《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Seeing A Movie... And Insecurities Come In


[~Slight trigger warning~]


~Chapter Seven~


Nathan was so shy.

He's just... So cute. His blue eyes can barely stay on me without his cheeks turning red. I gazed at him for a while.

"Nathan?" I called out softly. Nathan's head snapped up, his face red.

"Y-yeah..?" He stammered, his foot tapping the floor. SO. CUTE. I smiled comfortably.

"You're alright... I won't bite." At least not yet. Nathan smiled nervously a bit and nodded.

"R-Right... Sorry..." He ran his fingers through his blonde hair, glancing away again. I took a sip of my coffee, watching Nathan as he awkwardly drank his. I cleared my throat a bit, mostly to make sure my voice wouldn't crack.

"So, Nathan.. How old are you?" He looked young, but I doubt he's as young as fifteen. I saw Nathan swallow hard.

"S-Sixteen... M-my birthday is at th-the end of Ju-July, so I-I'm younger..." He spoke softly, glancing at me every other second. I smiled again.

"Oh, you're the baby," I laughed lightly, causing him to smile. "That's cool though. I'll be turning eighteen soon." Nathan glanced down at his coffee cup.

"Yeah... S-So... D-do you p-play any sp-sports?" He asked me. I shook my head, smiling.

"Nope. I tried, but..." I remembered how much better I was than everyone, being the werewolf that I am. "They didn't work out." Nathan nodded. "What about you?" I heard him scoff under his breath.

"M-my mom never had the m-money to let me do sports," he replied, spinning his coffee bean on the table. I nodded.

"Oh, well, are you wanting to do them?" He quickly shook his head. Oh.

"I-I'd be terrible... A-and I-I'm not very fit..." I saw pure sadness in his eyes. Did I say something wrong? I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, sports aren't that special anyway," I laughed a bit. Nathan looked up at me.


"Y-you think so..?" I nodded.

"Course. Sports are overrated, and too many people do them." I stretched a bit. "Hey, wanna go to a movie?" Nathan smiled a bit.

"R-really? I-I've only been in a theatre once..." He took another awkward sip of his tea. Adorable. I swear, I grinned the biggest I've ever done.

"Come on!" I stood and helped him up, walking out with him to my sports car. I took out my keys and unlocked it. I glanced back at Nathan, and he was just looking at me.

"I-I get to be i-in there?" He pointed to the passenger side door. I smiled.

"Yeah, I mean, if you want. We could walk there... I just thought we should drive cause its freezing.." I opened up my door. Nathan's blue eyes brightened.

"Y-yeah... O-Okay.." He slowly opened the door and he looked stunned. "Wow..." He whispered, slowing getting in and looking around. Maybe Adi's car isn't as awesome as everyone thinks. I got in on my side and smiled at him.

"Like what you see?" I laughed lightly.

"Are you kidding?! This is the coolest car I've ever seen!" Nathan exclaimed, doing a little jump with his body. That made me smile.

"You'll be riding in it a lot more..." I stiffened. "I mean, that is, if we become better friends," I laughed, trying to cover it up. Nathan smiled.

"I want to... Become better friends.." He murmured softly, shyly looking down at his coffee cup. I leaned over and gave him a quick hug.

"Good. So do I," I grinned when his face got redder and started up my car. I guess being in a rich family has its advantages. Maybe, if Nathan lets me, I can help out his family...

The sound of the radio caught my attention and I glanced at Nathan. "Do you like this kind of music?" I asked, turning the volume down a bit. Nathan shrugged.


"I don't have a certain type of music that I like," he glanced up at me. Oh god, those eyes. Like a baby deer's... A rare, blue eyed deer... I smiled and gently took his shoulder.

"Well, we better get to finding your favorite," I laughed again and buckled up, Nathan following me in doing so. We took off, and it was amazing.

Just me and him.

The way it should be.



It may just be me... But I don't think he's faking it. Unless he's super good at hiding it.

When he drove with me, it was pure pleasure. He was laughing... Smiling... Touching me. I started letting go after that. I danced the I best I could in my seat with Jake, laughing and singing.

He was taking me to a theatre. To watch a movie. WITH ME. It's like a dream that I don't ever want to wake up from. I don't care what we watch, as long as I'm with him.

I couldn't wait to tell Adi. She'd be so happy. She'd probably have another fangirl attack then bombard me with questions.

I loved being with Jake. I felt... Like I could be myself without being judged... Like I didn't need to be nervous.

Once we were there, Jake paid for my ticket to see The Avengers. It was a superhero movie, or something like that. We didn't get as many weird looks as I imagined while Jake and I were so close.

"Nathan? Do you want anything?" Jake's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked at him.

"Want what?" I asked softly. Jake pointed to the concession stand. Oh, god. I was instantly self-conscious. The stand had popcorn and candy and other things that were high in calories... I couldn't eat that stuff!! Not... In public anyways..

I shook my head. "N-no..." I said softly, looking down at my new shoes. Jake smiled comfortably at me.

"You can get whatever you want, Nathan... It's alright," he gently rubbed my back before stepping up there anyway. I followed him, keeping my eyes low. Jake then ordered a bucket of popcorn and a cherry slurpee. My stomach started twisting.

No! My mind yelled at me. You're fat enough! None for you! I swallowed hard. Then.. I shouldn't have any. Jake grabbed the cup and bucket and smirked at me.

"Let’s go in, yeah?" He gently nudged me with his hip, pushing me toward the theatre we were supposed to be in.

Not many people were in the theatre, so Jake picked two middle seats in the front. He sat down and rested his feet on the bars in front of us.

"Perfect," he whispered to me. I stiffly sat beside him, keeping my eyes low. Maybe if I didn't look at the stuff, I wouldn't feel bad.

That backfired.

Jake put the slurpee in the cup holder in between us! He leaned over and smiled at me, his goldish-hazel eyes sparkling through the low light.

"You can have some of mine, you know... I bought it for you, too..." He pulled back and leaned into his seat, looking really relaxed. I could only nod.

The room got darker and some commercials started playing. I'm guessing the movie is starting... I shakily looked at Jake whose eyes were on the screen. I looked back at my hands and bit my lip.

It's okay for him to eat it, not you. A voice snapped at me. I cringed a bit. You need to be skinnier if you ever want people to love you. I swallowed hard as tears came to my eyes.

That voice is right.

How could I be so naive?

Jake would never like me, or even love me...

That little voice is right...






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