《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》17. Let the Game Begin
"Mom?!?! What the f-"
"Where is she?"
"Where is who?"
"Your girlfriend?"
Yoongi frowned at his mother and turned around. Everyone was watching the scene unfold and Soha's expression went from surprise to panic. He sighed and turned back to his mom.
"Let's have lunch, mom. It's on me."
"Only if she is coming."
"Mom, please stop!"
"Yoongi, sweetie, you know me. I'll find out eventually so just spill it."
He gave her a begging look, but she just smiled and walked past him. She looked around the precinct as her dark eyes so similar to her son's examined each woman carefully. When she got to team 3, Nari suddenly let out a laugh she had been struggling to hold, then the others followed. They bowed to Mrs. Min however and exchanged greetings with her. Then she focused all her attention on Soha. Her smile grew bigger and two dimples appeared on each cheek. She clapped her hands and gave her a once over. Yoongi really looked like his mom. They had the same nose, eyes and pouty lips. However, she didn't have a gummy smile.
"Aww, she is so cute! I didn't know you had such great taste after your asparagus of an ex-"
Mrs. Min rolled her eyes, then took Soha's hands in hers while smiling sweetly at her.
"Will you have lunch with us, sweetheart?"
Soha looked at Yoongi for help, but he just gave her an apologetic smile. So much for being discreet about their relationship.
"Fine, you win. Now let's go, please. You're distracting everyone."
Soha kept her head down the whole time. She barely spoke or looked at either of them. Mother and son were still bickering even when they got to the restaurant. Mrs. Min tried to have a conversation with her in the car, but her answers were short and every time their eyes met, she blushed like crazy.
Now they were sitting at a table at a restaurant in downtown Seoul. Yoongi and Soha were sitting next to each other and mrs. Min was sitting on the other side of the table. Yoongi took Soha's hand in his and when she looked up, he smiled at her.
"It's okay, she doesn't bite."
"Right, I don't unless-"
"Mom, please."
She grinned and sipped on her water.
"So, Soha what do your parents do?"
Soha looked up and there was panic in her eyes. Would she tell her to stay away from her son once she found out that her family was middle class?
"Does it matter?" Yoongi asked.
"I just want to know her better," his mom answered, rolling her eyes at him.
"My father is a retired police officer and my mom is a middle school teacher." She explained after a moment of silence.
"Retired police officer? Which station?"
"Here, in Seoul."
"Really? What's his full name?"
"Cha Dong Oh."
Yoongi and his mom exchanged a look but didn't say anything. Soha found it strange, but continued "my sister is a veterinary."
Mrs. Min nodded but still wasn't saying anything. This was getting weird. Why were they silent all of a sudden? Was it something she said?
"How long have you been a police officer?"
"Almost 5 years."
Another silence. There was definitely something strange. It wasn't the type of silence that came because no one knew what to say. It was the type of silence when people had something to say, but couldn't say it. It was all over their faces, too.
She knew how to read people after all.
Their food came and they started eating while talking about everything and nothing. In other words, boring subjects.
Soha liked it though. It gave her a chance to study mrs. Min and the relationship she had with her son. They seemed close, but the mom was one cunning lady. She kept making sly remarks about Yoongi's ex and saying crazy things she did when they were dating.
Was she trying to warn her?
Soha was smiling, but Yoongi looked so done with his mother. At some point, he just asked her to stop talking and asked for the bill.
When they got back at the station, mrs. Min hugged Soha and took her phone number, making her promise to see each other again.
When her car left, Yoongi took Soha's hand in his. She turned to him and he was looking at her with so much love. She couldn't help but giggle. She wanted to kiss him until he couldn't breathe anymore, but people were watching. She had to wait until later.
"What are you thinking about?" He murmured.
"Not much."
He kissed her hand and squeezed it.
"I'm sorry about my mom. She can be overwhelming sometimes, but most of the time, she is fun to be with."
"It's fine, don't worry."
There was a short silence while Soha was pondering if she should tell him how she really felt. She didn't want to burden him, but she couldn't just ignore it either. They had to tell each other everything to strengthen their relationship, right?
"To be honest, I was scared."
"When I mentioned my father, you guys acted weird and I thought that maybe your mom was worried about my background."
He sighed and let go of her hand. He held her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes.
"Baby, my parents aren't like that. I promise you, they will never try to break us up."
"Are you sure? Your dad-"
"My dad will love you."
He looked sincere and his smile soothed her. But only a little. She had a feeling she would always be nervous around commissioner general Min. The fact that he looked intimidating all the time made things worse.
She nodded and held him close.
"We will be fine, don't worry. I'll protect you."
And she believed him. She trusted him enough for that.
Nari looked at her phone and blushed even more. It had been a few days, but she was still embarrassed by what had happened between Namjoon and her. He kept telling her that it was okay, that she had nothing to be embarrassed about, but she just couldn't help it.
All this talk and when it came down to it, she just... chickened out. She couldn't believe it!
The worst part was, she didn't even know why she pushed him away. She was madly in love with him and she was attracted to him as well. After all these wet dreams, how could she just refuse herself to him and say that she wasn't ready?
She had been ready for years!
Then what was it?
Maybe she was intimidated since she wasn't experienced... But it was Namjoon! He wouldn't mock her for that? Plus, she had no reason to be awkward around him. They had known each other forever.
So what was it?
Her phone stopped ringing and she received a text message.
Joonie❤️: Babe, pick up the phone or I'll come over this instant.
Nari: You wouldn't dare.
Joonie ❤️: You know I would. Now pick up, please. I miss your voice.
Nari: We saw each other yesterday 🙄
Joonie❤️: I'm on my way.
She gasped and dialed his number right away. He was laughing when he answered the call.
"You can't keep avoiding me forever, you know. We're dating."
Her heart fluttered when she heard that. They were dating. She was dating Kim Namjoon and he was dating her. It seemed so unreal.
"I know! It's just so embarrassing..."
"And I keep telling you it's not. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. Take your time, baby. We have forever to spend together anyway."
And she was blushing again.
"Nari? You're okay?" Ji Ho asked as he was walking by her desk.
She covered her face and nodded. He didn't seem to belive her, but he shrugged and walked away.
"Yes, forever. You got a problem with that?"
"Hell no!"
He laughed again.
"I love you, Nari. I really do."
"I love you too, Joonie. I really do."
"So, tonight?"
"Sure, your house or mine?"
"See you tonight, then."
"See you tonight."
She hung up and put her phone down, a huge smile on her lips. When she looked up, Soha and Jungkook were watching her and they were smirking.
"You guys are already at the "I love you" phase? You're quick."
"I mean, they've been in love for over 20 years so it's not that quick."
"Over 20 years? You're exaggerating, Kookie."
"You know I'm not."
She rolled her eyes.
"Why are you here today anyway?"
He smiled at her and leaned on her desk.
"Since you guys are having a date night, can I stay at my apartment tonight?"
"Yes, of course."
She watched him with suspicion and asked "you've been acting strange lately, Kookie. What's going on?"
He giggled but he didn't respond. She was going to insist, but Yoongi appeared at that moment and looked around. When his eyes met Nari's he smiled.
"Detective Park, can I have a moment?"
She got up and followed him to his office. After she closed the door behind them, he turned around and faced her. He wasn't smiling anymore, but his expression already made her soft. She had an internal eye roll. How can one's expression make you soft? Well, his was doing just that to her.
Whatever he planned on asking her at this instant, she wouldn't be able to say no. She just knew it.
"I heard you're the one hosting the SP foundation charity event this year."
Oh, that. She hadn't even agreed to it yet and her father had already advertised it to the world?
But then again... Hosting the event was the right thing to do, at this point. She should have started doing that long ago.
"I guess I am."
"I always go with my parents."
"Really? I've never noticed you-"
"It's not like you pay attention. You're always so nonchalant at these events."
She blushed at that. It's true that she hated these parties, but she really needed to put on more effort when it came to her mother's work.
"But why are you mentioning the event?"
"I want you to send an invite to someone."
"Oh... I don't know if I can at this point. They already sent them and the sitting arrangements are ready."
"I'm really sorry."
"So there is nothing you can do? At all?"
She frowned. Maybe she could, but she wasn't sure how it worked. She couldn't make any promises. Unless...
"Who is it that you want to invite?"
"Who do you think?" He said, raising his eyebrow at her.
Nari smirked and slid her hand into her pockets.
"So you guys are really dating huh."
"Yes, and I'm not having this conversation with you."
He didn't seem surprised that she knew about it. Well, it was obvious that she would know since Soha and her were close.
"You don't need to, I know everything I need to know. And don't worry, I'll make sure she comes."
"Thank you. You can go back to work now."
"Yes, boss!"
She bowed and left his office.
As soon as she sat behind her desk, Eungi slid a piece of paper in front of her.
"What's that?"
"The blood work we asked for."
"You know, the blood found in your kitchen?"
"Why did it take so long?"
Eungi grimaced.
"We kinda forgot about everything else with your relationship and shi-"
"Seriously, Eungi?"
Eungi shrugged and had a small laugh.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it."
Nari looked down at the document and frowned.
"Is this...?"
"Yes, it's Yeri's."
Nari's brain started running fast. Kang Yeri was the victim he dropped before his last one, and she had received the glass of blood way before they discovered her body. What was the meaning of this?
"It's crazy," Nari murmured.
She didn't know what to do with such information. They had discovered the body weeks after she received the blood and it wasn't as if she had been dead for long either. The coroner's office told them that she had died less than ten hours before the body was discovered.
That cruel bastard! Exactly how much torture did he inflict to these girls? How slowly did they bleed for him to have this much blood at once from someone who died weeks after? Were the profilers right? Did he make more than one victim bleed at the same time?
If so, then he was already torturing someone else. Probably two or three other girls. Right at this moment.
Damn him!
Later that day, Nari was still thinking about her new discovery. She hadn't had time to talk to anyone about it yet, so she still didn't know what to do. She was also wondering how he was able to kidnap these girls after all the media attention. How did he trick them?
"Babe" Namjoon called.
She turned to him and he was looking at her with so much love in his eyes. But he also looked worried. She gave him an apologetic smile and curled up into him.
"Sorry, I got distracted."
"What were you thinking about?"
She didn't answer right away. She felt bad about being distracted while they were together. He had come to her house an hour earlier and they were just hanging out while watching TV. They had decided to just spend time together at home instead of going out and honestly, she couldn't be happier. She wasn't in the mood to go out. Plus, Namjoon looked tired.
Apparently, being an actor was more straining for him than he had imagined. Poor baby.
"Not much, just... stuff."
"I know you're thinking about work. I know you feel really bad for the victims and their families. I wish everything would get resolved quickly so that you could come back to your normal self."
"My normal self? What do you mean? Have I changed that much?"
He kissed her hair.
"Yes, you have."
She looked up at him with a frown.
"How so?"
He thought about it for a moment, then looked down at her.
"You don't laugh as much, anymore. You used to be so much fun, so carefree despite your dangerous job an now you're just constantly worried. Working on such a case can have that effect on people, I guess. I'm not trying to force you to act yourself again. I know it'll happen once the bastard is caught. I just want it to happen fast."
"I'm so sorry Joonie. I have probably been neglecting you, as well haven't I?"
"Of course not-"
"Yes, I have. But it doesn't change the fact that I love you. I always will."
"I know," he said before kissing her.
"How is the drama coming along?" She asked after the broke the kiss.
She had a small laugh.
"You wanted to act."
"Yes, and I had no idea what I was signing up for!"
He went on and on about how tiring filming was, but he liked it especially because the character he was playing was so different from him. He also liked his co-stars a lot and he had become good friends with some of them. Now Nari was hoping she could meet them. She was a big fan of Lee Joon Gi and he was a cameo in the drama.
"You can visit me on set if you want."
"Really? Will that be okay?"
She let out an excicted scream as he nodded. She threw herself in his arms and he laughed.
"Do you love him that much?"
"Are you kidding? He is talented, hot and a sweetheart. Not as much as you, of course."
"Ahaha good catch."
She grinned.
"It's true, Joonie. You're such an inspiration. You work so hard and you're so successful. Yet, you're humble. You're good at so many things even though you're a bit clumsy."
"That's because I'm a big baby."
"If you say so yourself."
"That's how my fans call me. A baby in a man's body."
"I wouldn't say that after hearing expensive girl." She said with a smirk.
He moved closer to her before answering "well, I wasn't thinking like a baby when singing it."
"What were you thinking, then Joonie?"
"Thoughts of me removing your bra," he murmured in a husky voice and he bit his lower lip.
She poked one of his dimples and he ginned at her. And that was the death of her. She couldn't hold it anymore. She kissed him hard. But the kiss became slower and more seductive at some point.
Then he started kissing her all over her face, then her neck. He sucked on her skin, then kissed it again. She would probably have a hickey later, but she didn't care. It was too good to care. So good that she groaned when he stopped to look her in the eyes.
"Nari," he said in the most solemn tone she had ever heard him use.
"Let's get married."
Her eyes popped out of her head and she was speechless. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't find her voice. How could he look so serious when saying this to her? And why all of a sudden? They were just making out earlier! Why would he propose like that, out of the blue?
"Are you-"
She got interrupted by the ringtone of a phone. It was hers. She took it out of her pocket quickly and looked at the screen. Then she looked up at Namjoon. He nodded and stood up, then walked away.
"Ji Ho? What's up?"
"Another body."
"What? Where?"
"I wouldn't have called you, but-"
"There is something we found on the body and... you need to see it yourself."
"What is it?"
"Just come. I'll send you the location."
"Okay, I'm on my way."
She found Namjoon in the kitchen and he was making tea. She walked up to him and hugged him from the back.
"Are you mad?" She asked him after a moment of silence.
"Why would I be mad?"
Well, his tone didn't give anything away and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Through all those years she had known him, he was never able to hide his emotions. At least not from her. She let him go and turned him around. He looked... hurt. And he wouldn't meet her eyes. She frowned.
"Was it work? On the phone?"
He looked at her this time.
"Yeah, another body was found. I have to go."
"Okay," he said with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"Don't be like this, we'll talk about it when I get back."
"Forget it, Nari. It's too early anyway-"
"No, it's not. I love you, Kim Namjoon. If you're ready for marriage, then I am too. I want to be with you. Only you, do you understand? I'm not going anywhere."
She watched his expression change from hurt to happiness in an instant. He smiled, then laughed and took her hands in his. He was such a baby.
"Let's do this."
"Yes," she answered with a smile. "But after the case is solved."
He considered it for a second, then answered, "for now."
"What do you mean-"
"I think you should go," he said as he winked at her and turned back to get his tea.
When he faced her again, he was smiling and his eyes were shining with mischief. She wondered what he was thinking.
"Don't do anything weird or I swear I'll kill you."
"We'll be fine, whatever weird thing I do. Come on, go."
He kissed her and ushered her out. She squinted at him but ended up leaving.
They'd talk later and she'd force it out of him. For now, she had more serious matters at hand...
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