

I was drenched in sweat and my body was in overdrive. I pushed myself to the limits in my training. I needed to be prepared for the mission my father was sending me on. Peter was turning our kind into fucking lab rats. They were turning our species into something horrible. Yes I know we feed from blood but these Vampire were injected with different species genes.

I needed to be in tip top shape. Seth let me feed from him so that I would be strong or powerful enough to deal with anything that these things could possibly throw at me plus handle their Sire. Peter was fucking disgrace to our kind. He wanted to make a damn army of Zombie like Vamps. Each one with a different kind of power. Peter thought he was the rightful King to our kind. He was extremely jealous of my father. He thought he should be King and he hated the fact that my father was.

Cassius walked into the training room, greeting me with a smile. He walked towards me clapping his hands together. "Bri you truly are a killing machine. You will go to Peter's lavatory tonight and kill Peter and every last one of those disgraceful creatures of his. We protect the elders and our kind."

I got up and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat from my face. I have always wanted to kill that asshole ever since he thought he could put his hands on me without my permission. It felt good to break his arms. My father cleared his throat bringing me back to reality.

"You will leave tonight. You will have all the weapons you need at your disposal. They will know your coming, Bri. This mission will be a solo one. Please be safe and kill that asshole and his monsters he created."


I walked past my father and stopped midway, "Give me two hours to complete this mission. Every fucking one of them will not live to see another day."

I flash home and head to my closest. I pull out my daggers and my grenades. I pull out my revolver and make sure it was fully loaded with silver bullets. I put on my favorite leather outfit. Yes it was very flexible and it made it easy to move. It fit me like a glove. I slide my daggers into my belt that my bear made me along with the revolver. It was time to kick some ass.

I knew this wasn't going to be an easy defeat. Peter would hide behind his monsters, like the coward he was. I flashed to the laboratory and hid in the shadows. I could hear people talking in the lab. The familiar sound of Peter floated in the air. His voice made my skin crawl. He was trying to get one of the lab techs to sleep with him. I knew this was a good time to check out the rest of the lab.

I flashed into each room trying to find where exactly he was hiding his creations at. Each room was full of different weapons. I knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was fucking building an army and I simply could not let it happen. I flashed to the basement and my eyes glowed red. I could smell fresh blood. My fangs pushed through my gums. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Each monster was chained to a wall. Every time they would move they would get electrocuted. They would scream out in pain.

I wanted to help them but I realized to put them out their pain was to end their lives. This wasn't an easy decision. It truly sickened me but they would also change into something hideous with each shock to their bodies. I pulled out 5 grenades and tossed them in the air. I flashed out and was taken to the ground to form the explosion. Alarms were going off everywhere. I slowly got up off the ground. I pulled out a piece of metal that was embedded in my side. My nostrils flared from the smell of my own blood mingling in the air. I couldn't let myself get distracted. I had to get Peter.


I flashed back inside what was left of the laboratory. People were running everywhere. I pushed through the crowd and at the end of the hall was Peter. His eyes locked with mine, he shook his head and reached in his pocket. I pulled out my revolver and fired a shot that hit him between the eyes. I knew the silver would slow him down. He hit the floor like a brick. I ran towards him and kneeled beside him. His eyes were completely black. The silver was killing him slowly. He turned to me, spitting out blood over my face.

"You fucking bitch. You think you're going to get away with this. I will bleed you dry."

I roared out in laughter, "we will just have to see about that."

I swiped my dagger across his throat. Blood poured out of him like a flooded river. He reached out grabbing my legs, his long black nails tore into my flesh. I stabbed my other dagger into his heart. I picked him up and flashed us outside. The sun was just coming up. He thrashed around in my arms. The sunlight hit my face and Peter continued to trash about. He knew exactly what was going to happen. I was a day walker and he wasn't. I held him up so the sun could hit every inch of his body. He screamed out as the first sunbeam hit his legs. He burst into a ball of flames, his ashes floated in the air.

"Adios, Fucker!!"

I didn't stand around waiting for the others to come. I knew whoever he sired would now fall at my feet. I didn't want that responsibility. I flashed back to the bar. I knew my bear would be stocking the shelves with alcohol. I whimpered and his head snapped around, I knew I looked like I was attacked by some wild beast. My body was coated in Peter's blood. The gash to my side was not healing and my legs were ripped down to the bone. I collapsed to the floor. My bear was there before my head could meet the floor. He was talking but I couldn't hear him. My eyes felt so heavy.

I whispered, "I love you, bear and I saw nothing but darkness."

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