《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》The Hell Begins




~Chapter Eleven~


I was able to rest one more day, which meant Adi, Jake and I, had missed yet another day of school.

To my dismay, I was woken up at six am by the familiar sound of an alarm clock. Groggily, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My mom soon came in after, holding a cup of juice and some Advil. After I had woken up, Adi told my mom what had really happened. She wasn't as upset as I was expecting. She said that she was content that we had tried to solve it on our own, and saved her some grief. She had actually gone to Jake's mom and thanked her. I gratefully accepted the cup and pills, tossing the sheets from my body. Today wouldn't be all bad... I'd get to see my best friend, and best of all, I get to see Jake.

My Jake.

He was the one who decided to drive me home once I had fallen asleep yesterday. He left me a cute note, saying how he'd be waiting to pick me up for school.

"--- I'll get home around eleven, so I left some money for you for dinner," that was all I heard my mom say. I glanced at her as she was grabbing me a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I glanced outside. Snow.

"I'm sorry, Mommy.. What'd you say?" I asked like a child, standing and ruffling my hair. I still had too many bruises to count, but I was getting better. My mom glanced up and smiled.

"I have to work nightshift, as well, tonight. I'm leaving money for you," she handed me my clothes. "Also, I asked Jake if he could stay with you." My heart sped.

"Y-You what..?"

"Asked him to stay tonight. I really owe him for what he did for me for you.." She smiled. "And, I don't want you to lose this one," she winked and walked out. My face was INSTANTLY red.

Jake... Staying... With me... ALONE?!

I nearly fainted. I had to sit on my bed and wait.

Was my mom insane?


Jake had picked me up, just like he said, and drove to school. He smiled at me as he parked.


"I'll drive you home, too, since I'm staying anyway," he turned the keys and shut off the engine. He then looked at me, and stole a quick kiss. "I love you." My cheeks went RED. I smiled shyly and looked down at my bag.

"I-I love you too.." I whispered. Jake grinned and ruffled my hair before stepping out. I followed, and people looked over and stared. I glanced up at Jake, then people started to murmur.

Oh, god.

I followed Jake like a lost puppy to the front doors. As we approached the main office, he stopped.

"I'll meet you by your locker for lunch, alright Natey?" He smiled warmly. I blushed and nodded.

"O-Okay.." He chuckled and gave my head a kiss before walking off. I watched him for a bit before someone bumped into me.

"Move it, fag," he snapped in disgust. My heart stopped. Fag..? Wait, how did he know I was gay?! I panicked and held my bag tightly before scampering to my locker. I reached out to the lock before black ink had caught my attention. I looked at my locker, and a lump formed in my throat. Words of absolute hatred were written all over the door of my locker, including threats and hopes of myself being sent to hell. Tears filled my eyes.

How did people know?

I never told anyone that would tell others...

My thoughts were broken by a familiar snicker. I quickly turned to see Aaron, who looked a bit beat up, Baxter and another guy I didn't know. Aaron twirled a black sharpie in his hand.

"Shame. The fag looks like it's gonna cry," he grinned and the others laughed. "If you go die and are sent to Hell, maybe it won't hurt so bad."


Since when did I become an object?!

I tried holding back tears as I watched them. My world was now turning... People had found out.

Aaron tossed the pen to me, and it hit my chest. He pushed me into the locker before walking away. I stumbled and hit the metal, wincing in pain. My shaky fingers opened my locker, and instantly, thousands of folded up notes fell to the ground. They all had "Fag" and "Queer" and other hateful names written all over them. My breath caught as a little box fell to the floor. I got down and slowly picked it up. I opened to the box, and there laid two blades. Two, sharp, vicious blades.


They wanted me to cut myself...

I clutched my bag and the little box as I started sobbing. People started laughing and pointing as I stood and ran to the bathroom. I pushed past a group of boys and hid back in a bathroom stall. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked over the box again. There was writing on the lid of the box.

"Do us all a favor and end your life"

They wanted me to die... To suffer... To leave my mommy forever.

It didn't really seem like a bad option... Everyone would hate me if they found out I was gay... And I would suffer here...

My fingers reached into the box and held a familiar metal blade. I shakily lifted the sleeve of my shirt and the sharp edge caressed my wrist. "I-I'm sorry..." I whimpered. More tears fell as I drug the blade deep into my wrist. I watched as the scarlet drops dropped to the floor, splattering on the faded blue tile. Warmth took over my wrist, then a numbness replaced it. It was too familiar.

I shakily breathed in, bringing the blade back a few centimeters, and digging it in again. More blood colored the floor. I sobbed hard, wanting to be home. No one could harm me there... It'd be just me and my mommy...

My life was becoming hell...

Someone... Help me...

I whimpered as I kept cutting, going from my wrist, to my chest, then to my stomach.

I felt so hated... Unloved... And broken.

I couldn't tell how long I was in the bathroom until I hid the blade back in its box, and cleaned up with toilet paper. I never touched the blood on the floor... I shakily stood and pulled my sleeve down, hiding my arm. I hid the box in my backpack, and washed my hands from the blood. I couldn't have anyone see... Thank god I was wearing a black shirt.

I stumbled out and glanced at a nearby clock. An hour or so until lunch... I found my way to my classroom and opened the door. Everyone became silent and stared at me. I felt their eyes...

"Nathan! You are twenty minutes late!" Mrs. Lillian yelled at me, slamming her book shut. I didn't even flinch. I looked at her and swallowed.

"S-Sorry... I-I had uh.. A little accident..." I murmured. Mrs. Lillian came over to me and gently touched my cheek.

"Nathan? Are you okay..?" She asked me quietly. I couldn't tell her... I shakily nodded and stumbled to my seat. She watched me before reluctantly returning to her lesson. I could barely pay attention.. I glanced around and saw a note on my foot. I picked it up and read it.

"Lose enough blood to die yet?"

I swallowed hard and glanced up to see one of the guys I had pushed past to get to the bathroom earlier. I shrugged to myself and let the note fall.

That's it.

I grabbed my bag and stood, walking out and ignoring Mrs. Lillian. I made my way to the front doors and stumbled out, falling face first into the snow. I whimpered and shakily got back up, resuming my mission to get to safety..




Nathan never came to me. Not for lunch, and not for a ride home.

My wolf started to worry, yelling at me to get to his house to see if he had gone home himself. I agreed and got into my car, speeding away to Nathan's house. I was worried... What if he got hurt?

I quickly pulled up to the empty driveway and sprinted in, yelling for Nathan. The extreme scent of blood instantly filled my nose, but it wasn't just any blood...

It was Nathan's.

"Nathan!!!!!" I screamed, running through the house. I went to his room and slammed through the door. My eyes stopped on a figure lying on the floor...

And the scent of blood was stronger and way worse than before...

And it wasn't moving.


Author's note:

*Please excuse all spelling/grammar errors!!*

Also, keep spreading the word! More votes and reads, the faster I will update(;




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