《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Marking What's Mine


~Chapter Twelve~


"Nathan...?" I asked in a raspy whisper, falling to my knees. He couldn't die... Please, God, don't take him away...

My shaky hands gently went under his body, easily picking him up and cradling him close to my body. Tears had stained his cheeks, along with a few smears of drying blood. I kept looking him over, wanting a movement... A noise... Something.

The scent of blood was literally soaking his clothes and hands. What had he done...?

A little whimper escaped Nathan's lips, making my heart race. He didn't die... I watched as Nathan's eyelids struggled to open, but they soon revealed Nathan's blue eyes. He looked around, then at me.

"J-Jake..." He whispered, and tears came to his eyes in an instant. I shifted so I could hold him closer, feel his heartbeat and hear his breath. I leaned down and kissed his cheek, drying a few tears that had fallen.

"Natey... What happened...?" I asked softly, pulling back to watch his face. "You weren't there for lunch... And you never came to me for a ride home." He wasn't looking at me, but I could already see so much raw emotion and terrible sadness ready to spill from his mouth into words. He sniffled as he gripped my shirt tightly, shaking a bit.

"Th-The-They kn-know..." He whispered, more tears falling. I didn't really understand. What did he ever have to hide?

"Who knows what...?" All of a sudden, he went into full sobs, his body jerking as he gasped for air. I felt a lump form in my throat. What had hurt him so badly..?

"TH-THEY KNOW I-I'M G-GAY!!!" He cried hysterically, still not looking at me. "TH-THE NO-NOTES! TH-THE MARKER! THE BL-BLADES!!!!!!" My heart stopped. Blades.

Nathan's mother had told me all about his past years of high school and even in middle school. The cutting had gotten bad back then, but he was getting better... Or so we thought.

I gently took hold of Nathan's shoulders, forcing him to look at me. "Nathan... Natey, please, I need to know..." My hand instinctively went up and gently cupped his cheek. "Calm down, and tell me what happened... No one can hurt you while I'm here..." That seemed to be what he needed... A little comfort. He sat up and wiped his nose with his sleeve. I know this is a bad time, but that was so damn cute.

"P-People at sch-school..." He started softly, keeping his eyes low. "Th-They know I-I'm gay... A-And now they're tor-torturing m-me..." He swallowed hard, and looked to the side. "Th-They wrote all over m-my locker... T-Telling me to go to h-hell... T-Threats t-to kill o-or b-beat me... And na-names.." My heart ached. People were bullying him like this, just because he prefers to be HAPPY with another guy. What was so wrong?

"A-And they g-gave me a gift.." He whispered again, looking at his bag. I felt one of my eyebrows raise.

"A gift?" I also looked at his schoolbag before grabbing it and searching its pockets. I felt Nathan's eyes as he watched me search for whatever they had given him. After a bit, I came up with a small box. I glanced at Nathan to see if it was what I was looking for. He nodded a bit. I glanced down at the box and saw the writing. My anger level rose. I could almost just hear their voices speak the words they had written on the lid:


"Do us all a favor and end your life"

I quickly lifted the lid and peered inside. I almost screamed in rage. Inside, a blade lay perfectly on a small bed of cloth. As I looked at it more, I realized the blade inside wasn't centered. There had been another. I looked at Nathan and set the box down.

"Nathan...? Where is the other blade at?" I asked, looking straight into his eyes. He glanced down beside his bed. I got to his side and looked over the floor.

I picked up the second blade and held it up so I could see. Dry blood was splattered and dripped all over it. And that blood was Nathan's. He started crying again, pulling my attention from the blade, to him. I set down the blade onto the floor again and stood, reaching down and picking up Nathan like a child. His arms were wrapped around my neck as I brought him to the living room and turned on lights. I set him down, onto a couch, and crouched in between Nathan's legs.

"Nathan... Where did you cut yourself?" I asked softly, holding his hand and rubbing my thumb over his fingers, trying to calm him. Nathan spluttered a bit as he lifted his sleeve and showed me his right wrist. There were too many cuts to count. Blood had dried around them, and his skin was red and puffy from the blade. This wasn't all.

I looked at him more intently. "Nathan.. Where else?" He started crying harder.

"I-I can't l-let you s-see...!!" He started curling up into a ball. I caught his good arm and held him.

"Nathan.. Please, I want to help..." I almost felt like crying myself. I've never seen anyone this upset, and the fact that it was my mate made the feeling worse. He waited a bit before shakily grabbing the hem of his shirt.. I slowly helped him slip off his shirt over his head, and looked over his torso. It looked like something out of a horror movie. Even more cuts than before decorated his body, blood dripping and spilling down to his pants. I felt tears brim my eyes.

How could people be so cruel?

I quickly got up and ran to get a towel soaked with hydrogen peroxide. I came back and started dabbing the cuts gently, watching bubbles quickly form over the dry blood and cuts. I was too focused to realize I was crying as I was cleaning him up.

"J-Jake..?" He whimpered, making me look up at his face. He swallowed hard before blinking, more tears falling. "I-I'm so-sorry..." I could barely contain anything. More of my own tears fell, making me clean him up faster.

"Shh..." I gently hushed him, cupping his cheek and watching him. "Don't be sorry... This isn't your fault..." I leaned up and kissed his forehead, cleaning the blood from his cheeks. He started to calm more, making more eye contact with me. I got up and grabbed bandages and wraps, washing my hands so I didn't hurt him.

He barely flinched or winced as I started bandaging up his cuts. I always kept looking up at him, waiting for him to tell me to stop, or to say something else, but he never did.


I finished bandaging him, and then sat beside him, pulling him onto my lap so I could hold him better. I pressed my lips to his cheek, rubbing his back. He felt so hurt and broken...

"Jake.." He whispered, making me look at him again. I watched his cheeks turn pink. "M-Make me forget..." He commanded softly, his shaky hands going to my shoulders. I had an idea for what he may have been asking for...

"Nathan... How?"

"K-Kiss me."

My heart sped up. I nodded a bit before shifting, moving his legs so he was closer against me. I watched him as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I felt instant electricity. I let my lips clash with his, stroking my tongue over his bottom lip, making him shiver with need.

My hands went to his hips, gently holding them and pulling him closer against me. I gently nibbled his bottom lip, causing him to gasp. This gave me enough time to sneak my tongue into his waiting mouth on a mission for his. When our tongues met, it was like I had died and gone to heaven. Nathan didn't put up much of a fight for dominance as we kissed, but I didn't really care. He was mine and no one else's.

Nathan's hands trailed down my front, getting me a lot more excited than I ever have before. He gripped my shirt and tugged a bit, wanting it off. Gladly. I helped him slip my shirt off, and I watched him as he let his eyes look me over.

Nathan clashed his lips to mine again, becoming a lot more confident than before. A lustful growl vibrated my chest, earning a cute whimper from Nathan. His whimpers started to become louder, setting off every cell in my body, wanting to make him mine. My hands made their way from his hips to his cute butt, slipping into his back pockets and holding him. His body shuddered, almost begging for more.

"J-Jake.." He moaned into my mouth. My wolf was whining in impatience. He desperately wanted to make Nathan ours... Mine!

Nathan whimpered shyly as he wrapped his arms around my neck, playing with the tiny hairs of my nape, making me feel like I reached nirvana. I could barely think, and my wolf was begging to take over, but I wanted to enjoy this more... I bit Nathan's bottom lip, feeling his huffing breath and racing heart. The heart of an angel..

I pulled back and trailed kisses down his jaw, listening to his uneven breaths as he tried to control himself. He leaned against me harder, trusting his safety with me, whimpering again. I nipped at his neck, able to hear his rapid heartbeat pulse in my ears..

"Oh, god," he whined, squeezing his eyes shut. Another lustful growl escaped my lips and against his neck, causing him to whimper in impatience.

I buried my face into his neck, nipping and sucking all over his neck. He shivered beneath me, moaning and grabbing onto me. My nostrils flared as I breathed in his unmistakable arousal, making my wolf howl. NOW!

I smirked and sucked hard on the base of his neck. I felt my incisors begin to come out,. Nathan arched his back and into me. Dammit, I was done for!

I trailed my tongue against his collarbone, his breathing getting heavier. He had to be mine... MINE! I growled with need as my canines poked the base of his neck, causing him to stiffen and moan again.

"J-Jake...!" He moaned into my ear. I couldn't take it. I went back to his neck and licked him again, causing him to turn his head and give me better access. I opened wide and bit down onto his neck, causing him to cry out. My wolf howled loudly, being as happy as I was.

Nathan's sweet blood filled my mouth, sending my instincts over the edge. I moaned softly, suckling as he moaned softly with me. Suddenly, Nathan whined and moaned uncontrollably, grabbing and holding onto me. His adorable face was red, tears still in his gorgeous blue eyes.

I smiled a bit as I felt his body strengthen with mine, becoming one together. I felt invincible, like no one could ever tear us apart. Nathan whimpered in my ear, his body beginning to shake. I slowly detached my teeth, panting against his neck. I licked him a few more times, healing my mark. Nathan whined a bit, panting hard and limply leaning into me.

I stumbled back onto the couch, letting Nathan lay on me. I pulled back and looked at him. His face was red with embarrassment, but it was so damn cute. I kissed his lips one last time, smiling to myself as I heard our hearts begin to synchronize. There, as we tried to catch our breaths, we became true mates.

"J-Jake... I-I love you.." He breathed, closing his eyes. I smiled and kissed his hair.

"I love you more.." I whispered and nuzzled him, bring him close. I watched him as he soon fell asleep, but every once in a while, he'd whisper out my name.

This couldn't have been more perfect.

I rubbed his back, able to hear his thoughts as he dreamed. Nathan was so perfect to me… I wanted to keep him on a pedestal just for me.. Everyone was just jealous that he wasn’t into them.


Author's note:


*Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors*

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!!


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