《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Set-Up Date


~Chapter Five~


Addison had a fan-girl attack, and then squealed in delight. I swear, all women are part banshee.

"JAKE ATKINSON?!?!" She screamed, taking my shoulders and shaking me roughly. All I could do is nod. She squealed again and grabbed my head, pulling me in for a hug.

A hug for Addison is shoving the bridge of your nose to the tiny valley curve between her boobs. She always does it, and when someone calls her out on it, she doesn't know she was doing it. See? Oblivious. However, I'm used to these "hugs" and just sat there. I cleared my throat as a signal to let go. When she didn't, that's when I knew I had to speak.

"Adi. Your boobs are suffocating me. I'd rather not die right now," I muttered, but it was partly muffled. She stiffened and pulled away, keeping her hands on my shoulders. She smiled sweetly.

"Sorry... I'm excited for you! Your first crush!!!!" She giggled happily. "You don't love him just yet, you like him!" I glared at her. Did I really say love?

"It's not my first crush," I murmured, looking down. Of course I was lying, but did Adi know? I heard her sigh softly.

"Stahp being a liar. I can see it on your face. He IS your first REAL crush!" Her words made my face redder, and I hid behind my hands. She laughed, then pulled back to sit where she had before I told her. I heard the small clicking sound of her typing on her iPhone. Damn, I was jealous of her.

I glanced at her from in between my fingers. She was smirking, and typing on her phone. She didn't look at me. I was officially scared.

"Adi...?" I called out softly, removing my hands from my face to look at her. She didn't reply. "Adi!" I whined louder, coming closer. She glanced at me.

"I'm telling Jake to get to a quiet place," she said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why'd he have to do that?" I asked nervously. All she did was pull her phone to her mouth, resting her elbow on her leg. A ringing tone filled the silence, and the blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Are you calling him?!" I hissed, trying to grab her phone away from her. "You can't tell!!!!!" I whined. She snapped her fingers at me, instantly shutting me up.


"Hush. I won't tell him," she smirked evilly. "I will later." My mouth dropped. When I tried arguing, Jake picked up. I clamped my hands over my mouth and swallowed hard.

"Hey, Adi." His smooth, sweet voice said over the speaker. Adi smiled.

"Hey, Jake. Thanks for getting somewhere quiet," she laughed a bit, and Jake laughed lightly with her.

"Of course. What's up?" Adi smirked at me.

"I wanna know if you can come on a date... Tomorrow." My stomach dropped. It felt like I had jumped off the Eiffel Tower and free falling down. What is she doing?! He can't POSSIBLY want me! Jake had paused for a moment before speaking, breaking out of my small, internal freak out.

"Adi.. What's this about? You, of all people, should know I'm---"

"Yes, gay. I know! But.. It's not on a date for me... Unless the person I want you to date prefers that I come." She giggled again. I. Was. About. To. FAINT. I could feel it. I suddenly became super dizzy and I could hear my rapid heartbeat in my ears. Jake had paused again.

"Sure... Who is it?" Addison gently placed a hand on my head.




My heart instantly sped up, and my wolf howled in excitement. I smiled and laid back on my bed.

"Of course I would." I could distinctly hear Nathan's small whispers and arguments with Adi, trying to hide it from me. I was obviously on speakerphone. "I can't wait for tomorrow, Nathan. I'll see you soon." I spoke, making them go silent. I heard a thud, and Addison's giggles. "Text me the info, Adi." And I hung up. I relaxed on my bed, closing my eyes. A date with Nathan... Could it be any better? I was literally wishing time would speed up.

A knock sounded at my door, causing me to frown. They broke my little happy time. Damn them. I sat up and took a deep breath. "Yeah?" Natalie peeked her head in.

"Cayden got into another fight, Jake..." She murmured. I groaned softly. Why was that douche even here? He knows I hate him... With all my heart. I rubbed my temple, then stood. Someone had to be the alpha around here. I walked back to the main living room with Natalie and saw Cayden being held up by Liam, and one of my pack members on the ground. I knelt beside him and helped him up. This time, it was Darien. I had Natalie lead him back and take care of him while me and Liam dealt with Cayden.


I stormed up to Cayden, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and dragged him out the front door. I threw him down and a small growl vibrated my chest.

"Get out of here," I snapped, glaring down at him. Cayden rolled his eyes and wiped the blood from his lip.

"Why do you hate me?" Cayden asked softly. I looked into his eyes. They flashed with... Sadness? Pain? I'm not sure, but it instantly was blinked away. I clenched my fists.

"You know very well why, Cayden. Go away and never come back here." I grabbed him again and roughly pushed him back, onto my driveway. He didn't show much pain, and didn't make a sound. I watched him as he glared back at me, and then got into his car. I made sure he drove away before coming back inside my house and calming everybody.

Liam was lying on the couch, hands behind his head and eyes closed. I wasn't sure if he was asleep or not, but I let him be. I wasn’t really wanting to know what happened anyway. I just wanted Cayden as far away as possible. I went back to Darien and Natalie. Darien's lip was split open, and a nasty bruise was already forming on his cheek bones.

I grabbed an ice pack and gave it to him. He nodded his thanks to me, and winced a bit when he pressed it to his cheek. I let Natalie take care of him as I absently started cleaning up. It wouldn't make a difference, put I needed something to do to pass time.

I smiled to myself when Nathan came into mind. I'd get to spend time with him and get him to like me... And then, he'd be mine.



Addison put her phone in her bra when she was done calling Jake. She glanced down at me. I had spazzed so much, I fell off the couch. A date. With JAKE ATKINSON. Holy junk. I glanced back at Addison and swallowed.

"Uh... What do you wear to a date..?" I asked softly. I wouldn't know, dammit. Addison looked up at me, almost surprised.

"You don't have fancy clothes, do you," she replied, as if stating a fact. She sighed. "Let's go to your home so we can choose what you're wearing." I groaned and slowly sat up. I grabbed my shoes, slipped them on then stood and went to the door.

Addison came back with her keys and purse, another slice of cold pizza in her mouth. I sighed softly and opened the door for her. She walked out, muffling her thanks and unlocking her car. We both got in and Addison sped toward my house.


Once at my house, Addison dragged me in and into my small bedroom. She started pulling out shirts, pants and everything of the sort.

"We may be up for a few hours," she muttered, looking over a few shirts, and then tossing them on my bed. I groaned.

"I can't just wear a shirt and jeans?" I whined, picking up a shirt Kellyn had picked for me. It was... Too prep-ish. If that makes any sense.

"You're going on your first date, not to mention with one of the hottest boys at the school," she made a face at a shirt that I got a few years ago. I hate that thing. It was from my grandma; a navy blue shirt with a picture of outer space. I never wore it.

"I know... But, I don't have very good clothes..." I sat on my bed and gingerly ran my fingers over the years old jeans. I heard Addison sigh.

"Well, we'll just have to go shopping before your date, yeah?" She smirked. "I can pay for it. I kinda set you two up anyway!" She laughed and picked up another shirt. Oh, women with money. You can't stop them. I shrugged a bit.

"I guess... But, I don't want to--"

"Be a burden. I know, you aren't," Adi interrupted me and smiled. "You're my best friend. I'll do anything for you." I smiled.

"This is why I love you."

"I know."


Author's Note:

As always…







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