《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Jessica's Story and Cayden's Secret


~Chapter Fourteen~


I watched Cayden flirt with Addison, using his tricks the same way he did with my sister. The exact same way. He touched her arm, wrapped his arm around her and complimented her like there was no tomorrow.

My stomach was twisting with anger, watching them. Nathan didn't know about Cayden, but if he did, he wouldn't want Adi with him... Not at all.

"So, I was wondering if you were free tonight," Cayden's voice broke my thoughts. I looked up at them, and a small growl vibrated my chest. Adi's cheeks turned pink. She swallowed what food she had in her mouth, and then nodded.

"Of course...! I mean, yeah... I don't do any activities after school..." Adi blurted. Cayden smirked and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"I'll pick you up around five then," he whispered and stood. Addison blushed more and watched him walk away. Once he was out of the lunchroom, she squealed and looked at me.

"I have a date!!!!" She giggled happily and finished her diet soda. I rolled my eyes.

"You can't be serious. Cayden? He's a bad person, Adi... He'll hurt you," I said, biting into my pizza crust.

"Shut up, Jake! Be happy for me! I've never had a date before!" My eyes narrowed.

"I don't care, Adi!! I'd prefer, and Nathan too, if you never had a date, then to go on a date with Cayden!" Adi looked at me, obviously offended.

"What's so bad about him?!" She yelled at me. I opened my mouth to say something, and then someone cleared their throat LOUDLY. I glanced back to see Liam. He shook his head, and then pointed out of the cafeteria.

That'd probably be smarter....

I stood and tossed away the rest of my lunch. I stuffed the rest of Adi's lunch into her lunch pail, then pulled her outside. I glanced around to see if anyone was around before speaking.


"Do you REALLY want to know what's so bad about Cayden?" I whispered. She nodded. I took a deep breath, then looked down. "Do you remember Jessica? How she died in that car accident..?" Adi nodded. I swallowed hard. Don't get emotional! "It was Cayden." Adi shook her head.

"No... It was just a freak accident, Jake... For some reason, God chose to take Jessica and Not Cayden..." My heart ached.

"NO, ADI!!!! IT WASN'T JUST A FREAK ACCIDENT!!!! Cayden let Jessica fall asleep in the car, then he released the breaks and let her go down a hill to her death!!!! He KILLED her!!!" I paused to clear my voice. "He only looked all cut up and bruised because we had a fight right after.." I glanced down, trying to hold back tears. "And... And before then... He always beat her... Hurt her..." I sniffled a bit. "I always saw the bruises and cuts, but she always told me it was from soccer!" Tears filled my eyes as I looked at Addison. "Please... Don't fall for his charms.." Adi watched me, then her eyes narrowed.

"That's real sick, Jake..." She pulled away from me. "Why don't you hang out with me again when you won't be an ass." And she turned around, walking away. I swallowed hard, and looked away. She didn't believe me.

I needed to go... Be with my mate and relax...

I grabbed my keys and ran to my car. Screw school, my mate is waiting! I started my car, then sped off, my wolf howling in excitement to see him.

I really do love my Nathan.


Author's note:

Yes, this was a short chapter. Deal with it ^^

I couldn't do any of this without all of you!!!

*Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors*

Thanks for reading and supporting me and another chapter will be up shortly!



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