《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》15. Confessions (Part 1)
I know I said I would post more often, but I've been busy with packing. I'm moving back home, so I have so much to do! So sorry guys.
It had been two weeks since things became crazy.
Yes, crazy.
For one thing, they had discovered two other bodies, victims of the vampire killer. The population was going crazy and the police force was under pressure.
As if that wasn't enough, Nari was still being followed around by the paparazzi. They were taking pictures of her every move! Her choice of clothing was being criticized, her relationships were being analyzed, her background was being exposed.
The whole country now knew that she was the daughter of chairman Park Han Sik and she wasn't sure if that made things worse or better. Because now she wasn't the "insignificant woman who probably had something on Namjoon and threatened him to date her" anymore. Now she was another chaebul's daughter who wanted to be in the spotlight.
Some other people thought she was a bad detective because of that same background. She didn't care about the victims or their families because she was living like a princess. After that, her father's company ran into some trouble as well. But it didn't last as they fixed the problem quickly.
Two other weeks later, they were now focusing on her relationship with Jungkook. The poor baby was just trying to protect his noona.
She really hated this.
But at least now, there was no journalists in front of her house.
Namjoon and her were still in that fake relationship, though.
It wasn't as hard as she had thought it would be. She was busy with the case she was working on and Namjoon was busy with his drama, so they didn't see each other as much. Everything was perfect.
Except for one thing.
Or should we say, one person?
Kim Seokjin.
He was relentless.
Every time they were together, he was trying to flirt. And it was so subtle that no one else noticed. And they had been meeting more often lately because their killer was going crazy. The two bodies they had found were those of victims who lived not too far from Nari's neighborhood. And they weren't as clean as the other bodies either. Even though they didn't find any DNA, they found other elements that could help them with where they had been before being dumped for example.
Jimin and Taehyung thought he was getting sloppy because of a shift in his mental state or emotions. Was it rage? Impatience? Loneliness? Boredom? Anything was possible, really. But Nari wasn't sure what to think anymore. They were making progress though, even if it was slow.
And this was all an excuse for Jin to come to her or call her to his office. All the freaking time!
But the worst part was, she wasn't completely indifferent to him either. She was so confused!
Every time she was with Namjoon, she felt like she was in love with him and that she could jump him at any second. But when she was with Jin, she got all hot and bothered and also curious about... things that she didn't even dare to voice.
What was wrong with her? Was it Namjoon or Jin?
"Are you okay?" She heard someone ask and she looked up to see Soha watching at her with concern in her dark eyes.
Nari had just returned from Jin's office and she was still shaken by her mixed feelings. It must have been obvious if Soha had noticed something off about her.
"How can I be okay? This asshole is still on the lose."
Nice one, Nari.
"We're having a little party at Nari noona's house, wanna come?" Jungkook said suddenly, appearing out of nowhere.
Everyone turned to him and he was smiling as if everything was normal.
Also, a party? She knew nothing about that! But it was Jungkook, he did whatever he wanted and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
"I'm in!" Soha answered.
"Will her idol boyfriend be there? If so, then yes!" Eungi said, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Me too!" Jihye exclaimed.
Kyungsoo and Ji Ho also agreed to come.
"Then it's settled. It's gonna be a party of 8."
"Eight?" Nari asked.
"Yoongi hyung is coming."
"Did he agree to that?" She asked again, half surprised and half distressed. He and Soha were still fighting, weren't they?
"He definitely will if I tell him that we're having a gathering to cheer you up. He can't say no when it comes to you two."
"Who two?"
"Soha and you."
"Yeah, that's true. Everyone knows that." Eungi agreed.
"Maybe Soha, but not m-"
"Why me?!" Soha interrupted.
"Cauz he looooves youuuuu." Ji Ho sang.
"True!" Jihye agreed.
"Everyone knows that, too." Kyungsoo added.
"Nari noona is like a sister he wants to protect and Soha noona... well, we all know he has a thing for her."
"Guys, don't be ridiculous!" Soha protested.
She was blushing like crazy and the others couldn't help but laugh at her. At that moment, Yoongi entered the precinct and stood there, hands in his pockets.
"I see you guys have some free time. Maybe you can help Hoseok and team 1 then?"
"What? Na, we're busy." Nari answered.
"Busy laughing?"
"I was just inviting them to a party, you're coming too, hyung."
"Why would I want to party with disrespectful subordinates like them?"
"Because it's just a gathering to cheer Nari noona up. We'll just drink and play games, nothing fancy."
He didn't answer, but he gave Nari a worried look.
"Detective Park, are you being careful? Are you doing what I told you?"
"Yeah, I check my house every day for recording devices."
"So you're coming?"
"I'm not sure, I'll let you know."
"Soha noona will be there!" Jungkook exclaimed, which earned him a death glare from Soha.
Yoongi gave him a small smile, then turned to Soha. As soon as their eyes met, she looked away. He sighed and turned around.
"Fine, I'll be there."
Then he walked away.
Everyone turned to Soha. She was even redder than before and she didn't know where to hide. What was Yoongi playing at? Was he trying to make her uncomfortable? Because she knew he didn't have feelings for her. They had talked about that already.
Well, she had done the talking and he had done the listening. Still, he didn't contradict her that day, so it was obvious what she said was right. Of course, it was.
The evening was going smoothly so far. They were talking, laughing, and teasing each other. Nari's colleagues were intimidated by Namjoon at first, but they ended up loosening up when he answered their questions with huge smiles and even cracked a few jokes. Then he and Yoongi talked about Nari as if she wasn't there, to which she rolled her eyes a few times. And they played a few games as well.
At some point, Yoongi became silent while observing the others with a smile. Well, mostly Soha, even though she was doing her best to ignore him.
Nari couldn't stop drinking and Jungkook kept making fun of her low alcohol tolerance. Namjoon tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen.
Now she was giggling in the middle of her every sentence and her face was all red.
"Just one more glass and then I'm done. (She giggled again). Promise."
"You said that four glasses ago, Nari. Please stop?"
She turned to Namjoon and giggled again. She put her glass down and started playing with his cheeks.
"Why are you so cute, Joonie? "
He smiled and took her hands off of his face.
"I'll tell you if you agree to go to bed."
"With you?"
He laughed nervously.
"People are watching, Nari." He whispered.
"Oh don't mind us." Kyungsoo said in an amused tone.
"You guys are so cute, awww." Jihye added.
Nari turned to them and said, "close your eyes, kids" she said while shooing them away. Then she giggled again and went closer to Namjoon.
"No one is watching, now let's do it."
"Oh my God, Nari that's enough. Let's go."
"Don't worry, we're leaving." Eungi started while taping some keys on her phone.
"Yeah, we'll give you guys some privacy," Ji Ho added with a wink.
Namjoon blushed at that but didn't respond. Instead, he tried to convince Nari to go to bed again.
"Come on, Nari. Let's go."
She took her glass of soju and was about to drink it when Namjoon took it away from her.
"I said no more alcohol for you!"
"But why!?!?" She whined, then stopped abruptly.
She was looking at Yoongi with big eyes, then she moved quickly towards him.
"Aww it's the hot vampire again!"
She giggled again and took his face into her hands.
"Someone gets her off of me, please!" He complained.
Everyone laughed, then Jungkook went over them and pulled Nari away from him.
"Noona, let's go to bed."
"I want to sleep with Joonie, not you!"
"Okay, I'm hurt. We've shared a bed before."
"But I'm sharing my bed with baby Joonie today, not baby Kookie."
She pouted, then went back to Namjoon. She let herself fall into his arms and he caught her with a smile.
"Right, then let's go, okay?"
"I can't move, I'm tired." She cooed as her eyes started closing.
He smiled tenderly, then got up and took her in his arms, bridal style. He thanked everyone for coming, then wished them a good night before walking out of the living room.
There was a short silence after that, then Kyungsoo stood up first.
"My ride is here so I'll be leaving first."
"Your ride?" Eungi asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
"His girlfriend." Ji Ho answered casually.
"Oh, right you have a girlfriend. When can we meet her?" Eungi teased.
"Maybe someday. Goodnight guys. Goodnight sir."
Yoongi nodded, then looked down at the empty glass he was holding. He sighed, then put it down on the coffee table in front of him.
"I'm taking a cab, anyone wanna come with me?" Ji Ho inquired right after Kyungsoo left.
"I'll go."
"Yeah, let's go guys."
Ji Ho, Eungi and Jihye left together after saying their goodbyes. Now it was only Jungkook, Soha and Yoongi left. Soha asked Jungkook for some water, so he left the room for a moment.
She and Yoongi didn't exchange a word while alone together. However, he was still staring at her and she was starting to get frustrated with him. Why wasn't he saying anything?
Jungkook came back and put the water bottle in front of her.
"So, ready to talk it out? I can get out of the way if you need some privacy."
He looked from Soha to Yoongi, but there was no response from neither of them. He had a small laugh while Soha was drinking her water. After she was done, she turned to Jungkook.
"I'll get going now."
"I'll get you a cab." Yoongi said at that moment.
"No, you won't." She snapped. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much, sir."
On that note, she just left. Yoongi sighed and bid Jungkook goodnight before following after her.
She was walking down the street, but she wasn't too far. He followed her from a reasonable distance, making sure not to bother her. He wasn't sure what was going on between them at this point. She was mad at him for some reason, and he couldn't figure out what it was.
He missed her so much, but she wouldn't pick up his calls or answer his text messages. He had so much to tell her, and yet, she refused to talk to him. He was so confused about all this! He was sure of one thing, though. He wanted her. Badly.
When he had asked Jin's opinion about the matter, he had just answered that she was probably mad because she didn't hear what she wanted. What could that be? He was going crazy trying to figure out this woman!
Also, how much longer did she intend to walk?
"This is the third cab that passed by, Soha. Are you planning on walking home or something?"
She stopped abruptly and he did the same. They stayed like that for a few seconds, then she turned around. She walked up to him and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Can I spend the night at your place?"
His eyes popped out of his head after hearing what she said. Did he dream those words? Was he imagining things because he missed her so much? But then, he noticed her face becoming redder every second and that's when he realized that she was waiting for an answer.
He was so excited that he kept silent. It was safer that way since he didn't trust his voice to come out the way it usually did. He put out his hand instead, giving her a big, gummy smile. She smiled back at him and took his hand.
They walked to his house in comfortable silence. They didn't need to say much, anyway. They knew what was going to happen once they got there. Plus, they had all night to talk.
However, when they got to his place, she became all shy. It was as if she wasn't the same person who asked to spend the night at his house.
He had left her alone in the living room to get water in the kitchen and when he came back, she was sitting as if she wanted to disappear. And when she looked up at him, she blushed and quickly looked down again. He laughed, then sat right next to her.
"Soha," he called her.
She looked at him again and he smiled.
"What's wrong?"
"Well, uhm, I thought you... lived alone."
"Yeah, I do."
She gave him a surprised look, then looked around.
"In this big house?"
He laughed again and leaned back on the couch.
"It's not that big. I have three rooms upstairs and an office downstairs and also-"
"Your living room alone is bigger than my apartment."
He didn't comment on that. He wasn't sure if he was expected to, either. After what she had said in his office the other day, he felt like whatever he said now would sound pretentious. At least on the topic of his house. So he decided to change the subject.
"As you can see, I live alone. So you can do to me whatever you want." He said with a smirk.
She rolled her eyes at him and sat comfortably.
"First, let's talk shall we?"
She turned to him and gave him the sweetest smile he had ever seen her wear. At that moment, his heart almost gave out. She was so beautiful, he could look at her all night.
"What is it that you want from me, Yoongi?"
"That you call me oppa, for a start."
She laughed at that and his grin got bigger after hearing that beautiful sound.
"What do you want from me, oppa."
He took her hand and kissed it softly. The mood shifted all of a sudden. It wasn't light, anymore. It was hot, very hot. Soha couldn't help but blush. The look on his eyes was that of pure lust. She may not have any experience when it came to dating, but she knew how to read emotions. And she knew that particular emotion all too well.
"I want you, Soha. All of you. Your body, your heart, your soul." He said in between kisses.
His voice did all kinds of things to her and she had the feeling that he was aware of it. His smirk gave him away.
"Can we do this? I mean you're my boss and-"
"I love you."
She was at a loss for words.
And her heart was beating like crazy.
And she was so turned on right now.
And she wanted to lick him all over.
Desire looked really hot on him, but it was driving her crazy.
However, she couldn't give in just yet.
Maybe this was all happening because they were under the influence? She knew the alcohol she consumed earlier helped her get bolder, but her feelings were still the same. How about him? Was he drunk? Would he remember everything he said in the morning?
"How can I be sure that you mean this?"
"I'm not drunk if that's what you're thinking."
"When I saw you for the first time, I thought to myself, wow this girl is cute. But that was it, I didn't even give you a second thought. Then one day you did something really hot and I started fantasizing about you. Fantasy became love, eventually. I don't know when that happened, though. The love part, I mean. I don't know when I fell exactly. All I know is that I realized it the day I saw you coming out of that convenience store with Nari."
"What was that something hot?"
"The first time you talked back to me."
She laughed.
"What? That was almost a year ago."
There was a short silence, then she moved closer to him before giving him a hug. He hugged her back, hiding his face in her hair. She smelled great. She also felt great and he didn't want to let go.
"I think I fell for you while watching you interact with everyone, especially Nari."
"Whatever you saw in those interactions, I'm grateful for it."
They stayed like that for a while, then he finally let her go. They exchanged a smile, then started talking again.
There was no more awkwardness and they felt like they could talk about anything. Well, she did most of the talking as he watched her talk with adoring eyes. They somehow ended up talking about everyone around them and how intriguing the love triangle between Nari, Namjoon and Jin was. They laughed, they held hands, they touched, they teased... But they didn't kiss. Soha still didn't trust that Yoongi was sober enough to remember everything in the morning and Yoongi wanted to take his time with her. They'd be together for a very long time anyway, so why rush?
The next morning, when Soha woke up, she was all alone in a huge bed, in a bedroom she didn't remember coming in. She sat up and realized that she was only wearing a dark green shirt and her underwear. She blushed thinking about Yoongi taking off her clothes and putting the shirt on her.
Crap, crap, crap! He saw me in my underwear?!?! That's way too early in the relationship!
She started freaking out and imagining all kinds of scenarios. What if he was disappointed by what he saw? What if her underwear was too normal for him? Being a rich kid, he must have been used to going out with women from his circle and those women certainly didn't wear supermarket underwear!
But wait, he had said before that he was a virgin, right? That didn't mean that he had never dated or saw a woman's underwear!
What's with you and underwear today, Soha!
She swore, then looked around the room. She had been so worried about unimportant things that she hadn't even noticed her surroundings. The walls were all white and there was a painting hanging on the wall facing her. On her right, there was a huge glass door opening on a balcony. On her left, there was a black door, probably the bathroom door? Or was it the bedroom door? In that case, the door nearer to the painting would be the bathroom door?
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