《Bloodthirsty》My Brianna


-Finding out the Truth-

Seth stood there in the living room reading Brianna's note, his blood raged inside of him knowing she was emotionally not ready for this mission Cassius, her father, had sent her on. It didn't make sense to Seth why he would send her to do this Cassius seemed like a very smart man and an even more brilliant tactician, and sending Bri to do this mission just seemed at best irresponsible and at worst completely stupid. He knew there had to be something deeper going on with this then his father's blood lust, and his mother's thirst for vengeance kicked in, Seth licked the blood drops from the edges of the letter before he flashed out of their little apartment.

Reappearing just outside of Cassius's study two of his private guards ran to Seth's side

One of the guards spoke.

"Sir you have no appointment scheduled with Cassius or the council therefore I must respectfully ask you to leave immediately."

Seth did not say a word before attacking the two guards, tackling the taller man to the ground waiting on the shorter guard to come at him from behind. Reaching out with his massive hand his claws extended to grip his head tighter Seth used the shorter guards momentum to slam his forehead into the taller guards chin. Hearing his jaw bone hit bottom part of the taller guards skull watching as his hands curled up into that distinctive locked position Seth knew the taller guard was knocked out. Turning his attention to the remaining guard he wrapped himself around his back quickly getting him in a rear naked choke.

"I do not want to hurt you but I can't have you interrupting me and Cassius, that's it now go to sleep my friend, when you wake up you both will have free beers for life at my Bar."


He watched as the shorter guard's arms quicky went from thrashing around to slower and slower movements until he was unconscious. Letting the guard go Seth rolled him off his chest.

"While your sleeping I hope you dream of an extremely tall woman my friend."

Walking towards the door to Cassius's study he steadied himself there was no way no one heard the fight he had just been in with the guards. Opening the door Seth saw Cassius standing there his sword drawn his eyes were a dark blood red but he didn't care he would not let his little gypsy Vampire get hurt.

"Cassius why in the hell did you send her? WHY GOD DAMN YOU?! Are you blind or have you just gone insane? Answer me or I swear the only living things in this smelly old castle I will let live are the two guards I just knocked out."

His Bear's nose sniffed Cullum's sent coming up on his left side, having the ability to turn to clear mist and move like gust of wind was the main reason for them being the covenants assassins.

"I know you are there Cullum don't make me hurt you, all I want is the truth from Cassius and I will be on my way."

"Cassius, Why aren't you an arrogant bear shifting son of a bitch coming into my house attacking my guards threatening me and my second in command. Why I have a good mind to walk over there so your half human self can see me JUST BEFORE I BLEED YOU DRY BOY!"

Laughing as he always had when someone threatened to kill him Seth spoke with great determination and calm.

"Boy!? This boy was slaughtering entire cultures while your ass was learning how to not bleed someone completely dry because you were too fucking young and stupid to know any better. And I am sure you and your second here could easily kill a Bear shifter but luckily for me my parents were Ancient Gods old man."


Seth's worrying about Brianna getting hurt caused his patience to be very thin. Using his powers he forced Cullum out of his mist form and then to his knees. Simultaneously he lifted Cassius up into the rafters of the Castle.

"I know a fall from that height won't kill you Cassius but it will take you a few painful days of constant feedings to get back to normal. So just answer my fucking questions. Or as I already said I will sacrifice the blood of every fucking Vampire in this place in my Father's name."

Cassius, Fine as you wish Bear but don't think we are on good terms anymore. It was the decision of the council as well as mine to send my beloved Brianna to face Logan. You see he has been killing older Vampires gaining their strength and experience and with each kill he is becoming more and more powerful. He sent the council a letter just before we summoned Brianna. In the letter he explained in detail what his plan is, Logan is going to keep killing older Vampires until his powers rival any Ancient Vampire's because yes like the Hollywood cliche he wants Vampires to rule the world and have humans be their cattle. The council and I decided to send Brianna hoping her being there might distract him just enough for her to beat him but in truth I know he has become too powerful for most Vampires to kill especially my beloved Brianna. We hoped that she might be able to at least hurt Logan and slow him down long enough for us to come up with a plan to deal with him.

Seth lowered Cassius back down to the floor.

"This plan of yours sucks dick you arrogant ass so here's my plan, I am going to go help or rescue the love of my life, YOUR DAUGHTER. Who you basically condemned to being cannon fodder while you and the rest if these old fucks think of a way to save your own asses."

As he walked to the door Seth stopped.

"Cassius I do plan on marrying Brianna and if you even think about screwing that up or trying to come between us, I swear I will not only tell her how you sent her to Die so you could have more time to try and save your own worthless ass I will let her feed from me so she can see it for herself, do we understand each other."

Cassius said, "Just bring me back my daughter and all will be forgiven and forgotten Bear."

"Oh I am not bringing her back for you or this fucking council, I am going to bring her back because she is my life and my love."

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