
'Face reality'

'Your face is like a melody, it won't leave my head. Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything it fine, but I wish I was dead (dead like you).'

very quickly passing out once the horrifying torture began. Once I blacked out from the liquid being injected due to the syringe, during the terrifying torture, I recall repeatedly gaining consciousness for a few seconds, before blacking out once more.

The first time I woke up, I felt a hot pain spread all over my body, specially my stomach area from the bottom of my chest area to my lower abdomen. My head was strained as it was painfully tilted up as I was staring up at the white, blood-splattered ceiling as my eyes burned from the blinding light of overhead ceiling light. Before complete darkness invaded my vision once again.

The second time I regained consciousness, my head was tilted downwards so that I was starring towards my stomach. This time I very quickly noticed I was on a different chair than I was last time, this time I was one the chairs you usually see at a dentist or a doctors. But this one was covered in stains such as blood, dirt and I dread to think what else.

My eyes widened as I very quickly noticed Jisung leaning over my limp figure, a knife in one hand and a syringe in the other. Once again, blackness began to slowly invade my vision. But I was unfortunate enough to catch a glance of the names being carved into my stomach.

I remember seeing another man opposite Han, holding a slightly smaller knife, almost like a scalpel. The knife tugged on my skin as the letter 'C' was painfully carved into my bloody skin. Hot, red liquid spilled out of the wound, coating the unknown man's hand in the sticky substance. I couldn't hear anything, I could only vaguely see things, but I felt every ounce of pain. Every cut, every time the knife would glide along my skin, every time my thick blood would spill out and spread around the rest of my surrounding skin. Before darkness invaded my vision, and I finally blacked out for the final time.



heavy and tired eyes, a clean, white ceiling came into view. Causing me to realise that I was in a different room from before, I pushed my weary body up using my elbows. A sharp pain from my lower abdomen quickly came to my senses as the skin creased, forcing me to remember the tragic events of the last time I was conscious.

I knew that I had to face reality, and accept what true horror they had done to me. I took a deep breath, before using my shaky right hand to lift up the red sweater, revealing the bloody mess that was my stomach. I loudly gasped as I took in what had happened to my stomach. 'B.C,' L.F,' 'S.C,' L.M,' 'Y.J,' 'K.S,' 'H.J' and 'H.H' were messily carved into my stomach in small letters, my skin screaming in agony as I tired to sit up. What the fuck have they done to me...

Flinching as the heavy door of the unknown room was harshly swung open, a man I did not recognise walked in. He had this aura about him that told me to be careful about what I do and what I say around this man. I visibly gulped in fright as he began to walk closer and closer to me. "Changbin." He spoke with a rich voice as his honeyed vocal cords blessed my ears.

I had learnt the hard way from Hyunjin that saying your name out of the blue means that you're telling someone it something your name. Or at least I think so. I didn't reply, only looked to the floor as I tried to reduce the screaming pain that erupted form the wound on my stomach.


The echo of his expensive shoes bouncing off the floor as his black hair falling slightly onto his attractive face, as he walked at a fast pace towards the old bed that was situated in the middle of the unfamiliar room, his tainted, dark eyes pierced straight through mine as though he was looking through my soul. Trying desperately to ignore the pain from my stomach as dark, thick blood smeared over the tattered bedsheets, I scooted back until my back hit the back and my head harshly hit the headboard.

Changbin suddenly stopped walking once he got the the small bed. I had no time to react before he toughly grabbed me by my upper bicep and effortlessly dragged me off of the bed. I screamed and begged in protest as I tried desperately to resist his iron grip, but he didn't listen to my pleads and completely ignored my resistance against his tight grip.

As he dragged me across the all so familiar hallway, he abruptly stopped as quickly spun me around so that I was in front of him. Before I had any time to get a reaction out, I harshly felt his rough lips on my chapped ones. A river of tears rushed out of my [eye colour] eyes as I desperately attempted to pull away, but he didn't budge. Clearly fed up of my resistance against his touch, he tightening his harsh grip on my waist, the bloody wound painfully pressing onto the red sweater, the aching pain filling my senses as I felt the curves of the messy letters come into contact with the thick piece of clothing, causing me to cringe in the sheer discomfort.

I felt his roughly bite down on my bottom lip, causing me to yelp out in pain as I immediately stopped moving, clearly getting the hint that I should stop. He harshly pulled away, shoving my shaking body slightly. He brutally grabbed my jaw, his silver rings painfully digging into my skin, causing me to lock eyes with his fiery ones.

"Listen and listen well, stop resisting us. Or I will make your life very difficult, and trust me, you don't want that. I swear, if you even think about behaving like you did a second ago, I'm going to rip you apart. Limb my limb." He roughly let go of my jaw, and continued to drag me across the hallway via my wrist. This time, with no protesting or pleading. Only silence.


Word count - 1245

Thank you so much for 5.03k reads! The support I've received is unreal so thank you so much I really appreciate it. I hope you somehow enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe :)

-Polly <3

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