《The Wonders of Fall; A Modern Zelink AU Story》Zelda's Parents (12)


Zelda had scheduled to drive both Link and Aryll up to her and Aryll's house the next day. Once their guests had left, Link started packing his things in a small suitcase.

Aryll ran into his room cheering. "Yay we're not going to celebrate Thanksgiving alone this year!"

"Yeah." Is all that Link said. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. It was nice of Tetra to invite them, but he couldn't understand why it wasn't Zelda who had done it.

She had tried to tell him something when suddenly Tetra had ran in and invited them over for the break. Was Zelda trying to invite him but Tetra simply beat her to it?

There's no reason to be thinking of all these complications, Link thought, we're going over to their house tomorrow so we need to be prepared.

Aryll climbed onto Link's bed and started rolling around yelling "Thanksgiving!"

"Aryll," Link warned as he turned to her, "when we're at their house we need to be respectful. Okay? No running around wildly like you do here."

"Why not?"

"Because. You'll bother Tetra's parents."

"They won't be bothered."

Link sighed as he turned back to his suitcase, it seemed that he could never convince Aryll of anything.

"And why is that?"

"Because Tetra is their daughter. If she what you call 'crazy' like me and she lives with her parents they must be used to it."

"Or they are super proper and Tetra comes here every day so that she can be wild," Link said.

"Nah." Aryll responded rolling off the opposite side of the bed.

"Just promise me that if they ask you to do something that you'll do it?"


"That also means helping them with things they may need help with."

"No they won't need any help," Aryll said confidently.

Confused Link asked, "why not?"

"They have their own cooks and servants."

"Servants?" Link asked baffled. Zelda's parents had servants?

"Well I don't know what else to call them," Aryll said sitting back up on the bed, "they can afford to hire lots of people to help them already."

They come from a rich family, Link realized. He was surprised how unaware he had been of that fact. They didn't exactly appear to seem rich. They must be humble people, Link decided.

"Well, I didn't know that," Link said throwing in some dress socks.

"What are you packing?" Tetra asked peering into his suitcase, "dress socks?"

"Well who knows maybe during Thanksgiving dinner they expect their guests to dress up nice. Maybe you should pack a dress Aryll."


"I'm not packing a dress," Aryll said folding her arms stubbornly, "I don't want to wear a dress at Tetra's house."

"Just in case Ryll, please?"

Aryll groaned loudly and hopped off the bed, "why?"

"Because I don't want you to embarrass me for your lack of formal wear or behavior. You'll act more appropriate in a dress won't you?"

"Formal? Appropriate?" Aryl scoffed looking at Link at an odd angle, "why do you care so much? You're never embarrassed about anything. What, are you worried about what Zelda is going to think of you?"

Zelda? "I wasn't talking about Zelda." Link said, why was Aryll bringing her up?

"Of course you weren't. I am." Aryll said giving Link a cheeky smile.

Link chuckled, "you're so weird Aryll."

"Thanks," she said with the same smile, "you are too."

This conversation was getting pointless. This had probably happened more times than Link could count.


"You're welcome," Aryll said as she hopped onto Link's desk.

"You should probably go pack your things for tomorrow," Link said grabbing his blue tie, folding it up and putting it in his suitcase.

"But do I have to pack a dress?" Aryll whined.

"Do you want to look out of place?" Link asked.

"But Tetra won't be wearing one so we can look out of place together," Tetra said with confidence and with a smile.

Link shook his head and put his face in one hand, "just pack it and then we'll see."

Aryll groaned and strode out of Link's room, "fine."

Link chuckled to himself. Aryll had never exactly been fond of dresses. He had first discovered that when he had bought her a dress for her eighth birthday, she had ranted of her dislike of them.

Link walked over to his closet and pulled out his white dress shirt, suit coat and pants. He looked at them for a couple moments. He didn't want to overdress either. Doing so may make him seen like he had expected the family to be more proper; he didn't want that.

Link shrugged, "I'll keep it in the car just in case."

That night, Link thought more about Thanksgiving. It was going to be the first time in a while that he and Aryll celebrate it with other people. Ever since their Grandmother had died it had been that way. Did this mean that this Thanksgiving was going to be painful or uplifting?

His hopes weren't set too high anyway. Nothing had really been uplifting ever since their Grandmother died. Even then Link hadn't felt exactly joyed about anything much.


He was living a loop. A loop of a habit of doing the same things every day and things only got worse if something different happened then the usual. The date with Illia, and the date with Malon proved it. Was Thanksgiving with Zelda's family going to be any different?


Hang on, Link thought suddenly feeling a little guilty, Zelda didn't mention that I should bring any food to share. Does that mean they're going to be feeding us for free?

He wasn't super familiar to the family, maybe they would expect him to pay them for his stay and for the meal?

To make himself not worry as much, Link told himself he would try to pay them when it came to it, he'd bring some money with him.

The next morning Zelda and Tetra knocked on the door.

"You ready to go guys?" Tetra asked them with a wink when Aryll and Link answered the door.

"Yeah, of course we are!" Aryll said with a big smile. She grabbed her suitcase and ran out the door chasing Tetra.

"Do you need help with your things?" Zelda asked eyeing Link's suitcase and dress clothes.

"No I'll be alright," Link said and stopped before he picked up the hanger. He looked at Zelda, "will I need them?"

Zelda looked at him confused, "wh-what?"

"Dress clothes. Will I need them?"

"Oh. Why would you?"

Link scratched the back of his head, "for dinner?"

"Oh," Zelda laughed, "no. At my house we're anything but formal."

"Ah. Okay."

He laid his dress clothes on the couch and followed Zelda out of his house.

"Thank you for inviting us again, Aryll's been super excited." Link told Zelda.

"Y-you're welcome," she stammered a little nervously, "and you?"

"Hmm?" Link said stuffing his suitcase in the trunk.

"Have you...been excited?"

Link looked up to see a hopeful Zelda looking at him.

"Yeah," Link said flashing a quick grin before shutting te trunk.

"Oh good."

Zelda was a slow driver, in Link's opinion. He noticed that she didn't exceed the speed limit not even once.

It was a little annoying in his opinion.


Link is coming to my house...Link is coming to my house...Link is...

The blush could not be stopped.

She could only hope and pray that Link wouldn't look at her as she drove the four of them towards her house.

Part of her wanted to turn around and take them back. Her parents were bound to be embarrassing.

Why did it have to end up like this?

Was it fate or bad luck?

The car was extremely quiet.

Zelda was tempted to turn the radio on, but she was so clenched up she couldn't take her hands off the wheel.

As they neared the house Aryll said, "wow! Your house is so big!"

"Yeah it is!" Tetra agreed, "I'll have to show you around. You've never been here huh?"


Link and Aryll grabbed their things and headed inside with Zelda and Tetra. They were immediately greeted by Zelda's parents.

"Hi Tetra's mom! Tetra's dad!" Aryll said cutely looking up at them.

"Hello Aryll it's been a while!" Zelda's mother responded lowered down to Aryll's height, "thank you for coming!"

"Thank you for inviting us!" Aryll said.

"C'mon Aryll I want to show you something!"

"Okay!" Tetra and Aryll ran past Zelda's parents and up the stairs.

"You must be Link," Zelda's father said extending is firm hand to Link's.

"Yes," Link said grabbing it and shaking it with a smile.

"I'm Rhoam," he said smiling back, "Zelda's father."

"And I'm her mother," Zelda's mother said shaking his hand as well.

"It's nice to meet you both," Link said. "Thank you so much for inviting us. We didn't have any plans."

"Oh you're most welcome," Rhoam said with a chuckle, "it's not trouble at all. We're glad you're able to come."

"I am as well," Link said.

As Zelda looked fondly at Link Rhoam said, "so Link...have you asked Zelda out yet?"

"Hmm?" Link perked up, confused.

"AHH!" Zelda screamed throwing herself between Link and her parents, "DON'T MIND THEM!"

"When's the wedding?" Zelda heard her mother faintly joke behind her.

"MOM!" Zelda yelled covering her face.

"Haha well this has been Thanksgiving is coming," Zelda's father said clapping Link on the shoulder. "I wanted to show you around before we start celebrating."

"I'm...a little confused of what just happened," Link said following Rhoam but looking worriedly at Zelda.

Once they left, Zelda's mother said, "he's a bit dense isn't he?"

"Mom! Why'd you do that?" Zelda asked still red in the face.

"Do what? I was just helping you dear."

Later, Zelda was sitting on her bed thinking up a plan.

Link was dense. Her mother was right. He wasn't going to ask him out anytime soon, and this was the perfect time to go out.

The fantasy that Link would ask her out today was completely unrealistic. If they were going to go out, Zelda would have to be the one to do the asking.

Despite being nervous, Zelda smiled; she was actually going to do it.

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