《Smitten With Him [Editing]》9. The Morning After
I woke up to the sound of tweeting birds and the smell of freshly made crepes with sugar and-
But I wish I did. I would kill to eat a crepe right now. What actually woke me up was something heavy on my chest and the blinding light coming through the curtains. I looked down and saw a head on my chest, I remembered that Zach slept over last night for reasons unknown.
I didn't know how to react, how should I react? It didn't help that I felt something poking at my thigh. I knew exactly what it was and I knew it couldn't be helped. It's a guy thing and I couldn't blame Zach, it's happened to me millions of times.
But it's still disturbing that I could feel it.
I didn't know whether to shove him off or not, I don't want to wake him up and to be honest, he was warm so it wasn't all that bad.
After a few moments, I tried to untangle our legs and he stirred in his sleep. I managed to untangle them eventually but after a lot of carefulness.
Zach came up even higher up my chest and his hair tickled my chin. I liked his hair, it was the perfect proportion of thick and thin. Thick hair, like mine, takes ages to look after and thin hair just makes your head look big. Zach was practically on top of me and his arms were across my body tightly as if I was just a huge teddy bear to him.
He like to cuddle!
I don't know if he'd be embarrassed if I knew his little... Tendency.
Let me just clear up that Zach Hamilton was laying on my chest as if we were some kind of couple. He was also cuddling me and I didn't even offer. He can't just cuddle me without permission!
But it's Zach. Everybody loves Zach and any girl would kill to replace my position.
Maybe I should just embrace this moment...
I grabbed one of his pillows and lifted up his head gingerly, as if it was a priceless antique ornament, and placed the pillow beneath him and slid out of my bed. He stirred a little more and I was worried he'd wake up. I went to brush my teeth in the bathroom and when I came back to my room, Zach was slept diagonally on my bed, taking up all the space.
God, he likes to hog the bed doesn't he?
Actually, it's pretty much what I do as well, I guess we both like to embrace all the space.
One hand was behind his head and the other was above the duvet to keep it in place. His lips were parted and his head was on the very edge of the pillow so that he was just sleeping on the actual mattress. I took one last glance before I went downstairs, the wooden floor creaking beneath my weight. I made my way to the kitchen groggily and got myself a bowl and spoon and some cereal.
I was nearly finishing my cereal when Zach came downstairs rubbing his eyes, he sat down next to me and slammed his head down on the table.
"Cereal?" I asked.
He just nodded in return as I grabbed a bowl for him and took the milk out the fridge. He lifted his head, silently thanked me and started pouring the cereal. I wondered if he realised that he was cuddled up to me when he slept. I had a theory where he usually slept with a teddy bear but I was an alternative because he didn't have it with him.
It's a stupid theory.
I didn't know whether I liked it or not. It wasn't as if we were intimate or anything and I know he's straight because he's had way too many girlfriends in the past. He's probably an expert in pleasuring a girl.
Another theory was that he was scared of the movie but that's unlikely because he looked as solid as a statue when we watched it, the only time he got scared was when the two headed freak showed up unexpectedly.
I probably would've had nightmares from that movie if it weren't for Zach by my side, even when he recited the stupid song from the movie I was creeped out.
So yes, I do get scared. So what?
Waking up is like a nightmare. I'd rather just sleep for the rest of my life cuddling up together with Jace.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind, I mean, he looks pretty chill right now just finishing off his cereal, he hasn't said a word about how close I was to him last night. Maybe, during the night I moved away from him so he didn't notice this morning.
I slept like a baby last night, I felt so warm and safe by Jace and I wish I could just do it whenever I wanted.
Maybe when we're married with ten kids, we will.
He got up and went to the sink to wash his bowl and put away the milk and cereal. I would've expected him to have a go at me for sleeping practically on him even with my raging boner.
Ok, too much information.
It's a guy thing and it wasn't my fault, I wondered if he noticed it. God I hope not, that would be so weird.
But he's also a guy so he must have it as well.
Knowing Jace, he probably just shrugged it off if he noticed mine and moved on in life. What would he actually say to me anyways?
Oh hey Zach, got the ol' morning wood ey?
Yep, It was so bad.
Ah, that sucks.
I'm not going to lie, I was pretty sad waking up to an empty bed but it was slightly warm so it probably hadn't been long since he woke up. I felt so greedy by taking up all the bed space but hey, that's just me. Even Trisha gets annoyed and I just attempt to kick her off the bed because she doesn't like it.
"Have you got anything planned for the day?" He asked me.
"Nope, you?"
"I have a gig but I'm free after that. We could do a session."
I didn't know Jace did gigs but hey, he has a talent so why not show it off? It's also a good way earn some money and get experience.
"Uh. No way man, we had one yesterday and my brain hurt a lot after that one." I scoffed, I can't handle any more physics for the rest of my life. "We could watch Insidious 2 after," And maybe cuddle up again subconsciously and this time, make out instead of watching it.
I seriously need to sort my thinking out, it's too influenced by my dirty minded friends and a stupid crush.
"No man, no way." He shook his head vigorously.
I grinned and cooed, he was scared of the movie. Maybe I did him a favour by sleeping over at his house and cuddling him in his sleep.
"I need to get changed so you should get ready and then we'll leave to go to my house and I'll get ready there and we'll go out of town. God, that was a mouthful."
He nodded and as he walked up the stairs he said, "you won't break anything while I shower will you?"
I gave him the 'are you serious' look, "No."
"Good." And then he went upstairs.
I finished off my cereal and put it in the sink, careful to not smash it or anything. I headed upstairs and sat on Jace's bed as I waited.
Jace, guitar and singing.
That's hot.
I lay down and covered myself with the duvet. The bed smelt of Jace, he had this unique vanilla smell, I wonder what aftershave he uses.
A little while later, Jace came out the bathroom, I don't think he expected me to be here because he was just his towel that hung dangerously low.
That V Line though.
I couldn't look at anything else, he just looked so damn pleasing.
He was about to strip when, "Oh shoot- Zach!" Jace yelled and scrambled to cover himself properly with the towel.
"Get the fuck out my room and let me change in private."
I rolled my eyes and crawled out of the bed. I silently walked to the door and closed it shut behind me.
I remembered last night when I saw him change and oh my god, his back rippled and I thought I was literally going to die. Too bad his boxers were on though.
I sound like a stupid fangirl.
He came out the room a few minutes later with his guitar zipped up in a bag and I put my shoes on and headed to the car. He followed and sat in the driving seat after putting his guitar in the back and we went to my house. He knew my address already, seeming as he's been round so many times.
As usual, I shot gunned the auxiliary and played my music.
We reached my house and got out the car, I took my bag out the backseat and after knocking on the door we went inside. Molly and Trisha came out of the living room just as Jace and I were about to go upstairs.
"Bed hair, borrowed clothes... Did you have sex?" Trisha smirked. I widened my eyes at them and shook my head as a sign not to tell Jace about me being... Gay but that's if you call frantically waving a sign.
"Get a life, jeez." I said and went the rest of the way upstairs.
I grabbed a pair of boxers and went inside the small bathroom. I knew Jace was in my room because he was playing his music on the iPod speaker.
I felt like I hadn't showered in years. I let all the water droplets wash over me, I shampooed and conditioned and that nonsense before I went back inside my room in just boxers. To be honest, I didn't actually care if anyone sees my body, I was in my boxers so it was ok.
I opened up my wardrobe and quietly sang along to the current Panic! At The Disco song that was playing.
I quickly changed, dressing in a simple white v-neck top and black jeans and turned my head to meet Jace's gaze that was focused on my ass.
"Stop looking at my ass."
"What? I'm not. I'm looking straight ahead because I don't know where else to look. It just so happens that you're stood directly in front of me."
I nodded and smirked then closed the wardrobe and put some socks on and my converses.
I didn't actually mind Jace checking me out. I mean, now that I had a teeny tiny crush on him, doesn't that mean that my body is only for him because that's what it felt like to be honest.
He got up off the bed and went inside the bathroom muttering something about being close to pissing himself.
I walked down the hallway, passing Liam's room. The room was dark and the curtains were drawn. His eyes were trained on the laptop that sat on his lap and on his right was Naomi, his girlfriend who had Liam's greatest possession, his bracelet.
He took it real seriously.
His eyes met mine and it was just plain awkward, he just stared for a few moments. I wondered what was going on in his head.
This faggot is my brother.
You see this girl by my side? Yeah, that's normal.
You wanna quit staring? You might infect me with your gayness.
Ok, truthfully, whatever he was thinking probably wasn't as cruel as the last two.
I was still very curious as to what he thought about me. I'm still Zach, I'm not a new person. It's still me.
I wanted my brother back. Ignorance is not the answer, he has a problem? Tell me. Ignorance doesn't fix anything, shunning yourself away doesn't help anything, it only makes matters a million times worse.
I tore the eye contact away, I really couldn't believe him. I was so confused, how should I feel?
I walked back to my room and saw that Jace had made himself comfortable and was laying down my bed and playing on my Gameboy.
"Let's go." I said and grabbed my fat Superdry coat as we finally headed out the door and got in the car. I would've thought the twins would stopped me and interrogate me like my mum would.
This time, Jace got the auxiliary cable and he played Ed Sheeran.
We got to the pub where he would do a gig. It was cold when we stepped out the car; Jace's cheeks were tinged pink and mine were most probably flushed too.
We stepped inside the pub, into the warmness. The atmosphere was alive and buzzing.
The pub wasn't big, it wasn't plush either but it looked very... Authentic. It was pretty packed and I wondered if Jace felt even the slightest bit nervous. He's probably been doing gigs for a long time because he just told me as if it was nothing whereas, if he's new to gigs then he'd be excited.
The audience were quite diverse, there were children, women and old people mixed in with all the men that wouldn't usually be at the bar.
I looked to him behind me, his eyes were focused on the current act playing. They looked not much older than Jace and I and what surprised me were they were a swing band. They were currently singing the familiar tune of I'll Make Love To You that is originally sung by Boyz ll Men - an ultimate classic.
They weren't bad singers at all but Jace can, and with no doubt, sing way better than anybody here. Except for me because I'm awesome.
The crowd had their arms around their partners' shoulders and moved left to right slowly. Jace took me by surprise and placed his arm around my shoulder as he joined the crowd in going left to right. I swear, I heard him muttering the lyrics too.
I'll make love to you, like you want me to.
I joined in the singing too. No doubt, this song has always been a favourite of mine. It's a favourite of everybody's really.
And I'll hold you tight, baby all through the night I'll make love to you, when you want me to.
I smiled, I don't know why. Perhaps it was Jace's arm around my shoulder or it was the fact the song was about sex and boy, That's something I've lacked in recently.
The song came to an end and the audience clapped and cheered. the group left the stage and instead, a man came on.
"Next up, Jace Chapman!"
Jace's arm left my shoulder and instead, coldness just replaced the comfort.
He shuffled through the crowd and unzipped his bag and took out a beautiful acoustic guitar that was black on the outside and faded into a wine red as it reached the middle.
He swung the strap over his head and plugged in the lead to his guitar. After adjusting the mic and bringing the round wooden stool close, he spoke.
"This song is called Superman, it's kind of special and a nice song for all you happy couples out there."
And with that, he commenced, taking a breath before adjusting his fingers to their correct places and strumming quietly so it doesn't drown out his voice but loud enough for everybody to hear.
There are no words to paint a picture of you girl,
His voice was just, it was better than the first time I heard him sing. It was rich and deep but also sounded boyish.
Your eyes and those curves, it's like you're from some other world,
He glanced to me and I noticed he tried to not break our laughing. Perhaps he was embarrassed because I'm the only person he knows here because everybody else here it's out of town.
He crowd was silent and all focused of Jace. He looked calm and now completely in focused on his music. His eyes darted from his guitar to the glass doors to the empty wall on the left and then to the bar.
It's like he's avoiding all eye contact.
The song went on and it was beautiful, might I add. It was a nice song choice but I wondered what made it 'special' like he said.
If I could be your superman I'd fly you to the stars and back again, 'cos every time you touch my hand you feel my powers running through your veins.
I tried making sense our if the lyrics. Who's hands did Jace touch? Oh god, he's serenading and it's for a girl, like it's clearly pointed out in the lyrics.
So I'm just gonna write this song and tell you that I'm not that strong because I'm no superman, I hope you like me as I am.
My heart literally dropped to my stomach. I expected this, it's not like he said he was gay and I guess I just...expected it but I really didn't want to believe it.
Lighten up Zach. It's the lyrics, of a straight lyricist and artist obviously, I thought to myself.
I guess it was pretty stupid of me to think that but then again, it might not be.
He finished up the song, with me melting at each word. His voice was just so calming and so addictive and then his guitar playing was incredible.
With each strum, I felt the need to pick up a guitar myself. It looked like a lot of fun. It's better than the year of piano lessons I've had (and I had that when I was ten) and I've pretty much forgotten everything I've learnt now, I wasn't too into classical music so I just left it and instead, took an interest in rap.
The crowd cheered and hollered like a bunch of hyperactive teenagers. I joined in the cheering as well, of course.
Jace carefully unplugged the lead from his guitar, bowed and exited the stage. The same man from earlier got on and announced the next act.
I felt a prod on my shoulder and turned to see Jace looking down at his shoes as if they were the most eye catching and glorious things in the world.
"That was amazing," I grinned at him. He met my eyes and chuckled. "No really, it was just... Oh my god it was perfection."
"Who's the special girl then?" I asked, though it pained me to even mention it.
"Umm," he smiled a little and turned his head to look into the distance on the left of him, though there was nothing there. He turned his head back. "Can't tell you."
I shrugged it off,it's not like I wanted to know right?
"What do you wanna do now? We're out of town.." He asked.
"Insidious 2 in the cinema, big screen." I grinned for obvious reasons.
"We are not going to watch another bloody insidious."
"Fine fine..." I sighed and starting walking out the door, Jace followed.
"The football's on, can we please stay and watch? Pleaseeee?" I begged.
He snorted. "You're such a boy. That's like ninety minutes long, no way."
I huffed, "god you're so bloody irritating."
He gave that look that screamed 'bitch please'. "Let's go... ice skating."
This guy.
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