《the human (r.h)》twenty five;fat bottomed girls


Delilah George had a taken a turn for the best.

One Sunday morning she woke up and didn't need to pick up the notepad that laid on the bedside table. She didn't feel the need to ring Bella and ask what they did last night, and she didn't have to ask Maya what they had for breakfast the morning before.

She didn't have to do that, and she didn't need to do that, because she could remember.

She knew that she woke up and had an egg sunny side up with some toast, she knew that her and Bella didn't hang out the night before, because she was with Leah. And while she couldn't remember things that had happened a month ago, she could remember what happened this week, and that was more than enough for the girl.

Of course the first thing Delilah did when she woke up was ring Leah, she had to tell her that she could remember everything they did together last night.

"I remember." Was the first thing that left Delilah's lips when Leah picked up the phone, the girl on the other end rather surprised as she only ever heard from Delilah after 12pm when she'd had time to do her morning routine of reading from her notepad.

It took a few seconds before a reply was received, "You remember." It was fair to say that Leah was the least chatty member of the duo.

A very proud, and very large smile made its way onto Delilah's face, "I woke up at 10:34am Saturday morning, I didn't do much but I had breakfast and read through the notepad. Then I watched a couple of episodes of Friends. When it got to 5 o'clock I made us some spaghetti carbonara, and then I made some garlic bread. At seven I met you, and you drove my mums car to the the very top of town. We opened the sun roof of the car and ate pasta and garlic bread as we looked down at the town and up at the stars."

Leah Clearwater could hardly believe what she was hearing. At first she thought Delilah was playing a prank on her, but that thought was quickly forgotten, this wasn't the kind of prank she'd play. "You have....such a cringe way of putting things."

The wolf had to pull the phone away from her ear as the other side exploded with laughter, the sound being rather deafening. "Love you, Leah. I'll see you in twenty."



A hum sounded from the other side, "Yes! I'm coming over right now! I miss you."

The brunette rolled her eyes, "You saw me yesterday."

"I know." A sigh fell from Delilah's lips, "A whole...... 10 hours ago."

As much as Leah loved too hang out with Delilah, it was almost becoming a daily thing now. Sometimes she wished that the girl would just leave her alone and see Isabella for once, like she used to. "Lilah, that wasn't that long ago."

"Stop it! I'm happy, let me be happy! Be happy with me Lee." In the two weeks the pair had known each other, they'd even started referring to each other by their nicknames- something that Leah only let Delilah do with her.

"Ugh, fine." And with that Delilah hung up the phone and got Maya to drive her over to the Clearwater household. The George sister was yet to meet any of the wolves, minus Leah, who she found rather cold and stand offish. But Delilah assured her that Leah's friends weren't like that, and one day she'd introduce them all.

"So, Lilah." Maya started as the pair had been driving for a few minutes, "You and Leah seem really close."

The brunette picked up on her sisters tone and quirked an eyebrow because of it, but neglected to say anything, "Yeah, I guess we are."

"Are you just close friends or.....?"

As Maya trailed off, Delilah just stared at her. She was going to wait for Maya to expand on her point, but after a few seconds, it was clear she was finished. "Yes we're close friends. What else would we be?"

A shoulder shrug was all that left Maya for a few seconds, until she decided to speak again, "I don't know... I thought you might like each other."

A giggle fell from Delilah's lips, but

on the inside she felt rather insulted, "Maya, how many boys are you friends with?" Again, Maya shrugged her shoulders, "You're friends with a few. And I'm pretty sure you're close with them. Do you want to sleep with them all?" Now Maya shook her head, "So why do you think I want to sleep with Leah?"

"That's not what I said."

"No," Delilah scoffed, "But you kinda implied it."

"I did not." Maya scoffed back.

"If you say so, girly."

Maya burst out laughing, "Is that your thing now? Girly?"


It was Delilah's turn to shrug her shoulders, "I guess so." In truth, Delilah was feeling a little put out at her sisters words. She wasn't sure what it felt like to actually like someone anymore, so what if she did like Leah? How would she know? She can't remember having ever liked anyone in her life, but she was sure that she didn't like Leah.....or maybe she did.

"Okay, well you're here."

Once the car came to a halt, Delilah leaned across and placed a quick kiss against her sisters cheek, "Thanks girly." And then grabbed her cheetah print bag from the floor and climbed out of the car, no matter what Delilah would not lose her fashion sense. "See ya."

Within a few minutes Delilah was greeting Leah's mother and running up the stairs into the young wolfs bedroom. Once she had reached the bedroom, she flung the door open with the same large smile on her face that she usually had. Unfortunately the smile faltered for a second when she noticed the brunette was still in bed, fortunately it left Delilah with a bright idea that caused the smile to grow once again.

Blue eyes watched Leah as Delilah crept slowly towards the record player on the small dresser, luckily the girl had her eyes closed and seemed to be asleep, meaning Leah had no idea what Delilah was doing until it was too late and the record player had started to play a tune.

As soon as Leah heard the music she started to grown, knowing exactly who the culprit was as she rolled from her back onto her stomach, "Lilahhh."

A bunch of giggles could be heard from the room as Delilah ran from her spot next to the record player and threw herself on top of Leah, "Hi."

Even though Leah didn't like to be disturbed, she couldn't help the grin that fell on her face, "Hey."

"I missed you."

"I missed having a lie in." Leah received an eye roll in reply.

Then all was quiet and Leah considered going back to sleep as Delilah straddled her. That was until the brunette burst into song.

"Lilahhhhh." Leah groaned as Delilah started softly singing to the Queen album.

"What? It's Fat Bottom Girls, you have to sing along!"

Groan after groan fell from Leah's lips as Delilah tried to convince her to sing along to the Queen songs that kept playing. She had to admit, she absolutely loved the band, but it was morning time and she wasn't ready for social interaction yet. She was hardly ever ready for social interaction. But she knew that the more she refused, the more Delilah would pester her.

"Fine, fine! Put Bohemian on."

As soon as the words left Leah's lips a squeal sounded from Delilah, causing her to grab Leah's face and pull her lips onto hers. It was something Delilah did without even thinking about, she had meant to press her lips against Leah's cheek, but somehow she caught the lips. As soon as she realised what she'd done the smile fell from Delilah's face and her eyes widened.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

It was the gods honest truth that she didn't mean to catch Leah's lips, and she was being honest when she told Maya that her and Leah were just friends- because that's all they were.

After Delilah had spent a few seconds trying to compose herself, she finally looked into Leah's eyes, "Leah, I'm so sorry. I-"

"-get out." Leah's voice was cold and mean, it wasn't a tone she had ever spoken to Delilah in. Her face was full of anger too, and Delilah knew as soon as she started to feel the girl underneath her shake that for her own safety it was best that she left the presence of Leah.

Which is what she did. She rushed out of Leah's room and out of the house, pushing past Seth who was stood at the bottom of the stairs with a smile on his face, which soon disappeared when he saw the tears spilling from the girls eyes.

Delilah was screwed.

She was totally fucked. She finally had a friend who wasn't Bella, and she'd just gone and fucked it all up.

What in the shit was she going to do?

hi!! i hope none of you mind or are gonna hate me too much:( but i'm gonna change delilah to Katherine pierce, just because there's so many better gifs and i just cannot seem to find any for megan:( i'm so sorry girlys xx

so i'm gonna be going through chapters and editing the gifs! however i know i used blue eyed to describe Delilah sometime but i just haven't got the effort to find where right now:(

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