《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》18. Some Clues
Joonie ❤️: Baby, I'm filming until late again today. I'm so sorry about that. I'll see you in the morning. I love you!😘❤️
Nari sighed and put her phone down. What perfect timing! He got busier right when she got busier too. It had been three days since they found the body with the message, and the precinct had been hectic ever since.
Everyone was on edge.
They were having meetings every day with the special team and the profilers. Even Jin participated too. He was a bit awkward around Nari and she was still mad at him. She avoided talking to him unless it was really necessary. She caught him starring at her a few times, but she ignored him.
They were trying to come up with a strategy to track the killer down, so there was no time for drama anyway.
"We should reinforce security around Nari's house," Jin suggested at some point.
Nari gave him a dark look before retorting "really? Is it the priority at the moment? When we just discovered another body?"
"Yes, it's also a priority unless you want to be one of the bodies, too?" Yoongi snapped.
There was a silence while she was giving him a challenging look. He didn't say anything else, but he didn't look away either. Nari wanted to snap back. She really did. She had so much to say. They should be on the field right now, asking questions, looking for witnesses, watching CCTVs. This guy wasn't a ghost, someone had to have seen something.
"Anyway, that's not necessary. What we're doing is enough. Plus, I'm probably not his target." She finally said.
"How do you know that? He didn't specify who his target is." Yoongi retorted in a harsh tone.
Nari frowned and looked at him directly. She looked offended.
"If he wanted to hurt me, he would have done so already. He had many opportunities."
"I don't think you understand what's going on, Nari. Or maybe you're just refusing to face reality. You're acting like a rookie-"
"I guess what the boss is trying to say is that he is worried sick about you and he wants to prevent the worst from happening," Soha explained in a softer tone, but she cast Yoongi a not so soft look.
Yoongi looked away and Nari could've sworn that she saw him blushing. Jin, Jimin Tae and Jongin had silent laughs while Sehun had a small smile. Jihye and Ji Ho kept watching Yoongi and Soha in hopes that there would be some argument. These two loved drama. Kyungsoo just facepalmed.
Nari sighed and thought carefully about what to say next. Soha was probably right. Everyone was worried about her, including Yoongi. But still, she felt like they had better things to do than "reinforcing her protection".
Other things to do such as...
"Wait, I think we missed something." She said as an idea started forming in her mind.
"What did we miss?" Tae asked.
"What the victims have in common."
"We already established that they are all-"
"Besides their physical features and family background. There has to be something they did or said to make them his targets."
There was a silence while everyone was thinking about it. Then Jongin left his seat and started pacing in the meeting room, both hands in his pockets. Some of them looked at him perplexed, but those who knew him understood what he was doing. It was a habit of his, he needed to pace like this when he had so much on his mind and had to organize his thoughts.
"Or a place they went to?"
"A place? Are you implying that they were abducted in a particular location?" Kyungsoo asked.
Jongin's frown deepened and he shook his head.
"Not necessarily. Maybe there's a place they all frequented, where the killer got to approach them without seeming creepy?"
"I don't think he would've seemed creepy anywhere. Remember he is probably in his late 20s to early 30s and he is good looking. He is probably a sweet talker, too." Taehyung explained.
"Actually, he is a sweet talker. No matter how good looking you are, your way of speech will determine if people trust you or not. And those victims definitely trusted this guy." Jimin added, then he turned to the board before continuing "I'll even go further and say that he left them no choice but to trust him. They couldn't say no to him."
"Which brings me to wonder how he is still making victims after all the media attention?"
Jimin and Tae both looked at Nari, then exchanged a look.
"I mean, we've given the public a brief description of the killer and even urged young women to be careful. We also described his type of victim. Still, they fall into his traps. How? Why? You'd think they would be suspicious of any stranger trying to talk to them, right?"
Nari watched as everyone was processing what she had just said. Yoongi frowned and held his chin between two fingers.
"Unless he is not a stranger?"
Everyone turned to Yoongi and he stayed silent for a few seconds. Then he started again "what if..." but then he shook his head and sat back into his chair.
"Tell us what you have in mind." Jin Inquired.
"It's crazy and I don't think it's possible, anyway."
"Tell us, hyung. You never know." Jimin Encouraged.
Yoongi hesitated but ended up talking.
"What if he is someone everyone knows? A public figure maybe? A person the public trusts and seeing him would make you forget about any cautious thought?"
"That's definitely a possibility, hyung." Taehyung agreed frantically.
"And that would explain why young women of this age range would trust him easily. A lot of them follow idols and are part of their fan clubs." Jimin added.
"AH! Fan clubs! What if they were all part of a fan club and that's where the bastard meets them?" Jongin said, almost screaming.
"If we consider this angle, we should start interrogating their families and friends again with the right questions this time. What do you think, chief Min?"
"I think you're right, Sehun. Let's do that. We'll talk to as many people as we can today and tomorrow, then Cha and Park will meet the profilers and give them all the information they need to finish up his profile. Keep up the good work, everyone!"
After the meeting was dismissed, the special team stayed to discuss how they would proceed with the interrogations. They decided to contact every one and summon them to the precinct. They would go to those that couldn't make it and meet them wherever suited them.
Many of them couldn't come to the precinct so Nari, Soha, Jongin, Sehun, Ji Ho and Kyungsoo went to meet those. Eungi and Jihye would take care of those that could come.
By lunchtime, Nari and Soha had talked to the families and classmates of four of the victims and they had a list of idols whose fan clubs they were part of. One name kept coming up, though. RM.
Nari didn't know how to feel about it, but she was starting to doubt that this was the right lead. There were other fan clubs, of course, but the only two the young women had in common were the Moomoos and the ARMYs(Sorry, I couldn't think of another fan club name for Namjoon lol).
So they were fans of the girl group Mamamoo and RM.
Namjoon would be so sad to hear about this.
"You know this doesn't make the idols suspects, right? It could be a fellow fan club member."
Nari gave her friend a smile. She appreciated her efforts to make her feel better, but there was no need. Namjoon was not a suspect. Plus, only four of the victims were his fans so far. They didn't know about what the others had found out yet.
"What in the idol's world is going on here?"
"Ten of the victims were also ARMYs..."
Everyone looked at Nari, but she just ignored those looks. This was the only thing that linked those girls to Namjoon so there was no reason for them to suspect him.
The fact that they were all in his fan club didn't mean that it was linked to the murders.
"So what if they are ARMYs? Over half of Koreans are ARMYs, male and female included." Eungi said as she was on the computer typing a report about the interviews she and Jihye had just conducted.
"Also, it's just an assumption. We don't have any proof," Jihye added.
"Can we think like police officers instead of fans? He could be a suspect."
All eyes were on Sehun now.
"I don't know, it smells like jealousy over here," Soha mumbled not so subtly.
"Yeah, I think so too. I mean who wouldn't want their ex's new boo to be a serial killer?" Jongin said, amused.
Everyone laughed and Sehun just rolled his eyes. Ever since they found out about him and Nari, they'd been teasing him about it. He didn't mind, though. They were over and they had both moved on. He just wished she hadn't moved on with Namjoon of all people. He had been the cause of 85% of their fights when they were together. Now he wondered if his suspicions had been right.
She had refused to be intimate with him saying that she wasn't ready yet, so he had accused her of loving someone else. She had denied it, of course, and he had tried to believe her.
Until he saw her interact with her two best friends. The way she acted around Namjoon was always different and yet she kept denying having feelings for him.
And today, over two years after their breakup, she was in a relationship with him...
"Anyway, let's keep digging. I'm sure we're onto something." Ji Ho said as he was reading through his notes again.
At that moment, Jihye stood up and started wearing her jacket. "Yeah, let's do that tomorrow. I'm off."
As they all left, Soha stayed behind because Yoongi was supposed to drop her off. When she joined him in his office, he was still working. He looked surprised to see her.
"What time is it?" He asked as she walked up to him and sat on the desk.
"It's 6. What are you doing?"
"Some paperwork."
He sat back and looked at her for a moment.
He held her by the waist and squeezed her.
"You're gorgeous, baby. I wonder what I would have done if I couldn't have you."
"Awww why are you so darn cute!" She said as she pinched his cheeks.
He laughed and stood up.
"Let's go home."
When they arrived at her house, he decided to stay and spend some time with her. And she wasn't complaining at all. However, there was still something wrong with him. Since three days ago when he came to her house unannounced, he seemed out of it. Something was bothering him and yet, he refused to talk about it.
She was really worried now. Was he sick? Was he having some trouble with the higher-ups? His father? Or was it something else? Was it her?
She didn't want to trouble him, but she really wanted to know what he was thinking.
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook you something?"
He lazily moved closer to her and clasped his arms around her.
"Let's go on a date."
"Why, are you busy?"
She rolled her eyes at him.
"It's just so sudden. We usually make plans in advance-"
"Well, I want to go on a date right now."
She watched him with a frown, but he just smiled at her. A smile that didn't reach his eyes. She sighed and ran her fingers through his hair.
"Yoongi, what is it? Tell me."
He starred at her without saying a word. He didn't need to say anything, because she already knew how he felt. Still, there was something else in the way he was looking at her that day. She wondered what it was that he couldn't confide in her.
They were supposed to be honest with each other and share everything. Wasn't that what love was all about? Was it something he couldn't tell her?
Or maybe she was just overthinking again.
"I love you, Soha." He murmured softly and before she could say anything, his lips were on hers.
First, she was surprised, then she freaked out. But those weird emotions only lasted for a few seconds because she started feeling some heat all over her body that she had never felt before. This was her first kiss! She had no idea what to do, but she knew one thing: she didn't want him to stop.
She found herself kissing him back and running her fingers through his hair, then his shirt. She held onto him tighter as he pulled her closer if that was even possible. Then he did something that made her moan. Actually, his tongue did it. And she was surprised and embarrassed at the same time. She had never moaned before!
Well, at least not from a man's touch...
He must have felt her discomfort because he let her lips go and looked at her with concern.
"You're okay?"
She blushed hard at that and had a nervous laugh.
"Yoongi, where did you learn to kiss like that? I thought you were a virgin?"
"A virgin, not innocent" he answered with a smirk.
She had a real laugh this time and kissed him.
"I want you," he said against her lips.
She moved away from him for a bit and frowned.
"You mean-"
"I want your body."
"Oh, I-I- really?"
What the f*** Soha! What kind of answer is that?
She closed her eyes, then opened them. He was giving her an expectant look and she was still looking for the right words.
How about I want you too? Or, let's do this! Ew, no.
He kissed her on the shoulder and leaned his forehead against it.
"It's okay if you're not ready, baby-"
He looked up with raised eyebrows.
"I-I want you too, oppa."
"You do? Are you sure?"
She nodded and gave him another kiss.
"I love you, I trust you, I want you."
She blushed when his gummy smile appeared again.
"You're so cute, you know that?" He said, biting his lower lip.
"Yeah, I know."
"You also need to know that I'll become even more clingy from now on."
"Oh, I like the sound of that."
He laughed and hugged her tight.
"What would I have done without you in my life?" He sighed.
After their date, they went to Yoongi's house. As soon as they arrived, he decided to shower and change his clothes.
Well, the thing was... She had spilled some soup on him at the restaurant. But it was his fault, too! He wouldn't stop flirting with her and she was already excited as it was.
After his shower, he joined her downstairs and she decided to go shower as well. When she was done, she decided to borrow one of his shirts and went back downstairs for tea, as they had agreed on a bit earlier.
"No sugar and half a lemon, right?" He asked right as she entered the kitchen.
"Yes, thanks."
He smiled at her and pressed some lemon in one of the mugs in front of him. He stirred it and pushed the mug towards her. She thanked him again and they sat on the tools behind the kitchen counter.
His house was really similar to Nari's even though it was bigger. They both had backyards, a spacious garage, and a huge kitchen. Yoongi's was more organized, though. And the way his house was decorated... it was so impersonal as if he didn't spend much time there.
"Huh?" She answered while blowing into her mug.
"Why haven't you dated anyone until now?"
She quickly looked up and he was looking at her with genuine curiosity. He was so cute in his oversized hoodie and his sweatpants. His dark hair was wet and combed back, so his forehead was exposed.
Yoongi's forehead exposed? What a rare sight.
And she was not complaining!
"There were some serious obstacles that prevented me from doing so." She finally answered.
"What do you mean?"
"It was always creeps that came onto me, for one. But in high school, I wasn't really interested in dating because all I wanted was to win as many competitions as possible. I was on the swimming team. And during my senior year, there were rumors about me being a lesbian. So the boys stopped approaching me."
Yoongi watched her his mouth wide open. He didn't know what surprised him more. The fact she was a swimmer or the fact that her schoolmates thought she was a lesbian.
"I don't even know what to say."
She laughed.
"It's not like I made any effort to look feminine either. I really didn't care about my appearance."
"You don't have to, you're gorgeous no matter what."
She blushed slightly.
"You really are a sweet talker aren't you."
"Only for you, my sweet bean." He said with a wink and she laughed again.
"Then after came the police academy and graduation. It went by so fast, I never even had time to look at men. It wasn't on purpose, really. I just wasn't interested in anyone in particular. Until you."
"Why me?"
"I don't know, it just had to be you. You make me feel things... you make me want to do things to you."
When their eyes met, she realized what she had just said and felt embarrassed again. Since when was she this bold?
"What things, Soha?" He asked in a dark voice. He was sipping on his tea, so all she could see were his eyes. And they were gorgeous and dark and they showed her something interesting. He was so turned on right now, wasn't he?
And now she was, too.
"Things a virgin like you wouldn't know," she answered with a smirk. "Which brings me to my question, why are you a virgin at 30, Yoongi?"
He put his mug down and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I feel like people get surprised when they learn this about me because I'm a guy. No one would be this surprised if I was a woman. You're a 27 years old virgin, and I'm not even shocked about it."
"Double standards," she retorted with a shrug.
There was a short silence while they both drank their tea. It wasn't awkward or burdensome. It was comfortable.
"I'm very picky when it comes to the women I date. And I didn't want to have sex just because everyone else did. I wanted it to come naturally with someone I was comfortable with, someone I trusted, someone I truly loved. I've never met that someone until now."
Soha was so pleased to hear that. But she had so many questions, too.
"But you've dated before, right?"
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