《the human (r.h)》twenty six;dancing with your ghost
When Isabella Swan opened the door to find Delilah George standing on the other side, she had to admit that it was a bit of a shock. Mainly because she had no idea how Delilah would have got to her house, or why Leah wasn't with her.
"Delilah, what are you doing here?" Not even two seconds after Bella had questioned the girl's presence was somebody else stood at the door.
"Delilah?" The golden eyes of Alice Cullen shone down on the brunette who had a large smile on her face. Alice took this a sign that Delilah was happy to see her, and therefore pulled her into a hug.
The human didn't resist the hug, however she never hugged back. Soon enough Alice pulled away, with a gleaming smile on her face now too. However, Delilah didn't spare another glance at the vampire, "Hey Bell, I just wanted to come round and apologise. I was just doing some reading, and I haven't seen you in a while. So I'm sorry, I know we used to hang out all the time."
The smile started to slowly vanish off of Alice's face as she watched the two girls in front of her. Delilah never used to read, and she never used to apologise.
"It's okay. I understand things are tough for you at the minute."
Now the smile had completely disappeared from Alice's face, "Delilah, why are things tough for you?"
Blue eyes moved from Bella and onto Alice, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
If Alice were human she was sure she would have stopped breathing for a few seconds. Delilah didn't know who she was, how was this possible? It had been a while since she had last seen her, but not that long. Besides, it's not like Alice played a minor role in Delilah's life.
A nervous laugh fell from Alice's lips, "What do you mean? It's me, Alice."
A toothy smile was on Delilah's face, however her eyebrows were pulled together in confusion, "I'm really sorry but you must have me confused with someone else. I don't know an Alice."
As Alice started to open her mouth to speak, Bella grabbed onto her arm and shook her head, "We'll just be one second, Lilah." She then pulled the vampire into the kitchen, away from where Delilah was stood closing the front door.
"Bella, what's going on?" Alice questioned, her voice panicked.
"Some things happened while you were gone." Bella hadn't known the extent of Delilah's condition until she received a phone call from Maya a few days ago, which filled her in on everything the doctor has said, "Me and Delilah had a little falling out a while back, she was really mad at me and I wasn't sure why. But it turns out that she had a doctors appointment and they said that all of her insides were rotting or something like that. Anyway she started to blame me for it, and I'm sure she hated me for a while. And then one day she just showed up at my door acting as if we were the best of friends again. From then on we've been fine. Anyway, I told Maya that she came round and we noticed she was starting to lose her memory a little bit."
The words came as a shock to Alice, as they would to anyone. However, if the vampire had been keeping up with Delilah's future, she would have already know all of this.
"So what? She's dying?"
Bella nodded her head, "Yes, I sent you emails telling you all of this, but they never delivered." The vampire picked up on a hint of bitterness in Bella's voice, but decided to ignore it.
"How does her memory work?" Alice needed to know everything she possibly could about the situation.
The Swan girl shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't a doctor, she just pieced together what she could, "From what I've figured out is that she can remember me and her being best friends- well she can sometimes, sometimes she has to read it in her notepad- and sometimes she can remember everything from when I first moved here. Some days she can remember a lot of things. Well, when I say a lot of things I mean, like what she had for breakfast and stuff.......But she can never remember you or Edward...or Rosalie."
If Alice's heart had a beat, it would have stopped, "She can't remember Rose?"
"How is that possible? She knew Rose before she even knew you."
Again, Bella shrugged her shoulders, "Like I said, she can't remember a whole lot."
"Bella? What are you doing?" The sweet voice of Delilah called from the living room.
Bella moved her brown eyes from Alice, to the door and then back to Alice, "A lot happened when you left, Alice." She then left Alice stood in the kitchen and walked into the living room, knowing the woman would follow her.
"Yes, Lilah?" Bella knelt down in front of the girl who sat on her couch.
Delilah tore her gaze away from the floor and looked at Bella's soft face, "Why am I at your house?" It seemed to be a bit of an off day for the human.
As Alice watched from the doorway, a part of her heart broke. In a way, she felt as though she and her family had done this to Delilah. Maybe she wouldn't be like this if they had stayed.
"You wanted to spend time with me remember? You said you wanted to watch a film." This had happened a few times before, Bella was more than used to dealing with it by now.
Delilah shook her head as her eyes filled with tears, "No." She paused, starting to sniffle as she did so, "I don't remember."
"It's okay." Bella placed her hands on Delilah's cheeks, her thumbs rubbing away the tears that had started to fall. "Don't get upset, baby, it's okay."
In a way the scene in front of Alice reminded her of the old Delilah, when the roles were reversed and Delilah would be making sure Bella was okay. It was weird to see it the other way around.
"I don't remember anything, Bell. I-I don't even know who I am half the time....l-last night I went for a walk and forgot where I-I lived and I couldn't get home. Then I forgot how to use my phone. S-so I was lost until your dad found me."
Bella carried on rubbing the tears away from Delilah's cheeks as she pulled the girls head down and pressed a kiss against the top of her head, "I know, it's hard I know."
A few minutes later once Bella had managed to calm Delilah down, she had sent her upstairs to change into some of Bella's pyjamas so that she'd be comfy. And by the time Delilah walked back downstairs she was interrupting Bella and the strange woman's conversation.
"I have never met someone more prone to life-threatening idiocy." Delilah noted how the girl was scolding Bella.
"Did you tell him?" Bella asked as Delilah started to frown, who was him? Why did Bella care?
Instead of asking a question straight away, Delilah moved to sit on one of the sofa chairs, in sight of both Alice and Bella.
"No, he only calls once in a couple of months. He wants to be alone."
Delilah cleared her throat, now more confused than ever, "Who is he?"
Bella gave Delilah a small smile, "Edward. My ex-boyfriend."
"Oh." Delilah nodded her head, the frown still very large on her face, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"He's my brother." Alice also pulled Delilah a small smile, "But he didn't like my family around Bella, so we all had to leave."
While Delilah didn't recognise the girl in front of her, she started to take some comfort in her. She wasn't mad or frustrated that Delilah didn't recognise her like her parents sometimes got. She was being sweet and gentle with her. Which is what Delilah liked.
"Oh." Alice wasn't used to this quiet side of Delilah, it was rather weird. "What did you say your name was again?"
Delilah nodded her head, although a smile still had not broken out on her face, "Did I know you, before you left?"
Alice flicked her golden eyes to Bella, she wasn't sure if she should tell Delilah the truth or not. She wasn't sure how they dealt with Delilah's memory's. However, Bella nodded her head, which told Alice all she needed to know, "Yes."
"Oh." Delilah spoke the word for the third time, "I'm sorry I don't remember you. You seem really nice. Did we know each other well?"
Again Alice looked to Bella, who again, nodded her head, "Yes, I guess so."
"How did we know each other?"
It was now that Bella decided to step in, the other questions were okay but she was starting to feel like anything else and Delilah would get upset. It was already hard enough that she could only remember a hand full of people. She didn't need to torture herself with the past.
"Okay, Lilah, I think that's enough for today. I need to ask Alice about Edward."
Unlike the Delilah that Alice used to know, she didn't protest or tell Bella no. She just nodded her head and sunk back into her chair.
"Bella, I cannot believe...." Alice started to trail off, "What is that god awful wet dog smell?"
A sly smile made its way onto Bella's lips, which just left Delilah feeling confused if anything, "That's probably me....or Jacob."
"Jacob who?" As Alice asked Bella the question, Delilah felt a little sad. She knew she recognised the name Jacob. She was positive she had heard it before. But for the life of her she couldn't remember who he was.
"Jacobs, kinda-"
"-a werewolf." Delilah interrupted, a proud smile on her lips. She had managed to remember something after all.
However, a part of Delilah knew that was only because she had been reading through her journal this morning and had seen some stuff about Jacob in there. But even so, that was the only bit of information she could remember from it, maybe she would have to start reading it more often.
Before Alice could even scold Bella, the human turned to her best friend, "Yes! You remembered."
The smile grew on Delilah's face as she nodded her head again, "Yes I did."
However two seconds later Alice was talking, "Bella, werewolf's are not good company to keep."
"Speak for yourself." A quiet scream fell for Delilah's lips as the voice of a man entered the room, "I had to see if you were safe." Delilah turned to look at the tan man she didn't recognise, which only caused her to panic more. Not only did she not know who this pixie girl was, but she didn't know who this man was. It was far too many unknown people for Delilah to feel comfortable. And her nerves only started to increase once the boy spoke to her, "Lilah, Leah wants to see you."
The words of him had zero effect on Delilah, as she had no idea who Leah was, and she was far too focused on the unfamiliarity of the man.
"Bella?" Delilah called as she looked at the man, her chest rising rather rapidly.
Which therefore caused Bella to move from the sofa and towards Delilah, placing her pale hands onto Delilah's legs. "It's okay, Lilah, you're okay. It's Jacob, you know, Jacob the werewolf? You just said his name, he's not going to hurt you."
The brunette didn't say another word, she just nodded her head and turned her head back to Jacob.
"I thought you couldn't protect me here?"
"I guess I don't care." Delilah watched as Jacob glared at Alice.
"I'm not going to hurt either of them." The horror was clear in Alice's voice, she could hardly believe Jacob would insinuate that she would.
Jacob rolled his eyes, "No you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker, the one who tried to kill Bella because of you."
All of this was new information to Delilah, or at least she thought it was. So she was starting to panic again, what did Jacob mean by bloodsucker? Why was someone trying to kill Bella? It was all getting a bit much for her again.
"Yeah, she's been around."
"I didn't see her." The vampire frowned, "I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either...I can't see anything past you and your pack of mutts!"
Delilah watched with wide eyes as Jacob moved closer to Alice, "Don't get me upset, because things will get very ugly."
Alice turned her head around and looked at Delilah, who had started to fidget nervously. The whole situation was starting to scare her.
Bella too, noticed how Delilah wasn't reacting well to Jacob's words, and made a move to calm the situation down, "Stop, stop, stop." As she moved Jacob from Alice.
The vampire looked at Bella, before moving to grab onto Delilah's hand, "Shall we give them a minute?"
Of course the human nodded her head, she wanted nothing more than to get out of this room. And even though she couldn't remember Alice, she felt comfortable and safe around her.
"You're not going anyway, you're going to come back, right?"
Alice nodded at Bella's question as she pulled Delilah out of the chair, "As soon as you put the dog out. Let's go, Lilah."
The brunette quickly walked after Alice. She had decided she no longer liked Jacob- if she even liked him in the first place. He made her quite nervous and uneasy.
Now the two stood next to Alice's car, waiting for Jacob to leave the house.
"Alice?" The vampire turned to look at Delilah with a large smile, "What was I like before?"
Alice worked hard to make sure her smile didn't falter at the girls question, "You were great, you still are. You were confident and charming, and loud and funny."
Delilah nodded her head, she was happy Alice had told her these things because no one else would. However, it still pained her to hear, "Was I fun?"
Alice laughed, her eyes crinkling at the side, "Yes, you were a lot of fun. My family used to love having you round. Especially my husband, he said you used to have pools of 'good vibes' flowing from you. He got that word from you by the way, vibes."
A small smile made its way onto Delilah's lips, "You have a husband?" To Delilah, Alice looked far too young to be married. However, she wasn't one to judge, "Tell me about him."
As Alice went to tell Delilah all about Jasper, she suddenly froze. Her body went rigid, and her eyes went blank. Which caused Delilah to start panicking again, although everything caused her to panic nowadays.
After a couple of seconds of Delilah verging on a panic attack, Alice came back, but she wasn't the same smiley girl as before. "Alice, are you okay?"
"We need to go back inside."
Alice grabbed onto Delilah's hand, pulling her along with her, "But, Jacobs still inside."
"It doesn't matter."
"Alice, what's wrong?" Bella questioned as soon as the vampire rushed back in the house.
"It's Edward." Alice rushed towards Bella, "He thinks your dead."
Delilah didn't recognise the name of the boy, but she knew that something was wrong just by Alice's voice. "Why does he think that?" The brunette questioned.
"It was him on the phone. Rosalie told him why I came here."
The human watched as both Alice and Bella started to panic, she didn't really pay much attention to whatever Jacob was doing.
"Can I do anything?" Delilah didn't know all that much, but she knew that she wanted to help in anyway she could. Even though there wasn't much she could do.
So Alice tossed Delilah her mobile phone, "Call Carlisle. Tell him Edward's going to the Volturi."
Fortunately Delilah still knew how to use a phone, maybe it was something that you just knew by instinct. So Delilah scrolled through all the names on Alice's phone until she found the one named Carlisle.
The phone rang for a few seconds before a girls voice picked up, "Alice?"
"No this is Delilah, can I speak to Carlisle please?"
The brunette could hear the person on the other end take a shape breath, "Delilah?"
Delilah wasn't sure why the person on the other end of the phone was questioning her, but she guessed it was because they were expecting Alice, "Yes, Delilah George. Sorry I'm on Alice's phone and she asked me to call someone called Carlisle to talk to them about Bella's boyfriend...I-I've forgotten his name but, she says he's going to the Volturi."
"You don't know Edward's name?" Seemed to be the only part the person picked up on, "Delilah, how don't you remember his name?"
A small nervous giggle fell from Delilah's lips, "I don't know many peoples names anymore. My memory's started to go a bit."
"Do you know my name?" The question was asked as soon as Delilah had finished speaking.
"I'm sorry," Delilah giggled nervously again, "Should I? I don't even know who I'm speaking to."
"Rosalie." The voice on the other end almost whispered back to the girl. At first she had thought that Delilah was being her usual self and was going to torture Rosalie. Then she thought maybe she was just drunk. But now it was becoming clear that Delilah didn't know her at all.
"Did I know you, Rosalie?" Delilah tried the name on her tongue, however it didn't feel familiar.
"Yeah. We knew each other well."
A small frown placed its self on Delilah's lips at the sad voice of the girl on the other side of the phone, "I'm really sorry. I just don't remember you."
Delilah didn't hear another word, instead all she received was the sound of the line cutting dead. Causing her to frown even larger and pull it away from her ear, "Alice? I think I upset them."
i seriously wasn't gonna update this chapter now but i honestly don't know what else to write for new moon, literally nothing happens:( so i wrote this instead!! and i have to be honest, i love it.
i also just wanna make it clear that delilah has good days and bad days with her memory, just like everyone else<3
The Day that Darkened
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