《Smitten With Him [Editing]》8. Bondage and Nandos


"Our eyes are going to go square."


Jace and I were playing video games, just we had been for the past four hours since we finished our session.

I thought I was a master at this game but it turns out, Jace is better as much as I hated to admit it. I actually managed to blow his character up and I got a little too happy that I shoved him on the floor. He was sat cross legged on the sofa so he fell in a pretty painful way.

"Fucking yes! I win! I win! I win!" I sang.

"That hurt goddammit." Jace muttered as he rubbed the sore spot on his butt. "Lets play again."

I agreed and Jace and I were both head to head, equally as eager to win. I look to my left where he sat and might i add, he just looked so trained on the game. His lips were pursed together and his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. I wanted to stare at him more but I had to tear my eyes away from him and concentrate on the game in front of me.

I wanted to carry on looking. He always made the funniest and most adorable expressions such as gritting his teeth together when he's almost winning or about to die. Sometimes, he facepalms himself when he looses in a stupid way and when I win, he tries to pull off a poker face or groans loudly.

"Who gets to say 'fucking yes' now?!" he yelled jokingly as he won. He shoved me off the sofa and I was sitting cross legged just like him so I fell face first. The pain erupted everywhere; my legs, arms and face were all sore.

"You shouldn't have done that." I smirked, I stood up from the floor and while his eyes were wide open in fear, mine were narrowed menacingly. He was kind of leaning on the sofa handle so I took that chance to pin him down by his wrists. I awkwardly straddled him in the process and I stared into his eyes, simply to make me look serious.

His brown eyes turned from fearful to humour and he turned it around so he shoved me off of him and instead, pinned me down in the same postion as I pinned him down. He did it all super fast, I didn't even get the chance to process it all and it reminded me of our shopping trip when he pinned me down to the floor.

"Six years tae-kwon doe bi-atch." He laughed.

"You mother fu-"

"Shh, do you hear that?"


"The sound of me of course."

I groaned loudly at his idiotic comment and soon, we were both laughing. Our chuckling turned into loud fits of laughter and my gut hurt from all the laughing. I didn't even know what was so incredibly hilarous, it was just pathetic and childish.

"Jace, are you a sadist?" I said and met his eyes.

"I- what?"

"Does bondage really, you know, excite you?

He this point he looked all flushed and perplexed. I knew how to toy with him.

"Wha- no-"

"Then why are you sat on top of me, pinning me down, huh?"

He shook his head in confusion and then, in a click, his eyes widened and he scrambled off me hastily and I just laughed.

I was just laughing too much and it got to the point where I wasn't even making any sound and probably looked like a complete idiot. When I finally stopped, I steadied my breathing but then saw his face and chuckled.


"Don't make me karate chop your balls off, Zach."

"So you do like bondage?"

He groaned and we were silent for a few moments.

"I'm hungry." I whined. "Let's go Spaghetti House!"

"No, I've had Italian food like all week long."


Jace interjected, "how about Nando's?"

I thought about it for a moment and nodded so we put our shoes and coats on and I carried my school bag to the car because it was unlikely of me to come back after here after Nando's.

I threw the backpack in the backseat and joined Jace up front, immediately, before I even clicked my belt in, I plugged my phone in to the car's auxiliary before Jace could and flashed him a cheeky grin, and not in the suggestive way either.

I played Eminem's album The Marshall Mathers LP and turned the volume all the way up.

We were finally sat down in Nando's after waiting for a table for half an hour. The half an hour that included Jace being his freaking adorable self and looking down at his shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. I didn't particularly know why he had his head down.

I took the opportunity to you know, scrutinise him. Not in some pervy way but just... Scrutinising.

I liked how messy his hair was, we just rushed out the house without even fixing up our hair from all the tackling and play fighting. His hair was just so long and silky and sits perfectly on top of his head, I wanted to just put my fingers in it.

I restricted myself though because shit.. That would just be awkward for both of us.

"What do you want?" Jace asked as we skimmed through the menu.

"A half chicken, bottomless drink-"

"Don't tell me, you need to go order at the till, Idiot. Table number is forty-one."

I frowned at him and stood up with as much dignity as I could and waited at the queue to order which was right across from where we sat. Jace followed, muttering 'stupid'.

We sat down after we ordered. We split the bill because Nando's is seriously overpriced and waited.

"Why are your parents never around?" I asked bluntly. I never actually think about what I say, it just comes out and I don't always regret it. If I want to know something, I don't really want to wait for someone to trust me enough to tell me.

"You can't just ask that Zach!" He stated and gritted his teeth.

"I'm curious. I've only actually seen them twice."

"Your bluntness is just amazing. Really, it is." He leaned back and crossed his arms.

"They go away for work a lot. Abroad sometimes."

"Wittle Jace doesn't get scared by himself?" I cooed and chuckled while he just glared at my comment.

"Portobello mushroom and Halloumi pitta, Medium." The waiter came round and placed the food in front of Jace.

"Half chicken, mild." He placed my food down in front of me and also placed down two empty glasses. Jace silently chuckled at me having mild food.

We ate and talked, it was mostly us humiliating each other and telling each other to shut up when we laughed louder than the already loud restaurant.

I couldn't get over how bloody tempting it was to just hug him right there and then without him questioning me. I just wanted to hug him, weirdly enough. He just looked so cuddly, especially when he would laugh. His laughing was contagious and completely and utterly addictive. I liked how he looked when he laughed too- his eyes would brighten and he would show his pearly white teeth.


Look at me being all sappy.


So I liked Jace more than a friend. It was a fact and I realised it during our tuition session. Why else would I be calling him 'cute' and 'adorable' like I had been recently?

I wasn't used to having a stupid 'crush'. Usually, people had a crush on me, it was all too foreign to me.

It was when he gave up teaching me one topic. He had to repeat it around twenty times by I still wouldn't get it. He just go frustrated and wiped a hand down his face.

He looked cute when he was irritated.

It's was weird. When I had admitted it to myself I felt like a whole weight came off my shoulders and I was just left grinning... Causing him to ask me why I grinned but I just waved it off.

I went to refill my drink from the machine, filling half the glass with Fanta and the rest with coke. I earned a funny look from Jace when he saw my drink. It was a light brown.

"What's that exactly?"

"Coke and Fanta." I stated.

"That's gross man."

"But it tastes like heaven."

He gave me another funny look and asked if he can have a taste but I shook my head as if to say 'no' and he frowned.


Dammit, I really need to stop with this! I don't even know if Jace is gay!

After finishing our meals, we headed back to the car. It was a Friday night so there was tons of traffic.

We stopped at a set of traffic lights.

"Can I stay over?" I asked. With Molly and Trisha over, I would take any opportunity to get away from them.

"If you want?" He said questionably as if he didn't actually care.

I knew he did, having me staying over is like a privilege.

I'm Zach, aren't i?

We got to his house and I kicked my shoes off and ran to the cloth room, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

"Don't you get lonely with your parents not around? I know I would."

"Nah." He said and sat down on the sofa, putting his feet on my lap like he owns the place.

Well, he pretty much does but that's my lap. Not his.

"Get yo stanky feet off me, fool." I snapped.

He chuckled but didn't take his feet off so I just let him keep it there in the end.

"Do you want to watch Insidious?" I asked when I noticed that it was on Netflix after I flipped through the different movies.


"Scared?" I snorted and pressed play. "Don't worry, you can grab on to me of you need to."

I wish he would.

I quickly texted mum that I'm staying over a friend's house and turned the brightness down. From the corner of my eye, I saw that Jace's eye were as wide a saucers.

Just hurry and cuddle up to me already.

It had only been five minutes and the movie was still building up. Nothing spooky has happened yet and Jace was furiously biting his nails. I'll admit, I was kind of scared too but there's no way I'm going to let down my guard like he has because otherwise, he'd tease me about it.

His feet were off my lap and he was now sat up straight next to me. My arm was behind his head, on the backrest of the sofa and my feet were still propped up on the coffee table.

A few more minutes and someone was stupidly opening the shower curtain when there was something behind it. We saw the face a little abruptly and Jace shrieked and in the process came a little closer to me.

"Shut up Jace, I'm trying to watch." I complained.

I wasn't actually watching the movie, but instead watching him.

He didn't take his attention of the screen. He was brain washed, his breathing was uneven and he was drumming his fingers as if waiting.

I smiled, I bet, if I flick him he'd scream.

I felt the need to comfort him. I did offer to didn't i?

I waited and waited for a scary part, it was imminent and you could easily tell by listening to the music. I shuffled a little closer to Jace so his shoulder was now in the crook of my underarm.

Thankfully, he didn't notice. I liked being this close to him, it made me happy.

We were now at the part of the movie where two people known as Tucker and Specs were investigating the house. Tucker was looking through binoculars and changing the colour.

Red, blue, green and- oh shit.

A two headed thing appeared and this time, I got scared. My breathing hitched and I jumped in my seat as did Jace.



In the process, he shuffled even closer but I don't think he actually noticed how close we were right now. We were moulded together and I was enjoying it.

A lot.

I pulled his fingers away from his mouth, biting your fingers is a bad habit and it just annoyed me when people did that.

About half way through the movie, Jace's legs were in a tangle with mine but his hands were in his lap though I wish they were elsewhere.

If you know what I mean.

His eyes were trained in the screen as were mine.

The movie ended, sadly and Jace looked to me and quickly moved away to the other end of the sofa as if I was the plague.

"I.. Er.." He said, lost for words as for why we were so close to each other.

I cleared my throat and stood up, shoving my hands in my pocket.

"Let's go sleep, yeah?" I said and turned the tv off and lamp off.

We both went upstairs to his room, he threw me a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and I thanked him, quickly changing.

He changed too, after me. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as he pulled his top over his head.

I saw how his back rippled and how his hair got even messier and dishevelled.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, but I didn't want to anyway.

He slipped another top over his head and moved on to pulling his jeans off and changing in to a pair of joggers like mine but instead, grey ones.

I thought I could just melt right there to a pool on the floor.

He didn't notice that I was looking at him because when he turned to face me, I tore my gaze off him and started taking off my socks.

I flicked the light switch off and climbed into his bed.

Sharing a bed with Jace should be fun.

"Did you like the movie?" I asked him but faced the ceiling.

"Of course.."

I recited a song from the movie, a creepy song that would probably haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Tip toe.. Through the window."

"Zach, shut up."

"By the window..."


"Through the tulips-" I didn't get a chance to finish because Jace had perched himself on top of me in a very.. Sexual position.

He put his hands on top of my mouth to stop me from speaking. "That song is fucking creepy as hell."

I couldn't stop thinking about his position. Even little Zach felt a little.. Excited.

Before I could get any more hard, I shoved him off me so he didn't notice, that would've been beyond awkward.

"Fine I won't sing it."

"Good." He said and faced the ceiling just like me. One hand was behind his head and the other was laying on his stomach on top of the duvet.

I pulled on the duvet so it was up to my chin and sighed as I began to relax.

Half an hour later and I still couldn't sleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about about nonsense.

I looked to the sleeping idiot next to me. His breathing was steady and his eyes were shut. He looked like a small child in his sleep.

I shuffled close to him and cautiously lay my head on chest.

Ok, I'm a creep, shoot me.

Besides, he's asleep so he wouldn't know until he's awake.

His chest went up and down when he breathed and my breathing matching his. Gradually, I fell in a peaceful slumber.

God I hope he doesn't freak out seeing me in this position.


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