《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》I'm Not What You Think I Am


Nathan (One week later)

I never went back to school. My mommy took me out and started me on an online school. Kellyn is paying for the internet bill and the computer. I feel like a nuisance, I’ve just been getting in the way. Also, I don’t see Jake very much. He comes after school and spends all night with me, but… I can’t seem to think that that is enough.

Jake has a date planned for us today. He said he’ll skip school for it, and I don’t mind if he does or not. Stupid or smart, I love him for him. Of course I’m nervous, but I can’t let out my nerves. Adi has been with that Cayden guy, and doesn’t talk to me a lot. It’s weird. Jake’s told me she’s a lot quieter, and she doesn’t seem happy. Every time I try to talk to her, she just had to go do something important… And I thought I was important to her.

My new phone (that Jake bought and pays for) vibrated on my bed right beside my head. I’ve been trying to get used to the iPhone thing, but it’s so… Complex. Adi’s seemed so easy! It kept vibrating until I pressed ‘answer’.

“Hello?” My voice sounded like crap. What can I say? I’ve been sleeping.

“Hey, my most amazing boyfriend,” Jake’s voice said to me. I felt myself smile.

“Hey, Jake.”

“So, I’m setting up for our date right now. Do you think you can be ready in… An Hour?” An hour. Then, it would be eleven. I hummed.

“Yeah, I can… Where are you taking me?”

“Well now, if I told you, it wouldn’t be special.” He laughed. Oh, how I loved his laugh. I felt myself smile a bit.

“Yeah, you’re right,” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Do I need to bring anything?’

“Nope. Only your adorable self,” he chuckled. I heard a few random noises in the back. I stood up, and went to the bathroom, making sure I had a clean towel to dry off with after my shower. “So, I’ll be there to pick you up in an hour and not a minute later. I love you,” and he hung up. I guess he was busy getting ready. I turned on the water to warm and stripped down before going in. As I put soap in my hair, I caught myself singing the song Jake had for me on my teddy bear. I could only chuckle to myself and keep showering.

I was happy I could go on a date with my boyfriend… It was amazing being able to say that. MY boyfriend. We had already been through so much together… This has to be the ‘true love’ I read about in fairy tales and fictional stories. But this wasn’t fictional, or a dream. This was real. This was what my mom wanted for me.

As I stepped out of the shower, I dried off quick. I had spent a while in the shower, when I could’ve been using this time to get ready for the date I had! I ran to my room and got dressed into nice clothes. It was snowy outside, but a good day for being in Alaska. I grabbed my phone and jumped onto my bed. I dialed in Adi’s number and listened for her to pick up.


“N-Nathan..” She whispered softly.

“Adi! You answered! Where have you been?” I brushed my damp hair back. She didn’t answer for a moment, and her breath became more panicked. I lost my smile. “Adi…?”

“I can’t talk right now, Nathan… I-I have to g-go..”

“No, Adi! I haven’t spoken to you for a week!! Don’t hang up!” I jumped when I heard a male’s voice in the background ask who Adi was talking to. “ADI!” I started to panic, too.

“I’m sorry..” She gave a yelp before I was hung up on. What was going on..?! She always had time for me! I quickly shoved on shoes before sprinting to the door. As I opened it, Jake was standing there, his hand up like he was going to knock. He looked at me and gave a relaxed smile.

“What’s wrong, Nathan? You okay?” I quickly shook my head.

“ADDISON!! SH-SHE-SHE’S--- WE’VE GOT TO--!!!” I couldn’t finish my sentences. Jake placed his hands on my shoulders and tried calming me.

“Whoa, Natey… Chill, Adi’s okay,” his hand went to my cheek and gently caressed it. He leaned in and kissed my lips gently. “Maybe she was just busy.” I opened my mouth to speak again but Jake put his finger over my lips. “Hush. It’s our date day, remember? Let’s have a day with no worries.” I felt myself relax.

“You mean like… Hakuna Matata?” I giggled. Jake chuckled and hugged me.

“Well, yeah, just the gay version,” he kissed my hair and led me out to his car. Once inside, we were on our way to the mystery destination.



I could tell Nathan was nervous. It was cute, but I wish he could be relaxed around me… I’ve seen everything. His flaws, his scars, his dark side. I could never leave him. Ever. I love him too much, and I’d die without him.

Nathan’s voice softly started singing as the radio in my car came on. I looked over at him and took his hand. He looked up and me and smiled adorably. I brought his hand up and kissed the back of it. His eyes watched me as I did so. I smiled back up at him.

“Hey.” I kissed his hand again. “I love you.” I chuckled softly as his cheeks went red. He smiled a bit and glanced down.

“I-I love you, t-too...” I kissed his cheek before putting my car in drive. I was taking him to my favorite place here. The viewing point. It’s beautiful, and it’s a pretty day out. I have lunches packed and even a blanket. It needed to be relaxing, for I was going to share my biggest secret with him. He deserved to know. I was willing to give up my real identity… That I was not a normal human.


“Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful up here!” Nathan said happily, jumping out and going to the metal fence at the end of the cliff looking over the cities and forests. A light amount of snow swirled around us as we stood there, watching. Nathan’s small hand held mine and his body leaned against me. My heart was pounding as we neared the time that I would tell him what I was.


Soon, we sat on the hood of my car and cuddled with the blanket I brought. Nathan was happily eating the PB&J I had made him and the bag of Cheetos in his lap. He was wrapped up in one of my heavy sweatshirts to keep him warm. This weather didn’t bother me much, I didn’t get cold easily. The snow had stopped falling, but it was kind of windy up here. Nathan gave me a bite of his sandwich and rested his head on my shoulder. He sighed.

“Jake?” He asked softly. I looked down at him. “Do you think… Gay marriage will ever be legal?” I paused. No, I didn’t think it would… But, every boy or girl could dream… I kissed his hair and nuzzled him.

“Honestly, no… But what I do know is okay, is that we can almost be married, but it won’t be legal.” His eyes widened and looked up at me.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean like, we can still get each other rings and stuff, it just won’t be signed and on paper.” I smiled and looked into his eyes. “No one can stop us from doing that.” A smile formed on his lips.

“Right,” he giggled and finished his sandwich. He drank from the bottle of water beside us as he nibbled a cheeto. I needed to say it before I lost my chance. A lump formed in my throat, almost stopping me from talking.

“Nathan… You love me, don’t you?” He looked up at me like that was a no brainer.

“Course… No one has ever treated me as nice as you’ve treated me. No one else compares, honestly…” Those words didn’t help me become any less nervous.

“Would…” I paused. “Would you leave me if I was different from the other people around us..?” Nathan looked up at me in surprise.

“No! Being different is what makes you unique.” I gently took the water bottle from his hands.

“Nathan… I’m not what you think I am.” I paused and watched his face. He anxiously waited for me to continue. “I’m not human… I’m a… A werewolf.” Nathan watched me, then started laughing nervously.

“Y-You really got me on that one!!” My chest tightened. I was not joking.

“Nathan… I’m not lying or playing around.” I watched as his face went blank. He didn’t know what to say.

“Y-You m-mean… You’re… A REAL werewolf?” I swallowed hard and nodded. He was going to run, I just knew it. My inner wolf was getting anxious… I nearly jumped out of my pants when he squealed. “No way!!!! Like the ones in Twilight?!” I blinked. Twilight? What was that? I shrugged.

“I guess so.” Nathan squealed and jumped onto me.

“I can’t believe it!!!! That’s so cool!!!!” He hugged me tightly, squeezing me. A rush of relief went over me. He wasn’t afraid, and he didn’t run away. Not only that, he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever. I wrapped my arms around him and held him.

“So.. You aren’t afraid?”

“I mean… Yeah, I am, I just… I love you, and it’s kinda cool to have a werewolf boyfriend… Like WAY cooler than having a vampire boyfriend, that’s for sure.” I scoffed.

“Right? I mean, vampires are cold and violent. Gross.” Nathan giggled and kissed my chin.

“Right. And, I love you.”

The rest of the time we spent there, he lay beside me as I told him stories about myself, and family. He was so interested. Soon, it was getting colder, and Nathan was freezing to the touch. We got back inside the car after packing back up and we went to the coffee shop. He got a huge hot chocolate, and I couldn’t help but get the same. He told me I couldn’t drink mine until we got to his house so I would stay longer. If only people weren’t so cruel, then I could spend all day with him…

Once inside his house, he went straight to the heater and turned it up. He got a blanket and we sat together in front of it. He kept getting whipped cream on his nose that was still slightly red from the cold outside. I guess sitting in front of a heater is more romantic than a fire if you’re with the person you truly love.

“Jake? Will you stay over..?” I paused. I wanted to so badly…

“Yeah, but I’ll have to go to school tomorrow though…” I kissed his hair. He watched his hot chocolate cup and nodded.

“I know,” he murmured. I smiled a bit and kissed his cheek too.

“I’ll come back for lunch though, and afterward, we can take your mom out to dinner. She needs a relaxing day, don’t you think?” Nathan’s lips formed a cute smile.

“Yeah, I do. We should go to… A fancy restaurant… She’s only been there a few times when my dad was still here.” I chuckled and nodded.

“Okay. Fancy restaurant it is, then.” I nuzzled him and kissed his jaw. Nathan giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

“I love you, my wolfy boyfriend.” I laughed and tickled him lightly.

“And I love you, my amazing hooman.” I liked his cheek, causing Nathan to shriek. Tonight was the best date night I’ve had with him…

And I desperately wanted to be the one to give him a ring first.


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