《Love of Yiruma》Troye Sivan- Take Yourself Home
Ай, Трои, Трои. Яажшуухан хүний сэтгэлийн мухарт байх тэрхүү далдын далд буглаасыг олж тайлахаа мэддэг дэндүү ер бусын хүн юм аа.
Сүүлийн хоёроос гурван сар миний бие надад хэзээ ч тохиолдохгүй гэж бодож явсан сэтгэлийн түгшүүр гэдэг зүйлтэй нүүр тулаад дотроосоо багахан идэгдэж, хэрхвэл зохих талаар санаа оноо ч үгүй атал улам бүр өөрчлөгдөн хувирч байсан юм. Магадгүй хүн бүрийн амьдралд ийм мөч тохиолддог л байх. Миний хувьд хэзээ ч сэтгэлийн өвчинтэй нүүр тулахгүй гэсэн бардам гэнэн итгэлээр өөрийгөө тэжээсээр ирсэн тул яг энэ мөчид би сэтгэлийн түшүүртэй амьдардаг хүмүүсийг хэчнээн дутуу үнэлж явснаа, сэтгэлийн түгшүүр хэчнээн ноцтой, жинхэн зүйл болохыг зэрэг зэрэг ойлгож сууна.
Харин энэ нөхцөлд надад тус дэм болж буй нэг зүйл бол дуу хөгжим. Дуу хөгжмийн ачаар л бодит орчиндоо дасах итгэлийг олж авч байна шүү дээ. Урлаг л магадгүй хүмүүнийг аврах хамгийн чанд түлхүүр болой.
Энэ дуу ингэж л надад ойрхон тусаж, баяр баясал авчирч чадлаа. Магадгүй та бүхэнд ч бас нэгийг бодогдуулах биз ээ.
Их хотын нүргээнээс залхаж байна
Санал нийлж байвал хашхираач
Үхэх цаг минь дөхөж байна гэвэл илүү сайхан газар бараадъя
Уйтгар гунигтай зун цаг
Энэ хотод эх хэрэгтэй байна
Цагаа дэмий үрнэ гэвэл явах цаг минь болжээ
Гэртээ харь
Надтай яриач
Үнэнч сэтгэлээр засаж залруулах зүйл гэж үгүй
Тэгээд яаж надаас ч гунигтай болсон юм бэ?
Намайг сонсож байгаа хүн байвал гэрлээ асаагаач
Аз жаргал чинь мөрийгөө авах үедээ алдуурсан тэр газраа л бий
Буцааж чадахгүй тэр бүх хожигдлоо тоолно
Надад бүх юм байна, бас юу ч алга
Их хотын нүргээнээс залхаж байна
Санал нийлж байвал хашхираач
Үхэх цаг минь дөхөж байна гэвэл илүү сайхан газар бараадъя
Уйтгар гунигтай зун цаг
Энэ хотод эх хэрэгтэй байна
Цагаа дэмий үрнэ гэвэл явах цаг минь болжээ
Гэртээ харь
Гэртээ харь
Өөрийгөө харах бүртээ хэн байхыг хүсдэг вэ?
Хэзээ ч ялахгүй тоглоомондоо ялахыг хичээнэ гэдэг байж болох зүйл үү?
Яах вэ, бүгд чамаас шалтгаална
Хэчнээн их хүсэж буйг чинь мэдэж байна
Гэвч энэ чамайг сүйрүүлж ч мэднэ шүү дээ
Сүйрүүлэх болно
Их хотын нүргээнээс залхаж байна
Санал нийлж байвал хашхираач
Үхэх цаг минь дөхөж байна гэвэл илүү сайхан газар бараадъя
Уйтгар гунигтай зун цаг
Энэ хотод эх хэрэгтэй байна
Цагаа дэмий үрнэ гэвэл явах цаг минь болжээ
Гэртээ харь
Гэртээ харь
In The Tall Grass
Elizabeth Wilson commits suicide. She was the golden girl among her peers in Darkwood, Washington who stood above the pressure of her drug-ridden town. Explore the summer before her senior year that triggered the domino effect of Elizabeth's emotional and psychological breakdown that lead her to take her own life. This is the prequel to the main story, Petrichor and was never intended to be made. I wrote this because I wanted to explore Elizabeth's character and show how the main characters have changed since this event. I decided to release this first because Petrichor is undergoing a full rewrite. In the meantime, I'm writing a side story called Mourning Glory that takes place between the second and third act of Petrichor. Development is going rather fast so I suggest to to read that if you like this story
8 97Apocalypse : Judgement's Day [Rewrite]
Rewrite? well more or less~ WARNING : The author isn't type that have english as his main language, so beware of bad grammar and maybe some of you will see its unbearable! so if it's really make you dizzy when you start reading! you should drop this immediately and forget this novel has been exist in the first place. Raven at his 35s, living boring live from his youth, nothing special in his life. Because of that he hoped something will change his boring life. Some god did something to the world, and it's indirectly made his wish come true! He didn't get mad or cursed this god, but he's grateful for what this god doing to this world. Lets follow his life in this new changed world, will he become hero or villain? No one know's what he will become! Arc 1 : The end of boring life & The awakening [Progress] Arc 2 : ? Sorry for my bad grammar!and sorry if there's mistake in my story, i hope its not too bad!!
8 189Soulless: A free slave
To appease the demons that are coming into the world through a newly-opened portal, and get on their good side, the Emperor decides to give them one of his high-ranking slaves as a gift. Now, she must use all of her wits not only to survive among them but also to learn as much about them as possible if her people are to have any chance of survival. However, she quickly realizes that these demons are nothing like she expected them to be. Chronologically speaking, this book is a sequel to Twisted hell. But it has a new cast of characters so you don't need some knowledge from the previous book to follow this one.
8 127Bingge's Story-Shifting System (SVSSS Bingge x Shizun)
Luo Binghe, thinking that Shen Qingqiu died from suppressing Xin Mo, killed himself. Shen Qingqui was heartbroken. Meanwhile, the original Luo Binghe, the stallion novel protagonist, was slowly getting bored of his harem. To fix the bug caused by Bingmei's self-destruction, the system shifted Bingge to the modified story.Can the blackened, harem protagonist change his view when he meets the kinder Shizun? Or will resentment overcome him and lead to the current Shen Qingqiu's death?
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"Keegan I love you." When a dream the night before her wedding makes her question her feelings for her fiancé Troian Bellisario is thrown into a whirlwind of drama. While still trying to balance the stress of fame. A Treegan {Troian Bellisario and Keegan Allen} Story
8 106Falling For A Telmarine
The Pevensie's are back and soon find out what has happened to their kingdom in their absence. They wonder where Aslan is but get no answers. They come across Prince Caspian, who had been the one to call the Kings and Queens of old. Twins, High King Peter and High Queen Lily, find themselves leading their people into a battle yet again. While planning, Peter and Lily have their first conflict and argue after Lily defended Lucy. Caspian tried to help her but Peter lashes out on him. Peter says something harsh towards Lily, causing the twins to not speak to one another. Despite Peters countless apologies. Edmund and Lucy are saddened at the sight of the once inseparable twins arguing. However, Susan is quite happy. Why? Because she thinks Lily being miserable and depressed is amusing. In the process of their surprise attack, Lily was hurt badly. Lucy is able to help her. Lucy and Lily have a discussion on Susan, Peter, Narnia, Caspian, and England. Then they come to find out the scene of events between Peter, Caspian, the white witch and such. While Caspian talks with his professor, Peter has heart to heart talks with two of his sisters, Lucy and Lily. Lily and Lucy then follow their brothers plan and take off into the woods. But after realizing the Telmarines noticed them, Lily sends Lucy by herself and fights off the guards. Caspian then comes to her rescue. Lily then joins her brothers and warriors in battle. During battle, she is injured badly but Lucy is not around to help her this time. She saves her brothers, sister, and Caspian and continues fighting. After defeating the Telmarines, Aslan noticed the wounded queen that was in the grip of her twin brother. Aslan then heals the high queen of his kingdom. The rest of the story and details will just have to be read. Spoiler!! --- A certain Queen of Narnia will fall in love with a certain Telmarine Prince. The feelings are mutual.
8 137