《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Confessions


~Chapter Four~


I watched my mate leave with Addison in her pretty cool car. My wolf was getting irritated with me, since I wasn't going after him. In all honesty, I wanted to run after him, tackle him and kiss every part of his adorable body.

Whoa. Hold on. I just met him, and now I was fantasizing about touching him? Yes, I was. Because now, I loved him and he was mine. Well, he will be.

I went back inside and met back with Liam, who was sort of on the drunk side. He was caressing Natalie, kissing her neck and gently nipping at his mark he left her. Natalie was sighing softly in delight. I rolled my eyes. Straight people. They flaunt their love and no one cares. But of course, it's different for the gay community.

I sat down beside them and finished my drink. I was already missing Nathan. His cute blush... His slender frame... His soft, blonde hair... Oh my god, I love him. I sighed softly, leaning back. I wasn't really interested in the party anymore. I wanted to be with my mate… My love… My soul mate. This party seemed very bland without Nathan. Liam looked over at me.

"Jake?" I glanced over at him, and smirked.


"Why do you look like you did something bad?" I chuckled and ran a hand through my hair.

"Well, something will happen sooner or later." Liam's eyes widened. I laughed harder.

"I found my mate, Liam." Liam relaxed, and chuckled.

"Aw, damn. Hell is going to break loose."



After dancing and screwing around inside the car, we eventually got to Adi's house. It's a freaking dream house. She has a pool, hot tub, and the house is three stories. Why the hell is everybody's house so damn nice?! Mine is a one story piece of shit. Excuse my language. But I guess it can’t be helped with my mom and I’s situation.


Addison was all happy when she got out, grabbing her purse and my hand, pulling me inside. No one was home. Her twin sister, Ayden, was probably at practice. She was the athletic one of the family. Addison was mostly the beauty. Ayden is thin, most flat-chested and not very curvy. Addison is the exact opposite. She's a D cup, kind of slender, but damn is she curvy. Their younger brother, Charlie, is in middle school. He's a sweetheart. He's really good at video games, and I'm humiliated to play with him! I always lose... Anyway, they also have a younger sister, Chell. She's only five. Charlie is SUPER protective of her and barely lets anyone touch her besides family. She's a cutie. Addison's mom, Larrin, is a stay at home mom. They have another baby on the way, and like every other love-crazed husband, Kegan doesn't want Larrin to be out and have the possibility of being hurt.

You're welcome for that very detailed family introduction.

Addison pulled me into the kitchen and grabbed a slice of pizza from inside the fridge. I followed her, getting a slice for myself. As always, I was staying the night because I could. Kegan accepted me, only because I was gay. It was awkward to tell him, but he didn't mind. If only he knew how many guys had flirted with Adi. He'd have a heart attack.

We sat on the couch and started finishing up Cougar Town. God, could I be any gayer? I opened up a can of Mtn. Dew, keeping my eyes on the screen. My mind was wandering back to the party… Jake, and everyone there who was kind enough to talk and be around me. I really wanted to go back, and be around Jake. Something about him made me want to just… Melt. Of course, he IS one of the hottest guys here and even made straight girls melt. Adi was telling me that Jake never just hangs out with new people like he did me… Maybe it was only because Jake was friends with Adi. Either way, I wouldn’t change anything about tonight. It was perfect, and I’m glad I went with her.


I know this sounds stupid, but my mom always told me things happen for a reason. Maybe, me meeting Jake was the start of a good friend relationship? I’m not sure, but I would love it… Maybe something even more. Oh man, would I be lucky to date him… He’s just… Perfect.

"NATHAN!!!!" Addison called loudly, throwing me right out of my thoughts and back in reality. Cold, mean reality. I looked over at her, obviously confused. She rolled her eyes.

"You were spacing out. What's up?" I blushed and looked down.

"Y-You... You can't tell anyone...." That made her scoot REAL close and personal. She smiled.

"Oooh!!!! What is it?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jesus Christ. Girls can scream. I swallowed hard.

"I.... I think I'm in love..." I murmured. She smiled wide and cupped my cheeks.

"WHO?!?!?" I winced a bit at her volume, but smiled innocently.

"I think I love Jake."


Author's Note:

Please remember to…




I love you all, my readers and supporters!



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