《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Talk With Kellyn and Cayden Picks Another Target


~Chapter Thirteen~


After my mom had gotten home last night, I told her what had happened at school...

But I never told her about what I did to myself. I knew it'd hurt her too much.

She told me that she'd get me all my schoolwork for the week, so if I wanted, I could take off another week. It seemed like a good idea... But Jake still had to go to school.

Ever since last night, I couldn’t stop thinking about Jake... He was always on my mind... The way he had held me.. Gave me my first hickey. My mom either hasn't noticed it, or doesn't want to ask. It doesn't hurt, but as always, it's sensitive.

My mom had to work all day again today, so I was going to be alone until she got home. I didn't mind it. I get to shower with the door open, leave the seat up, and even walk around in my underwear! I'm free!

I got up from my bed, throwing off my covers. I glanced at my clock and smiled a bit. 7:18. I have until six until my mom comes home. I'm not sure if Jake will be coming after school... But I would love if he did. Shuffling to the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn't know what to have for breakfast, but my stomach growled loudly. It was talking to me...

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tummy. Are you hungry?"

"Yes! Go get me some breakfast!" I said, making my voice deeper.

"Okay, Mr. Tummy. I will." And I walked out, going into the kitchen. There was the usual cereal and toast, but that didn't sound good. I kept looking around, and found pancake mix. If I make pancakes, I can freeze them and have them tomorrow or some other morning. My mommy taught me that. I decided to do just that, and began to make pancakes.

I was softly singing the song Jake recorded onto my teddy bear, doing a small dance as I flipped pancakes. I shrieked when there was a loud bang on the door. A pancake fell from my spatula and landed on the floor. I whined loudly, causing the front door to open. I heard heels clicking, and a lot of rustling. I picked up the pancake and held it, then looked up.


Kellyn saw me, and squealed. "BABY BROTHER!!!!!" She ran at me and hugged me tightly. I smiled happily and held onto her, pancake still in hand. I haven't seen my sister in forever. Kellyn kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair. "Mom told me to come visit you... She told me about school, too," she took the pancake and put it in the trash. I paused.

"Oh, she did...?"

"Yeah..." She took the spatula from me and began flipping and finishing up the last of the pancakes. I looked down.


"But, don't beat yourself up, okay?" She offered a small smile to me. "People are so cruel, but you can't let their words get to you... I know it hurts.. It hurts like hell, Nathan, I'd be lying if I sugar coated it..." All I could do is nod. Kellyn had a rough time in high school too...

"Yeah.. I just.. It got to be too much at once.." I whispered. Kellyn put the finished pancakes aside, and then hugged me.

"I know, sweetie.." I felt her lips touch my forehead. My tummy growled loudly again, and Kellyn giggled. "Why don't we eat and talk." I smiled a bit and nodded, getting Kellyn a plate and cups. Kellyn filled the cups with milk, and I got the syrup. We sat next to each other at the table, and began to eat. "Nathan..?"

"Yeah..?" I looked at her.

"I talked to mom, as you know... And she said that the fight between you and Aaron was brutal.." She sniffed a bit, watching her pancakes. "And she said that he commented viciously about your body..." I stiffened.

Suddenly, all the wounds began to open back up. All his words echoed in my mind. I whimpered softly, and nodded a bit. Kellyn gently leaned into me.

"Natey.. Are you wanting to change?" I paused. I wanted to change, right? If I can't change my sexual orientation... Maybe I'll be liked more if my body is irresistible... Like Jake's.

"Y-Yeah.. I am.." Kellyn smiled a bit.

"I can help you... I'll buy you a membership at the gym and I'll take you every morning and night, and I'll help you." She paused for a bit to eat her pancakes. "And I'll help out mom with getting healthy food for you, so you'll get faster results." She looked at me. "But you have to be strong... So strong, Natey..." I nodded a bit.


Maybe if Jake came too... I'd be more motivated to keep going... And then I won't be teased anymore.. Or embarrassed...

"I-I know... I want it, Kellyn... So bad.." She ruffled my hair.

"Good! How about we go tonight, and we can spend the day together?" She smiled at me. "We can get your Chai Tea and my Macchiato and go to the duck pond." I smiled wider.

She always knew how to cheer me up... To help me feel normal... Like Jake does. I nodded and ate more of my pancake. She kissed my forehead and smiled. "We'll leave in an hour... So, go get ready!" We giggled before I finished off my breakfast, and went back to get ready.


I was wearing what Adi had bought me from Buckle a while ago, trying to fit in with Kellyn.

We were on our way to the coffee shop, and listening to the radio. Kellyn smiled at me and rubbed my shoulder.

"We need to do this more often!"

"Please!" We laughed, and she parked in front of the shop. The one Jake and I had our first date at...

We got out and got our drinks. Thank god Cissy wasn't working that day... We walked out and decided to walk to the duck pond. It was only a block away. My Chai Tea was perfect for the cloudy day. Kellyn had her fru-fru drink, that I never liked.

We sat on a bench and watched the slightly frozen pond. Ducks were waddling about, quacking every once in a while.

"So, have you found anyone yet?" Kellyn's voice finally broke the silence. I blushed.

"M-Maybe.." She giggled and looked at me.

"No way!!! Who?!"

"His name is Jake..."


"And... He was my first kiss.."

"So cute!" She gently hit my arm. "I miss this, Natey.." I nodded in agreement.

"Me too.. I trust you, and I miss you.." Kellyn smiled a bit and hugged me sideways.

"I wish I could visit more, but my work is a pain in the ass. IN my ass." She smirked, and I finally got it.

"Oh.. A gay joke.." She laughed.

"Sorry, I just had to." I smiled.

"Thanks for visiting, Kellyn.." I glanced at her. She nodded.

"Of course..."

And we kept talking... For hours...

Just me and my sister.



School was so boring without Natey!!!

He was so fun and everything, but school has now become a battlefield for him... So many people hate on him, and it breaks my heart.

I've done my best to try to stop it, but kids are cruel. It won't stop unless being gay will ever be considered "normal".

I was going to my locker to get my lunch. It's been Jake and I without Nathan, but we're always checking on him. I was suddenly bumped into by a hard body. Mmm.

I looked up and saw Cayden. I smiled a bit.

"Hey, Adi," he smirked and leaned in a bit. "Mind if I join you for lunch? I know Jake isn't a big fan of me, but.. I'll keep my distance.." This was odd. Cayden had never paid attention to me, but he was sure attractive. Didn't want to lose the chance.

"Sure!" I opened up my locker and grabbed my lunch before walking with Cayden to the lunchroom, where we met Jake at a table. Jake seemed uneasy, but his mood didn't really change.

Cayden kept flirting...

Maybe... He likes me?

I hope so...

Because I've always had a secret crush on him.


Author's note:


Thank you all who keep spreading the word about this story

Anyway, hope this was decent and please excuse all grammar and spelling!



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