《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》The First... And Homophobics Too


[Please excuse all spelling/grammar mistakes IN ADVANCED!!!!! And yes, there is some offensive language; please forgive me!!!]



~Chapter Eight~


I couldn't stand it.

In the middle of the movie, I excused myself to go to the restroom.

I couldn't do it...

It's been almost twenty minutes...

I sat in one of the stalls, crying into my knees. I didn't care if anyone could hear... I'm already looked down on. I curled into a ball and tears kept falling.

Why was I so stupid?

Of all people, Jake wouldn't love me... I'm the child only a mother could love... I wasn't perfect. I wasn't like everyone else. I didn't have the hot body. I didn't have the looks, or a good personality. I'm just... Nothing.

And above all... I'm in love with a boy that will never love me.

Many thoughts kept filling up my mind, drowning out my sobs. I pulled my hands up to my face, trying to almost hide away from the world.

I could feel the burning all over my body as I remembered pulling my blade across my skin... All the scars... All the hurt.

Why couldn't I be normal and love a girl?

Why did I have to reside in this body?

Why did I have to be me?

I could barely breathe with how hard I was crying. I only ever cried at home. My fingernails scraped against the floor as I tried sitting up to help me breathe better. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I felt really hot.

That voice keeps speaking to me, yelling at me... Telling me everything I've already called myself.

It's right, though.

I heard the door open, making my whimpers quiet down a bit. I swallowed hard, more hot tears streaming down my face. My hands held my arms tightly, my chest convulsing every other moment as I hiccupped for air. Whoever was there couldn't care less about me... So why did I care if they heard me?

The steps came closer, and paused right before the stall I was in. I squeezed my eyes shut, begging under my breath for them to leave.

But they didn't.

"Nathan..?" Jake's voice called out to me. My eyes widened a bit. Jake. I swallowed hard and watched the door.

"Y-yeah..?" I murmured softly, my hands shaking violently. Of all people, Jake was going to see me cry..

I stiffened up instantly when he gently wiggled the stall door, unlocking it. Damn crappy locks!!!! I could still feel tears streaming down my face as I looked up at him.

He looked really hurt. He slowly got down in front of me and gently brushed some of my blonde hair away from my face. I watched him, more tears falling as the voice kept tormenting me.

"Nathan..?" He slid his hand down to my cheek, catching some of my tears. "Are you alright? Did I do something wrong..?" His eyes scanned me over. Of course you did nothing wrong... It's me. I swallowed, trying to get the big lump out of my throat.

"N-n-no..." I barely whispered. My shaky hands gripped my shirt, more tears falling. Jake's Adam's apple gently bobbed as he swallowed too.

"Nathan.. What's wrong?" He whispered. I looked down.

"I-I-I... Y-you.. I-I can't be l-loved..." I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut. Now he knew... He didn't move.

"Why not, Nathan?" He whispered softly.

"I... I-I'm not like you.." My voice cracked. "I-I-I can't.. I-I'm m-messed up..." I couldn't help but cry harder. Jake's breath caught.


"Nathan... Don't say that..." I shook my head.

"Y-you don't understand!" I cried out. His body gently jerked a bit by my outburst. My body was shaking violently. "I-I'm messed up, Jake!!!!!"

"Nathan... Please, stop..." He gently pulled me closer... And hugged me. He actually hugged me. I felt my eyes widen. His body started shaking a bit. Was HE crying..? I swallowed hard and looked up at him. "Don't say that about yourself..." He begged softly, his voice not as strong as before.

"B-But, Jake... I---" I couldn't finish. Jake took my shoulders and leaned in, colliding our lips together. I sat there in pure shock, my body freezing. Thoughts in my mind became blurred as Jake's lips actually moved, his hand gently going to the back of my neck to deepen the kiss.


Jake Atkinson.

Was. Kissing. ME.

My heart sped up as I gave in, closing my teary eyes and participating in my very...





His lips were so soft and warm.

It set my blood afire.

My wolf was excitedly howling, wanting to mark him as ours. Mine.

When he gave in and kissed back, I felt absolutely infinite. He was perfect.. Why couldn't he see that?

My hand instinctively went to the back of his neck, my other going around his waist and pulling him closer to taste him more.

I wanted to explore what was hidden behind his light pink lips.

I gently bit his bottom lip, causing him to softly gasp, giving me enough time to collide our lips again and let my tongue take over.

I could barely keep control over myself.

When my tongue hit Nathan's, he moaned softly, his adorable face getting redder and his grip on my shirt tightened. Mine.

I pulled him onto my lap, not parting from our kiss. He was softer looking, making him even more irresistible.

I smiled a bit when one of his shaky hands went to my hair, gently holding on... Like it was the first and only time I would ever be able to touch him.

Nathan pulled back a bit, breathing hard. "J-Jake... W-wh-wha--" I gently held a finger to his lips.

"Shh.. It's okay..." I whispered happily. I offered a warm smile. "Nathan... Don't say things like that... I don't see anything wrong with you... You're perfect," I held him close, his head resting on my collarbone. I heard him whimper softly.

I had to help him...

The one I was born for.

The one I was meant for.

I kissed his cheek, his sweet scent surrounding me. His body was still shaking, but it seemed to be calming down. I'll make him know that I love him.

"I love you, Nathan.. I know that that seems crazy... But I do. I love you, and everything about you. I couldn't be with anyone else.." I whispered close to his ear, rubbing his back comfortingly. "And I hope you accept me, Nathan... Because now... I'm proud to become your everything." He looked up at me, his blue eyes still teary. He looked surprised.

"You... You mean it?" He whispered softly, his hands still gripping my shirt. Maybe I was going a bit too fast, but I couldn't help it. I wanted him to be mine. All mine. I nodded and pulled him closer, nuzzling his neck. His breath caught, and his body shivered. I smirked to myself.

His neck was sensitive.

"I mean every word," I whispered, my lips gently grazing against the hot skin of his neck. I could already feel my incisors beginning to grow. I tried holding back, holding him. "I.. I don't want to leave you anymore, Nathan.. You mean the world to me now.."


Nathan's eyes created more tears as he held me, crying into my shoulder. But it wasn't a sad cry.

"N-no-no one's ev-ever t-told m-m-me that.." He whimpered, his body gently convulsing as he kept crying. I kissed his neck.

"I'll always be here now, Nathan..." I whispered back. I wanted to tell him what I was, but maybe it'd be smarter to wait. I rocked side to side, closing my eyes and letting Nathan lean on me.

He was hurt.

He needed to be shown real love.

I gently kissed his cheek again. He quieted down, and very cutely wiped his tears away. I looked down at him and watched, smiling to myself.

I am the luckiest man on earth.

Nathan soon looked at me, his bottom lip quivering slightly. I smiled a bit, gently cupping his cheek.

"Why don't we go to my place and watch movies? It'll be more comfortable, and no one will be home... And we can hang out," I suggested softly. I smiled more when he nodded a bit. I gently kissed his lips again...

And he smiled.


I was able to get our money back, not like we needed to, and walked out together. Nathan's cheeks were still red from his breakdown, but I didn't mind. His cheeks are cute. I glanced up, and saw the movie store. I smiled and looked down at Nathan.

"Natey? Wanna go and rent a movie?" I asked softly. He looked at me, and looked confused.

"Didn't you say you had Netflix..?"

"Well, yes, but I think going and renting one is fun, don't you? It reminds me of when I was a little kid," I laughed lightly. Nathan smiled a bit and nodded.

"Yeah..!" I grinned at his answer.

"Let’s go!" I gently ruffled his hair and started walking with him. It had gotten warmer from before, but it was still overcast. I glanced at Nathan, who's jaw was clenched. I gently touched his shoulder. "Nathan?" He looked at me, then smiled a bit.

"S-Sorry... I'm just cold..." He sniffled all cute like. Dammit. I couldn't help but smile. I took off my jacket and held it out to him. He looked at me, then gently grabbed it, quickly pulling it on and zipping it up.

We turned a corner, going into a small alley in between two small shops. I froze, and grabbed Nathan. My nose twitched as I looked around. Someone's here. I flinched a bit and looked up, seeing two big, muscular figures. Nathan instantly stiffened.

Oh, shit.



When Jake grabbed me and pulled me into him, I didn't know what to think. I watched Jake, and as his jaw tightened, I looked in the same direction.

The two figures stood there, and my body instantly froze.

My heart was pounding as I watched the two come from behind the shadows.

"I didn't think we'd see you here, pretty boy," one spoke. As he showed his face, I was appalled. Aaron.

He smirked and glanced at the person beside him. I squinted a bit to figure out who that was. Baxter.

They stood beside each other, arms crossed. Aaron looked us over, and then started laughing.

"Nathan?!" He was able to yell out. My body flinched. "Wait, you're gay too?!" Baxter laughed with him. Aaron was able to gain his composure and glare at me. "We don't need another faggot around here." Jake's grip on me tightened.

"Don't call him that," he growled at them. "He's a human being, too." Aaron scoffed, his arms crossing again.

"Don't get in on this, pretty boy, you didn't keep your gayness a secret," Aaron snapped. He took a few steps towards us. "Well, damn Nathan. I think it would've been helpful if you had told me you were a faggot when we were friends." His words hurt.

"I-I-I wasn't sure o-of m-m-myself then..." I murmured, my hands shaking. Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," and he popped his knuckles, and Baxter followed. My whole body started shaking. We're they really going to beat us up?

Aaron got closer, an evil grin on his face. My grip on Jake tightened, pulling myself closer. When Aaron pulled his fist back, Jake grabbed me and wrapped his body around me, making us drop to the ground. Jake hissed in pain when Aaron hit him in the head.

"What're you doing?! Get off him, faggot!!!!!" Aaron yelled, slamming his heel into Jake's back.

"No! I won't let you hurt him!!!" Jake cried out, holding me tighter. Tears came to my eyes. He was getting hurt... Because of me!!

"Ja-Jake...! Please..!" I whispered desperately. I tugged on his shirt. Jake shook his head, cringing again when Aaron kicked his lower back.

"I-I won't let him hurt you..." He whispered, choking a bit in holding back noises of pain. Aaron sighed.

"Fine." He snapped and I felt Jake be forcefully yanked off me. I screamed for him, reaching out to him. Baxter pulled him away and slammed his body into the wall. I watched as Jake's arms are held behind him, and Baxter pulled him up, making him face me and Aaron. Aaron chuckled and grabbed my hair, pulling me up. A cry of pain filled the air, my hands reaching up and trying to pull my hair back.

"Wow, Nathan," he whispered in my ear, holding me painfully. "You're such a bitch." I watched as he took a step back, them quickly forward and I instantly hit the graveled concrete. My cheek burned, and I cried more as my tears hit that spot.

"Pl-please, Aaron!!!" I cried out, trying to scramble back. I faintly heard Jake yell for me, but all I could see was Aaron's figure coming towards me. He reached down and grabbed the collar of my shirt, lifting me up and slamming me back onto the brick wall. I couldn't breathe...

"So, this is the Nathan I was friends with," Aaron growled, then threw his fist into my stomach. My body heaved, causing me to cough. "Disgusting fuck." He whispered eyes dark and narrowed. I gasped for air, my body shaking.

"A-A-Aaron.." I whimpered, tears streaming down my face. His hand went to my stomach, making a face.

"Not only gay, but chubby, too. Could you be even more messed up?" Aaron used his forefinger and thumb to pinch my stomach. A whimper escaped my lips.

"Stop!!! There's nothing wrong with him!" Jake screamed, trying desperately trying to get free from Baxter. Baxter pulled back and collided his fist with Jake's cheek. It happened too quickly... Aaron chuckled.

"Oh, but EVERYTHING is wrong with him," Aaron looked at me, pinching me harder, causing my body to flinch. "And you," he paused to chuckle darkly again. "Well, your poor mother will have to pay for your medical bill, you revolting fag." And everything became a blur. He let my body drop, and began beating me mercilessly.

I couldn't even scream.


Why was I so hated?

I never created problems... I stayed out of people's ways and business... I was independent...

What did I ever do to deserve this?

Everything started going black, and all I could feel is absolute and utter pain. My vision began to blur, and I could faintly hear and see Jake.

But then he wasn't there.

I heard snarls and yelps...

And then silence.

A dark figure loomed over me, then whined, nuzzling me. It was soft. Warm... I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

I felt my consciousness slip away, and I heard, felt, and saw nothing more.




And PLEASE forgive me for the language!! I LOVE YOU, GAY COMMUNITY!!!<3<3<3



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