
'It's official'

'The world was on fire and no-one could save me but you. It's strange what desire will make foolish people do. I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.'

began to get slower and slower as my running slowed down to a stop. I crouched over to try and steady my breathing, resting my hands onto the top of my kneecaps as I took deep intakes of air, in and out.

Why didn't he follow me? I questioned suspiciously in my head as I looked back from where I just ran from. No sign of Minho, only the long, royal looking corridor that looked like it would stretch for miles. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I wondered why he didn't try and stop me from running away.

I slowly turned my head back around, and began to walk through the winding corridors, a sense of paranoia lingering in the back of my mind. After what felt like hours of walking, I finally gave in to my fatigue, and slumped down the expensive wall.

I must have sat there for at least a few hours, before I finally got up and began waking again. The deafening silence ringing in my ears as I trudged down the hallway. No doors or windows present, the only light source being small, built in lights that ran across the white ceiling.

A sickening feeling of dread setting in my stomach as I began to hear quiet, uneven footsteps behind me like there was multiple people behind me. I couldn't tell if it was actually footsteps, or if it was my mind playing tricks on me. But given the circumstances of past situations, I didn't dare turn around.

I began to walk faster and faster until I was sprinting, my breathing quickening until I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. I ran for what felt like hours, until I hear the footsteps get louder and louder. Until I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me back and a ringed had snaking over my mouth to stop me from screaming, a sharp pain stabbed my neck as a syringe was injected into my bloodstream.



heavy eyes open, I adjusted to the darkness of the unknown room as I realised I was tied to a wooden chair in the centre of a dark room, one singular light hanging above the rickety, old-looking chair.

I started to panic as I desperately tried to free my wrists and ankles from the restricting restrains of the chair. But I immediately stopped once I heard a deep chuckle that originated from the corner of the mysterious room.

I looked up to see the tall outline of the Australian boss, who's name I came to learn was BangChan. I visibly gulped nervously as I brought my stare away from his captivating eyes. "Hey sweetheart, I told you we'd meet again." He laughed cruelly as his sickening grin returned to his face. "Now, I can clearly see that you're more or less confused. So to narrow it down for you, basically, you belong to Stray Kids now." He finished his sentence with a widening grin, as I sat there speechless.

He maliciously chuckled as he noticed my vulnerable state, and moved closer to me, crouching down in order to get closer to my face. "So, I can sense you have some sort of urge to... let's just say rebel against us. So, we are going to make you remember who you belong to, forever."

Tears fell from my [eye colour] eyes as I feared for what was to happen to me. I gathered up the courage to glance up at his well-built figure, and opened my mouth to speak. "W-what are you going to do to me?" I anxiously asked, fear lacing my tone as I shivered in terror. Chan looked surprised as he looked back at me. "My, my, she does speak after all. Now, regarding your question, I guess you'll just have to wait and see." He mocked as he brought his face away from mine, forcing the tension in the room to thicken profusely.


The feeling of Deja vu entered my stomach once again as I felt a needle press into the skin of my neck, forcing blackness to invade my vision. But I was able to catch a glimpse of Jisung walking into the light space, holding an already bloody knife, wearing a nauseating smirk on his perfect face. The last thing I saw before blacking out, was the two mens deep, tainted eyes as I felt another presence behind me walk closer towards me, along with the other two intimidating men infront of me.


Word count - 907

Ugh it's so fucking hot in the UK right now, I am sweating so much, everything I sit on with bare skin I get stuck to. It's hell. Thankfully my mums letting me have tmr off school as it's gonna be fucking 40 C. Istg i would not survive at school.

-Polly <3

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