry about such a thing?

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and hastily, I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. The kitchen door opened and I was attacked in a bear hug from behind by mum. She handed me a colourful gift bag, it literally had rainbow stripes all over it.

I smiled at her, hoping she wouldn't notice that I had been tearing up. I just ducked my head and shoved my hand inside the gift bag, I took out a cube shapes present, it was neatly wrapped up in red gift wrap so I tore the away all the paper. My eyes landed upon a glass figurine of two men kissing, it was small and I made sure to hold it diligently.

"Thanks mum." I smiled, confused to no ends why she would give me this. "It's beautiful."

Maybe to show her acceptance or some shizzle like that.

"It's alright honey," she came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, which I returned.

I smiled as I went back upstairs and placed the delicate glass object on a high shelf in my room. The shelf was any old boring shelf that was screwed on to the wall, it was dusty and had books as well as trophies on from my past achievements.

I pulled open the curtain and let the bright light outside seep in to the room, Trisha immediately tugged on the blanket and covered her eyes with it.

So I tore the blanket away.

Evil, I know.

Do I care? Nope.

"Zach you fu--" she groaned and threw my pillow at my face.

"Woah, watch your language there," I laughed and watched as the pillow fell near my feet, about a metre away.

"Nice throw."

"I dont play sports like you, Jock."

I was reminded about Jace but when am I not thinking about Jace? Oh wow, shit.. I sound so..so... nevermind.

He always calls me jock, as a joke of course. He very well knows I am not one however, even though I do the cliche jock thing and play sports, but only basketball. If I were a jock, I would've dreaded to be near such a dorky person such a Jace but I like his dorky, vibrant and flamboyant self.

I kinda missed that idiot, i wanted him here, with me, right now instead of Trisha. She can leave, I don't care really.

I tugged on Trisha's leg and she squealed, grasping the bed sheetsand trying to get back on the bed. She mouthed off and cussed a few times at me too, but I get that a lot from everyone really. Her floral pyjama shorts that she wore last night were riding up her ass and her matching vest top was doing a bad job at covering her lower back and stomach.

My dad made an appearance and slammed open my bedroom door; he looked beyond pissed and It made me laugh for some odd reason, his hair was all dishevelled and sticking out in places.

"You had to wake me up at eight, didn't you?" He groaned and rubbed his eyes with his index finger. Uncle Frank showed himself behind dad, looking equally as annoyed.

If waking my dad up was a bad thing, imagine his face when he sees me pulling Trisha's leg violently. He always lectured us on being nice to the stuck up side of the family, no matter how annoying and irritating they are.

"Dear lord, Zachary, let go of the poor girl's leg." He sighed at my foolish behaviour, the kind of disapproving way and left the room. I burst out laughing and so did Trisha, even with her leg flying up in the air by me.

I was distracted and she took the chance to kick me hard in the stomach, I doubled over in pain, crouching down to the floor and grabbing my stomach in pain. I literally got into a fetus position on the floor and groaned. What a great birthday.

"Oh god, I'm sorry.. actually, no, I'm not." Trisha laughed and left the room. I picked myself up, still wincing at the pain and followed her out.

It was ten o'clock when I finally decided to go for a shower, I look a long shower too. The twins weren't too happy about that and I don't know about Liam but to be honest, I feel like a fool beating around the bush for him and his homophobic ass.

I was just putting my t-shirt on when the door bell rang, as usual, my mum answered because I couldn't be bothered. I stood by the stairs to have a peek at who it was that came.

My eyes landed upon Jace.

I think my day just got brighter.

I literally ran down the stairs, almost tripping on my own feet along the way. Mum left to go back inside the living room as I reached the front door and she winked.

She actually just winked.

Jace was holding an envelope in his hands, he passed it to me and I didn't hesitate to rip it open.

He grinned as my eyes landed upon a basketball themed card, even though It was childish, I loved it.

Dear Zach,

Happy Birthday.

From Jace. :)

Okay, so it was simple but I'm probably going to treasure it forever.

"Thanks," I grinned at him. "You didn't have to come all the way to my house to deliver it." I pulled him into a hug because it's probably the only way i'll be able to touch him without seeming weird.

I felt a weird sense of nostalgia from when we hugged at the park, when he told me he's pansexual. I smiled, recalling that memory and feeling absoloutley amazing because he wanted me in particular to know. He trusted me enough to not go mouthing off. Of course, I feel the same way, I know that Jace is a hundred-and-one percent trustworthy but I just can't bring myself to tell him.

I reluctantly pulled back and felt the need to just hug him again.

"So where are we going then?" I asked. I felt kind of bad that I never even did anything for his birthday but that's only because I had only just met him and he never told me.

"Umm, I'm not going to tell you." He informed me and I frowned as I laced my trainers up.

I was grabbing my jacket when Liam decided to come downstairs in his boxers and t-shirt, half asleep. He rubbed his eyes as he jogged down the stairs. He frowned at Jace and I before leaving to go in the kitchen.

Jace gave a questioning look and I shrugged and pushed him out the door. We sat in the car and he asked me something to do with whether I've been revising my physics.

"Can we not talk about physics on my birthday?" I sighed.

He rolled his eyes and reversed out of the driveway. As usual, I claimed the auxillary.

He rolled his eyes but jammed to Eminem with me nonetheless. I couldn't miss the foot tapping and the head bopping of course.

I felt pretty darn happy right now.

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