《Love of Yiruma》Troye Sivan- Take Yourself Home
Ай, Трои, Трои. Яажшуухан хүний сэтгэлийн мухарт байх тэрхүү далдын далд буглаасыг олж тайлахаа мэддэг дэндүү ер бусын хүн юм аа.
Сүүлийн хоёроос гурван сар миний бие надад хэзээ ч тохиолдохгүй гэж бодож явсан сэтгэлийн түгшүүр гэдэг зүйлтэй нүүр тулаад дотроосоо багахан идэгдэж, хэрхвэл зохих талаар санаа оноо ч үгүй атал улам бүр өөрчлөгдөн хувирч байсан юм. Магадгүй хүн бүрийн амьдралд ийм мөч тохиолддог л байх. Миний хувьд хэзээ ч сэтгэлийн өвчинтэй нүүр тулахгүй гэсэн бардам гэнэн итгэлээр өөрийгөө тэжээсээр ирсэн тул яг энэ мөчид би сэтгэлийн түшүүртэй амьдардаг хүмүүсийг хэчнээн дутуу үнэлж явснаа, сэтгэлийн түгшүүр хэчнээн ноцтой, жинхэн зүйл болохыг зэрэг зэрэг ойлгож сууна.
Харин энэ нөхцөлд надад тус дэм болж буй нэг зүйл бол дуу хөгжим. Дуу хөгжмийн ачаар л бодит орчиндоо дасах итгэлийг олж авч байна шүү дээ. Урлаг л магадгүй хүмүүнийг аврах хамгийн чанд түлхүүр болой.
Энэ дуу ингэж л надад ойрхон тусаж, баяр баясал авчирч чадлаа. Магадгүй та бүхэнд ч бас нэгийг бодогдуулах биз ээ.
Их хотын нүргээнээс залхаж байна
Санал нийлж байвал хашхираач
Үхэх цаг минь дөхөж байна гэвэл илүү сайхан газар бараадъя
Уйтгар гунигтай зун цаг
Энэ хотод эх хэрэгтэй байна
Цагаа дэмий үрнэ гэвэл явах цаг минь болжээ
Гэртээ харь
Надтай яриач
Үнэнч сэтгэлээр засаж залруулах зүйл гэж үгүй
Тэгээд яаж надаас ч гунигтай болсон юм бэ?
Намайг сонсож байгаа хүн байвал гэрлээ асаагаач
Аз жаргал чинь мөрийгөө авах үедээ алдуурсан тэр газраа л бий
Буцааж чадахгүй тэр бүх хожигдлоо тоолно
Надад бүх юм байна, бас юу ч алга
Их хотын нүргээнээс залхаж байна
Санал нийлж байвал хашхираач
Үхэх цаг минь дөхөж байна гэвэл илүү сайхан газар бараадъя
Уйтгар гунигтай зун цаг
Энэ хотод эх хэрэгтэй байна
Цагаа дэмий үрнэ гэвэл явах цаг минь болжээ
Гэртээ харь
Гэртээ харь
Өөрийгөө харах бүртээ хэн байхыг хүсдэг вэ?
Хэзээ ч ялахгүй тоглоомондоо ялахыг хичээнэ гэдэг байж болох зүйл үү?
Яах вэ, бүгд чамаас шалтгаална
Хэчнээн их хүсэж буйг чинь мэдэж байна
Гэвч энэ чамайг сүйрүүлж ч мэднэ шүү дээ
Сүйрүүлэх болно
Их хотын нүргээнээс залхаж байна
Санал нийлж байвал хашхираач
Үхэх цаг минь дөхөж байна гэвэл илүү сайхан газар бараадъя
Уйтгар гунигтай зун цаг
Энэ хотод эх хэрэгтэй байна
Цагаа дэмий үрнэ гэвэл явах цаг минь болжээ
Гэртээ харь
Гэртээ харь
Half a God
For centuries, the Lord-Inquisitors of the Church of the Holy Ark have hunted Mindrippers with a single-mindedness that bordered on obsession. In an age of musket and cannon, the hunt leads them to the ancient city of Dilgan where women are being butchered by an unknown killer. Here, Enk Gueye, the young scion of a noble house, wakes from a nightmare to discover he can read—and control—other people’s minds. He thinks he’s a god, but the Lord-Inquisitors have another name for what he has become: Mindripper.
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A pile of rags crawls through caves, and chambers of an old dungeon to find what it's looking for, while slashing and dashing through specters. If said pile was to leave the dungeon, there may be a large world to explore, roads that begin the journey of a thousand steps, and all manner of adventurers dealing with their own business.
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Chapters come out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday around 9PM CET A Slice-of-Life LitRPG that will make you laugh and, hopefully, warm your heart. "I have never read anything like this so far, and it's damn fu***** interesting" - Beta reader 1 (the excited one) "It is very funny and it will climb the ranking fast" - Beta reader 2 (the one with few words) "A good balance between satire and drama with a touch of action to keep the plot moving" - Beta reader 3 (the fair one) Synopsis: Why does everyone think that you have to become a hero if you get a supreme relic? TO HELL WITH THAT. I'm getting none of that adventuring bull. What do you say? Ranks? Tiers? Bronze, Silver, and Gold adventuring teams? Sure, keep it. It’s all yours. I'll be opening a lovely pastry shop and using Fireballs to cook creme brulée, for your information. And, oh, that’s so interesting, teleporting, you say? Yeah, sure, I'll teleport a cup of coffee on my nightstand in the morning, thank-you-very-much! Stop bothering me with your quests, legendary adventures, and all that nonsense! You either buy some pastry, or I’m going to report you to the watch for loitering! So, do you want to know what I’m going to do in this fantasy world? Well, I’m going to get a girlfriend, that’s what I’m going to do! No Pizzas Were Harmed in the Making of This Novel.
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A lazy, wingless, blabbermouth of an imp, smearing goat’s blood all over the crystal – that is the unpleasant view this new Heart wakes up to. “I’m your Prime!” the imp says. The Heart reluctantly agrees. In an unknown world, filled with dangers, it needs every help it can get – even if said help is not…optimal. The Heart tries its best to succeed, even after being tricked by shrewd traders and having less than useful minions. Rival races settle in the Dungeon, causing even more headaches.The heroes, as they call themselves, sets their aim on the ‘new and defenseless’ Dungeon. The heroes are always lurking in the shadows – well actually, they are standing in the open, under the sun, hiding nothing – but either way, their evil intentions, no matter how they claim to justify them, only cause needless death. “Am I really that precious? Must you hunt me so fiercely? Why are you doing this to me?” The Heart does not understand their motives. Perhaps its lack of understanding has something to do with the fact the Heart has no physical limits nor material needs. Why take it from someone, when you can simply will it forth? Just pay for it with mana rent! To make things worse, the real dangers are not from above, nor from below, but from within…
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The artifact hunters, Ethan and Vincent, worked together to find valuable artifacts across the galaxy. But due to greed from Vincent, Ethan was betrayed by him and ran off with artifacts that would have made them both rich. Ethan wanted his revenge, and once he heard that Vincent found an untouched star system, containing a long-gone civilization, he wanted to try his best to follow him there to try and gain the most valuable artifacts there. And he did manage it, but only to accidentally activate a strange artifact that made him and Vincent be transported to a different place. Now lost, they needed to find the way back from this strange and mysterious place. ---------- Length: I try to keep the chapters around 2000 words, but sometimes I would do more. (The first chapter is 4000 words btw)schedule: ***On Pause*** I would gladly appreciate getting reviews. Just to know if the story is good. I'm fine with critics.
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