《the human (r.h)》fifty one; ready for it?


The last thing Delilah wanted to think about was the upcoming fight between the Cullens and the Volturi. Jolie had tried to insist on her not calling it a fight, and to refer to it as a meeting instead. However, Delilah knew the Volturi, and she also knew the Cullens. Which meant she knew there would be a fight.

And it was up to Delilah if she wanted to be there to witness it.

"Why would I want to go?" Delilah sat in between Jolie and Mabel, with Clelia sat in the single chair to the side, her feet on the table in front of her.

"I don't know, Delilah." Mabel spoke, picking the nail polish off her nails as she did so. She was already bored of this conversation.

"I mean, I don't want to see Edward's head get ripped from his body, do I? I know I dislike him, but I'd feel kinda bad."

Jolie placed a hand on Delilah's shoulder, "You sure would."

"Or would I? I've hated Edward for the longest time, wouldn't it be kind of satisfying? I feel like my soul would really be at ease then."

Clelia, who had been trying to read her book, briefly flicked her eyes up, "You should go then."

"We." Jolie quickly interjected, just so Delilah knew she wasn't alone.

"But then," Delilah wasn't even listening, "What if someone expects me to fight for them? I couldn't join either team. Who would I join? I hate the Cullens, but the Volturi aren't perfect."

"I don't know, Delilah." Mabel repeated.

"Who do I have loyalties to? Am I even a loyal person? I don't even know anymore. Surely I must-"

"-What if you saw Rosalie's head get ripped from her neck?" Mabel just wanted this conversation to be over.

"I-" Delilah couldn't help but mumble, she couldn't even form a sentence.

"Mabel!" Jolie quickly scolded, her hand rubbing Delilah's back immediately, "You don't have to answer that, Delilah."


The brunette knew she didn't, she didn't have to tell anyone anything she didn't want to. But that wasn't the problem, she would answer it if she knew how to.

Thankfully, Delilah was saved by the bell. The door bell to be specific. "I'll get it!" Delilah couldn't move quicker, she couldn't wait to get out of that room. She was in that much of a rush, that she didn't even check the peek hole when she opened the door. Fortunately it wasn't a kidnapper, "Kathryn!"

Even though neither of the girls were huggers, Delilah couldn't help but throw her arms around the girl. She'd never been so happy to see someone in her life, "Hi, Lilah." Obviously Kathryn was happy to see her friend, but hugging made her awkward, and that showed in her tone and stance.

"Don't take this as me not being happy to see you, because I'm so happy, but what are you doing here?" Delilah pulled away, holding Kathryn at arms length.

Before she got the chance to reply, the pair was interrupted by three girls, "Hi, sorry to interrupt!" Jolie smiled, however her face gave away how awkward she felt.

"Kathryn." Mabel greeted with a nod of her head.

"Mabel, Clelia," Kathryn nodded her head back, "Jolie." The blonde was the only girl she smiled at.

"I didn't realise you all knew each other."

"Of course we do, Volturi relations and stuff." Kathryn moved out of Delilah's grip, "You guys are in so much trouble."

Clelia laughed slightly, as Jolie started to fidget, "On that note, we'll leave you to it." Clelia pushed her sisters out of the door, figuring the two best friends needed some alone time.

The brunette led Kathryn to the living room, pulling her onto the sofa next to her, "I heard you were seeing a human." Were Kathryn's first words.

"Yeah," It still upset Delilah to talk about Mary, which is why she didn't really talk about her, "I had to end that."


"Good," Kathryn grabbed Delilah's hand that was resting on the sofa, "I can see that upset you, but it was for the best."

"That's why I did it."

It was quiet between the pair, until Kathryn said what she came here to, "The meeting is tomorrow."

Delilah didn't know what to say, obviously she knew it would be soon, and she had so much time to prepare for it. But she'd done no preparing. As usual, she had waited until the last minute.


"Yeah," Kathryn sighed, "Will you be sitting it out?"

Delilah also sighed, "I don't know."

Kathryn squeezed Delilah's hand, "Yeah," A deep frown was on her face, "Me too."

That was surprising, Kathryn had always been kind of loyal to the Volturi. Sure, she wasn't exactly a member, but she mostly did what the asked. Delilah couldn't believe she wasn't with them right now, "How come?"

"I don't really want to do that anymore." Her frown wasn't so deep anymore, "It's been all I've known for so long, but I wanna live."

That was the thing, there was no time for life with the Volturi. They constantly were surrounded by death, and bad things. There were no vacation days.

"It's kinda hard to live when you're dead." Delilah tried to joke.

At least it made Kathryn smile a little, "I feel like I'm copying the Bell's."

"I'm sure they'd be happy to have you as part of our group."

"You really like them, huh?"

For the first time in her life, Delilah felt like she was vulnerable, "I love them. They're my family." It felt weird to admit that. "And you're my family too. You're more than welcome to stay."

Kathryn really smiled, "I'd love to stay," Delilah was so relieved at these words, she missed her best friend, "But we have to decide what's happening tomorrow first."

Delilah had no idea what to do.

What was right and what was wrong in this situation?


"-if you want to stay here, that's fine. We'll put some films on, get blood drunk and have a great girls night." That sounded fun, "But if you want to go, then we can go. We'll put on our best outfits, show up mid way into the fight like 'Surprise, bitches', and have a great time kicking some butt."

The second option also sounded fun, "But who's butt, Kathy?"

Again, Kathryn sighed, "Thats up to you, Lilah. Personally, I'd like it to be some Volturi butt. However, I think I'd also love to beat the shit out of Edward Cullen for the way he treated you. And I'm sure the girls would love the kick the shit out of all the Cullens for the way they treated you."

While the words warmed Delilah's heart a little, all she wanted to do was throw herself on the floor, roll around a little, and scream. Why was she in this mess? She wasn't part of the Cullens anymore, and she didn't have anything to do with the Volturi either. So why did this even concern her?

"Do you think Bella would ever forgive me if I didn't go?"

"Did she defend you when Rosalie attacked you?"


"Did any of them defend you? No, Lilah. Fuck Bella, fuck all of them."

Delilah laughed, a crude joke poping into her head "I wish I could fuck Rosalie one last time."

Immediately Kathryn burst out laughing, her head tipping back against the sofa.

It was as Delilah watched her best friend that she realised she didn't want to put her in danger. She shouldn't have to fight for a family that she has nothing to do with. But on the other hand, Delilah couldn't go by herself. She wouldn't be able to face everybody.

So what was she supposed to do?

hi girlys, kinda short chapter ik. hope everyone had a lovely christmas and has a great ny

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