《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Plan In Motion


♪───O Dedicated to Avis Morgan! Thank you! O────♪

~Chapter Twenty-One~


"Where are we going, Cayden?" Addison asks softly from behind me as Im walking around to get my things.

"I told you, a meeting."

"Will I go in with you?"

"No, of course not. That's why I told you to grab your colored pencils and paper and anything else to keep you entertained." I rolled my eyes and went inside my room. I heard Addison packing things inside a bag. "Don't forget music or your laptop for movies." I called to her. She's hot as hell, but sometimes so irritating.

I heard a car pull up. I walked out and took Addison's hand. The backseat to the car was wide open. I helped Addison inside before getting in myself. I introduced her to the guys before we drove off.

"Desmond said not to bring anyone," Drew spoke to me. I scoffed.

"This is my first damn time. He can deal with it."

"Drew's right though," Cade, in the passenger seat, said.

"She's not coming inside. She's staying in here." I looked at Addison who was busy listening to music.

Cade and Drew exchanged glances before looking back at me.

"Is she potty trained?" Cade asked, looking over Addison.

"Addison, is her name, and she's seventeen. She knows how to use the bathroom."

"Just making sure." Drew hummed and looked back on the road. Addison leaned against me, her arms gently wrapping around my left arm. She kissed my shoulder, since that was closest. I smirked at her and brushed my hand through her hair. She was a good girlfriend, all in all.

Shivers ran down my body when her soft fingers trail down my chest. A soft, playful growl vibrated my chest, making Addison giggle.

"Could you guys not? Your hormones are already making me dizzy, I don't want more." Cade snapped and opened the window. Addison blushed and hid her face into me.

"You're just jealous, Cade." Drew snickered. "You can't even get a girl to look at you nicely."

Cade glared. "I can too!"


"Yes huh!"

"Nuh uh."


"Stop." I snarled. "You're voices are driving me to the point of insanity." And they both shut up. It was quiet for the rest of the ride.


"Stay here, baby.." I kissed Addison's lips. "I'll be back soon and we can go shopping after."

Addison nodded and gently played with my hair. "Will you have your phone on you..?"


"Can I have your jacket?" Addison looked up at me and puckered her bottom lip. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Of course," I easily slipped it off and gave it to her. Addison quickly pulled it on and gave me another hug before I went inside behind Drew and Cade. Everyone was sitting at the table.

"Ah, so nice of you to join us, Cayden," Desmond stood and shook my hand.

"Finally. The pack wouldn't get off my tail." I smirked and sat beside him. Everyone here was an outlaw... Banished by Jake's father, Lucian, throughout the years. Everyone but me. My father was banished, and I was alone. He fought to get back and take me, but ended up losing his life. I made a promise to avenge him and tear apart Lucian's pack and family.

Desmond sighed. He looked at everyone and smiled.

"Good. We're all here." He kept standing and opened his arms a bit. "Welcome. I've called you all here, for the time has come. Lucian is getting ready to allow his son to take place as Alpha.." He began ambling around the table slowly. "We've tried other things to breach the family pact, but none have been successful. We need ideas.." A thin, blonde girl around the age of twelve raised her hand.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Desmond smiled. I felt my eyes roll. Of course his daughter had an idea.

"Why don't we just... Shoot Lucian and them when they do the ceremony? We'd kill them and everyone would fall apart---"

"Serena." Her mom interjected. "You know very well what would happen if we do that, and we will not gain anything." Desmond nodded.

"It's true, sweetheart.. Nice try." He looked around. "Anyone else?"

Cade cleared his throat. "Does anyone know if Jake has imprinted?"


"If he has, I know who." I replied. Desmond looked up at me and smiled.

"You know? Who is it?"

"A boy. His name is Nathan..." I paused. "He's a pushover and relies on Jake." My lip curled up into a smirk. "Jake is overprotective... He's nothing without Nathan."

Serena gasped. "And if we get Nathan, Jake will do anything to get him back!!" She grinned evilly.

Drew rolled his eyes. "But how do we get him here? Jake, if he's smart, would've told him about us." Cade nodded.

"And we all know Cayden isn't friends with that boy." Cade looked right at me. Then, it hit me.

"No... But I'm dating his best friend." I felt myself smirk. "If anyone can trick him, it's her."

Desmond came to me and pat my shoulder. "Good man. Where is she?"

"In my car!" Drew whined. Desmond glared at him before yanking him up.

"Quit sniveling like a weak pup and get her in here!" He shoved him toward the door. Drew went outside and brought Addison in a few moments later. Addison looked startled. I quickly took her hand and pulled her close.

"Welcome," Desmond smiled. "I'm Desmond, a friend of Cayden's."

"H-Hello.." She whispered. She had her hands in a death grip on my hand and shirt. As Desmond explained everything, Addison became protective. "What?! No!!! I won't help you kidnap my best friend!" She glared.

"No, no, no dear." Desmond smiled. "We just want Jake to make a deal with us. Just bring him to us this Friday. Nathan will be treated as one of us, I promise."

Addison watched him. "He won't get hurt..?" Desmond shook his head.

"Of course not. We won't lay a finger on him." Addison looked up at me to help make the decision. I nodded slightly. She swallowed hard.

"O-Okay.." Desmond smiled more.

"Good! But, if you tell anyone about this, I will be forced to have you killed. Got it?" Addison's eyes widened. She shakily nodded and didn't look away. Desmond pat her head and looked at everyone. "It's settled, then. Everyone back here on Friday, and get ready." We all nodded. "You're all dismissed."

Cade smiled at me. "You ready? We can finally get back at them.." I nodded.

"Hell yeah."



Hey guys c: I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I was put into the hospital for a week or so and school is making me want to shoot myself in the leg xD

Also! I chose Avis's cover because its quite adorable. However there was another entry! I can't forget about her!!! Maddy (ilovedance321), do not be sad that I didn't choose yours

Anyway, I'm loving the comments and how I'm getting more popular. Like, hell! 94 followers?!?! You guys are amazing c; I know it's not much of a number on here, but it means a lot to me!

And I want to clear a few things up since rumors are going around and some people just don't understand the story...

•"It's going too fast"/"Slow it down" >

To this, I say you need to read what I've said to people in the comments before. However, people don't want to listen to me so I'll put everything here: If a werewolf imprints (Jake did), then he or she is bound to that person FOR LIFE. Jake knows he loves Nathan with all his heart, and isn't afraid to show it. Nathan on the other hand has had nothing like this, being loved by someone else who loves him romantically. He thinks this is normal to say "I love you" or other intimate showings so early in a relationship. Werewolves are a complicated species.

•"The story has/is ending soon" >

NO. The story is not ending and won't be for a while! Whoever has started this rumor is making more work for me to tell everyone it's not ending. I can assure you at least TEN more chapters.

All of this is making me want to pull all my hair out. PLEASE just read ^ and everyone will be happy!

So, thanks for being kind and reading that. If you have done nothing and have been an absolute angel, thank you

Don't forget to....







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