《the human (r.h)》twenty nine; dead to me



I went to your house today. I sat with your mom and dad in the kitchen and we talked about you. At one point your dad started crying...Maya wasn't there, I don't know if it's because she can't bring herself to accept it or if it's because of me- even though none of this was my fault.

I went in your room before I left, it was just the way you left it. Your nightclothes were on the floor, your hair brush was thrown on your bed and the picture of me and you was titled toward your bed. It made me smile when I knew that I'd have been one of the first things you saw that morning.

I didn't stay at the house long, I couldn't. It had an overwhelming feeling of emptiness, the loss of you was suffocating.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this, I guess it's my way of coping? I just miss you. I miss you like crazy. You were my best friend... you my best friend. And I just don't think I can accept the fact that your really gone.

It was only the other night, I was-

All of a sudden the screen that the email was on went dark, and the phone fell to the floor, which caused an unhappy sigh to be released into the air.

"Hey! I was reading that." Demetri Volturi used his super speed to pick the now smashed phone up off the floor and take it into this hands to examine. He had been very interested in the words of the Swan girl. "I wanted to know where she was the other night."

Delilah George scoffed as she titled her head back, "She could be in a ditch for all I care, the pathetic piece of shit."

"Don't talk about your best friend like that." Felix, who stood on the other side of Delilah, hit her shoulder as his red eyes looked at her with amusement, "Poor Isabella, she's heartbroken without you."

In true Delilah George fashion, the girl rolled her now red eyes before settling them on the taller vampire, "It sounds more like she's drowning in self pity rather than pity for her dead ex-best friend."

Isabella had sent Delilah an average of twenty five emails in the four months the girl had been missing. Each one contained details of Bella's life and stuff that she wanted the girl to know, not that Delilah George cared about what the human was doing with her life.


Delilah had started a little game when she read the emails; every time Isabella said 'I' or mention herself, then it equalled in a punch that the girl would get when it was time for Delilah to finally see her.

"She does sound very self-orientated."

"She is!" Jane Volturi sighed as she listened to the conversation, she didn't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times she'd heard this before, "If the smallest inconvenience happens it's like 'Aw poor Bella'. Everything that I ever did when I was in Forks was for Bella, all everyone ever did was for Bella. I literally got fucking venom poisoning for Bella!" Delilah let out a laugh that was void of any humour, "And those stupid fucking Cullens...I thought they loved me like they did her, but all they ever did was put me in danger. My life was perfect before they weaselled their way into it! I hate every single fucking one of them."

It was fair to say that Delilah blamed the Cullens for her death. They knew how much danger they were putting her in by getting involved in her life, but yet they still did it. At first she justified it by saying they put Bella in the same amount of danger, but that wasn't true. Whenever Bella was put in danger, they through Delilah under the bus in order to save her.

They killed her, and she hated them for it.

"Delilah-" Alec started, he was tired of hearing about the weak human girl.

However, Delilah didn't let him speak, "-and the way that she sits there like, 'None of this was my fault.' Yes it was! It's all her fault, she was the whole reason I got brought into that god awful family!"

The brunette stopped talking, she found it exhausting to even think about them.

She never realised when she was human how much they had put her through. At the time she thought they loved her and that they'd do anything to save her. But once she got her memory back, she could see it clearly. They didn't love her. They didn't treat her as one of their own. They used all the good in her to their advantage, they knew that'd she'd do anything to protect Bella. And that cost her life.

It was like a weight had been lifted off of Delilah's shoulders when she woke up from her transition. At first she was scared, she had no idea what had happened or who these red eyes freaks were. She was scared they'd done something horrible to her, and they had. At first Delilah blamed them for her death, until she realised that the Cullens had handed these vampires the knife, and they had just stabbed her. It had always been them, they had always caused the pain that she felt in her life.


She was just too blinded by her love for the blonde that she couldn't see it.

And Delilah owed everything to the Volturi members for helping her realise that. (Again, it was Isabella and Edward fault that the Italian based vampires even found out about her.)

"Do you think that Alice would have checked up on you?" Felix and Demetri were suckers for gossip, they loved to hear the newborn slate the vampires.

Another scoff fell from Delilah's lips, "No, they don't care that much. Even if she tried to, she wouldn't be able to."

It hadn't taken long for Delilah to discover her gift, it didn't take a genius to guess what it was either.

Almost as soon as she had woken up, she was able to manipulate Jane's gift. She numbed it's force, and was able to direct back on herself. She found it more interesting when she was able to stop Alec's gift in its tracks, the black mist just floating in the air.

That was something that Delilah had to thank her human self for, she was always great at manipulation.

So therefore, Alice wasn't able to look into Delilah's future, causing the vampire and her family to believe the girl was dead.

"They did have a funeral for you after all." Felix shot a smirk to Delilah, who ended up rolling her eyes. She hated Bella's email about her funeral.

"God, wasn't that so depressing?" In truth, Delilah hated the email because of all the things it contained. Bella didn't just write how she felt, she wrote about Maya, her parents and Leah. All of whom sounded devastated to be at the funeral of their loved one. But she would never let her new friends know that, "Poor Isabella, had to stand all by herself at my poor funeral."

There was another reason that Delilah hated the email about her funeral. It sounded like the whole of Forks had shown up to offer their condolences to the George's, and pay their respects to the empty casket. Every single person, except one family.

The Cullens didn't go.

They left Bella to stand there all by herself and morn over the loss of her best friend. And Bella didn't even hate them for it. In fact, she understood. It was too much for them to deal with. However, there reasoning made little to no sense to Delilah. It was just another way they showed that they never loved her.

She hated them. More than they would ever understand.

She hated Bella too, but she felt a twinge of sympathy towards the girl when she found out they left her to mourn by herself at the funeral.

"I think it's funny they left her to stand by herself. Stupid human." Demetri also threw a smirk towards Delilah. He knew how much the new vampire hated her former friend, and since he had grown quite close to Delilah in the past few months. So he'd say anything to make her feel better.

The brunette was now bored of this conversation, there was only so many times she could say she hated Isabella a day. So she just ignored Demetri's comment and started walking around.

Jane noticed the change in Delilah's attitude, noticing how she now seemed more sad than annoyed. So she took this as her queue to speak, "We will be leaving for Forks in a few days."

This caused Delilah to roll her eyes, just the thought of being in that place and being surrounded by people she hated, and not being able to see the ones she loved, caused her anger to bubble up again.

"We should be." Alec spoke up from next to his sister, his eyes focused on every little movement the brunette made.

As the group of vampires went silent, a humourless laugh fell from one member. As the heels came to a stop, all of the red eyes focused on the black clothed figure, "Great," The brunette clapped her hands together, "Who doesn't love a family reunion?"

i'm really excited about this chapter, because i feel like i'm bringing out more of the old delilah again, but a lot more intensely. previously she'd had a massive soft spot for bella but now that's completely gone. i've kinda been setting up for this from the start, the cullens and bella had always put everyone above delilah, so here we are!!!

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