《the human (r.h)》twenty eight; killing me softly


Delilah George was lost.

She had decided she'd go on a walk, just around the town and nothing far from home. But that was five hours ago, when it was still light outside. It was now dark, cold and starting to rain a little.

Delilah had absolutely no idea where she was, and quite frankly she was getting a bit scared. Nothing around her looked familiar, although she could be stood outside her house and she'd have no idea what it looked like. It seemed that the more she panicked, the more she lost her memory.

Fortunately there were two things she could remember; one of them being Leah Clearwater. So Delilah shook her wet hands until they were dry enough for her to be able to touch her phone, and dialled the number of her favourite wolf.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

After a few more rings, it went to the voicemail tone. Leah hadn't been bothered to record a voicemail, but Delilah had told her she needed to have one. So the brunette couldn't help but smile as she heard her voice come through the speaker,

'Hi this is Delilah George speaking, but don't worry! This is Leah's voicemail. She was just too lazy to-" The voice erupted into giggles, "No, Leah! Get off me!" Delilah started smiling as she could hear the too girls fighting over the phone, in the end Delilah won, but only because Leah let her, "Leah wants you to know she loves you all, even you Paul! Bye." The brunette wasn't sure how she'd managed to get all of that into a few seconds, but she was glad she did, and she was even happier that Leah kept it on her phone. It meant a lot to her.

Delilah waited for the beep to sound and then started speaking, "Hi Lee, it's me. Erm...I'm not really sure where I am or what to do. You were the first person I thought of. I know Maya's busy so......just ring me back when you get this. Please......love you."

The last two words were something Delilah had never said to Leah, but it was something she felt was right to end the call with. What if she got eaten by bears as she stood under this random tree in the middle of nowhere? She needed to make sure Leah knew.


Things had been going great between Leah and Delilah, they were still only friends, but they were friends that both had obvious feelings for each other. Leah was obsessed with Delilah, and she found it quite embarrassing- only because the pack could hear all of her Delilah related thoughts. However, Delilah found it adorable, it had been Paul that told her when he caught the two sharing a short kiss behind the pack house just before he went on patrol with Leah.

Unfortunately things hadn't been going as well for Delilah and Isabella. Ever since Bella kicked Delilah off the trip to Italy for calling it 'Edward's Execution day' and referring to him as Marie Antoinette (which wasn't even what got her kicked out, it was the referring to it as 'Edward's suicide escapade' that actually hit the nail in the head.) Anyway, since the return of Isabella's Cullen Cult, the pair hadn't spoken. While Delilah didn't remember the vampire family, she wanted to stay as far away as possible. From her notepad she'd decided that they were nothing but trouble.

So Isabella wasn't someone that Delilah was comfortable calling right now, and she couldn't call Maya since she was busy with her new boyfriend that Delilah had forgotten the name of.

Of course she could ring the police, but she didn't fancy making such a big deal out of nothing. The same with her parents, if they knew she'd gotten herself lost then they'd never let her out of the house unattended again. So there was only one person that she could ring.

"Ly?" The blonde picked up on the first ring, confused as to why the human was ringing her. They hadn't spoken since that day in the diner, and Rosalie was sure that Delilah didn't even remember it.

"Hiya Rosie."

As soon as the rest of the Cullen family heard the voice of Delilah George their ears perked up. While the likes of Jasper and Olivia didn't know her all too well, they wanted nothing more than to have the girl back in their lives, just like the rest of the family.


"Is she okay?" Esme rushed to Rosalie, worry painted all over her face, "Rose, is she okay?"

The vampire didn't mean to, but she couldn't help but speak harshly towards the mother figure, "I don't know." She then turned her back to her family and focused all her attention on Delilah, "What's going on? Are you okay?"

The brunette laughed down the line as she looked at the puddles on the ground, "Yeah I just got a bit lost and so-" Suddenly Delilah cut off, her attention had been caught by a reflection in the water. It wasn't her own brown eyes staring up at her, instead it was blood red ones.

"Delilah? Delilah! What's going on? Where are you?" The whole of the Cullen family started to panic as they watched Rosalie start to stress, they could hear the call themselves and had to admit that they too were starting to stress.

It took two nerve racking minutes for Delilah to answer, "I-I don't know where I am......but there's some people watching me."

That was all it took for the Cullen house to explode into chaos. Emmett rushed around like a headless chicken trying to find some shoes to go find Delilah, Olivia followed him with said shoes in hand, Esme started to google parks in the local area, and Carlisle rushed to find his emergency medical bag. It would have been a lot better if the three most gifted members were in the house and not out hunting. However not much could be done about the absence of Jasper, Alice and Edward.

"Do you know them?" Rosalie on the other hand, tried her very best to sound calm, even though she was screaming on the inside.

A nervous laugh fell from Delilah's lips, "Sometimes I don't even know my own mother." After the small laughter had died out, Delilah started speaking again, "They're just...looking at me?"

"What do they look like?"

"I-I don't know? I saw them, they were looking at me in the water. I think they had red eyes? But when I looked up I couldn't see them anymore.... I can just feel them on me."

All of the chaos that had erupted in the Cullen house suddenly stopped as they heard the words fall from Delilah's lips. Not even their worst fears could come close to this. Delilah George was in the presence of who knows how many blood thirsty vampires, and to make it worse the Cullens had no idea who the were.

"Rosie? Are you still there?" The worry was now clear in Delilah's voice, she was scared. She had completely forgot that vampires existed, and here she was facing some unknown ones.

"Yes, I'm still here." Rosalie ran her hand through her blonde locks, her thoughts running through her mind at a thousand miles an hour, "Listen Ly, I need you to-"

"-she's not going to be doing anything." A mans voice cut through the line, causing Rosalie to stop and take a deep unneeded breath. Fuck.

"Who is this?" Was all she could manage to say.

Unfortunately, her question was unanswered, "Say goodbye to your friend, Miss George."

"I don't want to." The vampire could hear the voice she loved so much call.

"You won't get another chance to." The harsh voice said back.

In true Delilah George fashion, the brunette rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, "Hi Rosie."

"I said say goodbye, not-"

And that was all Rosalie Hale heard before the line cut dead and sent her into a panic.

hi!! i must have rewritten this like 600 times before settling on this one, i'm not the most pleased with it but i just wanted to get it out of the way so i can move on to more exciting stuff!!

anyway, hope you enjoy as much as you can<33

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