《Little Rebel》Chapter 9


I can't believe Kian found my pills. I mean, I know he was going to find out eventually, but I really didn't want him too.

I wanted to be responsible for once and remember to take them by myself. Now I'm going to have all the guys reminding me like ten million times a day.

I laid down on my bed and put my headphones in and blasted You and Your Friends by Wiz Khalifa. I grabbed my sharpie and started drawing on my arms.

I drew a small infinity sign on my wrist that I wanted to get as a tattoo in the near future. I also drew the bass and treble clef heart on my forearm. Next to the heart was a flower.

Kian walked into my room.

I yanked my headphones out of my ears. "Hey, Kian. There's this thing called knocking, you should try it sometime."

"I did knock, you didn't answer." He said, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Oh," I shrugged. I continued drawing on my arm while Kian stared at me.

"So, I came for a reason." Kian said slowly after an awkward silence.

"Kay," I said, looking at him with my sharpie in my hand hovering over my arm.

"I came in here to talk to you." He told me.

"Alright, talk." I said, capping my pen and sitting up.

Kian took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Why did you freak out about the pills?" He finally asked.

"Because," I sighed. "I didn't want you guys to know."

"Why not?" Kian asked, getting comfortable on my bed.

"I didn't want to be known as a freak like I was back home." I confessed, looking down at my drawing-covered arm.


"Jordyn, your not a freak. Just...hyper." He struggled.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Its getting late. You should probably get some sleep." Kian sighed.

I looked at him weird.

"Some friends are coming over tomorrow to film some videos, you won't be able to sleep much when they show up." He told me.

"Alright," I said.

"Goodnight Jordyn." He said.

"Night Kian." I said, giving him a half, closed-mouth smile.

He did the same to me and left my room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and put my headphones in, turning on Hookah by Tyga. I turned off my light and put my glasses in their case, then turned the volume up.

Closing my eyes, I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning to screaming.

"Kian, give me back my bacon!!!"

"Shut the fuck up, my sister is sleeping!!!" Kian yelled just as loud.

"I'll shut up as soon as you give me my bacon!"

"I want bacon!" I think Connor screamed.

"Well that's too bad, because Kian's eating all of it!!!" A voice I've never heard screamed again.

I groaned and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and put on my glasses. I looked at the clock, 8:30 in the morning!

I didn't bother changing or brushing my hair, I just put it up in a messy bun and stomped downstairs, still in my batman onesie.

It suddenly went quiet and someone said, "Uh, oh."

I walked into the kitchen glaring at everything.

"Morning, Jordyn." Kian said happily. "Want some breakfast."

I didn't say anything, I just turned my glare to him and he took step back.

"No, ok." He said.

I turned and stormed into the living room.


I plopped myself down on the couch and went on Netflix, turning on Pretty Little Liars.

I pulled my feet under me and held a pillow to my chest, trying not to fall asleep.

Since I was tired and had nothing else to do other than watch tv, I fell back to sleep.


I jerked awake to see Ricky do a running jump into the ouch next to me.

"Ricky," I groaned. I rubbed my eyes and made sure I didn't break my glasses sleeping on them.

"You look cute." Ricky said, poking my glasses.

"I'm sure I look like a potato." I said, covering my face with a pillow.

"No you don't." A new voice said.

I lifted my head and saw a boy with brown hair to short to quiff, but that didn't stop him, and brown eyes. And can I just say damn, that jawline doe. He had a black t-shirt on with maroon sleeves and some jeans.

"Hey Cameron." Ricky said, turning back to the tv.

Cameron took a seat on the couch next to me, a little to close.

I scooted away from him. "Hi," I said nervously.

"Hello." He said, staring at me.

I faced the tv, and tried to watch PLL, but Cameron was staring at me the entire time making it hard. Pretty soon the rest of O2L and a few other people joined us.

"Oh, hi." A pretty brunette said, once she saw me.

I waved and tried to bury myself into the couch.

"Oh yeah. Guys, this is my sister Jordyn." Kian finally said. "Jordyn, this is Nash, Jenn, and my girlfriend Andrea."

They all said hi and I just waved.

"And it looks like you already know Cameron." Sam said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and discreetly flipped him off.

Everyone turned their attention away from me and started talking about their own thing.

"So what are we doing for our videos?" Nash asked Kian, Jc, and Cameron.

I guess they're friends are Youtubers too. Great.

I tuned everyone out once I found out they were all talking about videos they're doing together.

My leg started bouncing and I was practising the cords for All of Me on the air.

"You ok?" I turned to see Jenn staring at me.

"Yup," I said.

"You seem...I don't know. Jumpy." She said.

"Oh, Jordyn. Did you take your meds?" Kian asked, suddenly remembering. Jenn's question probably reminding him.

I grit my teeth and shook my head slowly.

"I put them on top of the fridge." Kian told me.

I nodded and got up, making my way into the kitchen, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

I grabbed my meds from on top of the fridge and opened them, grabbing my two pills. I threw open the cupboard, grabbed a glass, and slammed it shut. I filled the glass with water from the sink and took my meds.

I almost threw the cup in the sink, but remember that it was glass. So I put it down harshly then stomped upstairs, not looking at anyone still in the living room.


Wassup guys. This week has gone by super slow, so I felt like i needed to update already.

Follow me on twitter @CartahftCaniff, you can watch me try to get Taylor to follow me.

Vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Boo bye hoes and whores. Stay cloudy :)

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