《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Love?



"Who are you talking to?!" Cayden's voice rang down the hallway. I panicked and stood up.

"I'm sorry," I barely whispered before hanging up on Nathan. My body shook as Cayden's thundering steps came my way. He told me not to speak to anyone today on the phone... And I deliberately disobeyed. Cayden stormed into the room and glared at me.

"Who. Were. You. Talking. To?" He growled, his words dripping in anger. I swallowed hard.

"N-Nathan.." I whispered and looked down. A sudden blow to my midsection sent me tumbling to the floor. The pain came in waves, each one numbing me more than the one before it. I gasped out and looked up at Cayden who was towering over me. He huffed and his clenched fists relaxed.

"Addison. Didn't I say that today would be where we don't talk to anyone else, and spend time together?" I paused. He did say that. I swallowed hard.

"Y-Yes, you did..." I whispered, trying not to choke up from the lingering pain. My head hung down, my blonde hair that was becoming grayish hid my face. Cayden sighed before kneeling down and picking me up. He held me close and lovingly, kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry, baby... But I want to spend time with you... And our electronics don't make that possible." He whispered to me, swaying a bit. That was true... My phone was always on me and I was always getting notifications. I nodded and wrapped my shaky arms around his neck, bringing us closer. I heard his heartbeat; it was slow and relaxed. I closed my eyes and just listened. Every night, that heartbeat would be what lulls me to sleep.

"I'm s-sorry.." I whispered back. Cayden rubbed my back and kissed my hair.


"I forgive you.." He murmured. "Let’s go watch that movie, yeah?" I nodded and held on as he walked toward his living room. I usually wasn't hit by Cayden; he was fairly kind but when I disobeyed or made him do something I'd be punished...

I leaned into Cayden, resting my head on his collarbone. He smelt amazing... He was the picture perfect boy. My hand went to his chest and clutched his shirt. My stomach's pain made my whole body numb, unable to feel much.

Cayden sat in his big, leather chair and sat me in his lap. He held me close against him. I was so in love with him... More than I had been with anyone else. That first date just was the beginning. My father first met him, and it went so well...


I walked in with Cayden at my side. In my mind, I was hoping for my dad not to be home... But lo-and behold, there he was, on the couch with my mom. He stood up, and instantly a pit formed in my stomach. Cayden was comfortable. He smiled at my father and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Quinn. My name's Cayden." Cayden spoke in a relaxed tone, smiling. He seemed so comfortable, although my father was huge with muscle. My father's body seemed to relax. He allowed him inside.

Once at the table, my mom who was still looking like she was about to pop with my baby sister was bringing in food, Cayden got up and helped her. It was unusual for him to be so proper... My father seemed to be impressed as well.

While we ate, Cayden kept up with the proper manners. You could sense my father becoming more comfortable with him...


"So, Cayden. Do you have a job?" My dad finally broke the silence. Cayden nodded.

"I work at a Les Schwab in town." Cayden smiled a bit. "It's been great since we've had all this snow." My father nodded.

"A lot of people buying snow tires?"

"Yes, sir. But most come to get their tires exchanged or oil fixed or something of that sort. Most people who know Alaska are smart enough to get snow tired when they first get here." Cayden sipped on his water. My father nodded.

"Since you're dating my daughter, does my family get a discount?" He raised a brow and watched him.

Cayden paused. "Maybe I could find some way." He nodded and took another bite of food. He swallowed it and looked at my father. "I'm sure I could find a way."

My father nodded and kept eating. My sister Ayden was at a practice while my little brother was at a friend's house. The table was kind of... Quiet. My mom never said much.

After dinner, Cayden had to go back home for a "family issue". He hugged me, his strong arms wrapping around me gently as if one wrong move could snap me in half. He shook my father's hand and went to his motorcycle. I listened as the sound of the motor got quieter the further he got.

"Nice boy. He's allowed to come over." My father said, breaking the silence before going into the kitchen to help my mom with the dishes.

At least my dad accepted him. That was what I was afraid of...

*End of Flashback*

Cayden's chuckle brought me out of my thoughts and into reality. I looked up at him, watching his eyes glue to the screen.

He did love me.

If not, he would've dumped my ass a long time ago.

After all, I should feel lucky. He's dating someone after he lost Jessica.. He's loving again.

And he love me.

I can feel it...



Hey my fabulous readers(:

I'm so sorry for the wait. After finals, there was a class schedule change and then Christmas and other family her together's. I had no time to write.

I quickly whipped this out, mostly for my Addison fans

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Anyway, don't forget to...



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