《Bad is an Understatement | ✓》Chapter 6
"Hahaha. Oh. My. God." I'm laughing so hard right now that I can't even breathe. "That... was.. hysterical. Gosh."
"I.... Ahah... Know!" Jen's literally laughing her head off.
"Breathe... Whow." I let out a huff, and wipe off a tear which slipped out from all the laughing.
"He was so pissed. But watching him pump every single one... it took him over an hour! Ahha... and when he found your note. His reaction... hhahahaha." Jen bursts out once again.
According to yesterday's planning we did what we wanted to. It was unbelievable. I had no idea he that he knew so many profanities. He even started yelling in spanish! Jen translated it to me that he was saying I will murder that bitch in a heartbeat! That just caused made me want to laugh more.On top of that, he started pumping over forty of them. I was dying, and the best part was that we recorded all of it. The note I left had a winky face on it, and I wrote R=1/ H=0.
"What happened to you two?" Kylie asks as we walk up to her.
"Nothing." We both shrug. We look at each other at the same time and burst out laughing again.
"Hey! Tell me." She whines like a little kid.
"Fine we will. So what happened was..." Jen tells Kylie almost everything with major details, and shows the video we took.
Today we're going to the beach. I'm actually really excited. I don't surf or anything, but I'm excited to swim in the ocean, see some hot shirtless guys, and work on my tan. Pretty much my life goals right now are just to relax and have fun.
"Oh my god. I've never seen Heath so pissed off." Kylie says.
"Whatever I won! He's probably going to give up by my second prank." I grin.
"Do you even have a second prank?" Kylie asks.
"I'm still working on it." I partially admit.
"More like still thinking of it." Okay, maybe I don't have a second prank planned, yet! But Heath doesn't need to know that pshh.
"Stop being a downer." I scold tired of talking about Heath. "Can we go now? I mean it's already eleven."
"Yup." Kylie says popping the 'p'. We decided that since I don't have a car, and Jen's car is at the mechanics Kylie was going to drive us to Venice Beach which was only like a twenty minute drive from here.
"Okay then let's go." Jen opens the door to the passenger seat.
"But..." Kylie starts.
Jen sighs closing the door." But what?"
"I invited Dylan so we just have to wait for him."
"What? You invited your boyfriend on a girls day out?!" Jen sounded disappointed.
"Kind of. I mean, we're both always busy, and he was free today and so was I, so I invited him. I'm sorry, okay?" Jen just stares at Kylie," I couldn't break his heart. I don't care if you like it or not he's coming."
"It's not okay But you are a stubborn ass so fine." Jen groans. I don't really care. In a way I guess it's good, I'll spend a day with Dylan and in the process I could get information about Heath out of him. Learn a couple of things about him as well, who knows we might become good friends. I smirk while liking pictures on Instagram, and sitting in the back of the car.
I hear the front doors slam shut and I look at Jen and Kylie sitting down. "Is he here?" I ask.
"Um, no. He said he's going to drive himself there."
"You know we have two seats available?" I mention.
"Yes. Um, yeah I-I told him, but he said that he had to stop somewhere so he'd be okay by himself."
"Okay." I shrug it off plugging my headphones into my ears, and taking advantage of the air conditioned car. "Can we stop at the bank before we go though?"
"Why not." Kylie says and starts the engine.
"We're here!" Jen shrieks.
"I see. And what I see is.... Wow." I was stunned by the natural beauty of the beach. Vancouver has great beaches as well, the only thing is I didn't really go to any of them.
But this beach gosh was it amazing. Just looking at it made a smile appear on my face. The water was crystal blue reflecting the sun's rays. People were getting tans, surfing, making sand castles, and doing what not. The best part was it's so multicultural from tourists to just different types of people. I was just left in awe.
Jen took out the bags that we brought, and was already heading towards the beach with Kylie. "Hey! Wait up!" I say running towards them.
"We didn't want to ruin your moment." Kylie laughs.
I catch up to them and start walking beside Kylie," Or you're just hiding something and don't want to confront me."
"Ah- H-Hiding something? What would I need to hide from you?"
"I don't know, but whatever it is I think I'm going to find out soon." Kylie throws her head down pulling her sunglasses over her eyes as well. "Fine then don't tell me." I put my sunglasses on," But the least you could do, is tell me where your boyfriend is."
"Um, he said they'll be here in a couple of minutes."
"Oh okay." I grab my bag from Jen, run down to the beach and lay a blanket down on the spot where the sun hit perfectly. "Jen bring the beach chairs here!"
"K!" She runs up to me, sets down the chairs and umbrella for some shade. Kylie soon joins us while furiously typing on her phone.
"Wait. We don't have any drinks." I notice.
"Oh the guys are bringing them." Kylie says casually.
"What do you mean by the guys, isn't it just suppose to be Dylan."
"Y-yeah that's what I meant." She ends with an awkward laugh.
"No... even before. |You said they'll be here in a couple of minutes." I put emphasis on they'll. " Who else is coming Kylie?" I ask crossing my arms and look at a bewildered Jen which tells me she had no idea someone else besides Dylan was coming as well.
"Kiles!" Dylan comes out of nowhere from behind me He runs up to Kylie picking her up, and turning her around in a hug. This should totally be in like a movie scene. I mean he was also shirtless. Breathe.
"Boo!" I pair of hands touch my waist and I hear a voice from behind me. I jolt getting scared.
"Ah!" I take a step ahead and turn around putting a hand on my heart," Shit! Oh! I'm going to kill you!" I glare at a laughing Heath and another guy also known as the one who was with him in the cafeteria.
"Hey princess." Heath recovers from his 'laugh attack' or as I would say devilish laugh.
"This is what you were fucking hiding." I turn back around to face Kylie. She had puppy dog eyes and pouty lips," Sorry?"
"Yeah sorry my ass."
"Hey your ass isn't that bad. I've got a great view from here." Heath side comments.
I roll my eyes and clench my jaw stopping myself from ripping his head off. "And that's the only view you'll be getting." I retort before I drag Kylie and Jen both to the side far enough away so the boys couldn't hear us. "Seriously Kylie? Why? You know you could've just told me that Heath was coming, and I would be more than happy to stay at the dorm room."
"I told you I'm sorry, okay? And what's the worse he could do? Annoy you and get shirtless that's it." Shirtless? Shit. I need a life.
"You owe us for this Kylie." Jen says who also seemed angry.
"Fine, but if he goes past his limit then I'm leaving, and I don't care how I'll get home."
"Okay, now can we please enjoy our day?"
"Yes. But we both know you just wanna go make out with Dylan, and just to warn you if I see any action going on from you two I'm also out."
"Okay there. You act like you've never seen people make out before."
"I don't care it's still gross."
"Fine. Now can we please go back?" I nod and see Kylie legit sprint into Dylan's arms.
Jen and I both walk in a normal pace until we reach the beach chairs. As long as Heath's here, I might as well enjoy myself by pushing his buttons. "Riley right?" Heath's friend comes up to me. He has glass textured hazel eyes, short brown hair, and was currently wearing blue beach shorts with a black t-shirt.
"That's me." I say not shaking the hand he had lend out.
"I'm Ian."
"Oh, nice to know one of the guys who attacked me two nights ago has a name. So far you were the only no name." I say not holding back my anger. He scratches the back of his neck.
"Sorry?" He scrunches his nose. He looked so cute. No! Riley not the time. "How about we start again from a new beginning?"
"I've always wished for one. You know? A new beginning. Too bad that they don't exist. Huh?"
"Oh." He sounded a little disappointed.
"But that doesn't mean second chances don't."
"So you're giving me another chance." He smiles.
"Maybe. Maybe not."
"I'm just going to take that as a yes."
"Okay." I say. It wouldn't hurt getting to know anyone, would it? Whatever.
"Yo man! Let's go, the waves are coming in." Heath says joining us.
"K man." Ian replies. He turns his head to face me again," Talk later?"
"Sure." I really didn't want a later to be honest. It's kind've awkward, because I just gave him one word replies. I didn't even volunteer to spend my day with three guys. Ugh!
I sit on the beach chair thinking, but soon my thoughts are averted to two guys taking off their shirts revealing well defined eight pack abs. Whow. My jaw is literally hung open. You could even see their 'V' lines, and how are they not models?! Most people would think I'd be used to seeing abs by now. "Riley that's my brother A.K.A. Heath you're staring at you know?" Jen breaks my thoughts.
I think even Heath noticed me gawking at his abs, because he had a wide and proud smirk on his face. I shake my head getting rid of any dirty thoughts," I know that's your brother Heath. But he's hot. Too bad he's an air headed man whore. Don't worry I will never fall for him."
"I've heard a lot of girls say that Riley, I just hope you live up to your words."
"What is that suppose to mean?" I turn around on the chair seeing that Kylie was already in her blue bikini getting a tan.
"You'll find out if you last long enough."
"What's up with you and riddles today?" I ask. The way she said it literally revealing the fact that her words had a double meaning sent chills down my back, and it was like thirty five degrees outside. Jen doesn't answer, so I don't push the topic any further either.
I take off my white cotton shirt which revealed my white and peach coloured strapless bikini top. I kept my blue jean shorts on. I reached into my side bag, took out my sunscreen and applied it to my skin.
I soon plug in my music, and lay down on the beach chair starting my tan.
I was on my stomach now getting my back tanned. It has been two hours so far, and my tan has turned out really good. The boys have been surfing the whole time, and I have no idea where Kylie and Dylan disappeared to. I turned off my music just to enjoy the peace and quiet for awhile.
I hear a wolf whistle," And who's this hottie?" I arch my back looking up and turn my neck around now looking at Heath's expression drop when he sees it's me. I smile at him. Now I know he thinks I'm hot. Weakness number one.
"Thanks." I lay back down on my stomach. I feel the sun getting cooler on my back I felt a little suspicious about this, and turn around laying on my back. I sit up looking at Heath," Hey! You're ruining my tan."
"Princess life isn't about your tan."
"Then what is life about? Please enlighten me."
"Life is about finding your own seat." Before I could say something Heath's hands curl around the side of the beach chair, and he pulls it up causing me to fall off on the other side.
"Ugh! Heath! You-"
"Me what?"
"Fucking ass whole that's my seat." I say when he sits on the chair.
"Doesn't have your name on it now does it?"
"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. " You know what." I say noticing a couple of guys staring at me who were a few feet away from us. " You can have the seat. I will find my own." I smirk before walking over to the very well toned guys.
My hair blew in the wind. I talked to the guys for a couple of minutes. Well, it was more like flirting, but anyways I got one of their chairs, and I just joined them for the rest of the hour before returning to my 'friends'.
"Surprised that, that guy over there didn't just force himself on you, or just cum by the way he was looking at you." Heath comments. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!
"Just shut up Heath. I think we can survive without your meaningless comments." I walk over to Jen who was sitting on the chair and sat on it with her.
"Is the princess getting annoyed?" I ignore Heath.
"When are we going? I'm getting hungry." I whine listening to my stomach growl.
"Whenever Kylie and Dylan get back."
"They've been gone for this whole time you sure they're um okay?
"They should be, it's not like it's their first time." I nod satisfied.
I grab my shirt from my bag and put it on. " You're not going to swim a bit?" Jen asks.
"I don't feel like it." I reply. I could tell she had already been swimming, because of her wet hair and I would go swimming, I actually wanted to, but just not alone.
"I'm going to go for a walk along the beach okay?" I tell slash ask Jen.
"Sure be back in an hour."
"K." I say walking down in the sparkly hot sand barefooted.
I walk along the beach without a single thought in my mind besides how beautiful life generally is. I walk up to a deserted part of the beach where no one was. I climb up on the rock wall and walk to the end where the ocean was probably very deep. I look around the beauty. Fascinating.
I forgot how it felt to feel so happy, open and careless. Just being out of the technology world for a few minutes shows you how important spending time with nature is.
Back home at night. When I used to have a rough night I would climb out of my window and onto the roof. Sometimes I would just sit there feeling the wind in the air lifting off the depression. I would watch the sunset rise and always started the next day thinking it'll be better than the last. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I hear a deep astonishing voice say. Soon an appearance of Heath joins the voice sitting next to me on the rocks.
"Following me. Now are we? I'm not that hot, am I?" I smirk.
"You wish." He chuckles. We sit in silence staring at the clear ocean. Wow, never thought I'd ever be peacefully sitting staring at the ocean with Heath. Weird. "You know I still have to get you back for this morning."
"Yeah, just not today." I smile getting up.
Heath stood up facing me," Why not? I mean it's a great day. The oceans deep. And you're fully clothed what better way for payback?"
"Excuse me?" I ask confused as to what he means. Thinking, I soon feel myself getting lifted up and onto Heath's shoulder. OH. MY. GOD. NO. "HEATH! LET ME DOWN!" I hit him on the back lightly, but still hard enough so it would hurt. God knows what he's made of, because he didn't even wince. Not even once. What if he fights? I ask myself.
"Hold your breath princess we're going in!" Heath yells walking to the edge.
"Heath." I groan as Heath jumps of," Ahh!" I yell before we both splash into the water.
"He-" I kick my legs, but I can't stay on top of the water," I can't-.... Heath!" I take a deep breath before I go down deep. And smirk under the water idiot.
I can see half his body on top of the water turning around probably looking for me. I see him swim under so I pretend like I'm out of breath, and close my eyes letting myself float freely. Soon, I feel a strong grip around my waist pulling me up. Once we reach the top, I don't move besides taking the tiniest breaths ever. "Riley?! Hey! Riley! Talk to me. You're going to be fine. Riley?!" I hear the worriedness in his voice, and realize I might've gone a little too far.
I rip his hand off myself and start laughing. Hard. "Hahahha y-your face.... Hahah."
"What the fuck?! Riley! I thought you were going to die!" Holy. I stop laughing when I realize he was seriously worried.
"Maybe you shouldn't have decided to throw me into the ocean, which is a hundred feet deep, before knowing if I knew how to swim or not." We both tread the water while arguing.
"Fucking hell. Riley. Don't play jokes like that. That was way too off line."
"I don't care it's two to one now." I playfully stick my tongue out trying to cheer up the mood. Suddenly, I feel something swimming around me.
I turn around and see a grey fin," AHHH!" I scream on the top of my lungs. So loud most of the beach would have heard me. I panic and start swimming away opposite of the shark. After a couple of minutes, I hear Heath laughing his head off in the distance. Like sister like brother. Ugh!
"Heath Imma kill you!" I swim towards him as another head pops up from underneath the water. Ian. I decide to swim back to the beach instead of arguing with these two idiots.
"Whow! I mean... what happened to you?" Jen asks pretending like she was actually concerned, and didn't want to laugh at my appearance. Let me tell you, I wasn't buying it.
"Your brother is what happened. Are Kylie and Dylan back yet?"
"Ugh. I'm out." I grab my bag, wear my sandals and start walking.
"Wait! Where are you going?!" Jen asks.
"Anywhere, but here. I'll find my own way home!" I continue walking.
"People are annoying. Heath is annoying. Ian is not getting a third chance, because he blew his second. And boys are idiots." I mumble to myself as I walk back to the parking lot. My stomach starts growling. Noticing the fact that I haven't eaten since six in the morning, I decide to walk along the boardwalk, and find something to eat.
Walking for about twenty minutes I finally find the best shop around. The ice cream shop! I walk in, and get myself an ice cream cone filled with maple walnut ice cream. "Six seventy is your total."
"Okay." I say pulling out my brand new credit card. I put my pin in, but it gets declined. "Can I try once more, it's credit."
"Sure." And I repeat the process, but it still gets declined. I read the card which had a sticker on it that said to activate your card please call this number. Shoot! My face drops into a worried look and I have no idea what to do.
"Here." A guy with mesmerizing blue eyes and blonde hair says. The way he looks almost reminds me of Dylan, but Dylan's jaw isn't as structured neither is his body. The guy hands the girl a ten dollar bill," Keep the change."
"Thank you." I say," I'll pay you back."
"Don't worry about it. But if you really want to do something um, do you want to go for a walk with me?" I've been doing a lot of that today.
"I don't know, I mean I don't even know who you are."
"Uh, my name's Luke I go to UCLA. I play quarterback on the football team. And I know you go there I was there that day in the cafeteria. Riley. Right?"
"Oh. Wow." Stalker. "Um, sure why not?" Those deep blue eyes were definitely hiding something, or I'm just really paranoid. Either way whatever.
"So are you from LA?" I ask Luke.
"Yup, I've lived here my entire life."
"That must be nice. I grew up in Vancouver, Canada."
"Oh wow, I've heard there's a lot of natural beauty there." He stops and stares at me. Great hitting on me. Yaay. Not really...
- In Serial33 Chapters
Chubs| pjm
"Hey :) I'm Jimin" "Oh.hey""Do u remember me?""I wish I don't remember u|" Tags: #bangtan #bangtansonyeondan #bts #btsimagines #btsjimin #depression #featured #gals #imagines #jimin #jiminimagines #jpm #kpop #monster #nice #parkjimin #pjm #rank #rap #sad #short #taetae #yoongi #지민
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Unspoken Poetry
im a girl who writes poetry to unravel my thoughts, my feelings, myself yet these poetries will remain unspoken and unheard. #3 on english poem
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A Fate Set in Stone (On Hold)
After dying and making his way into the afterlife, our protagonist happens to have a stroke of good luck. With the help of the substitute god of death, he's given a second shot at life in a world run by gods who probably played too many video games as kids. Monsters, magic, dungeons, bandits, and all that good stuff is there, except it turns out to be much different than Jed initially expected.(I picked some generic tags since this is my first story and I am not 100% sure where it is going to go. Mature warning is only there for some less-than-polite language.)
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fto S5 my Own Style
This takes place about 3-5 months after fto s4 so before actual s5 is going to be released Ps: this was fto after the series just decided to change the name
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One shots..
8 181 - In Serial25 Chapters
One-Shots // Book Compilation
One-Shot's written about any book title I feel like including; yet, know I shouldn't make a one-shot book for strictly that universe. So, since I still want to put the writing out there, I figured this would be a great way to do that! Here is a list of titles/authors that are included:- Carry On // Rainbow Rowell- All For The Game // Nora Sakavic - The Raven Cycle // Maggie Stiefvater - Grishaverse // Leigh Bardugo- Riordanverse // Rick Riordan- Folk of the Air // Holly Black
8 132