《Bloodthirsty》Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

I paced back and forth trying hard to wrap my mind around why my bestfriend is on a killing spree. He was taught from a young age to be an assassin. I had never seen anything like him before. He was the one that would spend hours with me training. I couldn't leave the training room until I learned every weapon and used them properly. You wouldn't think a Vampire bruises but my body was covered in them after every session.

Now I had to be the one to hunt him down and kill him but first I needed to know what triggered this killing spree of his. I needed to know what had happened to my friend. I wouldn't believe that he did this for the fun of it. Yes I know people change and it's been a year since I last saw him but to change drastically wasn't his style. He was caring and loving. He would always make sure I was safe. Him and I would do everything together. He truly was my best friend.

My father flashes in and wraps me in his arms and softly whispers, Bri, I know this isn't going to be easy for you but I can't stand by as he kills our own. He has killed over 50 Vampires. He must be taken out. You are his match and you're the only one that can do this.

I pull back slowly, "No, I refuse to believe that he is doing this out of fun. He isn't like that and we both know there is a reason for it. I will find out exactly what is going on. I will not kill him. I can't do that."

"Bri, this is something that must be done. You should bring along Seth. He will protect you."


I flashed my fangs at my father. Do you know who you are talking to? I will not put my bear in any danger. I simply will not do it. He is the love of my life and I will protect him with everything I am. I am a killing machine myself. Have you forgotten who taught me how to kill."

Cass steps forward grabbing my hand, "Brianna this is something that needs to be taken care of. Go to Silas and talk to him. He will most likely have the answers you seek."

Silas was my best friend, Logan's grandfather. How was I supposed to kill someone that we both love? How can I tell Silas that my father wanted me to kill his grandson? Blood tears begin to stain my face. I was completely in my feelings and I didn't know if I was able to ever focus. I was sure enough to know I couldn't kill him. I needed to spend time with my bear before I made the hardest decision of my life.

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