《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》16. Confessions (part 2)
"Namjoon, stop being a f**ing brat and pick up your f**ing phone!"
She hung up and let out a frustrated scream. Was he for real? Storming out of her house after confessing his love to her? Ignoring her calls? Ignoring her text messages? WAS HE FOR REAL?!
She paced in her living room, trying to think about everything that had just happened.
She couldn't believe herself! She had just spaced out in the middle of a love confession.
That was a first, even for her.
I mean, how dumb can I be? What the f** Nari?!
Where was he? What did she miss? Why did he act this way? She was going crazy here! At that moment, her phone buzzed in her hand and she checked it out, thinking it was Namjoon calling back, but no. It was Seokjin. He sent her a text saying that he was in front of her house. She really didn't have time to deal with him right now, and she was going to tell him that.
When she opened her front door, he was just standing there, looking tired, with messy hair, dark eyes on her, smiling adorably, tall and lean... In other words, hot as f*** even dressed in dark grey jeans and a pink hoodie. She sighed and took a few steps closer to him. Ok, he was hot but right now, the only man she wanted was Namjoon.
"Is it about work?" She asked as calmly as possible.
"No, it's not."
"Then you can-"
"It won't take long, I just need you to listen."
She considered turning him down, but it seemed important. Plus, she was curious. Why would he visit her without even calling first if it wasn't about work? Also, he didn't seem as playful as usual.
"Let's go inside, then?"
"No, I'm fine here."
"Well I'm not-"
"Just listen."
She nodded and crossed her arms on her chest, waiting. He sighed and looked down.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" He asked, hesitantly.
She nodded, but since he wasn't looking at her, she said "I do. You had just transferred and you were assigned the case I was working on."
"Yeah, the husband who killed his wife because she cheated... A classic."
"Isn't it sad how common it is for married couples to kill each other?"
"Right? It's scary, too."
"Anyway, I'm sure you didn't come all the way here to talk about that."
"No, I came here to tell you how I feel."
"Oh." She simply said while trying to control her heartbeat. Surely it wasn't what she thought it was, right? Two confessions in one day? Damn!
He had a small smile, then continued "I'm sure you might have realized by now that I'm interested in you romantically."
"Y-you are?"
"You couldn't tell with all the flirting?"
"I thought you were just teasing me," She said with a nervous laugh.
He grinned and ran his fingers through his already messy hair.
"Well, I wasn't. I fell for you. Hard. Unfortunately, I realized it too late."
There was a silence as Nari was trying to wrap her head around what Jin had just said. Once again, she was at a loss for words.
A few months ago, she would have been delighted to hear those words from him because she had been crushing on him.
But now... She wasn't all that into him anymore, even though a few days ago, she was still having some unholy thoughts about him.
What was that about anyway? It didn't matter because now she knew who she really wanted. She knew who she really loved and he loved her too. It still felt like a dream. Namjoon loved her too, damn it!
"I know you are in a relationship right now, but I also know that you're not indifferent to me." Jin said as he took a step closer to her.
Well, who would be? You're kinda hot.
However, she looked him dead in the eye before answering "Jin, I don't think of you that way-"
"Do you love him?" He interrupted her.
"Will you back off if I say yes?"
"No," he replied with an arrogant smirk.
She squinted her eyes at him and shook her head.
"Why did you ask, then?"
He shrugged.
"I just want to know what I'm up against."
"You're not up against anyone, Jin. The two of us... it can't happen."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't feel that way about you. Not anymore."
She bit her lip after saying that. He wasn't supposed to know about her crush on him! At least not now. She was supposed to reject him and that was it. Why would she tell him something so unnecessary? The man had just told her that he wouldn't give up even if she loved someone else. Now he had found an excuse to hold onto her.
Damn you, Nari!
"So you used to have feelings for me?"
"Not anymore."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure."
"Is it him? Are you afraid of him? Or maybe you just don't want to hurt him?"
"What are you saying?!"
He held her by the arms and brought her even closer to him. She was so surprised that she didn't even have time to react. He was so close and he looked so angry, all she could do was stare. And her heartbeat was going crazy. She was scared. She, Park Nari, a detective who took risks on a daily basis. She was scared of what Jin might do next.
"I love you, Nari. And I know you will love me back if only you'd give us a chance."
"Please stop this. I already told you I-"
"You're lying to yourself."
"I see the way you look at me, you want me Nari. I know it and you know it too."
Her eyes grew bigger and she opened her mouth, then closed it. She was convinced that he had gone mad. She didn't want to be rude, but he was asking for it. She tried to push him away and that's when she heard a car coming. She turned in the direction of the noise and saw Jungkook's car parking. And Namjoon. He was standing a few feet away, watching them.
Nari could feel her heart breaking into pieces at the sight of his expression. He was hurt and angry. She swore, then finally broke free from Jin's hold.
"Namjoon," she murmured as he was walking away.
She was walking after him, trying to catch up to him and tell him that what he saw didn't mean anything. She was going to tell him how much she loved him and that he didn't have to worry about other men wanting her because she only wanted him. She only dreamed of him, she only desired him, she only loved him.
But he was walking faster and faster and even though she screamed his name, he wouldn't stop. She screamed his name one more time and her voice cracked on the last syllable. She then felt strong arms holding her back.
"Noona, let him go. He needs to cool off."
But she ignored Jungkook and kept calling on Namjoon.
She eventually stopped screaming and broke into tears while Jungkook was holding her.
"It's okay, he'll come back when he's calmer. Don't worry, noona."
She snapped her head up and broke free from his hold. She then walked towards Jin and started punching him in the chest.
"This is all your fault! I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU, KIM SEOKJIN!!"
He didn't say anything nor react at first. He let her pour her anger and frustration on him. When she stopped punching him, she took a step back, then looked at him. Her tears were still falling and she had so much anger in her eyes. Also, fear. That's what hurt him the most. That fear she was feeling. The fear of losing the other man while she was all he, Jin, wanted.
"I don't care, Nari. You can hate me all you want, but I'd still love you. I didn't do anything wrong."
"You're right, you didn't do anything wrong," she stated with a trembling voice. "It's me who stood there and listened to you. I'm the one in the wrong."
She had a bitter laugh and ran her fingers through her curly hair.
"To answer your question, yes I love him. It has always been him and it will always be him. I will never love you, Jin."
With that, she walked into her house followed by Jungkook who gave him a dark look before closing the door behind him.
Jin sighed and covered his face with his hands. He felt like screaming all of a sudden.
His emotions were all over the place.
He knew he had hurt Nari, but she'd just shredded his heart into pieces. And still, he loved her like crazy.
It will always be him. I will never love you, Jin.
Words could hurt and he had just experienced it first hand.
From none other than his first love...
"Noona, come eat something. Please."
Nari didn't even bother looking up. Jungkook then came into the room and sat near her on her bed. She'd been sitting there ever since they left Jin in front of the house and she wouldn't stop crying.
It had been two hours.
He had tried everything, but she wouldn't come out of her bedroom. He didn't know what to do anymore. Namjoon wasn't picking up his phone either. He got so worried that he asked Mimi to go check on him since he didn't want to leave Nari alone.
It wasn't until she sent him a text that he felt he could breathe a little.
Mimi: he is home, but he doesn't look good. What happened?
Kook: I'm not sure myself, all I know is that some drama went down between him and Nari noona. She isn't talking either. And she looks just as bad.
Mimi: Do you think he finally confessed? And then she rejected him... Holy shit! 😱
Kook: She couldn't have rejected him, she's crazy about him! Anyway, thank you for checking on him. Talk to you later.
Mimi: Alright, later!
He put back his phone in his pocket and looked back at her. She was crying in silence.
She looked tired and weak, but she wouldn't stop. He hated seeing her like that. Especially when he didn't know the reason.
Well, he could guess that they had a fight, but what was the reason? Why would Namjoon hyung get mad after seeing her with Jin? It's true that they looked pretty close at that moment... but it wasn't that bad. As her best friend, he had no reason to get mad, right? What did he miss?
"He loves me." He heard her say in a low voice. So low that he almost missed it.
"Both. They both told me they loved me today."
"Holy sh- wait, what did you say to Namjoon hyung? I know you rejected Jin hyung, but why was Namjoon hyung so mad?"
She closed her eyes for a few seconds. She was wearing an expression of regret on her face and Jungkook thought she was going to start crying again, but she didn't.
"I-I spaced out in the middle of his confession and he probably thought-"
"I know, I know, I f** up! And now he thinks that Jin and I are a thing."
"Aww, noona you'll be fine. He's been in love with you for years, you won't lose him over some misunderstanding."
"What if he refuses to listen to me? What if I end up not being able to tell him how I feel?"
"Just give him some time, he'll listen to you."
He hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.
"You'll be fine." He murmured while gently patting her back.
Everyone hated Mondays, but honestly, some Mondays were worse than others. And this Monday... let's just say that staying in bed would've been better.
She woke up late, so no time for breakfast; she tried calling Namjoon again, but he was still ignoring her; she almost bumped into someone else's car on her way to work, and to top it all, her dad wanted to see her. The worst. Urgh.
"Dad, I don't have the time today."
"What do you mean, you don't have time? Don't you get a lunch break every day?"
"What is it about anyway?"
"You forgot again?"
"Your birthday?"
"No, that's in two months. I know you're trying to hurt me, but it won't work. I don't care if you forget my birthday, I will never forget yours."
There was a short silence and Nari thought she was feeling something... guilt? Ewww, no. She hated her father for a reason! Why would she become all soft for him all of a sudden? The a**hole chose his company over her!
"Then what is it?"
"The SP foundation fundraising... "
F***, crap, shit, shit, shit, shit! How can I forget this? It's mom's work! Oh my God, I'm a bad daughter, such a bad daughter!
"It's okay if you forgot, sweetie. That doesn't make you a bad daughter."
Did he read minds?
"I'm sorry, I-"
"So will you come to lunch?"
"Okay, but I won't be part of the planning comity this year. I just don't have time."
"That's fine, as long as you host it."
"WHAT? But I never host it!"
Nari bit her lip when she saw everyone looking at her. She mouthed an apology and went out of the room. On her way out, she bumped into Sehun and Jongin and they started teasing her about her relationship. Again. Well mostly Jongin, because Sehun was still being a brat about it. She definitely had too many brats in her life lately.
She had to run away from them so that her father wouldn't hear Jongin's nasty jokes.
But it was too late.
"Oh, right you can host it with Namjoon. It'll make us more publicity. Who knows? Maybe we'll raise more money."
She tried to ignore the pang in her heart at the thought of spending an entire evening with him. She missed him even though they saw each other the day before. She missed his voice, his scent, his warmth, his smile, everything. Hopefully, they would work things out before the charity event. Anything could happen in a month, after all.
"I don't even want to host it, dad. I don't have the time!"
"I thought the reason was that you didn't want everyone to know your relationship with me?"
"I really can't."
"But everyone knows ever since you went public with your relationship." He continued as if she didn't say anything.
"Okay, dad I have to go. See you at lunch!"
She hung up and went back to work. But she was still feeling guilty for forgetting about the fundraising event. The SP foundation stood for Serena Park and her mother had created it to help women and children victim of abuse. She did accomplish some amazing things through it and after her death, her dad had continued to hold charity events in her name.
Every year on the same day, they held an auction followed by a party, and the foundation's director, Lee Yang Yi, was always the host. She didn't understand why it had to be her, this year?
At the same time, she realized that she should have been more involved in all this. After all, it was her mother's legacy. But she had spent so much effort on avoiding her father that she had lost sight of what was more important to her: being close to her mom. Even though she couldn't do so physically, she could at least continue her work.
"So, how is our lover girl?"
She looked up at Jongin and gave him a fake smile.
"Do you want my foot in your a**?"
His grin grew bigger.
"Aww, as charming as ever."
She rolled her eyes and decided to ignore him. He moved over to Soha's desk while Sehun was sitting in front of hers.
"What?" She asked while going through some of her files.
"Nothing, I'm just watching you."
"Well, stop it."
"I really don't have time for this. Do whatever you want, Sehun."
He didn't say anything for a moment, then she saw him move in his seat from the corner of her eye.
"Are you really happy with him?"
She looked up this time and frowned at him. What was with everyone being all up in her business? Honestly, it was her relationship. It was none of their business.
Well, her fake relationship...
"Yes, thank you for asking." She answered in a firm voice.
He didn't have the time to answer as Yoongi arrived and ordered them to follow him in the meeting room.
They did those meetings once or twice a week and the rest of the time, they investigated separately and exchanged information over the phone or text. Today's meeting was different though.
The atmosphere seemed... strange, but good strange.
No one missed the looks Yoongi and Soha kept exchanging and the smiles too.
Oh, the tea was hot.
After the meeting, Nari dragged Soha into an empty interrogation room so she could ask her. She closed the door and turned to face the confused young woman.
"Spill it."
"Spill what?" Soha asked with a frown.
"You know what. Come on tell me everything."
She kept a straight face at first, then she smiled. The brightest smile she had ever seen her friend and colleague wear.
"Nari, I'm so in love with him!"
Nari let out an excited scream and hugged Soha.
"How did it happen?" She asked after letting her go.
"Well, it happened the night we had the party at your house. I ended up going at his place and spending the night-"
"Already? Isn't it too fast?"
"Nothing happened!" She protested with a blushing face.
Nari laughed.
"He confessed and asked me to be his girlfriend."
"Oh my gosh! For some reason, I picture him to be so cute when he was doing it."
"Cute and... hot as heck." She said with a smirk.
They exchanged a look, then laughed together.
"I'm so happy for you, Soha, honey. You deserve all the love in the world!"
"Thank you, sweetie. You too."
"Thanks, thanks. Come on give me more details. Did you guys kiss?"
Soha shared a few more details, then they went back to their desks. Nari didn't miss her other colleagues' looks. They were probably curious too, but Soha would probably share the news when she felt like it.
Now she had to go to lunch with her dad.
The first thing he noticed was that the restaurant was empty. How can such a famous restaurant be empty at lunchtime? Then it hit him. Chairman Park had reserved the whole place because of him! Aww that was very considerate of him. Even though, it benefited them both. The old man probably wanted to have a peaceful lunch and Namjoon knew that his presence would cause a commotion for sure.
He was seated at a table near the window on the second floor of the restaurant and there were two men standing at each side of him. When he saw Namjoon, he gave him a smile and welcomed him. Namjoon bowed and thanked him before taking the seat facing him. The two men next to him then walked away discreetly.
"How are you, Namjoon?"
"I'm well, how are you?"
"I'm doing okay, thank you. Nari will arrive shortly, I hope you don't mind waiting?"
His heart stopped for a millisecond at the mention of her name. He swore internally, then forced a smile before answering "I don't mind, I have the whole afternoon to myself anyway."
"Good. How is the filming going?"
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The M.S. Fortune
John comes out of stasis aboard Starship Fortuna and is instantly made Captain by the bestest Simulated Intelligence in the Universe and then they live happily ever after, solving problems. Yeah. That’s totally what happens. Where are you going John? Why don’t you like my synopsis? I think it’s great and totally not full of lies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Written by Vitaly S Alexius (author of Romantically Apocalyptic) and Angry Spider (author of... various). Dark comedy! Fantastic Adventure! Space! Sexy robots! Please insert more descriptive keywords! Notice of interest:This book operates on a unique concept of "Reader Causality". Meaning - every review left on it incrementally impacts the story, adding in a new, minor twist to it. If you already left it a review - then you can impact the story by leaving comments beneath new chapters.
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Season 1. Before 15 years, In Paradise kingdom which was ruled under the Nobility System. The last member of the Ruling family disappeared in a mysterious incident so the whole country nearly walked into a civil war. Ganzo and Seel , the two of them were in the royal army and the rule the Families of the East and West respectively, they controlled the country using their influence around the Kingdom. They agreed to continue ruling the Kingdom under the Nobility System which was not to be changed easily. In this Kingdom in which Magic (Gaibo) is everything, there are 4 main families, 1- The Eastern Family ( Ganzo Family ) 2- The Western Family ( Seel Family ) 3- The Northern Family ( Nabako Family ) 4- The Southern Family ( Kanti Family ) Each of these families rules their own land and under them there are smaller families that declared their loyalty to the ruler family of the land. Each Family has a single ruler called the Father. When the father is to be changed for any reason, the name of the family is also changed after the name of the new ruler. Since the Kingdom relays on Magic (Gaibo) – will be discussed later- each family has their own Magical Techniques and Skills that you will obtain if you have the blood of this family. These Skills are initially unlocked by saying specific words for each Skill. The public –not noble- are capable of doing the Gaibo Skills but only ordinary skills that worth nothing in wars. Along the Kingdom, Medical Guilds are scattered. These Guilds are usually used by the noble families that hire them to heal the injured warriors. Noble families also send their daughters to these Guilds to learn The Skills of Healing.
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Fully Demon
*Rin is a demon that lives in Gehenna and is the king of Darkness and Shadows*The exorcists are killing and being more brutal than normal towards demons and the Royal Family is sick of it and decides to take action all while the exorcist think it's a good idea to try out their new device that's supposed to open the Gehenna Gate. With this new device they want to try and capture a demon to pry out any information that they can, but instead of a regular demon- they unknowingly capture Satan's most powerful son. When Rin is brought to Assiah he come to find one odd looking human that intrigues him.Shiro's alive and everyone is already an exorcist. There's more of an explanation in the chapters, these changes will just will help the story go smother.~A Blue Exorcist fan fiction - Bon x Rin ~Fanfiction - I'll only take credit for the writing(Warning: Mild swearing included)!!BEING REWRITTEN!
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