《the human (r.h)》fifty two; bad boy for life


Delilah stood, her eyes scanning the people in front of her, taking in the limited emotions on their faces. She knew they could see her, she wasn't exactly hard to miss in the white field. She knew they'd probably be thinking some horrible thoughts about her, but she wasn't sure if she cared.

Part of her believed she had chosen the right side. It wasn't about who had wronged her the most, or who deserved punishment more than the other. It was about rule breaking, and a child's life.

Meanwhile the other part of her felt so empty. She was stood side by side with all these people, but she had never felt so alone. When she lost her memory, when she first turned, and even when she felt as though she had no friends, she never felt this alone. It was possible she still felt love from someone at these times, that no matter what she did then, Rosalie's love was unconditional. But she couldn't feel that love from her anymore.

She couldn't feel love from anyone.

Maybe coming here was a mistake. Maybe she should have just stayed at home and waited for Jane to text her updates. Maybe then she wouldn't feel so broken.

It was such a weird feeling. Feeling so void and numb in a situation that should have been pumping her full of adrenaline and nerves. In fact, she wasn't even sure she cared what the outcome was.

"Let us discuss things as we used to, Aro, in a civilised matter." Delilah moved her eyes to Aro, keeping them trained on the man she used to admire slightly. She wasn't sure if she did anymore.

"Fair words, but a little out of place considering the battalion you've assembled against us." It was all so dramatised, Delilah thought she would have been living for this. However, she just wanted to go home.

"I can promise you that was not our intent. No laws have been broken."

Delilah felt a pang of guilt in her chest as she heard the words of Carlisle, yet she wasn't sure why.

"We see the child, do not treat us as fools." Cauis stood in Delilah's eyeline, she too viewed him as a father. The man treated her better than most. But here he was, preaching evil.

"She is not an immortal. These witnesses can attest to that." Delilah couldn't move her gaze to the child, "You can look. See the flush of the human blood in her cheeks."

"Artifice!" Delilah knew it wasn't.

"I will collect every facet of the truth, but from someone more central to the story," A creepy smile spread across Aro's face, "Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved."

Edward walked over to Aro, Delilah's eyes watching closely as he made his way to the almost king of vampires.


A few seconds after Edward's hand was placed in Aro's, the older spoke, "I'd like to meet her." The words caused almost all of the vampires to tense up. The Cullens and their witnesses because of the love they held for the child, the Volturi and their witnesses because of the unknown danger Aro was bringing around them. And Delilah because she feared what was to come.

Weirdly enough, Delilah didn't feel nervous as she watched Bella walk over to Aro.

"Ah, young Bella. Immortality becomes you." To say that Aro was quite possibly the most dangerous vampire in the world, the little shriek of a laugh he let out in that moment would of had anyone fooled. "I hear her strange heart."

Renesmee placed her hand against Aro's cheek, it was almost possible to hear the thumping heartbeats of all the dead, "Hello, Aro."

"Magnifico." Delilah kept her eyes on Bella as Aro turned to all of his followers, "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by the newborn while she was still human."

"Impossible!" This wasn't going to go down very well with Caius. As expected of course.

"Do you think they fooled me brother?" It seemed Bella, Edward, Jacob and Renesmee took this as their queue to leave.

"Bring forward the informant."

Delilah didn't flinch as Irina was brought before them. She felt no feelings towards the girl, except a bit of hate. Irina had placed a lot of people in danger without even knowing the truth. So Delilah felt no sympathy for her, she did however feel slightly sorry for her sisters.

"Is that the child you saw?"

"I'm not sure."

"Jane?" Oh poor Irina, she stood no chance against Jane and Caius.

"She's changed!" Irina panicked, "She's bigger." The girl should have known not to go running to the Volturi. It was her own fault really. This would never have been a positive outcome for her.

"Then your allegations were false." Poor,

poor Irina.

"The Cullens are innocent." As they always have been in this case. "I take full responsibility for my mistake." Well, at least she could admit defeat.

Delilah didn't miss the way that Irina looked at her sisters with an apology falling from her lips. They were the people Delilah felt sorry for, it wasn't their fault their sister was a complete bitch.

The brunette turned her head to watch as the girls screamed and cried at the killing of their sister. There was sympathy in Delilah's chest for them, but what did they expect to happen?

It seemed that Delilah had missed a few pages, because when she moved her eyes away from the sisters, Edward was smiling almost defiantly at Jane, whom looked like she might explode out of anger.

"Aro, you see there's no law broken here." Delilah felt like giggling, just because no law had been broken, didn't mean they weren't still in trouble. The Volturi wouldn't have come all the way here for nothing.


"Agreed." There wasn't time for a sigh of relief before Aro spoke again, "But does it then follow that there is no danger? For the first time in our history humans pose a threat to our kind." Aro always looked rather theatrical, it was hard for Delilah to take him seriously, "Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing ofwhat this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow."

Out of the corner of her eye, Delilah caught two figures walking onto the field. For a second she thought it was her friends, however she was bitterly disappointed when she recognised Jasper and Alice.

"Alice!" It was almost insulting how much happier Aro was to see Alice then he was to seeing Delilah. "My dear, dear Alice, we're so glad to have you here." It was beyond insulting.

"I have evidence that the child is not a threat to our kind." To make it worse Alice didn't even care for Aro's affection, how ungrateful.

It was obvious that Aro didn't believe Alice, either that or he simply didn't want to. "Let me show you."

As Alice placed her hand in Aro's, Delilah felt the air change. She knew what this meant. It was the deciding moment.

"It doesn't matter what I show you," Alice spat at him with disgust, "Even when you see, you wouldn't change your mind."

"Oh fuck." Were the first words Delilah had spoken since she arrived, "This isn't the outfit I want to die in." Rich considering she was technically already dead.

A disapproving glance was sent from the woman next to her, "Now isn't the time, Delilah." Ouch, it hurt Delilah to be told off by Esme.

In the next moment, Alice had spun around to look at Bella, whispering for her to run. The self obsessed Delilah, almost wondered why no one was telling her to save herself.

In the next moment Jacob is galavanting into the trees with Renesmee on his back. What a lucky escape, Delilah thought, she was almost jealous that she wasn't put on baby sitting duty.

Suddenly, Alice's leg is off the ground and her foot is right in Aro's chin. It's a good image, a great one even, but still Delilah just wants to go home.

Delilah wasn't sure what outcome Alice had expected when she did that, it did seem a rather silly thing to do. However, did Alice expect her fathers head to be in the hands of Aro a few seconds later? Probably not. But neither did she.

As Carlisle's body went up in flames, even Delilah couldn't help the strangled gasp that fell from her throat. A few minutes ago Delilah was questioning if she even cared for the man, but now she was almost sad over his death.

She was even more sad about the events that followed. It was like no one paused to wonder if fighting was the right thing to do? They just started to run at the Volturi, not caring about the life that they could lose.

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, Delilah didn't think like these vampires. She couldn't run and attack people she saw as family. She hadn't planned this far ahead. All she wanted to do was show her support for what was right, she didn't want to fight for people who had wronged her.

She almost fell to the floor as she watched the scene in front of her. What was she meant to do? It wouldn't be long before Volturi members started to attack her, and that was the absolute last thing she wanted.

"It's okay," There were arms wrapping around Delilah's waist, stopping her from falling to the ground, a gentle voice in her ear. And three semi-smiling faces in front of her.

"We've got you, Lilah." Jolie spoke as Mabel unwrapped her arms from behind.


"-We know." Kathryn interrupted, there wasn't really much time for saying words that weren't needed.

"Would you like to lead the way?" Clelia looked so very happy to finally be in on the action.

Delilah hadn't thought they'd show up. After she had left early in the morning, she hadn't heard from the girls. She hadn't even spoke to them since she'd told them what she was planning. And now here they were, giving Delilah everything she needed to carry on.

"Thank you." It was all that needed to be said before they themselves joined what Clelia would refer to as 'The Battle of Forks: The Fight of (some) gorgeous girls, and (many) horrible people.'

hi so so so sorry for the very late update! i've been super busy and so much has been happening, but u promise the next update will be out sometime soon!!!

this isn't my idea of a perfect update, there's definitely some things i want to change (but i aren't sure how) so this is what we're left with! i definitely knew the direction i wanted to take, but it's so hard to write a scene where so many things are happening.

anyway, delilah is a bad boy 4 life <3

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