《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Our Sweet Lullaby



~Chapter Ten~


After I had woken up, Jake did everything to make sure I was comfortable...

Everything hurt. Badly.

I watched Jake as he came back through the doorway and smiled a bit. He sat beside the bed and gently held my hand. He had a bowl of what it looked like applesauce.

"Hey, Natey..." He murmured softly, using my nickname. "I brought something easily eaten for you. And I brought a bottle of Advil up here, just in case the pain gets too intense..." I smiled weakly a bit. He was being so sweet...

"C-Can I ta-take two n-now?" I stammered, pain edging my words. He nodded and got out two. He sat beside me and helped me swallow them. He slowly bent over and kissed my cheek.

"I was so scared... I thought I lost you..." He whispered. "I wouldn't have been able to live anymore if you had died.." He breathed in shakily as he held me close. "I'm so sorry... I-I should've done something sooner..."

I leaned into him, hiding a wince underneath my bangs. "I-It's not your fa-fault... D-Don't blame yourself..." I whispered, slowly looking up at him. He looked so hurt... I swallowed hard before gently pressing my lips to his jaw. He paused, then smiled at me.

"I love you, Natey. I honestly do." That just made my heart melt. He loved me... He gently nuzzled my hair. "You hungry, Natey..?" He whispered. My stomach suddenly growled, right on cue, as if it was answering Jake for me. He chuckled lightly and grabbed the bowl of applesauce. He took the little spoon and scooped up some applesauce. "I hope you don't mind, but I put cinnamon in it..." His cheeks were a little pink. "I always have this when I'm feeling bad or crappy." I smiled.


"I've nev-never had it th-that way..." I whispered, then accepted the spoon he offered to my lips. It slid onto my tongue and it was really good... I've always liked applesauce, but... The cinnamon made it better...

A phone vibrated, making Jake and I flinch. He chuckled lightly and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Jake! I'm on my way!" She sounded like she was driving FAST. "How's Nathan?"

I watched Jake as he spoke with her. I shakily tried eating by myself, holding the spoon tightly. I licked my chapped lips before taking another spoonful. It tasted literally like heaven.

Jake nodded and said goodbye before hanging up. He smiled at me. He gently took the bowl from me, and smiled bigger.

"You ate it all.. That's a good sign.." He kissed my cheek again. "Addison's on her way to see you.." My eyes lit up.

"A-Adi?" He nodded.

"Yup. I called her when I was getting you applesauce.." He held my hand. "Are you still hungry?" I paused, before smiling shyly and nodding. He smiled at me before getting up with my bowl.


Adi had gotten to Jake's house not too long after her phone call. She sped in and slid to a stop in the room I was in. She smiled and shrieked my name before running to me to give me a hug.

The Advil had taken affect, so her hug didn't cause me too much pain. I held her, closing my eyes. I stiffened a bit when Adi's body started shaking a bit. I glanced at her to see that she was crying. I held my breath.

"A-Adi..." I whispered. She wiped her cheeks, but the tears were just replaced.

"I-I'm sorry, Natey... I just... I thought we had lost you..." She sniffled and kept wiping her tears away. Seeing her cry always made my heart ache. I swallowed hard as I held her tighter.


"I-I wouldn't ha-have gone so easily.." I whispered to her. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I brought you a present...!" She giggled to me. Jake smiled.

"I pitched in, too.." He said softly.

"Of course," Adi giggled. "Wanna see it?" I instantly felt nervous. A present? I slowly nodded and Adi went to a bag. She pulled a light brown teddy bear with a heart stitched onto its tummy. Adi smiled as she held it out to me. "Here..."

It was so cute! I felt it's super soft fur as I gently held it. It had a bow around its neck that said, "From Jake and Adi<3".

"Press the tummy," Jake smiled. I nodded a bit before pressing onto its soft tummy. I felt a little box, and pressed it, too.

"I love you, Nathan!" Adi's voice cane right after. "Forever and always!" I smiled. It was so sweet... I opened my mouth to say something, when Jake's voice was next.

"I love you, Nathan," he said, his perfect smile pictured in my mind. "I heard this song the day of our first date, and I instantly knew it was for me about you..." And there was a pause before Jake started playing If by House of Heroes (Jake sounds like Tim Skipper! :D). I listened, and tears came to my eyes. I slowly looked up at Jake, and he was lip singing the words as the bear played it.

No one had ever done something like this... For ME.

I couldn't help but cry more. Jake and Adi cuddled and comforted me. Being in Jake's arms made me feel safe... Wanted. I closed my eyes and leaned into him, a sleepy feeling taking over my body.

Adi whispered something to Jake, but I couldn't make it out. She kissed my forehead before walking out. Jake stayed at my side and rubbed my back, softly humming.

His voice was so comforting...

"Jake.." I whispered. He paused and looked down at me.

"Yeah, Natey..?" He whispered back.

"I.. I love you.." My cheeks turned red. He smiled and held me tighter.

"I love you more." He kissed my cheek. And with that, I fell into a deep sleep.


Author's note:

*Please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes if any have been made!*



For you who want to hear Jake singing If by House of Heroes, go to the video -------->




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