《Bloodthirsty》Facing the facts


Time has come to face my mission straight on. I will hunt down my bestfriend that has gone rogue. Will I kill him, that is something I am not prepared for. Will I walk out of this alive? I had no idea. He is one of the best Assaians I know. He taught me everything.

I walk into the livingroom and place a note on the coffee table for my bear.

"This isn't easy to write. I have to find him. I have to know what happened to him to cause him to kill our kind. I will not put you in harms way. You are the love of my life and every day has been the happiest of times. I love you with all I am. Please don't follow me. I must do this alone."

"Love your little gypsy Vamp."

Blood tears stain my face as I head out the door to meet my father. Transylvania was my next destination. I heard Logan was hiding there. I will get the answers I seek.

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