《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Getting All Gayed Up


~Chapter Six~


Addison had gone through my WHOLE wardrobe, and couldn't find anything that she thought was acceptable for my first date.

The next morning, Addison woke me at seven. Just for shopping?! Eh, females be females, I guess. And since Addison considered me as one, I went with her.

I yawned, looking out the window of Adi's car. It was still dark out and a light blanket of fresh snow covered the sides of the streets. Addison looked wide awake and happy, of course after having her foofy coffee drink. Caffeine never worked in my favor. I either got REALLY tired, or I'd bounce off the walls.

My body's weird.

Addison pulled into the big parking lot where only a few cars were parked. She quickly got out and started flipping through her keys.

Side note; Adi's really special. We all know that. But did you know she owns keys to the mall? Well, she does. Bitches, be jealous.

Adi quickly unlocked the door and let us inside. She instantly started walking around, looking for the perfect store. We passed by so many places I couldn't afford in three years!

We eventually got to a store called Buckle. I've never even heard of it. But when we walked in, my jaw hit the floor. Adi laughed at my reaction and set down her bag.

"I have a lot of discounts on this store. Go ahead and let your gay instincts take over!" She giggled and started looking around for me. I passed by many jeans, some with really cool designs on the back pockets.

Would it be too gay to wear those? I hope not.

I grabbed a few pairs that I, personally, loved. Addison was already waiting by a dressing room with shirts in her hands.

"Alright, Natey, I chose a few shirts that I loved and that are SUPER cute!!" She set them down and looked over the jeans I had picked out. She hummed and smiled. "Good jean choices," she winked and shoved me into the dressing room.

Females. If you ever go shopping, don't take one.


After three hours of being inside the mall, we had seven bags full of clothes and I was able to get a lollipop from the candy store. It was RAINBOW!! Perfect gay candy... Besides gay bacon.

If you don't know what gay bacon is, I pity your life.

Addison got us to her car and stuffed the bags in. She smiled at me. "Who wants a haircut?" I blinked.

"A haircut? But, Adi... You always do my hair..." I said softly. She nodded.

"I know, but I want to get it professionally done for you. It'll stay perfect longer." She laughed and we sped away. I slowly took the sucker from my mouth.


"Adi... You've already spent a lot of money on me..." She reached over and slapped my chest.

"Stahppit. I'm being nice!!! I love you Nathan, and I wanna help you!!!" She said, almost hurt. I sighed softly.

"FIEN." I smirked.

I hid my face as Adi brought me into the hair salon. She spoke like she worked there and told the lady what "I" wanted. The lady, petite and blonde, took me into the back and started washing my hair.

I hope Jake likes my hair. God, I'm so gay.



I probably went through my whole closet full of clothes until I finally found something I thought was adequate.

I started spiking up my hair a bit, upset that it wasn't cooperating. I turned my face in the mirror to look for any scruffies I missed while shaving. I hate missing.

I grabbed my cologne that my mother bought me. It's not necessarily for me to wear, since my scent is already strong to the others like me, but for humans. I sprayed some over me, covering my nose. Quickly grabbing my cell phone and wallet, I knocked over a picture. I groaned inwardly and picked it up, glancing over it. My heart skipped a beat.

It's been four years... Since... Then.

I felt a lump starting to form in my throat; from anger, and unbelievable sadness.

My sister... Jessica.. I gently set the picture down, swallowing hard. Only everyone knows why I hate Cayden. They don't think he's guilty.... But... He is... He took Jessica away..

I shook my head, trying to shake off the bad emotions. I grabbed my keys and took one last glance at myself before shrugging on a jacket. I can't let the past interfere with my date with Nathan. I opened the front door and stepped out. It wasn't very sunny; of course it wouldn't be in Alaska.

I checked with Adi to make sure they were on their way to the coffee shop. Of course, Adi already had her fru-fru drink, but she'd go again. I smiled a bit and got into my car before I set my phone aside. I’ll make this Nathan's best first date. I told myself smiling. Starting the car, I turned on the music and pulled out my driveway. Oddly enough, the song reminded me of Nathan.

I'm in love.



I was shaking nervously as we approached the coffee shop. My hair felt light and beautiful, but I probably looked sick. I was gripping my new jeans tightly, my heart racing. Addison's giggle made me look at her.

"It's not like he's going to eat you, Nathan," she assured. "Just have fun!" I bit my lip.


It was my first date. EVER. I was having an internal freak out. I sat in the car, even after Adi got out. I heard her sigh and open my door.

"NATHAN," she said firmly. "Come on. Get out." I whimpered and unbuckled myself out of her car, slowly following her inside. I looked around. No Jake. I breathed a sigh of relief and stayed at Adi's side as we got to the counter.

The lady on the other side looked like she'd rather be in hell than where she was. She was absentmindedly chewing on her lip piercing, looking at Adi. She wasn't impressed. She forced an evil smirk at Adi.

"Why, hello, Miss Bitch," she snapped. I glanced at Adi and she crossed her arms, rolling her eyes.

"Hello, Devil's Seed. Is there any way I can get someone else besides YOU to serve us? I don't want to drink poison," Adi said very coldly. I swallowed and glanced back at the other girl. She grinned.

"You afraid? Awh, that's cute. Maybe you can get one of your boy toys to protect you?" She spat. Addison glared at her.

"I don't need protection from you, Cissy," Adi growled, keeping her arms crossed. "I just want a damn coffee."

"Oh, I'm sure. Want me to give you an extra shot of whore?" Cissy grabbed a cup and a sharpie. Addison's face got red.

"I'm not a whore, Cissy. I'm still a virgin, BY THE WAY," Adi snapped. I shifted uncomfortably. I've never seen Adi this way... What do I do? I swallowed hard and looked at Cissy again. She looked evil.. Scary. I put my hand on Adi's shoulder.

"Adi.. W-we should go to a different one... She's not worth your time..." I whispered to her. Adi looked at me, and instantly relaxed. She bit her lip.

"But... Nathan, she's--"

"I know... She isn't worth your air," I gently took Adi's hand, and glanced at Cissy before I led Adi away. I felt... Bad. Adi was always being pestered by Cissy, and she couldn't really do anything.

I took Adi out and to her car. She sighed softly, warm air spiraling above her.

"I-I'm sorry, Nathan... I-I can't be with you on your date," she looked down and took out her keys. "I can pick you up though." I nodded a bit.

"I'll call you..." I pulled her in for a hug. She smiled a bit and hugged me back. I kissed her cheek and let her go, watching her get into her car. She waved at me, gave me a thumb up, and then drove off. I waved back, my cheeks pink. I leaned against the building, waiting to see Jake.

It was getting colder, and I didn't bring a jacket; Adi said it'd look weird with my button up plaid flannel shirt. I swallowed hard and wiped my nose, checking for snot. Ew.

That was when a cherry red sports car pulled up beside the sidewalk in front of me. I looked up and watched as the driver door opened. My legs instantly felt like jell-o when his eyes locked with mine.


He smiled at me, and locked his car. Gently placing a hand on my shoulder, he held open the door for me. My face became really hot, probably red too. I awkwardly walked in, feeling his quiet steps behind me. My heart pounded once his arm brushed mine as he got beside me.

"Hey," he smirked. Oh, god. That smirk. I licked my dry lips and forced a small, nervous smile.

"H-hi..." I murmured, messing around with the front pockets of my jeans. He was so hot... How could I ever have a chance with him? He'd probably go straight before even thinking of being with me..

Cissy's voice cut me out of my pity-party and made me look at her. She was different from before. Happy.

"Hey, how can I help you?" She smiled, giving me the shivers. No wonder she went goth. She shouldn't smile. Jake didn't smile and ordered for himself, then looked at me.

"You can get whatever," he smiled. I swallowed.

"O-Oh..." I looked back at Cissy and ordered my favorite drink. Chai tea. Gay, I know. SHUT UP. Jake paid for our drinks and waited beside me for them. Cissy had been trying to get Jake's attention, but it was on me.

Had Adi asked him to be this way? Or was it really him?

Ha. I doubt it's actually him.

When my name was called, I blinked and looked at Jake, obviously confused. He laughed lightly and picked up my drink, putting on those paper holders before handing it to me. He smiled and grabbed his cup, leading me to a table in the corner. I shyly sat down, keeping my eyes on my cup.

He's actually here.

With me.

And... He doesn't seem like he's forcing his feelings...

Could he... Maybe, possibly... Like me?


Author's note:

There's some gay bacon on the side----->



Please excuse all spelling and grammar mistakes!



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