《Little Rebel》Chapter 8


After I totally terrified the boys, Perrie and I talked some more. She wanted me to practise the guitar again, but I didn't want to risk the guys hearing me again.

"Jordyn, you're really good. Why are you worried about them hearing you?" Perrie asked me after I denied playing the guitar for the tenth time.

"I may be good, but I'm not good enough." I told her as I laid down on my stomach and put my face in a pillow.

"What do you mean?" She asked, obviously confused. "And you still have your glasses on, take them off before you break them or get your face out of the pillow."

"I mean c'mon. All I can do is skateboard and play the guitar. They pennyboard, and as girly as it is, they're good at it. So pretty much all I do is play guitar. But Trevor, the young one has like three of his own songs and even more coming. Ricky has his own song too and more coming as well." I said, as I sat back up and pulled the pillow into my lap.

"So what, everyone has their own thing." Perrie said.

"Yeah, but I'm not good at my thing while they are. I've never had a boyfriend and Kian is half of one of the most shipped couples." I sighed.

"So what? Mr. Right just hasn't come into your life yet." Perrie told me.

"Well can you tell him to hurry up?" I joked.

She rolled her eyes. "Hey, can you go get Kian for me. I want to talk to him."

I looked at her weird. "Why do you want to talk to him?"

"No reason, just something I need to tell him." She said nonchalantly.

"Uh, ok weirdo." I said. "One sec."

I left my room and made my way downstairs. I found all the guys in the middle of a very intense game of Mario Cart. Can you sense my sarcasm.


"Kian," I said, standing in front of the tv.

"Holy crap, Jordyn! Move!" Jc screamed at me.

"Kian," I said again. Not moving.

"I'm gonna lose, seriously Jordyn!" Jc yelled.

"Kian," I said for the third time. Still in the same spot.

"Ah!" Jc screamed as Ricky passed him and got in first place.

"What?" Kian asked me, happy that Jc didn't get first place even though he didn't either.

"Perrie wants to talk to you in my room." I said, rolling my eyes.

"She does?" He asked, confused. "Why?

"I don't know. She just told me that she wanted to talk to you. So go talk to her." I explained, pointing upstairs.

"Fine," Kian shrugged his shoulders and left.

"So Jordyn," Jc smirked at me as I took Kian's spot.

"What?" I turned to him.

"Do you think you can beat me in Mario Cart?" He challenged, holding up an extra controller.

"Oh, I know I can." I smirked at snatched it out of his hand.

"It's on." Jc said.

Kian's POV:

I went back up to Jordyn's room and closed the door behind me as I sat on her bed.

"Hey...Perrie?" I waved.

"Yeah, I'm Perrie, or Pez as Jordyn calls me, her best friend." She said.

"Cool, so what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, getting comfortable on the bed.

"Jordyn," Perrie said simply.

"Kay, what about Jordyn?" I asked.

"I'm not sure if you know this about her, but she has ADD and ADHD." Perrie told me.

I was surprised. "Wait, she does?"

"Yeah, i'm not sure if you noticed that she literally never sits still. Even if she's just standing there talking to someone, shes always rocking or something." She explained.

"I actually did notice that. Is that why we say her do tricks on her skateboard for almost an hour straight without getting tired or taking breaks?" I asked, thinking about earlier that day.


"Yeah, she usually jumps on the trampoline that your parents got her, but you guys don't have one do you?" I shook my head. "Yeah, so instead she skateboarded."

"So does she take pills or whatever for this?" I asked.

"Yeah, she didn't say anything?" Perrie's asked me.

"No, nothing." I said.

"Ok, well I know she took her pills with her, because your dad would never let her go a day without taking them. But she always forgets to take them. " She said, looking as if she were thinking really hard about something.

"Then where are they?" I asked.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." She said.

I sat there for a little bit, watching Perrie concentrate. Me thinking as well.

"Ok, so I'm almost positive that your dad packed them. So it had to be somewhere easy to get to, especially since he probably packed them last minute." She said, tapping her face as she thought. "Has she unpacked yet?"

Before I could answer, she laughed. "Let me guess, no?"

I nodded.

"Ok, so check some of the outside pockets of the suitcases." Perrie instructed me.

"You want me to look thorugh her bags? What if she catches me, that is not respecting her privacy." I said, nervous.

"Suck it up. This is to help Jordyn, for her own good." She told me.

I nodded then turned the laptop so Perrie could watch me. I went over to the pile of luggage that hadn't been touched since we got here.

I went to the largest one and opened the smallest pocket on the outside.

"Are these it?" I asked, holding up a plastic bag with two pill bottles in it and a piece of paper.

"Yeah, and it looks like your dad was nice a wrote you directions." She told me.

I took out the paper and read it. It pretty much said that I needed to remind her to take one of each pill every morning. And warning me of what would happen if she didn't take them.

"Just to tell you, the last time she didn't take her meds was when she got suspended and you parents decided that she should live with you." Perrie warned me.

"Thats great." I said, rereading my dads letter.

"Hey, will you tell Jordyn I'll talk to her later? I have to go." Perrie said.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later." I said.

"Thanks, bye." She said, disconnecting the Skype call.

I went back downstairs with the bag in my hand.

"What?" I heard Jc say.

"Yes, see. I told you I could beat you!" I heard Jordyn yell.

"Dude, your sister just kicked Jc's butt at Mario Cart." Sam laughed once her saw me.

"I think she cheated." Jc pouted as she dancing in front of the tv.

"Good job Jordyn." I said.

She turned to me, but as soon as she faced me, she froze.

"What is that?" Jordyn asked me.

"You ok?" Connor said.

She ignored him. "Where did you find them?"

"Uh, Perrie told me to find them and where to leave?" I said, holding up the bag and looking at it.

'What is that?" Trevor asked.

"Ugh!" Jordyn screamed, making all of us jump.

She then stomped up the stairs and to her room, slamming the door behind her.

"So," Jc said, after a moment of silence. "Want to see if your as good as your sister?"


Ohhhhhhh, drama in the o2L house!

Follow me on twitter @CartahftCaniff

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Byyyyyye loves, stay cloudy :)

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