《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》23. Brother or Dopplegänger?
They were all speechless for the longest 3 minutes of their lives. Of course, they had thought about this possibility before, they had developed so many theories about it. And yet, seeing it with their own eyes was not the same.
How was it even possible? What could be a plausible explanation for this? Did Namjoon actually have a secret twin brother? Jungkook rewound the video one more time and they all still watched it.
Namjoon was walking towards his car in an underground parking lot. Nari recognized it as his agency's parking lot. He was on the phone and probably didn't notice the man walking behind him. As Namjoon disappeared from the screen, the other man walked right in front of the camera and showed his face. It was Namjoon with purple hair and grey eyes and he looked... terrifying. His eyes were so cold and his smirk was devoid of emotion. He winked at the camera and walked away, still following Namjoon.
The room was dead silent and Nari could tell that they were all as shocked and terrified as she was. Even after watching the video for the tenth time in a row.
But it was also proof that somewhere out there, there was someone with Namjoon's face. Even if it didn't confirm that he was the one committing the crimes, it at least explained how Namjoon was at two different locations at the same time. At least this matched the victim's description of her attacker.
"W- what did I just watch?" Eungi stuttered.
"I think we just saw our killer's face" Nari answered, eyes still stuck on the screen.
"And I can tell you for sure how he attracted his victims," Soha added.
"So... what now?" Ji Ho asked after a moment of silence.
"We show the video to everyone, that's what," Jungkook said while standing up.
And at that moment, everything went dark. The lights went out and no one moved for what felt like hours but really it was just a few minutes, then they all ran out of the room. As soon as they entered the main room, the lights came back on and everyone was there, even Namjoon. When Nari's gaze met his, she felt even worse. He looked drained. What did they do to him? She was walking towards him when she heard a sound. The TV screen was blurry and then someone appeared. Nari froze.
It was Namjoon's face but it wasn't his eyes. Nari recognized him as the same guy they saw on the CCTV footage earlier. He smiled and even though he also had dimples, his smile looked nothing like Namjoon's.
"Oh, everyone is here. Great."
The voice was also the same! But how? More importantly, how could he see them? Was he doing a video call on TV? Exactly how resourceful was this psycho?
"Who are you?" Someone finally spoke and Nari was sure it was Yoongi's voice. It sounded colder than usual though.
The man on the screen smiled. Ugh, his smile was horrible.
"Min Yoongi, the superintendent... Or should I say hyung? It's nice to see you all in one room, it'll make things easier for me."
He went quiet for a few seconds and when no one reacted, he continued speaking. Honestly, his voice gave them chills. It was so strange. It was Namjoon's voice, but at the same time, it wasn't. This guy sounded creepy.
"Jin hyung, you did a great job. Unfortunately, you were blinded by your emotions. Didn't Nari tell you that her dear husband was allergic to camellias? You could smell camellias all over the beauty who escaped... Maybe you didn't pay attention..."
His voice trailed off and Nari felt his eyes on her. His icy stare. She felt like puking all over again but she held it in. She had been vomiting all morning and she didn't know why. Maybe it was the food she had the day before. In any case, she wasn't sure what was going on yet, but she couldn't show him any emotion either. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He smirked again and it was disgusting. Then she felt someone standing in front of her.
"What are you looking at, you creep?"
Hoseok sunbae! He had crossed his arms over his chest and was giving the screen a death glare. The other man laughed. His laughter sounded even worse than his speaking voice.
"You can stand in front of her all you want, I'll have her for myself soon anyway."
Nari felt her chest tighten when she heard that. What did he mean?
"You won't come anywhere near her, you sick bastard! I'll make sure to kill you first."
And suddenly, he wasn't laughing anymore.
"You see, one thing I hate is being threatened. But I'll let it slide this time since you're not the object of my interest tonight."
He looked in Namjoon's direction. He was silent all this time and he was still shocked at what he was looking at. Anyone would react the same if they saw their face on a screen, talking to them.
"Hello, brother. Nice to see you again."
That was all it took for Namjoon to come back to his senses.
"So it was you all this time? You're the one who's been following me..."
"Bingo! It was really fun, I admit it, but all good things come to an end, right? Now it's time for the next step... for that, you can't be in custody, now can you? You'll be free by tomorrow, then the game will begin. See you soon, brother."
He winked and then the screen went dark again.
Why did he keep calling Namjoon brother?
It was as if everyone in the room was under a spell that had just broken. They all started talking and moving in all directions. Some were wondering who that man was, some were still shocked at his resemblance with Namjoon and others were already making up theories. The last group included, not surprisingly, Ji Ho and Jihye. But Nari wasn't really thinking about him anymore. She just wanted to be near her husband.
She ran to him and as soon as she was in his arms, she broke down in tears. He was crying too and he was holding her as if his life depended on it.
"I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry for making you worry." He murmured in her ears but she just couldn't stop crying. She didn't care that the others were watching them. She was just so relieved that her husband was no longer a suspect.
"Hyung," she heard someone say behind her then the next thing she knew, Namjoon and her were both crushed by Jungkook's strong arms.
"Kook, you're really getting buffer by the day." Namjoon laughed.
In the meantime, Soha was filming them while Eungi was making weird sounds and commenting on how adorable they looked.
"This is so going on my Instagram page," Soha said, "if Namjoon lets me, of course."
He laughed again and just nodded.
"Send it to me, I want to share it too."
"Me too!"
"Me too!"
An hour later, Namjoon was finishing filing up and signing some papers so that he could be officially free. Apparently, they had received some "proof" at the headquarters that rid him of all suspicion. Nari had asked her boss about it, but he had just responded that it was something interesting and that he was going to take a look at it himself later. Jin had disappeared a little while after the video call and even though he was the last person Nari wanted to see at the moment, she felt like he owed Namjoon an apology for the way he treated him. She would make sure to let him know that. For now, they had more pressing matters to take care of, like a press conference to set the record straight about Namjoon's innocence.
Namjoon's agency had to make a press release as well and do some public relations to get back his good image. He had so much to take care of, but first, he needed some rest. He had been sitting in the interrogation room for hours!
They finally left the precinct and hurried before the journalists arrived to harass them. They were in the parking lot when Soha ran after them, a paper bag in her hand. She was calling for Nari, so they stopped.
"What is it, Soha?"
"Can I, um, talk to you for a sec?"
She exchanged a look with Namjoon and he nodded. He squeezed her hand and let her go. She and Soha took a few steps away from Namjoon so he wouldn't hear them.
"You know you've been on edge lately, right?"
"Well, considering what's going on-"
"Your emotional state was pretty unstable and you've been vomiting all your stomach's content since this morning."
"Yeah, but it could be the sandwich I had-"
"Here." Soha handed her the bag and when Nari looked inside, her eyes grew wider and she blushed.
"What the heck, Soha."
"Just to be sure, okay?"
"There are like ten in there!"
"You never know! Anyway, rest well and let me know how it goes, okay?" She lifted her fists and with a smile, whisper-screamed "fighting!"
Nari rolled her eyes and joined Namjoon in the car. The ride home was silent because Namjoon ended up sleeping. When they arrived, he didn't even take the time to shower or eat. He went straight to bed. Actually, it was a good thing because now she could use Soha's "gifts" without being questioned.
However, an hour later, she was sitting on the bathroom's floor, gazing at nothing, ten used pregnancy tests tossed out almost everywhere around her. She didn't know what to do or think or even feel.
She was pregnant.
She was having a baby.
Namjoon's baby.
Oh, God.
She was excited. And scared. And happy. And overwhelmed. And confused.
What was going to happen? She couldn't help thinking about everything that psycho had said. They were all in danger and she didn't even know how to protect them. No one knew where he was or what he was going to do. And she was having a baby.
Damn it!
She turned around and he was standing there, his hair a mess, his eyes bloodshot, his full lips slightly opened as he was looking at the floor in confusion.
"What's going on?"
Oh no, I'm not ready for this. He's going to be so happy and I'm not ready to deal with it. I don't even know what to feel myself!
Nari sighed and got up.
"Those are pregnancy tests, sweetie."
"Yeah, but-"
"I'm pregnant."
There was a silence after those words. Namjoon didn't move or even react. He kept his eyes on the floor for the longest minute of her life. Now she was having doubts. Maybe she was mistaken. Maybe he didn't want children yet. Maybe he wasn't ready either. Maybe-
"Oh my God." He mumbled as he took a few steps towards her. He took her hands in his and looked at her with so much love in his eyes that she started crying out of the blue. Damn these hormones!
"I'm so happy, I can't believe it." He continued. "We're going to be parents. Oh, God. We need to go to the hospital. Are you okay?"
She nodded and he hugged her.
"Thank you so much. Thank you for making all my dreams come true. I love you."
"Your dreams?"
"Being your husband was one of my dreams, being a father was another one, the father of your children. So thank you, baby."
She smiled and hugged him back.
"I love you too."
He let her go and touched her face.
"I love you," he repeated before kissing her.
Even though she still wasn't sure what to think about the whole situation, she was relieved he reacted the way he did. At least one of them was okay emotionally.
"I still can't believe you did this, Yoongi. How dare you? This is worse than betrayal."
Yoongi wasn't saying anything and he wasn't looking at her either. He was just sitting on the couch, tired and hungry. But he was also relieved. Namjoon was free of all suspicion. Now he could breathe a little. Even if he was still worried about the new development of the case, at least his closed ones were alright. For now.
He didn't know when that was going to change, but he knew it would. This bastard was smart and very meticulous. He knew what he was doing and how to get what he wanted. And the fact that no one knew his next move was nerve-wrecking for him.
And Soha was still on about something that happened weeks ago. Seriously, this wasn't the time. Plus, he did it to protect her. Why was she so mad about it?
"Are you listening to me?"
"Honestly no, I'm not." He answered bluntly.
"What?" She gasped in shock.
"Look, I get it. I shouldn't have put tracking devices on you without consulting you first, but I was worried. You're stubborn so you wouldn't have listened if I had asked you first-"
"That's no reason to do this behind my back! I'm not a kid I can take care of myself!"
He sighed, then got on his feet.
"I'm sorry. Can we just forget about this now?"
"Forget? So you're brushing the issue aside like that?"
"I'm not, it's just that we have more pressing matters in our hands right now don't you think? We have a serial killer on the loose and we don't know what he might do next. Nari and her husband could be in danger. Hell, we all could be in danger. Let's focus on that for now."
They stared at each other for a moment, then he saw tears rolling down her jaw. He frowned in confusion and tried to hold her, but she stepped back.
"This has nothing to do with what's going on between us. It's two separate matters, Yoongi. Are you making excuses to avoid this conversation?"
"What? No-"
"Then what are you doing?"
He paused and thought about his answer. But he only had questions. He was still so confused by her reaction.
"Is it so bad that I worried sick about you? Isn't it normal for someone who loves you?"
"So will you keep doing things like this in the name of love? Hiding the truth? Deciding what's best for me on your own? When did this happen anyway?"
He hesitated before answering "the day Jungkook and I came to your place."
"So the way you acted that day, it was to distract me? The flirting, the teasing... it was all to divert my attention from Jungkook?"
"Yes, but-"
"You used me..."
And there were more tears falling. Yoongi panicked at the sight.
"What?! No! It wasn't like that, I had feelings for you even then. I was already in love with you!"
"Am I supposed to believe you now?"
"Soha, please don't do this. Nari found out about Jungkook and she was understanding about it. It's not that big of a deal!"
The look she gave him at that moment broke his heart. Why was she so hurt? He couldn't understand what he did so wrong, he wanted to protect her! Even though he went behind her back, he didn't mean to hurt her. Why was she not understanding?
"Just leave, Yoongi."
"Why are you doing this? I said I was sorry."
"I don't care, leave! You're hiding so much from me, I'm tired."
"I'm not hiding anything else-"
"How about what happened between you and my dad? When will you finally tell me?"
"I...I can't tell you yet. I'm not ready." He answered after a moment of silence.
She took another step back from him.
"Well, come back when you are."
"Soha, baby, I love you. Please."
"Just leave!" She cried out.
He looked at her one last time and he knew she wasn't going to change her mind no matter how much he begged. At least not today. How the hell did it get to this?
"I'm sorry," he said again before leaving.
The next day, the precinct was busy. Yoongi had told Nari to take a few days off since the recent events must've drained her emotionally. She protested at first, but she finally agreed to take two days off, nothing more. He left it at that. It was better than nothing. She was too stubborn to listen to him anyway. Just like someone else he knew...
She wasn't at the precinct either. She and Hoseok were out looking for clues about their killer. And she was the one who suggested it, he was sure of it. She was just avoiding him. He had called her in the morning but she hadn't picked up. She had ignored his messages too. She barely talked to him when they saw each other at work as well. He really hated this and she knew it. She knew he was crazy about her, she knew that her ignoring him like that would make him lose his mind, she knew how much he'd miss her. She was just torturing him. How could he put an end to this? Tell her the truth about his past?
How was he supposed to do that? How was he supposed to look her in the eyes and tell her that he had messed up, killed someone in the process, and let her dad take the blame? How could he tell her that he was the one behind her dad's resignation from the police force? He'd tried his best to redeem himself since then, but the old man wouldn't let him, saying it wasn't his fault...
But it was his fault. He had been stupid and immature at the time and someone else paid for it. How could detective Cha say that it wasn't his fault?
He was going crazy thinking about it. He still had nightmares about that night.
How could he tell her? She would hate him for sure! She would see him as what he really was.
A coward.
He couldn't let the woman he loved think so low of him.
Jungkook took another sip at his coffee and put it down. He looked at the man sitting in front of him and sighed. He really didn't want to go through this again. It was in these kinds of situations that he needed Namjoon hyung the most, but he couldn't be here. With everything he went through lately, he too needed to rest. He needed to spend some quality time with his wife too.
"Uncle, I really don't think I can do anything at this point. We've been through this too many times already. She won't listen."
Chairman Park shook his head.
"Then I'll do what I planned."
The older man raised his eyebrows at Jungkook who blushed and cleared his throat.
" I mean, it's a bad idea. She'll hate you for the rest of her life."
"She already hates me."
"You know that's not true."
"We all know it is."
"We can try to get Namjoon to talk to her again?"
"It wouldn't be the first time either, and as you said, she won't listen."
"We'll try again, just don't make her lose her job. She'll make our lives a living hell after that. Please don't do that." Jungkook begged.
Chairman Park had a small smile and nodded. Jungkook squinted his eyes at the older man but didn't comment. He knew what that expression meant. He had another plan to get what he wanted for sure. Well, as long as he didn't use his connections to make her jobless, everything would be fine. Right?
"Thank you. I have to go to work, I'll see you later."
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