《The Wonders of Fall; A Modern Zelink AU Story》Thanksgiving (13)


Never had a Thanksgiving feast been so stressful. At least, that's what Zelda thought as she watched everyone around her eat a well-prepared meal.

She felt sick to her stomach, so she couldn't possibly eat as much as she usually could.

Te reason she felt sick was because she had decided a few hours earlier that she was actually going to ask Link out on a date.

Her stomach unfortunately took the hit of the nervousness that followed.

She looked at Link who hadn't hesitated at all to eat anything offered to him.

Link sure can eat a lot, she thought.

Indeed he could. Link had been eating quickly for the past hour. Zelda's parent were now just finishing up their main course.

Aryll and Tetra had begin to play with their food, both had complained about the Turkey being hard to chew. It really wasn't, but might've been for a twelve year old.

Rhoam laughed merrily as her watched Link, "it looks like we invited the right person over for Thanksgiving!"

Looking embarrassed, Link put down his fork, "I'm sorry. I'm not being very polite am I?"

"Nonsense! Eat away boy that's what we want to see. We don't want any leftovers do we?" He looked at his wife.

"Of course not," she said, also pleased with Link's behavior.

Link ate lots more, she couldn't believe one person could eat so much in one setting. And the odd thing was...

"And we haven't even started desert yet!" Rhoam said rubbing his hands together.

She couldn't bring up a date in this atmosphere, especially with her parents, her and Link's siblings around. Plus, Link was eating so much he probably wouldn't pay her any attention until he was a least finished.

She sighed, how long was this going to go on? The longer it did the more nervous she became.

Tetra and Aryll decided that they were tired being at the table, and weren't interested in the remaining food. Not like they were ever interested in the first place, Zelda thought.

Tetra asked politely, "may we be excused?"

"Geez Link you're going to get really fat," Aryll observed, "just because it's Thanksgiving doesn't mean you have to eat all the available food."

"We haven't started dessert yet," her mother reminded them.



Zelda's mother sighed, "very well you may be excused."

"Thank you!" The young girls said hopping off their chairs and running out of the dining room.

"I'm sorry for Aryll's behavior," Link said facing Zelda's mother, "she's not the best mannered."

"Oh don't worry about it," she reassured him, "Tetra's not the best example."

"Well I'm worried that Aryll is the bad example," Link laughed.

Zelda's parents laughed with him. "It doesn't matter, as long as they're a good match," Zelda's mother said.

"Did you finally come to a stop?" Rhoam asked.

Zelda looked over to see Link no longer engaged in eating.

"Yeah..." he said sitting back in his chair, "sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Oh don't worry; it's a pleaser to see anyone enjoy our food."

The table was cleared and then restocked with the desserts.

"This year's desserts look even better than last year's!" Rhoam said excitedly cutting out a piece of pumpkin pie.

"Thank you," Zelda's mother said, either thanking him for giving her a piece of pie or for the compliment.

"You cooked this?" Link asked as he scooped some ice cream for Zelda who had asked for some.

"Yes I helped cook everything," Zelda's mother said, "I love to cook."

"It all tasted great," Link said smiling, "you're a wonderful cook. I like to cook myself."

"Oh do you?" She asked surprised, "well sometime you may have to cook for us!"

"Yes! Perhaps!"

The table became rather silent as everyone began on their desserts. Somehow even after all that food he had devoured, Link could still eat without slowing.

Zelda saw her parents glance at each other and smile. Her stomach turned over, were they silently discussing something? Zelda knew her parents loved to do that.

It took about a half hour for everyone to be completely finished eating. Once the last fork was placed on a plate, Zelda's stomach filled with even more butterflies; she was going to ask him soon.

"Thank you for dinner and dessert Mr. and Mrs. Harkinson," Link said standing up, "it was very delicious."

"Thank you for sharing it with us Link!" Rhoam said, "it's been a pleaser to have you here. You and Aryll will stay until Sunday morning correct?"


"Yes," Link said.

Zelda fanned herself, "is it hot in here?"

Zelda's mother's eye twinkled suspiciously, "Link...would you mind taking Zelda out for a stroll around the neighborhood?"

"Wha...mom-" Zelda stammered.

"Sure," Link shrugged.

"Thank you."

Link pulled some money out of his pocket and held it across the table to Rhoam.

"this is for you, I didn't bring any food with me so I thought I should at least pay you-"

"That's very generous of you Link," Rhoam observed, "but it's quite alright. Thank you though! You are a very thoughtful young man!"

Link smiled as he put away the money, "you're welcome."

He turned to Zelda, "shall we get going?"

"Yes," Zelda said and the left the table.

The two grabbed some warmer clothes and they walked outside into the cold air.

As they walked, Zelda looked over at Links expressionless face and wondered if he thought this was a waste of time.

Will he want to go out with me? Zelda asked herself.

As they turned the corner Zelda became to talk but Link spoke first, "it isn't bad."


"It isn't bad," he repeated looking back at her, "fall."

Zelda smiled, "I think it's wonderful. It's like the leaves change as if they're trying to earn us that winter is coming."

Link let out a small laugh, "I've never thought of it that way."

"How do you usually think about it?"

Link pursed his lips thoughtfully. After a moment he said, "bad?"

Zelda was confused, "but you just said it wasn't bad."

"I know I did," he replied as he kicked some fall leaves on the sidewalk, "that's because I've changed my mind about it."

"Why was it bad?"

"I don't know, it just seemed unnecessary."


And then they were silent for a couple moments more. Suddenly reminded of her goal Zelda spluttered, "I was wondering if you'd..." she trailed off.

Link looked at her kindly, "yeah?"

"If you'd...if you'd..." she gulped and looked up at him as bravely as she could, "if you'd want to go out with me tomorrow?"

Link looked undoubtedly surprised. He eyes went a little wide and he just looked at her.

Why did I think this was a good idea? Zelda thought, dreading a potential declining response.

"Sure," he finally said before walking ahead as if the matter were nothing serious.

Did he just...did hear him right? Zelda caught back up to Link, "r-really?"

"Sure," he said again, "why not?"

Is he just being nice? Zelda thought, "thanks."

"Yeah no problem," he said checking over his shoulder, "do you have an idea of what we'll be doing?"

Zelda smiled to herself, "yes."

"What will we be doing?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to surprise you," Zelda said grinning up at him.

He also found this unexpected, "okay?"

"Okay," Zelda said unable to stop her huge smile, "shall we head back?"

"Whatever you want."

When they got back to the house and as they took off their jackets Zelda said, "meet me here tomorrow at six?"

"Yeah sure," Link replied, "see you then." And he headed off to the guests bedroom.

Zelda ran into her parents room and did what she had been waiting to do: she jumped around happily and giggled like a little girl.

Zelda's parents just stared at her, "did something happen?"

"I just asked Link out!" Zelda celebrated, "and he said sure!" Not yes. Sure.

"Congrats Zelda," Rhoam said laughing, "tomorrow?"

"Yes, can you watch Aryll and Tetra while we're away?"

"Of course dear," Zelda's mother said happily, "we'd be happy to!"

"Thank you!"

"What are you going to do?"

Well..." Zelda started as a blush appeared, "I was thinking something romantic. I wanted to go to the meadow by the park and walk in it, it looks really lovely this time of year, especially if it snows. And then there's a nice restaurant called Rito's that has really nice food, and so I want to take him there, and then after that-"

"Maybe it's best that you don't run through a really long list," her mom interrupted with a smile.

Zelda smiled back, "yes I guess you're right. I just hope he feels the same way about me that I do about him."

"If he doesn't know what a lovely and pretty girl you are Zelda," her father started, "then he doesn't deserve you."

The statement gave Zelda hope, "okay! I'm going to bed!"

"Goodnight Zelda!"

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