《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》A Miracle and a Beating


~Chapter Nine~


It's been two days... And Nathan hasn't shown any sign of waking.

My stomach growled loudly as I stayed at his side. I haven't accepted any food, water, or sleep ever since I brought him home.

My mom took the responsibility of bandaging up and treating Nathan. He hasn't made any noise besides his labored breathing. His eyelids twitch every now and then, but I don't ever see another sign that he's awake, or here.

I fear the worst as our time is dwindling down. Addison is trying to cover for us to her best ability, but soon she'll run out of excuses, and Nathan won't be with me...

"Jake... You must eat... You're hurting yourself," my mom's soft voice broke my train of thought. I looked at her as she was holding a tray of food and water. "Please..." I just shook my head. That wasn't fair. Nathan couldn't eat or drink... So I won't either until he does. I heard a small sigh as she set the tray down and left the room once again.

Tears started filling my eyes as I looked over his battered body. Who knew how much damage Aaron had done...? I gently placed my hand over Nathan's and felt his pulse. It was slow, but he was still there.

"Nathan..." I barely whispered. "I'm so sorry..." I broke my mom's rule and crawled onto the bed with him, gently holding his limp body. "Please.." I gasped out softly. "Why couldn't it have been me..?" I pressed my lips to his temple, a few tears slipping down my cheeks. My wolf was whining in pain, begging me to do something to help.

But I couldn't do anything.

"Nathan... Nathan, please... I wanna see your eyes again..." My hands started shaking. "Please, Nathan... Wake up... Show them you're stronger than they are and wake up..." I couldn't help but cry harder.


My Nathan... My soul mate... My life...

"Dammit, Nathan, wake up!" I yelled, watching his face. Still nothing... Blank. Emotionless. Not my Nathan...

Not my Nathan...

When I finally had him... Right when he finally learned that I actually loved him... Some assholes had to ruin it.

I looked at Nathan's face again, and swallowed hard. "Nathan... I'm begging you..." I pulled him close and buried my face into his neck. "Wake up.."

We sat there for a while. I kept talking, trying to get Nathan to do something. Anything. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart.

I only had a string of hope left when I heard a whimper. I abruptly pulled back to look at Nathan. He whimpered again, and his eyelids opened a tiny bit. I watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed.

"J-J..." He whispered. My heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah... Yeah, Nathan... It's me..." I whispered, gently brushing hair from his forehead. He smiled weakly and a shaky hand reached up and touched my cheek.

"I-I..." He paused. "I'm... So so-sorry.."



"I'm sorry, Mrs. Greene, but Nathan still wants to stay with me..." I lied, my fingers twirling my hair around them.

"Are you sure, Addison?" His poor mother sounded so sad. "He's never been away for so long without telling me..."

"I know, but... He just wants to help me with my homework.."

"Oh, Addison... You and your schoolwork..." She paused. "Just have him call me later..."

"Of course, Mrs. Greene... Thank you!" And I hung up. Why me?! I've been lying non-stop to so many people! But it's for Nathan... My best friend... My gay brotha!

He hasn't woken up for two days... And only because he likes the same gender! My Daddy had to defend me in court yesterday...



"Hey, Aaron!" I screamed, my shoes clicking against the sidewalk. I saw his smug face as he turned and grinned at me.

"Adi baby!" He got closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. He leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I shoved him away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" People who were walking by stopped and stared. "You beat up my best friend!!!" Aaron paused.

"Oh, you mean.. The chubby blondey who happens to be gay?" He smirked. My heart ached. I don't even know what happened, but I felt my hand collide with something, and it made a loud SMACK. I opened my eyes and saw a red mark start forming on Aaron's cheek. He laughed lightly in disbelief.

"Whoa, Adi.." Aaron reached out to touch me again.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!!!" I screamed and pulled out the pepper spray Daddy gave me and sprayed it all in Aaron's eyes. He yowled and tried to cover his face, but that only made me angrier. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?!" I took a step back before throwing a fist into his face. I watched him as he stumbled back.

"A-Addison, I---" He stammered, gently touching his cheek.

"I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT ME!!!!!" I stumbled a bit as I took off my heels and chucked them at him.

"I-I do, Addison---!"

"NO YOU DON'T!!!!!!" All of a sudden, I had thrown myself at him and started hitting and slapping and kicking. He deserved it... He hurt Nathan...

Bystanders watched for a while before trying to intervene. Many tried to pull me off of Aaron, but I just had this instinct... To protect... He harmed Nathan!

Eventually, I was yanked off and held by two men. Police. I wasn't sorry. I watched as a few helped Aaron up, and talked to him. My Daddy was called, but he didn’t sound angry..

*End of Flashback*

We went into a trial for assault, but my Daddy was on my side the entire time. He was used to me defending Nathan's back, and he always supported me when it dealt with Nathan. I should've been suspended about seven times now, but my Daddy was able to change their minds. Nathan was my brother from a different mother! I HAD to protect him!

I laid my head down on my desk and tried to think. I was running out of lies to use for Nathan's absence, and parents would find out.

And the one who'd be most hurt, would be Nathan's mom.

She knew he'd have trouble, and so she tries to treat him as nice as possible... But it's hard to look at her face when she hears about her baby boy being beaten or made fun of. It makes your heart sink...

My phone vibrated next to my foot. Someone was trying to call me. I reached over and picked it up, putting it on speaker as I answered. "Mrs. Greene, please... I'm at work..."

"Nice job, Adi. It seems as if you haven't run out of lies yet."


"Yes! Addison... You won't believe me when I say this..." My stomach dropped.

"What?! What's going on?!" I cried out, tears coming to my eyes. He hasn't died, has he?

"He woke up, Adi... And he's talking and eating..." A tear slipped down my cheek. He was okay... My best friend was okay...

"I'll be in over in a bit."


Author's note:


Please excuse spelling/grammar if any mistakes have been made!

And always,




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